Showing posts with label equality & diversity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label equality & diversity. Show all posts

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Home Truths

With the refreshing new broom of Priti Patel in the Home Office under the Johnson administration (he who allegedly idolises Churchill) you could be forgiven for breathing a sigh of relief, anticipating a return to British values, common sense, pride and freedom. And with Dominic Cummings in the engine room, pulling the levers and vowing to roll back the recent vicissitudes of the civil service and their apparent conversion to the anti-British cause, you may feel justified in relaxing in the belief that we are in safe hands.

But what’s this? Mandatory diversity training throughout the Home Office? The creation of ‘diverse’ (non-white British) short lists? Indoctrination in the new, revised versions of the past which portray British history as relentlessly negative? Future immigration to bypass white Europeans in favour of what was until recently referred to as BAME applicants? Was this what we voted for? No, it bloody well wasn't.

Last night on BBC Radio 4’s excellent discussion programme, The Moral Maze, the subject under consideration was the morality of the British Empire. I urge you to listen to it, if only for the opening fifteen minutes during which the first witness expounds a thesis of unrelenting negativity and unconcealed hatred of whiteness. The whole programme is little better with all but one of the inquisitors buying into the revisionist version of that period and how it has turned us all into the hideous racists we are.

The drive is on to accelerate the cultural change begun in earnest under Tony Blair. Rubbing the right’s nose in diversity, indeed. The avowed aim of a great many of the ‘new British’ is to eventually eradicate whiteness forever, but in the short term they will settle for our ostracization from our own society. At times it feels as if the whole of academia is dedicated to the single aim of ‘decolonising’ the entire curriculum, whatever they believe that actually means.

To that end, the acquiescence of other institutions is equally appalling to behold. Yesterday Laurence Fox tweeted out the ridiculous cringing statement from RADA, regarding their intent to spend the rest of their days on bended knee to the project of eliminating white talent wherever they find it. Please read it; it is one of the dumbest mission statements you will ever encounter.

 Meanwhile, the white working class, as has been the case for some decades now, will continue to be thrown on the scrapheap. This plea from Ben Bradley, MP will fall on deaf ears now, as it has over the years. In Blair’s day his own Home Secretary, Jack Straw, embarked on a war against the very people who put his party in power when he said that ‘the English, as a race, are not worth saving’. 

The future, where only black lives exist.

What say the current government? The rhetoric from Number 10 is all about new beginnings outside the EU. Opportunities, they say, abound, as we work to drag ourselves out of the coronavirus lockdown and build our country anew. But just as David Cameron described himself as ‘heir to Blair’, Boris Johnson seems determined to continue in that vein. Listening to the government right now, there has never been a better time to be British… just so long as you are not, actually, British.

Thursday, 30 August 2018

The Age of Wonder

What do you mean, you’re not gay? How on earth do you ever expect to get a decent job? The old advice to work hard, keep your nose clean and make yourself indispensable would seem, in this new, identitarian world, to be positively antediluvian. Today it is not even about who you are, but what you are. Forget your dewy-eyed longing for a meritocracy, the mediocracy is where it’s at; a few years ago companies were being advised to hire for diversity before talent on the post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy that as successful companies were often diverse, therefore their success must be because of their diversity.

This is as ridiculous a stance as Tony Blair’s let’s-send-everybody-to-university policy, founded on the notion that as graduates, in general, up to the New Labour era, earned more, thus an automatic increase in prosperity could be magicked-up simply by removing the barriers to entry. Grade inflation, already worryingly accelerated, became rampant. And what happened? The market responded by creating worthless degrees from pop-up, ersatz universities and threw a generation of eager young people on the employability scrapheap.

You would think we would learn. Teach everybody the same rigorous basics, select for specialisation, emphasise important STEM subjects, but simultaneously encourage the less academic to learn lifelong, vitally important, non-academic skills. But most importantly, build an educated, informed, realistically aspirational new workforce. Any country which relies on attracting foreign workers to do work well within the compass of its own citizens is pursuing a folly which may well be about to be realised when they make a similarly monumental fuck-up over a botched Brexit.

But back to the identity bullshit. Disney has been in bother for casting a non-disabled actor in the role of a disabled character and BBC is currently taking flak for not managing to cast an actual elephant man in the role of the Elephant man. A caller to Nick Ferrari this morning even sort of managed to suggest that only Joseph [John] Merrick himself could have given a faithful rendering of his life’s experiences. She seemed unhinged enough to be capable of being indignant that Merrick, who died in 1890 wasn’t offered the lead role in the 1980 movie. See what happens when your audience is innumerate?

