Showing posts with label tzav. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tzav. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

How can we explain Hevel's sacrifice?

In a previous post on Vayikra, I noted how Rabbi Yosef Ibn Caspi didn't offer any commentary on the korbanot, because what Rashi and Ibn Ezra wrote already sufficed, and because
I have seen this parasha and many of those [parshiyot] which follow it encircling the details of the zevachim and thekarbonotwhich was written by Moshe Rabbenu in his sefer compelled and against his will, for there is no desire to Hashem in olot and zevachim [seeTehillim 51:18], but rather this was compelled by the practice of all the nations in that time which brought them to this.
The Rambam holds similarly as to the purpose of the korbanot. In the comment section, a commenter recently asked:
How do [Ibn] Caspi and the Rambam account for Cain and Abel's sacrifices.
This is a great question, because Kayin and Hevel were very early in the history of mankind, and therefore before the idolatrous practices of the nation. (Indeed, the generation of Enosh is where idolatry began.) If so, why would Kayin have brought korbanot from the plants and why would Hevel have brought korbanot from the flock? And Hashem liked Hevel's korban!

It turns out that this is one of the objections in the Ramban I linked to there:
והנה נח בצאתו מן התיבה עם שלשת בניו אין בעולם כשדי או מצרי הקריב קורבן וייטב בעיני ה' ואמר בו (בראשית ח כא): וירח ה' את ריח הניחוח. וממנו אמר אל לבו לא אוסיף עוד לקלל את האדמה בעבור האדם (שם). והבל הביא גם הוא מבכורות צאנו ומחלביהן, וישע ה' אל הבל ואל מנחתו (שם ד ד), ולא היה עדיין בעולם שמץ ע"ז כלל. 
We could check out what Ibn Caspi has to say in the incident of Kayin and Hevel. I am not sure how informative it is, exactly. He writes in one sefer:

וראוי שתרגיש ג״כ שקין והבל כל אחד מהם היה מכוין להתקרב אל השם במלאכתו, כי כל דרך איש ישר בעיניו.

"And it is appropriate to realize as well that Kayin and Hevel, each of them, intended to draw close to Hashem in his respective work, for all paths of man are right in his eyes."

So perhaps while Hevel's sacrifice was of similar form to later sacrifices, it took this form as a way of drawing close to Hashem within his chosen profession."

In another sefer, Ibn Caspi explains וישע  as less than full desire, רצוי, found by korbanot in general.
וישע. אינו ריצוי גמור וירצה, כמו שיבא עוד בענין קרבנותינו
"וישע -- it is not complete ritzuy like vayeratzeh, like we find in the matter of our own korbanot"

So perhaps there is a sense here that the korban is not entirely appropriate even here. Neither of these is really a satisfying answer.

As I was listening to various shiurim on this week, I came across this hour-long shiur from last year by Rabbi Netanel Wiederblank:
Rabbi Netanel Wiederblank

The shiur is titled: Rambam's controversial reason for the reason for korbanos. That reason is the one mentioned above, that it was modeled after the idolatrous practice of the surrounding nations, as a way of directing that drive.

At approximately the 5 minute mark, he mentions a series of question by the Ramban, and this question about Hevel's korban is one of them.

At the 35 minute mark, he addresses this Hevel question specifically. The Ritva (in sefer Zikaron, which you can read here) answers the question by saying that one needs to know the secret about what the Rambam writes about Kayin and Hevel. But unfortunately, the Ritva doesn't tell us what that secret it. The footnotes on the Ritva's sefer Zikaron send you to Moreh Nevuchim volume 2 perek 30. There, the idea is developed that neither Kayin nor Hevel were the ones to continue on humanity, but rather Shet was. And we see that Kayin was more physical and Hevel more non-physically oriented. But not in a good way. And their korbanot reflected their natures. So the takeaway is that even Hevel's korban was non-optimal.

But the summary I provided was third-hand. That is, my summary of Rabbi Wiederblank's understanding of the cryptic Rambam in Moreh Nevuchim, where it was already labeled a secret. And which is likely philosophical / mystical, and thus requires the necessary background intellectual background as well as an understanding of the rest of the chapter, as explained by the commentators of the Rambam.

