Showing posts with label Practicum Placements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Practicum Placements. Show all posts

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Nostalgic and Celebratory

Yesterday evening I was feeling nostalgic and celebratory... and these feelings may last for the duration of the weekend.

One year ago --
I had just decided to go ahead and spend 2013 working... working on earning my Orientation and Mobility Certification.  Chris and I had come together and discussed a lot of options and decided that 2013 would mean graduate school for both of us... and a huge commitment from both of us for me to earn this O&M degree.
We knew that, if all things worked out perfectly, I could complete the ENTIRE degree in less than 12 months, and by December 2013, I would be a fully certified O&M instructor, and it would be DONE!  I would have the qualifications to open new doors, and serve in new ways, and NOW was the time.  This was not a degree I wanted to get around to doing when we had young children, or when our children were in school.  2013 was the year to complete this.
That being said, we KNEW it was going to be a rough year.  I was working 50+ hours a week, and would need to complete an online class during the Spring semester (Jan-April).  Then, looking ahead, we knew that right after I finished the school year on Friday, I would have to move to Greeley for a month-long blindfold class all of June.  Then, the rest of the summer would need to consist of two practicum placements -- only the Lord knew where.  Coming back for another school year of teaching in Rifle, I would still have one last practicum placement to complete... and somewhere in there, I had to pass a University comp exam research paper.  THEN, after ALL THAT, I still had to pass a National O&M Certification Exam.

But, Hubby and I felt that this was the year to do it.  We felt that God was giving us a nudge to have me do this NOW.

We had no idea how we were going to pay for it -- tuition, travel costs, living costs for all the different practicum placements, exam costs.  We just knew God would provide, and now was the time.

... that was all one year ago...

Fast forward to Memorial Day Weekend... the last week of school... the week before I leave my husband for Greeley, CO to be blindfolded for a month.  Hubby and I found out were were expecting our first baby.  We were thrilled by the event -- and flummoxed by the timing.  Seriously?!?!  My first trimester of my first pregnancy was going to be spent away from my husband, BLINDFOLDED, learning to travel with a cane, then away from my husband in TUCSON, in JULY, all alone?!?!?!

Nevertheless, the plan was to continue with the O&M certification as planned.  If things went smoothly with my pregnancy, AND my O&M program, I would be fully certified before the baby was born, and we were very happy about that timing -- if everything (pregnancy and classes) went according to plan.  We worked with my doctors, and learned the dos and don'ts of so much work and travel and stress... and we stuck to the plan.  The plan for me to be fully certified by the end of 2013.

I was first-trimester sick (not to mention HOT) in Greeley and Tucson.  I was growing out of my clothes in Michigan.  Hubby and I felt the baby move for the first times in Austin.  And yesterday, nearly 30 weeks pregnant, as I took the National O&M Certification Exam, the baby was dancing and kicking like crazy.  I'm not sure if he/she knew we were finally to the end of a very long process, or if he/she was trying to tell me the right answers in Morse code.

Today, as I reflect on this past year, I am so grateful for God's faithfulness through this degree, and so proud of myself for completing it so quickly and so well.  I met all the University qualifications, I traveled from coast to coast to have quality practicum placements, I wrote a killer research paper to pass my University Comp Exam, and I passed the National Certification Test.  I am SO GLAD IT IS OVER, and I am proud of the job I did.

To be completely honest, I do not know exactly what way this certification might be used in the next few years.  Hubby and I have a lot of decisions we're praying about with the arrival of our new baby... but now, I HAVE the certification.  There are jobs I can consider today that I couldn't consider a year ago.  There are people I can help today that I couldn't help a year ago.

I look at the remainder of 2013, and I am SOOOO excited that I actually finished this certification BEFORE the end of 2013.  I have 6 weeks left of the year that I get to prepare for Christmas, organize for the baby, make arrangements for maternity leave, and ENJOY the holidays!

This year would not have been possible without the love, support, and encouragement of my Hubby.  He supported me every step of the way, he believed in me when I didn't, and he had faith when I doubted.  He ran the roost at our home while I was gone, and assured me that my students, our life, our home, our critters, our baby, and our marriage could withstand my absence and our time a part from each other.


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Friday, October 11, 2013

The Austin Surprise Part 3

The story of my husband surprising me in Austin continues.  Don't forget about parts one and two.

After the most enjoyable, surprising and memorable Friday night with my husband and my best friend, I got to wake up next to my husband in Austin Saturday morning and cherish the entire day with him!

