You don’t hear much from the Nazi Party these days, do you? And the use of their symbology is a criminal matter in Germany. But once they were the dominant force in German politics. In fact Nazism was embraced early by students with the support of their tutors and in 1926, seven years before Hitler’s election, the ‘National Socialist German Students’ Union was formed. And we all know how that went on to play out.
Today, we hear commentators talk about the rise of the
far right and invoke visions of a new Kristallnacht as the neo-Nazis try to impose
their will on the unbelievers. But, as everybody knows, the ‘far right’, as
invoked regularly by leftists is a wraith, a virtual fiction these days, the
label really being appropriated to condemn the least desirable in society, not as
it did in 1930s Germany describe captains of industry, the patriotic working
man and, community leaders.
Today, of course, the term ‘community leaders’ attaches
to only one ‘community’, united in a common cause and hell-bent on domination. Assisted
by the useful idiots of the left (it’s always the left, isn’t it?) the current
mob-rule is driven by one thing; islam. Do you see any other group acting as a
mob, wearing a clearly identifiable uniform, waving flags and symbols and
aggressively demanding the extermination of any particular culture?
In a bid to make islam mainstream one Dr Taj Hargey of
the Oxford Institute for British islam said that there had been an awakening
among British muslims that just as not all Germans were Nazis, not all Jews are
Zionists. But Zionism isn’t a crime, far from it, and a recent survey found
that around 80% of British Jews consider themselves to be Zionists. That is,
they believe in Israel as a home for all Jews who wish to make it so.
But in any case, just as ‘the far right’ is not rioting
and smashing up businesses – we leave all of that to Black Lives Matter and
their friends – there is precious little evidence for Zionsists doing the same.
Yet all around the world a pervasive, creeping political force, founded on
mythology and superstition seeks to promote a superior race and culture, even
though its practice of cousin-marriage hilariously does the very opposite.
The supposed ‘Green’ councillor elected in Gipton and
Harehills in Leeds let the mask slip when he yelled out “allah’s snackbar!” on his
victory and began gabbling on about Gaza. And, yes, there he was in the full regimental
regalia of the soldiers of allah, pyjamas and all. Let’s see: uniform, symbols,
a fanatical devotion to a whole lot of made-up stuff… Jew hatred. It’s all
there; the new Nazis are in full view and about to goosestep down your streets.
Hopefully, they have played their hand a little too soon, and equally hopefully, people are beginning to wake up. Just as with the first Nazis their insurgence began small and grew as hatred was spread against ‘the other’. But here, today, they are the other and the are visibly not a part of this country’s heritage or traditions. Our tradition has been our tolerance, but surely that must be at breaking point now. Just as it is illegal in Germany to be a Nazi, one day, we can hope, it will be illegal here to be a muslim.