Showing posts with label Mama's Girls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mama's Girls. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Nine Years Five Months

 All of my girls have to wait until age ten to get their ears pierced... but yesterday was a very big day.

After nine years and five months, my oldest got her ears pierced.

We had a very special day with three cousins and three Mountain Miller girls all getting hair cuts, and hair styles, and manicures and pedicures.  This is an adorable salon specifically catered to little girls.  My kids have been there one time before in 2018 (so five years ago), and then they got to go yesterday.

It would be very special for Tracey to get her ears pierced on her tenth birthday... but it was also VERY special for her to get her ears pierced yesterday surrounded by her sisters, her mama, her memaw, and three of her favorite cousins.  Hopefully she will remember that for the rest of her life.

Of course Caroline and Lee Lee were all ready to get their ears pierced too... so new tradition -- they have to ten, or the trip to St. Louis that is most close to their tenth birthday, and we will go back to that same Sweet and Sassy salon with their cousins.

It really was an incredibly special day with the girls.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

A Little Longer

 Sometimes I take a picture, and I just know it's going to be one of those that I look back and just wished I could have frozen my girls right then just to treasure it a little longer.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

My Girls

 I guess yesterday was National Daughter's Day... so here are my wonderful girls!

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Baking With My Girls

 My girls are ALWAYS asking me to help in the kitchen... and I struggle with when they can help me, and when I just need to quickly get food made and on the table.

The compromise is usually baking.  I finally confessed to the girls that I don't like cooking, which is why I don't really want help when I'm cooking.  I DO like baking, and I'm okay with some help when I'm baking.

So last weekend, all the Mountain Miller ladies donned aprons and helped make pumpkin cookies.  I have to stop and take time to appreciate at times that these are my three girls -- Tracey, Caroline, and Lee Lee and they are all old enough to actually have girl adventures.