We had fallen into bed around 3:30am Friday night/Saturday morning... but there was NO WAY I was going to waste these precious hours I had with Chris in Austin in a state of slumber.  I had us up and going and out the door by 10am.

Before I go on, I should say that I thought I knew the plans for Saturday evening.  Up until Chris appeared, I THOUGHT the plans were that Kelley and I were driving up to Waco for the WVU v. Baylor football game!  One of the first things I asked Chris when I saw him Friday night was, "Are you going to the Baylor game with us?"  He sort of chuckled and said, "Well, Sweetie, Kelley's not going to the game.  Just you and I are going to the Baylor game."  Apparently Kelley was never planning on going to the game -- she couldn't spend the time away from her dissertation... she had always been the decoy to hide the fact that Chris and I were going to the game.

So, we knew we had to be in Waco in time for kickoff... but the rest of the day was ours to spend in Austin.

We began our Austin day with some good ole Tex Mex.

Next, we took advantage of this rare time together without animals, obligations, and responsibilities... and went to an Austin Buy Buy Baby store.

Trying out rocking chairs at Buy Buy Baby
We had begun our registry at Buy Buy Baby in Denver the night before I left for Texas, but we weren't really doing it because we were ready, or excited, or wanting to... we did it because we knew it was something that had to get done.  We are blessed to be having a few showers in the coming months, and we don't get to Denver often (which is the nearest Buy Buy Baby store), so we had to make the most of our time there.  In Austin, we could actually relax, browse, laugh, and joke about some of the USELESS items on the market for babies.  Plus, this store was much bigger than the store we had visited in Denver, so we were able to compare different items, and update our registry as needed.  We had a great time... and no tears were shed (unlike the experience of registering in Denver the night before I left for Texas).

Austin has such a warm place in our hearts after our weekend together, that we had a get a little Longhorn sleeper for our Nugget
Then, off to Waco we went... only to find out that we were not seeing the game, just the two of us.  Chris had arranged for my friend, Obinna, from Dallas to come down to join us for the game.  The surprises just never stopped all weekend.

This picture was taken right at our seats... we were front row behind the end zone!
We had AMAZING seats (thank you Stub Hub) for the game, the weather was brisk and fall-like (some Texans were wearing scarves, hats, and mittens... it was very comical), and to top things off, Baylor won!  It was a perfect football night!

When Hubby and I arrived home around 1:00am, we were SO exhausted and collapsed into bed.  It is very safe to say, the ONLY thing that had any chance of making us stay a awake even a moment longer than absolutely necessary, was the hope of Chris feeling our baby move.

I had started to feel bigger and bigger movements from the baby the week before Hubby surprised me, and I was excited for Chris to be able to feel the baby when I got back to Denver.  Then, with the 32 hours we had together, Hubby and I were on the run constantly, so even when I felt the baby moving, the situation wasn't such that Chris was able to feel anything.

So, in bed Saturday night after 1:00am, I started poking my abdomen hoping that the rule of "Never wake a sleeping baby" didn't apply in utero.  The baby's movements were right at my belly button, so they weren't the easiest to feel... but sure enough within 2 minutes, Hubby... or I guess I should say, Daddy had felt his first three little kicks from our perfect little jitterbug.

This day was truly the textbook definition of perfect.

Our amazing 32 hours ended Sunday morning when Hubby headed off for an early flight back to Colorado.  He left me with memories of the most joyful weekend we had had in a very long time, and the determination to recognize that I had four days left to my practicum... and now was the time to finish what I started and haul tail back to Colorado and the arms of my husband.

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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Austin Surprise Part 2

My amazing husband surprised me in Austin this past weekend...

Part 1 of the story is here.

Friday night, my best friend, Kelley and I had plans for a Girls' Night Out -- what we affectionately call Chick Time!  It was my last weekend in Austin, she had turned in a HUGE component of her doctoral dissertation, and I had video-taped my last practicum lesson.  It was time to celebrate.

I was a little nervous about my energy level for Chick Time because first of all, I'm 5 months pregnant, and secondly, Chris and I don't have a big night life available to us in Rifle, so I don't have an endurance built up for late, energetic Friday nights.  But, I rested up Friday afternoon, took a little nap, and was ready to party with her Friday night.

