Showing posts with label Criticising islam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Criticising islam. Show all posts

Saturday, 13 August 2022

A Rush of Blood

Naturally there is outrage over the attempted murder of Salman Rushdie. Leaders throughout the west have come out in utter condemnation of islam and its adherents and untold £billions have now been committed to investigate and eradicate its pernicious effects on the modern world. Politicians have lined up to openly challenge the muslim infiltration of the west with vows to seek out and remove all those who kill, injure, rape or promote hatred in the name of allah.

Obviously, the opening paragraph is a just as much a pack of lies as is islam itself. Instead, guarded comments about extremism and radicalism have been carefully drafted and delivered so as to cause the minimum offence. The supposed ‘peaceful majority’ of muslims have remained obstinately silent because they belong to a cult whose creed is submission, total and unquestioning.

In fact, many voices have been heard to say we mustn’t jump to conclusions, we mustn’t encourage anti-muslim sentiment and we must condemn all who seek to take vengeful matters into their own hands. The arresting police in the USA have even stated that there is no known motive behind the attack. No motive, you cowardly lickspittles, no motive? The unredeemed fatwah, whose bounty for Rushdie’s death was even increased relatively recently. No motive for the attempt which has been openly praised by Iran’s state media? No motive for an action widely celebrated across the muslim sectors of social media?

And what do you make of this spokesman for islam in Britain telling muslims to stay quite because any comment, any media appearance would be a trap? The trap of course is that if you rejoice then you are admitting that islam is a barbaric and backward death-cult, but if you condemn it, you will in turn be fatwah’d by the same barbaric and backward death-cult. Well, excuse us if we take your call for silence as a silent approval.


 As always, our government will await the advice of the muslim council, or brotherhood, or whatever authority they kneel to, before making any kind of a move. They will consult muslim clerics to learn what help and support they require in this, their hour of need. But of one thing you can be absolutely certain, the victim here will turn out to be the islamic community, forever beset by the evils of ‘islamophobia’.

Haven’t we heard enough, had enough, of all this? The religion will not reform; islamic scholars imported from Pakistan will ensure it. Entire communities will continue to be segregated from the population they feed off, their female children unschooled, their wives ignorant of the English language for fear they may hear an alternative doctrine. All we hear about these days are human rights, but within the religion of submission there are no rights except what their perfect model, the child-raping mohammed, decreed.

They even tell us, repeatedly, that they will prevail and that British women, western women, will submit to the veil, that they will rape the infidel women to create bastard muslims, that soon their number will be legion. We hear this, we see it, but by all accounts our governments do not. Is it because they fear the wrath of khan and his cohorts, or is it that they genuinely believe the muslim propaganda that opposing them is worse than the holocaust? Or is it something else altogether?

If the Twin Towers wasn’t enough to open their eyes and the London Bridge attacks and the Lee Rigby killing, and the thousands upon thousands of young girls raped and murdered by Pakistani gangs, and the open aggression visited upon white people in muslim-only zones of former great cities… what chance is there that the attempted murder of a celebrated, knighted author will make any difference? We have to give up any pretence that the government of the UK cares one jot for its rightful citizens.

(*Note for the uninitiated: As I do not believe islam to be a valid entity, I have refused to capitalise islamic terms because only proper nouns need to be capitalised. It is a small protest, but 'tis mine own)

Thursday, 9 August 2018

The God Squad

Voltaire is credited with saying that if god did not exist it would be necessary to invent him. He meant, of course that belief in a supernatural, omnipotent, supra-human entity was essential to a civilised society. In those less ordered times the apparent existence of such a divine and retributive power was an important weapon in the armoury of rulers, who could invoke the ultimate destiny of your soul as a means to control the wayward masses.

Nowadays we have other sticks to do all that. We have police and social media to keep you on the straight and narrow. We have sanctions such as Twitter bans and no-platforming and – worse – withdrawal of freedom of speech. God no longer sees into your heart; twenty-four-seven surveillance does that and woe betide the transgressors for they shall forfeit their internet privileges and be cast unto oblivion lest they spreadest unapproved thought.

Nietzsche told us, long ago, that god is dead, but the bugger won’t stay buried. He keeps popping up here and there (and much to the annoyance of the feminazis, god is almost universally a ‘he’) but these days he’s a much diminished deity. Battsby’s Jehovah Law states that the more devout your belief in a god, the less to be valued is your opinion on other matters. The corollary to that is that men of god are either simple fools with toothless agendas, or else cynical charlatans with evil intent.

Take the Pope – no, really – the papacy wields great power and controls great wealth and has access to texts denied the rest of humanity. The Pope is either an incredibly well-informed leader of millions, in which case he can’t possibly believe in god, or he is a simple dupe of others who pull his strings. I imagine the scene in the movie where, having been chosen to place his arse on the chair of St Peter, the new bishop of Rome is ushered into a star chamber where the true secrets of Catholicism are revealed.

Thereafter he must make a choice to continue the charade or else give up the top job. None have yet been equal to the tricky (and possibly fatal) task of honesty, from which I conclude that exactly like former Eurosceptic politicians who undergo Damascene conversions on attaining high office – Blair and Hague to list but two of many – Popes decide to swallow the blue pill and continue in a state of blissful compliance.

That propensity alone – the willingness to abandon rational enquiry – is worthy of ridicule. To imagine that a god who created all life can somehow be arsed to decree what you must wear is surely fertile ground for mockery. Dave Allen’s entire career was built on mocking religion, especially Roman Catholicism. He wasn’t struck down because, on the whole, Christians are a cheek-turning bunch. But can you imagine the fate of a modern counterpart turning his gaze on islam?

For three days the only news has been people repeating, over and over again the words which Boris merely wrote. As the clamour for him to be punished rise in pitch and increase in frenzy, we should remind ourselves on something else often (if erroneously) attributed to Voltaire: To discover who rules over you, simply find out who (or what) you are not allowed to criticise.