The reference is to this in Moreh Nevuchim:

.וממה שצריך שתדעהו ג״כ ותתעורר
עליו׳ אופני ההנמה בקריאת בני אדם קין והבל והיות
קין הוא ההורג להבל בשדה, ושהם יחד אבדו אף על פי
שתאריך לרוצח,ושלא תתקיים המציאות אלא לשת כי שת לי אלהים זרע אהר הנה כבר התאמת זה

One should listen to the shiur directly. And one should see the Rambam inside.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

YUTorah on parashat Tzav

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Download the YUTorah Parsha Reader for Tzav

Audio Shiurim on Tzav

Articles on Tzav

Parsha Sheets on Tzav

Rabbi Jeremy WiederLaining for Parshat Tzav
See all shiurim on YUTorah for Parshat Tzav

New This Week


Sunday, March 09, 2014

Posts so far for parshat Tzav


  1. Tzav sources -- further improved.
  2. Tzav in Tetzaveh --  Why does Rashi only analyze the word tzav here?
  3. YUTorah on Tzav for 2012. And also for 2013.


  1. Tzav sources, improved. For example, many more meforshei Rashi.
  2. YU Torah on parshat Tzav.
  3. Zehu midrasho -- a curious, lengthy insertion in parashat Tzav may shed light on a number of such insertions in one Rashi manuscript, and perhaps about this phrase in general.
  4. Shadal's theory about the Urim veTumim -- As a sort of alphabet oracle, similar to Chazal but slightly different.


  1. Tzav sources -- revamped.
  2. Should there be a petucha before Vayikra 7:22 or before Vayikra 7:28? part one and part two. I don't think I got around to part iii, about Or Torah...

  1. Tzav sources -- links by aliyah and perek to an online Mikraos Gedolos, and many meforshim on the parsha and haftara. Because of Pesach posts, probably will be all we have for tzav this year. See previous years, though.
  2. Does parshat Haazinu include a promise that Israel will enjoy forbidden fats? cross-listed from Haazinu. Based in part on an Ibn Ezra in Tzav, that Biblically, cheilev of non-korbanos is permitted.
  1. Was a Copper Vessel Purged and Rinsed With Water?
    • Or purged with something else (namely sand), and then rinsed with water, as Shadal suggests. This would have an impact on trup, Shadal suggests, and I illustrate with helpful trup charts. Then I defend the traditional cantillation, even assuming Shadal's semantic shift, making use of Wickes and his rules of cantillation based on part-of-speech tags as determiners of place of syntactic dichotomy.
  2. The definition of shok -- which is what one gives as a gift to the kohen from the shelamim. But what part is the shok on the cow. And relating to tznius, what is the shok on a person?
  1. Cross-listed from Behaalotecha: Why the repetition of Isha Kushit Lakach?
  2. and again: Why Was Miryam, and not Aharon, punished?
  1. Cross listed from parshas Chayyei Sarah: Why A Shalshelet?
    • In which we discuss the semantic and syntactic causes of the shalshelet, an extremely rare cantillation mark, which appears once in parshat Tzav, and only seven times overall in all of Tanach.
  • Human Sacrifice As Hell On Earth
    • The haftara mentions Gei Ben Hinnom, which was a place for child sacrifice to the idol Molech, where the child was passed between the fires (and perhaps burned). This name, Gei Hinnom, is the word for Hell, and thus it was hell on earth. Unlike some other religion(s), Judaism does not relish child sacrifice.
to be continued...

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

YUTorah on parashat Tzav

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Audio Shiurim on Tzav
Articles on Tzav
Parsha Sheets on Tzav
Rabbi Jeremy WiederLaining for Parshat Tzav
See all shiurim on YUTorah for Parshat Tzav

New This Week


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Posts so far for parshat Tzav


  1. Tzav sources -- further improved.
  2. Tzav in Tetzaveh --  Why does Rashi only analyze the word tzav here?
  3. YUTorah on Tzav


  1. Tzav sources, improved. For example, many more meforshei Rashi.
  2. YU Torah on parshat Tzav.
  3. Zehu midrasho -- a curious, lengthy insertion in parashat Tzav may shed light on a number of such insertions in one Rashi manuscript, and perhaps about this phrase in general.
  4. Shadal's theory about the Urim veTumim -- As a sort of alphabet oracle, similar to Chazal but slightly different.