We met another friend for great Texas BBQ

Then, we went to an Austin staple -- The Broken Spoke for Texas two-step dancing!  I had been to a two-step dance club with Kelley once before about 6 years ago, and it was SO much fun!  It doesn't matter if you don't bring a partner, because everyone dances with everyone else, and the men really know how to lead, so the woman doesn't have to know the dance... she just has to follow.

We were having fun at The Spoke, and listening to great music, and enjoying girls time.  All the while, I wasn't commenting on it to her... but I could tell why it would be fun to bring your own man to this sort of dance club.  It is fun dancing with strangers, but also nice not to have to rely on the strangers to ask you to dance.

We were having a great time, and Kelley kept checking her phone and mentioning that some friends might come by and join us.  When the band took a break, I told her that I wanted to get a drink from my water bottle in the car.  She said she would come with me, and right when we got outside the bar, she said she wanted to get a picture of us.  Then, before she could get the picture, she said that her friend had sent her a video, and we needed to watch this video.

I was thinking this was a little weird... but whatever, sure, we could watch this video.

The video started to play on her phone, and I recognized the song and immediately tried to come up with the title.  Within the first 10 seconds, I said to Kelley, "OH, it's 'Austin.'  The song is 'Austin'."  Then as I kept watching, I said, "But those pictures are Vail."  At this point, I as still completely clueless and I am wondering what sort of weird, or political, or funny, or crazy video her friend sent her... and why are we watching it right now, outside, in the dark, in front of The Broken Spoke Bar?

We both were kind of laughing, and half watching the video, and she said, "I don't know what this is that he sent me."  At this point, I started looking around... because we were standing outside a bar, in the dark, near the parking lot, watching a random video.  I'm not entire sure what I was thinking... but something like "Is anyone watching us do this?  I'm kind of embarrassed.  I don't know why we're standing here watching a video on a phone."

As I looked around -- less than a minute into the song/video, I see my husband standing behind me, across the parking lot.

I couldn't believe it!!!!

I said something like, "What?!?!  What are you doing here?" as he and I walked toward each other.  His response was, "Surprise, Babe!"

We hugged, and he picked me up, and spun me around... and it was perfect.

Then, he immediately drew our attention back to the video where we would learn that I turned around too early.  I was supposed to wait for the part that said, "Turn Around Babe!"... and THAT'S when I was supposed to turn around and see him there.

The next hour was spent hearing all the details of how Kelley and Chris had been planning this together for over a month, and how they had made special names in each other's phones for their numbers so that I wouldn't accidentally know that they were in contact.  Kelley's name in Chris' phone was Kalinda Magoo... and Chris' name in Kelley's phone was Chad Mills.

The rest of the night involved dancing... with our own man!!!  We didn't have to wait to be asked to dance... we had one of our own!... spending time with my husband and my best friend, marveling at the fact that Kelley, my college "Partner-In-Crime" was now in cahoots with my husband (is this a good thing or a bad thing), shutting down the bar, and heading out for a midnight (or 1:00am) snack.

By the way, at the 1:00am snack... we had to WAIT FOR A TABLE!  They actually gave us a buzzer and we had to wait 15 minutes for a table to open up.  Chris and I, from a town where nothing is open after 9:00pm were shocked.

It was an absolutely perfect night including chick time, amazing surprise, then time with my husband and my best friend (which never happens because of our long-distance friendship), and just hanging out together.

I went to sleep Friday night (well, early Saturday morning), next to my husband, feeling so blessed... with "Austin" in my head.

To be continued...

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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Austin Surprise Part 1

My husband planned an amazing Austin surprise for me.  He came to Austin for 32 hours to see me.

Before I left for Austin, I was not subtle about how wonderful it would be if he could visit me.  I would have loved for him to visit me in Tucson as well, but Austin was different -- it wasn't that I couldn't survive without him for three weeks (I didn't want to be without him, but I could get through it), it was that Austin is a REALLY fun city and I knew we would have a blast exploring this city together.

I knew I was going to have an amazing time in Austin... but the problem is, I have now had over two years of marriage, and almost four years total of knowing that everything is better with Chris Miller.  I would have a great time in Austin -- but I would have a better time in Austin with Chris Miller.  That's just the way it is.

Despite my hints that a weekend in Austin together would be perfect, I always followed it up with the statement that I knew we couldn't do it, and we would be fine for three weeks a part.  I didn't want Chris to feel guilty about the fact that we didn't have the means, time, or resources for him to come to Austin when I was only going to be gone three weeks.

