Showing posts with label Mountains. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mountains. Show all posts

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Welcome Summer!

 Summer started for us when we left the craziness of selling our house in Rifle... and arrived in VAIL for a long weekend of fun!

Within two hours of arrival, the kiddos made sure we were in the pool.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Cool Shot

 What a cool shot Hubby sent me from Howard and his drive to the State wresting championship.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

A Family Visit

My mom is one of four children, and I haven't seen her big brother, my Uncle Dan in about twenty years.  It is interesting, therefore, that it would be him and his wife, Aunt Mary, who would be the first family for us to see post-quarantine!  :-D

Aunt Mary recently retired and so the two of them planned to visit us in early June, which was going to coincide with our participating in the Go Pro Mountain Games in Vail, that we attend each year.  The Go Pro Games have been postponed until August, and Uncle Dan and Aunt Mary's visit was delayed about a week, but we were thrilled to host them for a few nights, introduce them to my hubby and children, and share a little of our Colorado Adventures with them.

Uncle Dan and Aunt Mary

We went out to breakfast together

Nail painting with Aunt Mary

Playing Old Maid

Playing Dominos

Showing how the kids ride their bikes

Headed up to Grand Mesa where there are lakes and trails and gorgeous views

Three kiddos and Lloydey playing off in the distance

We tried to have a picnic outside but the wind was CRAZY where we were... so most of the kids ended up eating in the back of our suburban where they were shielded from the wind.

The kids were supposed to try to catch fish... but Tracey made sure she "accidentally" ended up soaking wet and swimming... and eventually the younger ones caved as well.  They really are fun tough kiddos.