I am getting behind on sharing our summer travels (partially because we have had an action-packed week, and partially because another grad school class has just begun). That said, today is Father's Day, so the summer stories will have to wait another day.
Happy Father's Day to the amazing Father's in my life.
I cannot express my immense joy and humility that I not only was raised by an honest, hardworking, loving, honorable man who loved being my Daddy, and loves being a grandfather, but I also married an honest, hardworking, loving, honorable man who loves being a Daddy.
The icing on the cake is that my Father-in-law is an honest, hardworking, loving, honorable man who loves being a father and grandfather, and I have a brother, and two brothers-in-law who are honest, hardworking, loving, honorable men who love being Dads.
I thank the Lord for the wonderful Fathers in my life.