Little did I know, Chris had been planning to surprise me in Austin for months...

I fear this post is going to get too long. 
So, this story will be continued...

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Monday, October 7, 2013

Preggers I: 23 Weeks

How far along? 23 weeks

How I am feeling?  Happy.  I feel the baby move just about every day, and I feel big, but not like a whale.  I have the hang of maternity clothes, and all in all, I'm feeling very blessed and happy.

Weight gain/loss:  Weight gain... not sure how much, I haven't had a scale in Austin.  My reading tells me that my uterus is the size of a soccer ball... that's a crazy thought.  Also, after not having seen my amazing husband for two weeks, he commented on how big I've gotten, and I thought to myself that weeks 21-23 of pregnancy is about the only time I can imagine when he could tell me how big he thinks I've gotten and the results will be joy and pride and a glowing mama.  In any other context, his comments would have been completely unacceptable, but I just beamed when he made that comment this past weekend.  :-D

How big is baby? The size of a grapefruit... 10.5-11.8 inches and 12.7-20.8 oz

Sleep:  Very well, Praise God!  However sitting has gotten less comfortable this week.  Sitting in one position with my feet touching the floor has not been fun this week.  I'm really feeling the benefits and comfort of having my feet propped on something when I can.
Boy/Girl Prediction:  Most of the time I think its a boy... this week, however, boy or girl, he/she revealed him/herself to be a little two-step dancer.  Kelley and I were at a Texas Two-Step dance club on Friday night (the place where Chris surprised me), and the baby was having a great time kicking along to the music.
Baby Nicknames:  Baby, Nugget, or Jitterbug

Best moment this week:  There would be many... but the best one regarding pregnancy was when Chris felt the baby move/kick for the first time.  I will write more about our weekend when I can, but it was Saturday night, and we had been going, going, going since he arrived around midnight on Friday.  On Saturday night (around 1:00am) we collapsed into bed and were absolutely exhausted, but I started poking my belly, and sure enough, our little Nugget started moving.  The movement this weekend has been right at my belly button most of the time, so it has been harder to feel on the outside, but Chris was able to feel about three big movements before we fell asleep.  It was so special.  I didn't feel too guilty about waking up the baby for our amusement... but something tells me this is one of the VERY few times I will ever do this in the baby's life.  :-D

Food cravings:  Nothing specific... just regular access to food every few hours.
Missing: My ability to sit still with my feet on the floor without feeling uncomfortable. 

Maternity Clothes: Yes, and getting nervous about the big style change that will need to occur when I return to chilly Colorado.  I finally got the hang of dressing for Austin weather.
Movements:  Yes, and LOVING them!  I am getting a tad nervous about how big and strong this little dancer is going to get in my belly.  Right now the movement feel awesome -- noticeable but gentle.  This, however, is, hopefully, not going to last.

Labor Signs: No.  Thank goodness!

General Attitude:  Tired and happy... excited to complete my last four days, and last few assignments of practicum and then take this baby HOME to Hubby, our animals, and Colorado.


Milestones:  Hubby felt the baby move, is definitely the biggest and best!!!
Another would be that I started to get my first heartburn this week, and I am getting uncomfortable when I sit for too long.

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Saturday, October 5, 2013

Huge Surprise!!!

Last night, I had a HUGE surprise...

My hubby is in Austin with me!!!

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Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday Letters: YAY FRIDAY!

  • Dear Friday, This is my LAST Friday in Austin, and I am SO excited!  But, unlike other practicum placements, I'm not excited because I'm counting down the days to go home... I'm excited because I have worked really hard this week, and I'm excited for Friday Fun with my Austin friends, and then an awesome Austin weekend ahead.  That is such a nice feeling!
  • Dear Baby Jitterbug, I absolutely LOVE feeling you move around in my belly.  I can tell you're bigger than you were last week because I feel pokes and jabs higher up in my stomach than before.  I will say, it makes me a little nervous to think about how big and strong you're going to get.  These tiny, gentle pokes will be a distant memory soon.
  • Dear Practicum Lessons, I video-taped my LAST practicum lesson yesterday and I'm SOOOO happy to have it done.  I still have to do several written assignments about the lesson I taped, but I SEE THE LIGHT at the end of the tunnel, and it is not an on-coming semi... it is really a light that I am almost done with this entire O&M certification.
  • Dear Hubby, I GET TO SEE YOU IN SIX DAYS!!!!!
  • Dear Michigan Football, You boys have not been playing too well this season.  I know your record is 4-0... but we want your wins to be impressive... not depressing.  Let's try to work on that, please.
  • Dear Lexie, Your daddy tells me that anytime you hear my voice on speaker phone and facetime, you come running to the phone.  That is the sweetest thing, and I miss you too, Lexie Girl!
  • Dear Lloydey, Have a great time out camping with Daddy this weekend, and keep each other safe.
  • Dear St. Louis Cardinals, Congrats on the start of your post-season.  World Series or Bust!
  • Dear Austin Weather, I've appreciated the chance to fashion some summer maternity clothes while I'm here... so I'll cherish my last 6 days in your heat and humidity... but I will be glad to return to my beautiful Colorado October snow storms very soon.
  • Dear October, Welcome Friend.
  • Dear Fellow Interns, It has been fun getting to know you.  You'll all be here longer than I will, but I hope we have a few more chances to hang out before I head out.

