Showing posts with label Millers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Millers. Show all posts

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Eight Months...

Remember these pictures of Tracey Ann and her two cousins?

Well here are the same three girls 8 months later... oh, and three more cousins...


Friday, March 25, 2016

New Nephew!

Hubby and I have a new nephew!!!

Judah Austin Rodriguez was born yesterday, March 24, at 2:10pm.  
He weighed 8 pounds 1 ounce and measured 20.5 inches long. 

He has two older sisters, and what is crazy is that Hubby and I have been in St. Louis when all of these three nieces and nephew were born.  Hubby's sister, Becky, is really great about not going into labor until we are in town.

This will make the sixth cousin, and second boy on the Miller side of the family... and the oldest cousin is two-and-a-half, so six cousins in just over two and a half years (and another cousin on the way).

Welcome to the family, Judah!  We are so excited to meet you and love you!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Not An Adventure

** Note: We had a wonderful time with family in Mexico.  It was a great time with lots of memories and Tracey Ann was such a trooper, and had a blast with her cousins and Miller family.  That being said, this post is written in hindsight of our fun vacation. **

I remember traveling to foreign countries when I was younger and it was such an adventure.  It didn't matter if I was on a college chorus trip, or studying abroad, or taking a side trip from studying abroad, or on my honeymoon, or vacationing with my parents -- foreign countries were such an adventure.

At this stage of my life, foreign countries are not an adventure.

Foreign countries are really hard on my little family and the beautiful cultural experience is lost amongst a toddler who won't sleep or eat, and a pregnant body that does not feel well and just wants to eat and drink food and water that I'm sure will not make me sick.

With children who are fascinated by the differences, intrigued by the food, and excited for the tropical excursions, international travel will be A LOT of fun -- still slightly stressful, but very fun and memorable.  With a toddler and twins on the way, the differences were hard on our schedule, the food was, at times, scary, and the tropical excursions were minimal.  Because we were with family, the trip was definitely fun... but the trip was work.

I hope that in another ten to fifteen years, I will be able to travel abroad with my husband and children and enjoy the foreign experiences and idiosyncrasies of international travel adventures... but for the time being, international travel is not an adventure.

I just hope I remember to come back and read this post the next time my husband or I have wanderlust that has us looking for our passports...

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Here They Are

Here are the pictures I was going to try to post the other day about trying to take a picture of three children ages two and under... Talk about drama...

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Images of Our St. Louis Christmas

Images of our St. Louis Christmas... in no particular order (because there are a lot of pictures and this is the way they uploaded):

Visiting Mr. Santa

Post-Santa visit

Cousin Zivah checking out her new baby sister, Mayah

Driving Daddy's truck

Visiting with Great-Grandma Holifield

Great-grandma and Great-grandpa, Aunt Sharon, Grandma Miller, Daddy, and Tracey Ann

Uncle Nick, Aunt Mandy, and Uncle Daniel getting to know Tracey Ann

Waiting to see Mr. Santa

Fun family picture... the Miller and Rodriguez family

Waiting until Christmas morning is so hard

We had a great time at the North Pole

Practicing walking with Grandma and Great-Grandma

This is a picture of love

Great-Grandma ate up every minute with Tracey Ann

Adorable Cousins dressed up for Christmas Eve

Christmas night, Cousin Mayah was born

 Grandma came with to see Santa

I love this picture.

Quality time with Grandpa Miller (with his son and grandsons)

Now four generations -- Great Grandpa, Grandpa, Daddy, Uncle, and Tracey Ann

We love our chances to see Great-Grandpa Miller

Hmmm... Christmas ribbon tastes good

Up late Christmas Eve

Christmas morning -- Santa found us!

Stockings filled and everything

"How do I open these?"

What a tiring day.

Fun with Aunt Mandy

Uncle Daniel, Cousin Zivah, Aunt Becky, and (not pictured, in the belly) Cousin Mayah

Christmas Eve

Fun Christmas Eve

Fun with Great-Grandpa Holifield

My newest niece, Mayah

Newborn pictures of Mayah

Newborn pictures of Mayah

Newborn pictures of Mayah

Newborn pictures of Mayah

Newborn pictures of Mayah

Newborn pictures of Mayah

Newborn pictures of Mayah

Newborn pictures of Mayah

Newborn pictures of Mayah

Newborn pictures of Mayah

Newborn pictures of Mayah

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