Showing posts with label Marx. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marx. Show all posts

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Taxing your brains out

You learn a lot of things on social media. On Monday Iain Dale tweeted, “Am I really alone in being an unashamed believer in lower, simpler, flatter taxes? Are there others out there?” and obligingly provided a link to his always thoughtful blog: Why the right needs to spread the gospel of low taxes.

Well, Iain, you’re most certainly not alone. What constantly escapes the grasping begging bowl mentality of the left is that under a flat rate the vast majority of the tax burden would still be borne by the higher earners. Add in the fact that personal allowances significantly reduce the tax paid at the lower end of the earnings scale and that higher earners rely less on the services provided by the state and the rich contribute far more than what I would consider a fair share. No wonder then that legal tax avoidance schemes are eagerly adopted. 

My response to Iain’s question was, “Everybody should pay the same, fixed rate of tax. 20% and no more and the country should live within its means.” (I’d go farther and say that we should aim eventually for an even lower rate of no more than 10% to starve governments out of their over-arching socialist ambitions and make them the servants, not the masters of the electorate.) 

This elicited a third party interjection: “So someone with taxable income of £10k pays £2k has 8k left. £1m pays £200k has 800k left.” Correct. (He must have had private education.) But then he added, “Even Thatcher saw that's wrong.” Did she? Did the sainted Mrs T really believe it was right that somebody who paid one hundred times the tax of another, should be taxed even more simply because they would end up with more than a lower earner? 

In other words, if you manage to earn a higher income by, say, working harder for longer, perhaps to feed your family or provide a better life for them or to save for retirement or fund decent education, or to pay for your elderly parents' care, or to maintain the crumbling pile you now wished you’d never shackled yourself to, you should be penalised by being robbed more robustly than somebody who was happy enough to slouch along in a part-time burger-flipping, clock-watching existence, with ambitions extending no further than happy hour, fags and the promise of casual sex? 

Would it be fair that, in return for your diligence at school, your considered career choice, your graft to attain professional qualifications and deferred gratification while you worked all hours climbing the greasy pole should be rewarded by finding, on the adjacent pole, others had reached the same giddy heights by doing none of these things? Because that’s what he seemed to be implying. (The pejorative "Thatcher" was always a clue.) That some inherit wealth is a happy accident of their birth - somehow those who succeed by their own efforts are not unduly exercised by this.

I responded that his was the politics of envy, to be told in return “...and your response is the politics of greed.” I countered, “It isn't politics. It's fairness. Those who can should not be robbed by those who can't.”. His last sally, “You can call it envy or theft if you want I still say redistribution (backed up by force) from wealthy to poor morally justified.” nailed his colours squarely to the mast. Enforced extraction of the fruits of your labours – the more you earn the higher you are taxed – as a moral issue. 

And there, in simple terms is Socialist economics. By extending that logic you get to the ludicrous 98% effective marginal rate for some under Harold Wilson’s government. We may as well do away with earnings altogether and just make everybody work for the state until they drop, while doling out equally to all – earner or not, striver or shirker, success or failure - the same thin gruel and hovel-poor housing. I believe that's exactly what Marx intended: "From each ... to each..." blah,blah, blah...

If that sounds like hyperbole then consider this: Just how do you decide when you've done enough redistributing? When does an Alan Sugar reach an acceptable wealth equilibrium and at what point of penance has he earned his place? Does it depend on his allegiance? Should we tax more highly those people who don’t give it up willingly? 20% for Labour voters 50% for Conservatives? Or 10% for social workers, 80% for bankers? Wilson’s taxes were largely responsible for the brain drain, whereby the more able simply quit our shores for regimes happy to pay for their expertise; or rather not to penalise their success. 

While we ship in more low-skilled, low-paid, low-tax payers and then pay for the idleness of the displaced former workers by higher taxes on some nebulous ‘the rich’ (which now begins at £35,000 p.a.) it’s happening all over again. In fact, judging by the lack of rioting, we may already have taxed out of domicile those sufficiently sentient to have worked it out. 

I summed it up with one last, exasperated tweet: “Socialism, as taught to me today. Don't bother working harder; we'll tax you so you're only left with the same as everybody else.” I think we’re already there. 

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Traitors' Gate

The burgers are made from horsemeat, the welfare bill is astronomical, the NHS costs more to to run than most world economies and some people are subsidised  by others to live in houses far larger than those others could ever afford. So-called 'Green' energy policies are worse than outright theft and their criminal inefficiency is paid for by everybody with an energy bill yet benefit only rich landowners and massive foreign conglomerates and the latest figures on longevity suggest they will not last out the decade while we have shale gas enough for hundreds of years right here, right now.

We can't deport foreign-born criminals and content ourselves with giving them houses and benefits for life instead. We are not allowed to speak the truth about immigration, crime, cultural ghettoes, invasive Islam or black-on-white hate crime because to do so makes us the criminal. And while we are powerless against the invasion of organised Roma people-trafficking gangs our judiciary will jail an English somebody at the drop of a hat for using a profanity in a built-up area.

Our children are illiterate, our roads are a mess and as the life and aspirations are slowly squeezed from the wheezing, skeletal, walking corpses of those who remain to work and pay taxes to be plundered to fund yet more state lunacy, Ed Miliband deploys his one and only tactical political weapon; the call for yet another public inquiry... into every thing, every day.

Well Ed, I already held the inquiry. And it turns out the blaming finger of fudge is pointing firmly in your direction. You and Balls and Brown and Blair and Wilson and Scargill and Rompuy and Barroso and Marx and Stalin and the shitty Sovietisation of a country that once had the world at its feet. Your brand of toxic socialism has robbed the United Kingdom of dignity and self-belief. You sold our gold, you hobbled our national character and you gave away all that was worthy, leaving us with a cringing population of infantile, politically correct, state-dependent weaklings.

In every corner of public life you have willing dupes, useful idiots and cheerleaders for destructive diversity who will sell their integrity for a footnote in the history of a regime which so despises humanity and individuality that it seeks to make mere objects of us all. Once total control of the population is in the hands of the state, all the things you deride as 'right wing' will come to pass. Eugenics, genocide, torture, incarceration without trial, thought-crime, war, famine, disease and slavery will be seen as normal tools of government, because these are the only ways left when you are in open war with the sheeple.

And even after all that, there could still be a small vestige of forgiveness if you could genuinely claim that you'd done it in honest ignorance of the consequences, in search of a better future for all. If you had the balls to stand up and admit you were wrong, say you are truly sorry and beg for a chance to atone. But you can't really do that, can you? Because every little nail in our national coffin has been lovingly hammered home in a deliberate policy to deliver us, trussed for slaughter, to the nation-devouring abbatoir of the world socialist republic that owns your craven, treacherous soul.

Doesn't matter how often you say it...

So, when you're banging on with your distracting, rabble-rousing chatter about the fictitious 'bedroom tax', when you're basking in the Commons belly-laughs at your plagiarised punchlines during PMQs and when you go home to your comfortable home, paid for by your ungrateful treasons against the country that sheltered your Marxist ancestors, think long and hard about how you will escape vengeance. I hope your dreams are nightly disturbed by the possibility that one day you and the rest will be brought to the Tower through Traitor's Gate, to have your severed heads exhibited to the free and independent people of a New United Kingdom.

Oh, that feels better. Have a nice day.