A Soho Lunch Au Natural

I had a half day of work last week just for the hell of it. I realized a little too late that summer was almost over and I wanted to enjoy it a little more. It was a perfect day outside- 80 degrees and sunny. I decided to take myself out to lunch and soak in some late summer rays. I got out of the subway in Soho and thought I would wander around a little bit and find an outdoor place. Well I had really only gone about 10 feet when I saw Spring Street Natural. I walk home from work by this place at least twice a week. The tables are always occupied with the Soho shoppers and tourists of all kinds. Today there was actually one small rickety table unoccupied in the sunlight. Just what I was looking for- I grabbed the seat. The table itself wasn’t actually rickety. It just happened to be right on top of those grates leading into the restaurant cellar. Okay- I have a serious phobia of those grates. I don’t even walk on them in the city because I am so scared of them opening up and...