Few, if any of the clamorous children baying for the
symbolic execution of statuary deemed offensive to modern woke sensibilities
would have any knowledge of the classic children’s toy. Since its inception in
1960 Etch-a-Sketch has provided countless hours of equal joy and frustration
for generations of kids, long before the iPad was ever conceived. Primitive, clumsy,
pedestrian, clunky, agricultural almost, it was nevertheless a boon to parents
who could leave their charges alone for hours as, tongues out in concentration,
they would twiddle their knobs to produce masterpieces of ephemera.
Fleeting because all that was required to destroy forever
the work of many creative hours was to turn it upside down and shake. All gone
as if it had never existed. Even a dismantled jigsaw still has the ability to
be recreated but with the Etch-a-Sketch all that is left is a memory, and
memories fade. Move on, nothing to see here. And eventually the device is related
to the attic. children grow up and even the memory of the machine itself fades
to nothing.
Following the removal of the statues of Colston and Milligan
we hear that another icon, this time of far greater renown is to be erased from
history. Lieutenant General, Lord Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell is a
symbol of Britishness akin only to Kipling and Churchill and like those stalwarts
had views on Nazism, fascism, communism, empire and many other things. His
grave in Kenya is a national monument. Of what is he accused? I would suggest
of being that symbol.
Black Lives Matter and its anarchist, communist, fascist
agitators hate that a white man could have influence of any kind. And given
that BP isn’t around to be forced to his knees, his image must be obliterated.
Chaos is the only cause here and no symbol of whiteness must be allowed to
stand. Because the truth is there is no underlying logic here, there is only
hatred. Go back far enough, dig deep enough and you will find unsavoury
episodes in every life. Where does it all end?
Allowing the BLM movement to pursue their anti-white
vendetta to its end, will the madness only stop when everything created by
white people has been destroyed? But that wouldn’t be the end, would it? In
some theses, next it will be the white races themselves and when they have gone
the genocides will continue, hue by hue, until only one statutorily defined
shade of blackness has been agreed. In some form or other these identity issues
will never go away.
Be prepared
But even if they tore down everything created by white
people today, it would only herald a new age of white inventiveness, white enterprise
and yes, white achievement. We would rebuild and reclaim what was once had and
certain people who took no part in the rebuilding would wait their sullen turn
until they could once again turn all of white history upside down and give it a
good shake.