I usually post this closer to Christmas, but I just wasn't posting anything this year around Christmas, so here is our 2022 Christmas Card to wish you a Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas 2022
Love, The Mountain Millers
Chris, Brooke, Tracey (8.5), Howard (6.5), Caroline (6.5), Lee Lee (5), Hunter (3), & Brady (1.5)
Pictures (Left to Right):
1. The Mountain Millers in front of Rangely Jr/Sr High School where Chris is now Principal
2. Tracey catching the biggest fish off Grammie and Papa’s dock in Michigan this fall
3. Hunter, loving life as an active toddler, climbing fences at our new house in Rangely
4. The Mountain Miller crew in the mountains this fall
5. Howard’s arm raised after (another) wrestling victory this spring
5. Lee Lee dressed to perform in her first dance recital
6. Chris and Brooke smooching on a kayaking trip this summer while on a four-night getaway to Las Vegas to celebrate their 11th wedding anniversary
7. Brady, keeping us joyful through his many giggles, smiles, and toddling around
8. Caroline became a cheerleader this summer and has a new favorite activity
9. Tracey, Caroline, and Lee Lee posing for a picture just down the street from our new home