Images of our St. Louis Christmas... in no particular order (because there are a lot of pictures and this is the way they uploaded):
Visiting Mr. Santa
Post-Santa visit
Cousin Zivah checking out her new baby sister, Mayah
Driving Daddy's truck
Visiting with Great-Grandma Holifield
Great-grandma and Great-grandpa, Aunt Sharon, Grandma Miller, Daddy, and Tracey Ann
Uncle Nick, Aunt Mandy, and Uncle Daniel getting to know Tracey Ann
Waiting to see Mr. Santa
Fun family picture... the Miller and Rodriguez family
Waiting until Christmas morning is so hard
We had a great time at the North Pole
Practicing walking with Grandma and Great-Grandma
This is a picture of love
Great-Grandma ate up every minute with Tracey Ann
Adorable Cousins dressed up for Christmas Eve
Christmas night, Cousin Mayah was born
Grandma came with to see Santa
I love this picture.
Quality time with Grandpa Miller (with his son and grandsons)
Now four generations -- Great Grandpa, Grandpa, Daddy, Uncle, and Tracey Ann
We love our chances to see Great-Grandpa Miller
Hmmm... Christmas ribbon tastes good
Up late Christmas Eve
Christmas morning -- Santa found us!
Stockings filled and everything
"How do I open these?"
What a tiring day.
Fun with Aunt Mandy
Uncle Daniel, Cousin Zivah, Aunt Becky, and (not pictured, in the belly) Cousin Mayah
Christmas Eve
Fun Christmas Eve
Fun with Great-Grandpa Holifield
My newest niece, Mayah
Newborn pictures of Mayah
Newborn pictures of Mayah
Newborn pictures of Mayah
Newborn pictures of Mayah
Newborn pictures of Mayah
Newborn pictures of Mayah
Newborn pictures of Mayah
Newborn pictures of Mayah
Newborn pictures of Mayah
Newborn pictures of Mayah
Newborn pictures of Mayah