Showing posts with label migrant crisis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label migrant crisis. Show all posts

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Give Generously...

Those currently dying out may have been the best of us. They will certainly be the last of the British as we knew them. My parents and their contemporaries survived the last war as children, grew up with rationing, expected to be given nothing and were grateful for the opportunities to get ahead. Grammar schools and further education increased their aspirations and the revolutionary welfare state project promised cradle-to-grave protection. They reared their children and grandchildren through the turmoil of the sixties and seventies, to emerge into the great wealth boom and optimism of the eighties.

They were the first generation of working people to own their own homes en masse and saw their children do likewise. Their grandchildren, however, are less likely to become secure homeowners. Despite the uncertainty of the Cold War they lived through the longest period of peace for many years and paid into a system which has given them a retirement their own parents could only have dreamed of. The closer ties to our European neighbours seemed on the whole positive, except for the meddling, but that appeared to be purely political wrangling and nothing to do with everyday life. They expected to go gentle into that good night and those who already did have been spared.

But those who cling on must be mortified at the scenes that permeate the news channels, day in, day out. They see a wall to wall apocalypse in the form of hundreds of thousands of people ‘not like us’ against whom the supposed unity of the European Union appears helpless and clueless. The televised African famines of the sixties and seventies – Biafra, Ethiopia, Bangladesh... Ethiopia again – were just that; scenes on the television, far from home and not our fault. But this – also not our fault, despite how much the cringing hand-wringing set wish it to be – is spilling over into a west that is powerless to resist.

Now that my lumbago has its own lumbago I’m entering an uncertain twilight of my own which appears to parallel the demise of Europe. It’s going to be a long, drawn out affair for both of us – me and the west – as we limp along. For a while, possibly quite a long while, we’ll get by. There will be enough in the pot to keep us going, but one day the reality will be revealed and the money will run out. I can’t be the only one who doesn’t expect pensions to ever be as comparatively generous and as reliable as at the present. And I can’t be the only one expecting to work way beyond retirement age to make ends meet. I’m a realist.

I just wish Britain would realise the same and stop pretending that it’s all going to be okay, that migrant workers on minimum wage will somehow keep the coffers brimming over against all the evidence and common sense. I keep paying in with less and less confidence I’ll ever get anything back, just as the UK does with the EU. But if I had kids I would be making plans to transfer to them whatever can be kept out of the hands of an ever more profligate state, so that they could make their own way in the world.

Whatever happened in the past, the EU’s budget is out of control and beyond reform. The greatest bequest Britain can give to its children is independence. Give generously, give life, give hope and vote for Brexit.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

The New Norm

Listen to the outrage which is still flying round; in the minds of some of our more deranged commentators, the prime Minister chose to have full-on sex with a dead animal and thus prove he is unfit to hold office. I expect many a freemason, or similarly secretive society member, is keeping extremely schtum right now, recalling the bizarre rituals of acceptance they have undergone. But let’s get a sense of proportion about it. Embarrassingly popping your flaccid member into a fold of dead meat for a few seconds in front of a baying crowd of other young initiates is hardly the same as eagerly thrusting your engorged, excited penis repeatedly into the orifice that another human being shits through, is it?

Yet the second act is deemed entirely normal indeed, a lifestyle choice; no, not a choice but a biological imperative for some. Something that was once seen as so aberrant as to be illegal for centuries has not only become accepted, but approved and – to judge by the reaction in some quarters – will become practically compulsory one day. Once again persistent lobbying has changed the way society thinks and it is only a matter of time before any dissenters die out. In the odd way that humans have of adopting fads, a recent report suggested that a very large percentage of young people are now minded to give homosexuality a go. The cultural Marxists must be overjoyed.

The normalisation of the not-so-normal is an ever-present theme; once upon a time the English wouldn’t dream of eating brioche yet now the supermarkets are full of such foreign fripperies.On a lighter note, in the USA a paedophile has written an essay to the American public asking not to be judged harshly for an appetite he cannot change but manages to control. His plea reads much like the anguished petitions of gays in former years; Alan Turing was driven to suicide over the way his ‘condition’ was treated yet society now feels shame and a need to make amends. Surely it can’t be impossible for society to learn to differentiate between those who control their urges and criminals who act on them. Will it go from disgusting to ‘in the privacy of their own home’ to being regularly flaunted in public? I guess the real test will be, how long before an out-but-not-proud paedophile will be deemed an acceptable babysitter?

