There never was a star to represent each country in the European Union, but both Brexiteers and Remainers like to pretend that the UK had its own. And depending on which side of the argument you stood it either represented freedom, the reclaiming of our own national stardom, or it served as a token of our membership of a club of friends. Forget about the star; the star is not going to save you.
Clinging to an idea is not the same as making that idea
come to fruition. Having a vision, no matter how grand, how aspirational, how
very admirable, is not the same as realising that vision. The world as we knew
it is pretty much fucked and there is no going back. No amount of petty pontificating
is going to get us out of the harm we have inflicted upon ourselves. Not as a
result of Brexit, but as a result of weak politicians leading pampered
electorates. Now that the heat is on, it turns out that very few can stand to be
in the kitchen.
We used to be an industrial powerhouse. To a great extent
Germany still is. But no, successive governments decided that we should abandon
that which had allowed us to bestride the word as an industrial Colossus and instead become
a ‘service economy’. How did we allow ourselves to agree that we could build
wealth and future happiness on diversity and the hospitality industry? Oh, and
greedy bankers, money launderers and City crooks.
Now, because of the Green agenda, we can’t even
contemplate a return to manufacturing, reduced instead to offshoring our
emissions by buying everything from overseas in a dismal attempt to claim
net-zero credentials. Our high streets are awash with money transfer shops,
bookies, fried chicken outlets and modern pawn brokers. We are broke, busted,
brassic… screwed.
Boris Johnson and others like to talk about the
thousands, nay millions of jobs in the Green economy, but where are they? Not
in manufacturing, the bit that brings in the big bucks, but where? Designing
and commissioning green energy systems requires talents we hold in only scarce quantities,
having sent generations of school leavers to study how to be offended by
everything. And installing such systems requires aptitudes and abilities we
squandered by telling kids they were above such menial labour.
So we have to import our intellectuals from Eastern Europe
and our grunts from anywhere where the minimum wage is three shekels a day.
There is no grand vision to do otherwise, no plan to recover our national
dignity. Instead we will simply allow the overthrowing of all that this country
once stood for, and for what? So that we can pontificate from the World Cup
sidelines about our record on LGBT rights? So that we can stand proud of our
bi-monthly Black History Months? So that we can recite, over and over again, the mantra that diversity
built Britain until people actually come to believe it?
I might once have said ‘not on my watch’, but it was never up to me. Governments have failed us. Our judiciary has failed us. Education produces so little of realisable value that we may as well just offer degrees in finger painting. Our infrastructure is crumbling, our services shot to hell and our borders flung wide open. We have already welcomed in the Barbarians, we may as well just do as they tell us.