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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Texas State Fair

Last weekend I attended the Texas State Fair... and what a place.  I met my friend from grad school, Obinna up in Dallas and he and I had fun exploring the fair together.

Here is Obinna and me in front of Big Tex... you can see Obinna thought he could do a good Big Tex pose.  Also, in this picture we are absolutely soaked.  We had about an hour of dry fair weather and then it poured for the rest of the day.  We still had a blast!

Looking at the above picture and going from top to bottom and left to right, the highlights were as follows (not including the food):
  • The Texas State Fair has its own currency... coupons instead of dollars, each coupon is 50 cents
  • There was  REALLY BIG Long-Horn at the Fair... like horns 5 feet long on either side
  • Obinna got in touch with his inner-farmer
  • We went on the Ferris Wheel -- very big and a great view of the fair grounds and Cotton Bowl
  • A view of Big Tex, the Cotton Bowl, and the Ferris Wheel as we entered the fair
  • Pig races... who knew these could be so entertaining
  • I got to hold a two week old calf... what a doll!
  • I found a cute little Texas State Fair onesie for our little Nugget, and on the back it says "Udderly Adorable"
  • State Fair of Texas sign lit up
To be completely honest, I have been to the Minnesota State Fair, and, since everything's bigger in Texas, I was expecting an event larger in every way than Minnesota.  The truth is... the Texas State Fair is NO WHERE NEAR as large and impressive as the Minnesota State Fair.  The Texas State Fair is cute, and certainly has some neat attractions... but Obinna and I saw everything we wanted to see in about three hours.  The Minnesota State Fair takes DAYS -- even years to investigate the entire thing.  The Minnesota State Fair had barns upon barns of animals, and award winning vegetables, and dairy sculptures, and more.  The Texas State Fair had one barn with some animals.  I would definitely say the Minnesota State Fair has Texas beaten in every category except one.

The Texas State Fair will fry anything and sell it on a stick.  And, apparently some very odd things taste very good when fried.  I may even make the argument that you can fry anything, and it will come out delicious.

Obinna and I did our best to try a sampler of the interesting fried foods the Texas State Fair had to offer:
  • Korny Dog (not to be confused with a corn dog)
  • Deep Fried Thanksgiving Dinner... SOOOO good!  One of my favorites
  • Chicken Fried Bacon -- another of my favorites
  • Deep Fried Red Velvet Cupcake -- my least favorite dish of the day... all the breading reminded me of a donut
  • Some of these dishes were Big Tex Choice Award Winners... their prize is a gold trophy with Big Tex's head on it
  • Fried Chicken and Waffles on a stick -- very good
  • Blue Bell Ice Cream -- this wasn't fried, but is a Texas staple.  If I could go back and do it over, this is the food item I would skip that day.
  • Deep Fried King Ranch Casserole shaped like the state of Texas -- this was something I only tried because Obinna wanted it... but wow, it was good.
  • Deep Fried Cookie Dough -- it was really good.
What an experience.  It was a lot of fun, and something I will remember for a long time... but I don't think I will eat any more fried food for awhile.

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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

September Highlights

I was so excited about writing about the start of October yesterday, that I didn't actually sum up September.  In sum... September was crazy.

September was a whirlwind.  The first three weeks of the month were spent soaking up as much time as possible with my husband, who I was not with for the majority of the summer... but this time was far too little given that we were both back to work with a new school year.  My work was made especially complicated in September because most of the month was spent trying to create a system for my students to survive when I left for Texas for my last practicum placement on Sept 23.  September was a blur... which is all the more reason to highlight a few of the best and memorable parts of the month.

