My, wasn’t Papa Jeremy angry yesterday? It is all the
fault of those evil Tories but, mark my words, The Dear Leader has all the
answers. And he knows how to deliver them, properly punctuated by table
thumping, pointing and clearly enunciating how Labour will reverse the cruel
austerity of the last hundred years of Tory rule. Yes, comrades, the facts are
with us.
During Tory austerity over a billion people have died,
the world has heated up so far that giant lizards stalk the land and plague and
pestilence are only kept at bay by the last few remaining front-line nurses of
the NHS, who are bravely resisting all the filthy capitalist money being thrown
at them by the Thatchers in greater quantities than ever before, diluting its
polluting influence by siphoning it off to management.
What we need, my dear fellow revolutionaries, is to use
the enemy’s tactics against the enemy itself. Stamping on babies’ heads,
literally taking food from the mouths of the homeless and labelling people from
other lands as foreigners is hideous Toryism, but we must not shrink from the
fray. Our people – the most disadvantaged in society – must be protected from the
horrors of capitalism and until everybody is equal we will not rest.
See that fat cat employer on 85,000 ugly capitalist
pounds a year? That bastard who had the gall to re-mortgage his home to start a
business and employ people on LESS THAN HE EARNS? We will tax him until he begs
for mercy. See that ugly, towering tall person, the one with the temerity to
look down on shorter people? We will cut him down to size. See that disgusting,
obese, indolent, slobbering... oh, wait, that’s one of ours; as you were.
Those inventors? They didn’t invent that; we did. That
captain of industry? He didn’t turn around that ailing business; we did. Rooney?
Those goals were scored by us, the proletariat, society. The Thatchers say
there is no such thing as society – or at least we keep telling you that they
say that – but we know that society is ALL we have. And we must each give our
all to society so that we can work together to defeat the monstrous influence
of capitalism which has flooded the world with wealth and brought ruin to all
who acquire it.
Turn away from the gold, brothers and sisters, eschew the
trappings of success and instead revel in our enlightening equality. Under the
glorious new socialist project led by the People’s Revolutionary Action
Task-force for Society (P.R.A.T.S) – a whole bunch of them – we will educate
and mould all individuals until they blend indistinguishably from one another
into one unified, obedient mass.
Glorious Socialism!
We are not afraid of the challenge ahead – we will use
all means necessary to bring about harmonious conformity. There will be no
dissent, no upraised voices; enemies of the state will be dealt with swiftly
and finally. This time, socialism will work... if it is the last thing you do.
What’s that? Well, of course the leader is different; he genuinely is more
equal than the rest of us. Now, shut up and sing The Red Flag.