And as if the idiocy of identity politics isn’t apparent enough a BBC executive is once again publicly calling, in the name of diversity, for the replacement of white men on the telly-box who present with no gender confusion, disablement or other victim status,. How long before they are demanding Daniel Day-Lewis gives back his Oscar and other awards for My Left Foot on account of him having full control of both feet?

Yeah, I think we've got all the bases covered here.

When civilisation falls, when transport and technology vanish, when the human rights industry eventually has us all eating each other and all that is left of the western world is a metaphorical giant left foot bearing the legend of Ozymandias, once king of kings, will future historians wonder what led to the ending of the reformation, the age of enlightenment, the industrial revolution, the space age, the information superhighway and all the wonders created by millions of brilliant minds... or will they just be too stupid?

Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Equality? Why set your sights so low?

I got into a war of words yesterday about ‘nigger’ and its connotations. Actually, it was more of a skirmish with no blood drawn and despite the antagonist wanting to paint ‘anti-racist’ slogans on every available wall and talk about slavery and black history and all the grievances that the clumsily-monickered BAME community spend their lives dreaming up, it is, after all, just a word. It is in common currency among certain groups and used in much the same way as I am greeted most morning at work with the cheery “’Allo, you cunt” and “Morning, fuckface.”

But those who chip away at the lexicon of difference in the name of celebrating diversity merely do the Left’s Marxist work, which is to sell grievance as an unalloyed good, attack tolerance of this whole charade as indifference and tout an agenda of race hate in the name of the furtherance of humanity. When it comes to words the left far surpasses the right who generally believe that a thing should be called what it is. The strange and uneasy alliance that constitutes most of the political and social activism practices the Orwellian craft of doublespeak - deliberately euphemistic, ambiguous, or obscure language – and seek to deny their detractors the words to respond.

Thrift is denounced as ‘Tory cuts’, increased public spending, year-on-year is similarly branded ‘Tory cuts’ and any Conservative politician who seeks to get a better deal out of this public spending, an increase in performance, say, is a ‘Tory cunt’. Of course the left has always been adept at selling bad things as good – unchecked immigration is celebrated as multiculturalism; an alarming rise in knife crime is merely the small price we pay for ‘vibrant’ communities. And a threat to bankrupt the country in order to buy votes is simply a bid to create a kinder, gentler, more equal society.

Which brings us, once more, to the Holy Grail of leftist dogma; equality. How dare the boss earn more? Why shouldn’t the lumpen proletariat share in the nation’s wealth to the degree they feel they deserve? Why shouldn’t my finger painting and mindfulness diploma hold parity with a degree in mechanical engineering when it comes to work? And how dare you insist that I put my actual name on my job application, so that racists can prejudge me and deny me my right to equality in everything?

Why? Because equality is a crock. Equality is sold as the acme of social achievement when it is in fact the opposite. Chains, of command, hierarchies, and leadership; promotion up these ladders  is how we - humans and other animals - measure progress. I don't want to be your equal; I want to be your boss. If the customer is always right, does that not imply that the balance is in favour of him and against the equality rights of the salesman? We measure ourselves against others all the time and we judge our accomplishments not by how many crossed the finishing line simultaneously but by who came first.

And it's no good talking about equality of opportunity; human nature will skew that every time. All that counts is coming out on top; doing the best you can in the present circumstances, not spending all your efforts in a futile game of victimhood, bleating that somebody else, whom you don’t respect, has judged you and declared you wanting. Maybe you can't get to where you want to be in one lifetime, but don't you owe it to your children to give them the best possible head start when they pick up the baton? Forget equality; you can do better than that.

Monday, 9 January 2017

Colour Bar

From the same sort of mentality that created Agenda 21, the notion of thought crime and the concept that black people cannot be guilty of racism, that fertile jihadi breeding ground known as the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies strikes again. They specialise in awarding the kind of degree essential to otherwise unemployable zealots seeking funding from the burgeoning grievance industry, in particular that sector of the trade which slavishly seeks reparation for the sins of our hideously white ancestors. To that effect they are attempting to airbrush whites from history apparently oblivious to the fact that this would, ipso facto, render their highly honed victim status their own, damned fault.