  1. Tzav sources -- revamped.
  2. Should there be a petucha before Vayikra 7:22 or before Vayikra 7:28? part one and part two. I don't think I got around to part iii, about Or Torah...

  1. Tzav sources -- links by aliyah and perek to an online Mikraos Gedolos, and many meforshim on the parsha and haftara. Because of Pesach posts, probably will be all we have for tzav this year. See previous years, though.
  2. Does parshat Haazinu include a promise that Israel will enjoy forbidden fats? cross-listed from Haazinu. Based in part on an Ibn Ezra in Tzav, that Biblically, cheilev of non-korbanos is permitted.
  1. Was a Copper Vessel Purged and Rinsed With Water?
    • Or purged with something else (namely sand), and then rinsed with water, as Shadal suggests. This would have an impact on trup, Shadal suggests, and I illustrate with helpful trup charts. Then I defend the traditional cantillation, even assuming Shadal's semantic shift, making use of Wickes and his rules of cantillation based on part-of-speech tags as determiners of place of syntactic dichotomy.
  2. The definition of shok -- which is what one gives as a gift to the kohen from the shelamim. But what part is the shok on the cow. And relating to tznius, what is the shok on a person?
  1. Cross-listed from Behaalotecha: Why the repetition of Isha Kushit Lakach?
  2. and again: Why Was Miryam, and not Aharon, punished?
  1. Cross listed from parshas Chayyei Sarah: Why A Shalshelet?
    • In which we discuss the semantic and syntactic causes of the shalshelet, an extremely rare cantillation mark, which appears once in parshat Tzav, and only seven times overall in all of Tanach.
  • Human Sacrifice As Hell On Earth
    • The haftara mentions Gei Ben Hinnom, which was a place for child sacrifice to the idol Molech, where the child was passed between the fires (and perhaps burned). This name, Gei Hinnom, is the word for Hell, and thus it was hell on earth. Unlike some other religion(s), Judaism does not relish child sacrifice.
to be continued...

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

YUTorah on parashat Tzav

Audio Shiurim on Tzav
Rabbi Elchanan Adler: Annointing Aharon and his Sons
Rabbi Yitzchok Cohen: Chisaron Kis 
Rabbi Dovid Ebner: The Importance of Sacrifice
Rabbi Ally Ehrman: Emptying The Piggy Bank For A Mitzva 
Rabbi Barry Gelman: Was Moshe Jealous of Aharon? 
Rabbi David Hirsch: Zrizus Miyad U'ldoros 
Rabbi Akiva Koenigsberg: Torah Temimah: The Third Pyre on the Mizbe'ach
Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz: Hakaras Hatov: Public and Personal
Rabbi Hershel Schachter: The Importance of Learning about Korbanos 
Rabbi Avi Schneider: Do You Have the Time?
Rabbi Baruch Simon: The Importance of Zerizus
Mrs. Shira Smiles: Fire of Pensiveness and Passion
Rabbi Reuven Spolter: Purim, Bacon, Matzah Balls and Jewish Survival
Rabbi Yehuda Susman: Why was everyone gathered during the Shivat Yemei Miluim?
Rabbi Yaacov Thaler: Hakoras HaTov and the Korban Todah 
Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Weinberg: Demanding the Geulah
Rabbi Eliezer Zwickler: No Need For A Mediator 

Articles on Tzav
Rabbi Beinish Ginsburg: Korban Shelamim, Day by Day
Rabbi Ozer Glickman: A Serious Matter
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin: Manifest Destiny?
Rabbi Meir Goldwicht: The Purpose of Terumat HaDeshen
Rabbi Avraham Gordimer: Sanctification of the Kohanim
Rabbi Maury Grebenau: Terumas haDeshen: Batting Clean Up
Rabbi Josh Hoffman: Hidden Expenses
Rabbi David Horwitz: The Qorban Todah: Philosophical Perspectives
Rabbis Stanley Wagner and Israel Drazin: Targum Onkelos and the Halakhah: Another Look
Rabbi Ari Kahn: No Hesitation
Rabbi Avigdor Nebenzahl: The Korban Todah and Sippur Yetziat Mitzrayim

Rabbi Jeremy Wieder: Laining for Parshat Tzav
See all shiurim on YUTorah for Parshat Tzav
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