I'm not sure how it began, maybe because Pa sings to his fiddle so often in Little House on the Prairie books (which maybe you remember, I read to the kiddos at bedtime), but a while back the children started to ask me to sing them a song at bedtime.
Some days I will and some I won't, and, truth be told, I don't have a great arsenal of lullabies.
I alternate the two lullabies from Mary Poppins "Feed the Birds" and "Stay Awake'. Sometimes I will sing the lullaby from Peter Pan, "Distant Melody" and when I'm rushed, I sing them TAPS.
Well, the other night, a song came to mind that I used to know all the words to, and I do feel it is truly one of the most beautiful and moving songs of all time, and so I sang that tonight for the kids.
Why as it been years, perhaps even a decade since I've heard a great tenor sing, "The Impossible Dream"?