“Entitled ‘Decolonising SOAS: Confronting The White Institution’, the union’s statement of ‘educational priorities’ warns ‘white philosophers’ should be studied only ‘if required’, and even then their work should be taught solely from ‘a critical standpoint’”

Naturally, as philosophy and the history of thought are overwhelmingly products of white origin, removing such philosophers from the syllabus would be akin to removing Newton from Physics, Michelangelo from Art, Lindbergh from Aviation... and Rhodes from Rhodesia, one experiment which has actually been tried with murderous effect. But students at SOAS are impervious to such logic, a state which can far more readily be attained if your study of thought is unencumbered by considering the people who did all the heavy lifting in that arena. Who needs to dither with the dialectic when black-lives-matter is all you need to power your pain? And who wants to ponder pure reason when the obvious conclusion to the black man’s burden is that it is all the fault of whitey?

Future innovations may involve black trainee doctors refusing to study anatomy on white corpses. Black and Asian mechanics may have to avoid working on white cars for fear of cultural association and being branded Uncle Toms. And be sure to eschew all technology created by white men which, in effect, means eschewing all technology. Way to go, you deep, dark thinkers, you. It’s hard to conceive of a more successful route to the exclusion from participation in society which you fondly imagine you are already experiencing.

I’ve never worked in an environment where people of different hues were not accepted as individuals. The British have worked bloody hard to make everybody welcome, so long as they observe the few rules we have... or had. Before the doctrine of multiculturalism, Britain used to actually be a successful multicultural society. All the constant pandering to difference does is exacerbate the difference. All the title BME does is mark out the malcontents. Don’t you know that the prejudice is in the perception; as long as you perceive that you are victims you will never break free from the shackles of your own making.

In the meantime, equalities legislation is harming the potential of companies that can’t afford to hire to quotas and doing nothing to improve the performance of those that can. In the constant crisis that is the NHS the hiring of £57k p.a. Assistant Directors of Equality and Diversity only creates more division and antipathy. I have a more than sneaking suspicion that these positions create more trouble than they solve; will hospitals in the future operate a strict colour quota system for treatment? I wonder what the students of SOAS think?

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Whose Equality is Best?

Raaaacists! Fear of a word appears to have prevented police and social services and anybody with a duty of care to minors from reporting, warning or even noticing child-rape and trafficking on an industrial scale in Rotherham. The total population of Rotherham (known) is around 260,000. About 35% are under fifteen – that’s 91,000 and in that part of the world a good 50% of school attendees are of the Asian community. Which leaves around 45,000 white kids. If two-thirds of them are under ten, that leaves about 15,000 of both sexes between the ages of ten and fifteen. So, 7,500 white girls, 1400 of whom have been preyed upon by sexual savages.

Okay the numbers are a tad (and deliberately – I can use those tactics too) skewed for effect but come on, 18% of Rotherham’s non-‘ethnic’ girls systematically abused for a decade or more? If this isn’t a primitive and hateful racism you’ll have to go a long way to convince every parent in the area who has been branded a bigot for raising concerns about the deliberate swamping of their region with ‘diversity’. As Allison Pearson said, “Let’s have no more of this coy “Asian males” crap. Muslim men of Pakistani origin…” are responsible for this. And their community is responsible for allowing it.

Even taking islam out of the equation – and it is about time somebody did just that – this is exactly the sort of thing that was feared by many, decades ago, when it became clear that allowing in one single worker soon opened the floodgates to a multi-generational wave of dependents who came here, failed to integrate and slowly set about seeding their third-world culture on our fertile national petri dish. Nurtured by leftists and feted by Labour, here (they thought) was the answer to people growing up and voting Conservative. All that lovely, progressive diversity.

But you can never have both diversity and equality; it doesn’t work. Even on simple linguistic grounds it makes no sense – one is practically an antonym of the other - if things are different they can’t be the same. Now you may not believe that some people are better than others but that’s nonsense because you definitely know that some are worth so much less. Pick a measure: Wealth, productivity, gregariousness, reason, intellect, muscle, looks, longevity… no matter what your metric we don’t all balance on the fulcrum.

Rotherham’s known problems were ignored or suppressed for the sake, so they said, of ‘social cohesion’; it was deemed racist to protect one culture against the incursion of another. Exactly how much fuck-witted doublethink had to be deployed in deciding which culture was to be neglected? Or was the indigenous Brit so obviously worth much less than the precious new diversity?

Come to Britain - it's a free country!

But here’s the thing; what of the honest immigrant who came to Britain to find a better life? What happened to their dreams of a new beginning away from the grinding poverty and oppressive religious medievalism of their overcrowded homelands? With the shallowness of thought typical of left-wing moralists can they even begin to admit that in pitting one culture against another they have comprehensively fucked it up for both?