The law is an ass. And it is an ass of its own making. It
is an illustration of the adage that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts
absolutely. The law is no longer (if it ever was) an impartial leveller, all
men being equal before it. Its judgements are not made by dispassionately
neutral disciples of truth but by partisan actors, confident that they
themselves are above or at least beyond reproach.
If the rule of law is supposed to be sacred; if the rule
of law is said to be a sign of civilisation; if the rule of law is held to be
the principal characteristic of a peaceful and prosperous society; why is it so
wrong, so often and so obviously antipathetic to the concerns of the millions
expected to abide by it? The legal establishment in the west now seems so
corrupted by political motives that the pure barbarism of sharia almost looks
The law exists to keep normally honest people on the
straight and narrow – by definition habitual criminals pay it no heed – the
threat of penalty is deterrent enough in most cases. And properly applied, the
consequences of conviction ought to result in rehabilitation back to acceptable
behaviour. But when the law seems to come down more heavily on the habitually
compliant and deliver the softest of non-justice on the career criminal, it is
little wonder that faith in it is at a low ebb.
The church lost its moral right to lead when it harboured
paedophile priests, embezzled money, interfered in politics and embarked on
occasional sanctimonious ramblings in the Guardian. The law lost all respect
when it championed the rights of the amoral, the misfits and the actually
illegal above those of the average citizen. Human Rights has become a laughable
attempt to rigorously defend deviants and stamp on the throats of those who
speak out for normality. There is a test in law of the ‘reasonable person’, but
what of the ‘normal person’?
Normality is easy to establish, it is a mathematical
probability of occurrence. And under this probability, most people see that the
law has become a joke. When you are likely to go to jail for being a disgusting
idiot burning an effigy of a building than to be tackled for knife crime, then
the law is rightly derided. And I do understand that there is a great
difference between the application of jurisprudence and the reality of
policing, but they are as intertwined as are eating and defecating; I’ll leave
you to decide which is which in this simile.
Pleas to common sense fall on deaf ears and the uneven
hand of justice continues to be reported daily. Violent criminals released to
re-offend, pensioners arrested over words, burglars defended against their
intended victims, illegal immigrants given leave to remain and the
drip-drip-drip of social media thought-policing. To the reasonable person this
all looks insane.
It surely can’t continue – week after week brings new
confected ‘hate’ offences while old and genuine malice appears increasingly
untouchable. There has to come a time, I believe, when the only way to reset
our systems will be to take up arms against our own government – what a tragedy
that in the very seat of justice and fairness, the only justice for the British
people who once trusted the law may necessarily lie in taking the law into
their own hands.