Some highlights include:
  • Canning pears (and peaches) with a few of the free moments I had -- I love canning in the fall
  • Fun times at the Texas State Fair
  • Away from my hubby and animals again, Hubby and I are loving FaceTime to see each other while we talk... in this picture, he is holding Lexie so I can see her too.
  • Hubby's 33rd birthday on Sept 13!  I am so thankful for this man!
  • Hubby and I went out to a nice dinner to celebrate his birthday
  • We got to see our little Nugget on the 20 week ultrasound.  The little Jitterbug was moving like crazy... in this picture is a head on the left and a foot right in the middle.  We opted not to find out if we're having a boy or a girl, but we are so grateful that everything looks healthy.
  • My first night in Austin, my best friend Kelley took me to a Texas Long-Horns football game!  Hook 'em Horns!
  • My friend Obinna and I had a blast in Dallas at the State Fair of Texas
  • Lloyd was happy as a clam to have Chris and me back to together and at home for most of the month.  Have you ever seen a more relaxed or contented dog than the one in this picture?
Adios September.  Welcome, October!

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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Treasuring the Present: October 1


October doesn't have my favorite holiday, it doesn't have a big event in my life, and it isn't even my favorite season... but I LOVE OCTOBER.  October is definitely my favorite month of the year.
  • I love the weather -- crisp fall is in the air.
  • My hubby loves hunting, and he is in his element in October.
  • Summer heat is gone, and autumn rain/sleet/snow begins to threaten.
  • Clothing can be worn in layers, jackets are needed, and blankets come out of closets.
  • College football is in its prime -- every game counts and anything can happen mid-season!
  • Baseball playoffs are underway... and the Cardinals and the Tigers are working their way to the 2013 World Series!
  • Halloween is in the air -- not my favorite holiday, but it ushers in the holiday season.  I really love Thanksgiving and Christmas, and Halloween is the sign that these are coming.
I have loved my Octobers in Michigan, Virginia, Nashville, and Colorado... and I am very prayerful that my love for October is not geographically dependent.  My first ten days of October will be in Austin, TX, and I am very prayerful that I will love October here just as much as my other locations.


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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Anticipating the Fair...

"Our State Fair is a great state fair.  Don't miss it, don't even be late.  It's dollars to donuts that our state fair is the best state fair in our state."

Name that movie...




The answer is right there in the song...

I've now had this song in my head for nearly 48 hours as I prepare to attend... no, not the Iowa state fair like in the movie, but the TEXAS STATE FAIR!  As a DIE-HARD Rodgers and Hammerstein musical fan, and one who can sing and recite any song or line from this movie if asked, I am a little ashamed to say that I think the Texas State Fair will be even bigger and better than the Iowa State Fair.

I have been doing some research on the Texas State Fair website... and this experience is going to be UNBELIEVABLE!


Here are just a few of the attractions that have caught my eye regarding the Texas State Fair:
  • Fried Cookie Dough
  • Ostrich Races
  • Celebrity Chefs Demonstration
  • Ice Cream Sampling
  • The Life and Times of Big Tex
  • Giant Sing-Along
  • The Backyard Circus
  • Pee Wee Stampede
  • Red, White, and You!
  • Pig Races
  • Youth Swine Skill-A-Thon Contest (What the ????)
  • Live Music
In addition to the aforementioned activities, apparently there are the 2013 Big Tex Choice Awards to think about...

 2013 Big Tex Winners
 Best Tasting
Deep-Fried Cuban Roll
A filling of slow cooked pork shoulder, chopped ham, Swiss cheese, pickles, and secret sauce is spread onto a slice of Swiss cheese, rolled up in pastry dough, and deep fried.  Roll is served with a side of majo sauce for dipping.

Most Creative
Fried Thanksgiving Dinner
Mama’s homemade stuffing and diced roasted turkey are rolled in a ball.   Next it’s dipped in southern cream corn and rolled in seasoned corn meal – all fried to a crispy golden brown. Served with old fashion giblet brown gravy.   The zesty orange cranberry sauce fills your dipping needs and results in a complete thanksgiving dinner, FRIED! 

2013 Big Tex Choice Awards Finalists

Awesome Deep Fried Nutella® – Cream cheese and Nutella® are whipped and spread over flaky Phyllo dough sheets, rolled up, and deep fried. Served with a drizzle of honey and shaved almonds.

