Happy New Year 2018!

Happy New Year-and what a snowy, chilly one it was! We spent the weekend celebrating up in Hudson New York enjoying a bit of "lake life" (obviously the lake was frozen solid). We had some seriously incredible bourbon cocktails at Olde York Farm and followed it up with NYE dinner at Local 111 in Plilmont. It was a great holiday weekend made so much better by my beloved Buffalo Bills making it to the playoffs for the first time since 1999! I could have cried I was so happy:) Actually I did in fact cry...quite a bit to be honest and I keep crying every time I watch the highlights. So 2018 is starting out to be a very happy but sappy year for me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Looking back at my 2016 Wish List I only made it to four of the thirteen restaurants but all of those dining experiences were some of my favorite 2017 memories. Le Bernardin was exquisite, Gabriel Kreuther made my entire birthday and Matarkjallarinn in Iceland will be foreve...