Last night Hubby and I watched Forrest Gump together.
I know the movie well, but I saw a few things through different eyes.
After his service in Vietnam, Forrest is awarded the Medal of Honor. His mother attends the ceremony and looks on with great pride and with tears in her eyes.
Then, Forrest walks around the Nation's Capitol and reunites with his old friend, Jenny.
Before they part, Forrest gives Jenny his Medal of Honor.
As that happened, I actually said aloud to the movie,
"No Forrest! Give that to your Mama!"
My little Howard is very dear to me. He is totally a Daddy's boy, but he and I share a very sweet bond as well.
A few weeks ago, I looked at him and said, "You're my favorite redhead."
He looked back at me and said, "You're my favorite redhead too."
Earlier this year he had mentioned that he planned to marry Caroline, because they are twins. We have had to inform him that he cannot marry one of his sisters, but they will always be very close friends and twins forever.
So, after hearing that Caroline couldn't be an option for a bride, he started talking about a little girl from school -- one of Caroline's friends who he planned to marry instead.
He hasn't talked about her in a few weeks -- and he hasn't seen her in nearly 8 weeks, but in watching Forrest Gump, it was a keen reminder that someday my little boy will choose another woman over his mama.
His mama who has supported him through everything, and, in the case of Forrest Gump, helped her little boy beat the odds, and then went through the agony of him serving in a war overseas. She prayed him through all of that, and was fortunate enough to watch him come home and then be recognized for his outstanding heroic service... and then he just gave the medal away to a woman other than his mama.
It will happen with my boys. It should happen. It is the circle of life.
But, thankfully, that's not going to happen today.