Fernie’s Deep Fried King Ranch Casserole –This stick-to-your-ribs TEXAS SHAPED creation is melted cheese, salty, spicy, goodness that is dipped in a zesty southwestern egg wash and coated in panko bread crumbs.  Deep fried golden brown and crunchy on the outside; steamy and creamy on the inside! Served with a side of red, white, and blue tortilla chips and your choice of our homemade “salsafied” sour cream or cheesy queso.  Each one proudly flying the flag of the Lone Star State and deep fried in the Heart of Texas!

Golden Fried Millionaire Pie – Sweetened, fluffy cream cheese filling is loaded with golden pineapple and Texas pecans then wrapped in a flaky pie crust and fried to a golden brown. Topped with whipped cream, toasted coconut, and candied pecans.

Spinach Dip Bites – Creamy and delicious spinach artichoke dip bites are coated with crispy tortilla chips and flash-fried until golden brown. Bites are served with salsa for an additional kick.  

Southern Style Chicken-Fried Meatloaf – Homemade meatloaf slices are coated in an authentic Texas chicken-fried breading and deep fried golden brown. Served with garlic mashed potatoes, Texas cream gravy, and a ketchup/brown sugar glaze for dipping.

Texas Fried Fireball – Pimento cheese, pickles, cayenne pepper, and bacon are rolled into a ball, dipped in buttermilk, covered with a jalapeno-infused batter and deep fried. Served with chipotle ranch for dipping.

Oh my.

What a day of Texas State Fair culture-shock is ahead of me!

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Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday Letters: One Week in Austin Down

  •  Dear Austin,  Thanks for a great first week.  I'm exhausted, but we're off to a great start... and my time with you is 1/3 of the way over!
  • Dear Texas State Fair, HERE I COME THIS WEEKEND!!!!
  • Dear Hubby, I will be back in your arms in less than two weeks.  I miss you like crazy...
  • Dear Lexie and Lloyd, Life without animals is not a life I care to lead for very long.
  • Dear Grey's Anatomy,  You start WAY too late for this tired pregnant lady.
  • Dear Baby Jitterbug, I have loved feeling your little jabs and pokes this weeks.  You make me feel like there is a creature in my belly, dancing and squirming and trying to create more room.
  • Dear Feet, You are so tired.  You could really use a foot rub from your hubby.  You could really use a foot rub from your hubby like every night this past week.
  • Dear Grad School, Every day, I get close to BEING DONE WITH YOU!  When I complete that last assignment, the feeling will be SO sweet!
  • Dear Vail, You got snow this week.  I'm sorry I missed it.
  • Dear Austin, You are really hot this time of year.  I'm not really sure how to dress for your weather.

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Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Today, I am SO glad its Wednesday because it means I am halfway through my first week in Austin.  That's not to say my practicum placement here isn't off to a great start -- it definitely is. 

That being said, I have been here since Saturday, and so I've spent so many more nights here than I have working days.  Yesterday morning, after spending four nights sleeping in Texas without my hubby, I couldn't believe it was only my second day of work.  I've been here long enough that it REALLY needs to be halfway through my first week by now.

The other good thing about Wednesday is that Monday and Tuesday I work 11-7, but Wednesday-Friday, I work 7:45-3:45.  So although Tuesday  night has a fast turnaround -- about 12 hours between leaving work and reporting the next day, it means that I can actually get out and explore a little of Austin or run some errands Wednesday afternoon.

... And... as ashamed as I am to say it... the other bright spot of Wednesday are the season premiers/shows that are on tonight:
Modern Family
Duck Dynasty

Happy Hump Day!

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Greetings from Austin!

I wanted to post this on Sunday morning, but I didn't figure out how to connect to the internet at this place where I'm living until Sunday evening.

So, a little late -- GREETINGS FROM AUSTIN!!!

My best friend, Kelley welcomed me with open arms, and arranged a great Texas football Saturday night for me!

Look at this huge Lone Star!

Tailgating Texas style... notice my water.

 Hook 'em horns!

What a HUGE Texas flag... and LOOK HOW GREAT OUR SEATS ARE!?!?!!?

Here come the Long Horns!

 Go Texas!

 Texas touchdown... right in front of us!!!

 Panoramic shot of the stadium

The band spelling out TEXAS

Great time at the game!



The University of Texas's bell town turns orange when the Long-Horns win!

 Austin is off to a great and exciting start!

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