I Found The Love of My Life. It's a Muffin Soaked in Pork Fat Continued

Holy S**T! I couldn’t believe it! Ko!!! We had both been trying every ten minutes it seemed over the past 2 weeks with no luck. But Monday night!! Could this be possible. I was so excited I felt like Charlie in the Chocolate Factory getting the Golden Ticket. I was practically running down the street on the way there. I had avoided reading reviews since it opened so I would be surprised. I couldn’t wait to see what was in store. In case you don't know, Momofuku Ko is run by Chef David Chang who was Food & Wine's best new chef in 2006. If you think winning best new chef means Chang has relaxed a little, you don't know David Chang. He has since opened Ssam bar and now Ko, which is his newest venture. The restuarant has 12 seats and serves only dinner. Getting a reservation here is like winning some sick sort of foodie lottery. That's why I was so excited. We got to Ko right at 8:45 and had to wait for about 10 minutes until our seats at the bar were availabl...