Showing posts with label Rodeo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rodeo. Show all posts

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Our Champion!

 Our Howard competed on Thursday night in the muttin bustin finals as apart of the PRCA professional Rodeo against the top 5 boy finishers from Tuesday night's competition.

He has SO much fun and he did AMAZINGLY well!

He was the 2nd place finisher, and as soon as we saw him after the event, the first thing he said was,

"Why did that guy pull me off?  I was robbed!"

We are so proud of him and loved cheering him on as a family.

Here are some other pictures from the Rodeo as well...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Family Day

Hubby is back to work in full force and working an hour away from home for the first time in our marriage.  Until this school year, he has always worked one mile or less from home.

The kids are not in school yet (Tracey goes back next week) and so we have definitely noticed the difference in how little we see Daddy.  Also, Hubby used to work for a district that had four-day school weeks (although he had meetings most Fridays, it was still a different kind of day) and now he works for a district with five-day school weeks.

Add to all of that, last weekend, Hubby was away at a training in Denver ALL weekend -- he literally saw the kids Thursday night and they did not see him again until Monday after work.  We have really missed him.

So yesterday was a great family day!

We got up early and went to breakfast together.

Then, we drove up to the aviation expo up in Glenwood Springs, which we had never done.  The kids got to see planes and helicopters up close -- but frankly, I think the highlight of the trip for most of the kids was getting to ride a school bus that shuttled us to and from the event.  Tracey is VERY excited to ride a school bus to kindergarten... and the twins are incredibly excited for her.  So, riding the school bus was a MAJOR highlight of the day.

We dropped the suburban off to get an oil change, so we all piled into the pickup truck to and from the event, which is very cozy and pretty special to do every now and then.

We had time to kill after the expo, so we stopped at Petco to see the animals -- always fun.

Then, after stopping by home for lunch and a nap for Lee Lee, we headed out again for the Parachute Rodeo last night.  

This was completely different the Garfield County Fair Events.  It was one night, and one event.  It started with Mutton Bustin', which was so much fun for Howard, and then was a full blown Rodeo that we got to watch -- bull riding, barrel racing, calf roping, and bucking broncos.

Our kids watched some of the rodeo, and then had fun on a playground.  It was a beautiful night, and a really fun local event.


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Rodeo Fun

We had a great time at the rodeo with our three little Mutton Busters!

Tracey and Caroline got on without a problem, but both cried after they fell off.  Howard's sheep was WILD -- he kept jumping and bucking, and the sheep took a flying leap as soon as they released him.  Howard fell off and immediately stood up and asked to go again.  He couldn't figure out why his sisters were crying.

All in all, what a fun night.