Sweet Treats Day II

I started out the week with an old favorite but today is time to highlight my new dessert destination- the Limelight marketplace! The beautiful old Episcopalian church that once housed the notorious Limelight nightclub (and Mr. T’s hang out in younger years) has been reconstructed into a mini mall filled with three floors of different goodies. Today we are concerned with the first floor you have the festival of shops, gourmet food and last but not least the sweet room. The sweet room is where my current obsession of a treat lies- Mari’s NY. Mari’s specializes in artisanal dark chocolate brownies that come in a variety of flavors. I am obsessed with their Thai Coffee brownie which is so rich, fudgy and delicious I almost consider it a shame to be featured in the same category as a regular old brownie. This little guy has so many layers of flavors- strong espresso notes, deep chocolaty tones and an almost tobacco like aftertaste. This is the kind of treat that screams for a n...