Of course there is always the option to have a dual morality, something which seems to come naturally to those in positions of power. In the devout muslim world, for instance, homosexuality is still a crime punishable by extreme gravity, yet it is far from uncommon for some of that wider community to keep boy sex-slaves whose sole purpose is to be bestially buggered at the whim of the master. Presumably the justification is that if your slave is not given full human status it is not seen as homosexuality to fuck him; and what better way to perpetuate the practice than to continue the cycle of abuse until they eventually come to like it?

Normal - it's not what you're thinking.

What will we next be expected to accept? Those who have won concessions for tastes once considered abhorrent have done so by persistence, by not being cowed by a hostile majority and look how we have eventually accepted their way of thinking. So it should come as no surprise that flying in the face of public opinion and national sovereignty the EU has once again ignored the protests and simply decided that we will accept into our midst hundreds of thousands of people who don’t possess the western mindset to be coerced and persuaded into forgiveness and acceptance. A un-democratic regime forcing unwanted change on its demoralised people? What could possibly go wrong?

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Shutting up shop...

I’m still not ready yet to pass judgement on Jeremy Corbyn’s ascension to the leadership of the Labour Party. Plenty of others are doing a great job of that, so I’ll keep my powder dry until I see the whites of his eyes. Oops, I said whites... like a great big nasty racist. Right now I’m rather more engaged by seeing the strife which is rife through much of Europe. Oh yes, we’re back on the migrant crisis, but actually it’s the bizarre logic behind Angela Merkel’s throwing open – and then hastily re-closing – Germany’s borders to one and all that’s got me thinking... again.

Here’s the apparent rationale behind the come one, come all policy: Germany has an ageing population; its indigenous birth rate, in common with many full developed countries, is only at replacement level or just below, so as people live longer, the average age increases and with it the cost of providing health care, pensions, etc. falls on a proportionately smaller percentage of the population. Accepting without challenge that an economy must only ever grow and can never be allowed to shrink or stabilise, the argument is that they need more economic activity in the younger half of the population.

And somehow that is going to be achieved by importing Eritrean goatherds is it? Or Somali stick-sharpeners, Ethiopian khat-heads, Sudanese soap-dodgers or any of a host of others in the brown-rainbow diaspora? This is a very special kind of diversity, where everybody looks and sounds the same, because nobody can tell who is Syrian and who isn’t any more. This intelligence is from the migrants themselves.

But forget the casual racism there and focus on the economic argument. If you want to boost your economy you first look to train up your own; you know where you are with your own. Or at least you should because, brought up in the family firm, as it were, UK Plc, they ought to already know what is expected of them. But, in the short term yes, you may need to bring in skilled, fully-trained outsiders. It’s a win-win. They take up the slack, you pay over the odds for a while and in the meantime everybody gets to experience a little extra in their lives. Cooperation, genuine cross-cultural enrichment, possibly even lifelong friendships. And then we hand over the reins to the new generation and everybody lives, happy ever after.

Except something has gone horribly wrong. Necessary, as-required, skilled immigration has become, in the minds of the politicos, synonymous with opening the doors to anybody regardless of their talents. And this new underclass, if not going straight into the black economy, is seized upon by mass employers of menial labour. We are still crying out for and need to look further afield for the talent but we are denying entry into base-level work for our own underclass, which we have put out to early grass, retired straight after ineffective schooling, ruminant remnants, grazing the welfare system for survival.

Fortress Europe - it's the only answer

Spin boys, spin. Tell ‘em the immigrants pay into the national pot, even if the tax credits they receive exceeds the tax they pay. Even if the combined VAT on all their outgoings is still below the cost of housing them, educating their children and keeping the NHS afloat. Spin and spin again that immigration is not only good, it is essential to support the lazy indigenous racists. And totally ignore the fact that those who actually do pay the bulk of the tax, those who actually do support the system are working longer hours into older age to support the broods of children born to those migrants, muslims to a man, who are here in the service of another calling altogether. Wake up, Europe. It’s time.