The curious case of Charlie Gard is evoking Aylan Kurdi
levels of public sympathy and outpourings of resentment against the naysayers. But
the chances of him gaining any relief from further treatment, or even being
aware of any such relief are vanishingly small. Medical opinion this side of
the pond seems to suggest it would only prolong its suffering. People may say
I’m heartless, but in my defence it’s true, I am heartless, or at least
dispassionate about things I have no emotional investment in.
On the other hand, when it comes to medical science I’m
all heart and kidneys and various other organs and I plan to donate what’s left
of me at the end for medical experiments, so maybe those who wish to ship Charlie
over to the USA are altruistically thinking of the possible future benefits for
others? All the same it looks equally harsh, to me, that you should think it’s
okay to donate this child for medical experiments. Ethics and morals; what’s to
And here is the problem for humanity; too much humanity
and too little to occupy them so they flock to volunteer support for all sort
of meddlesome causes, just as soon as they have consulted the oracle to check
what their reaction should be. The case of Charlie Gard is perfect; people can express
moral outrage that nobody is allowing this kid to be poked and probed and possibly
tortured because, well because he’s a baby; it’s his human right to be
experimented on!
They can express indignation and rage against the hateful
authorities without knowing a single meaningful thing about the realities. But
it also gives others the opportunity to look magnanimous and further their own
aims. At the end of the day it has sod-all to do with me. Except for this annoying
thread which I feel I have to tug on; non-jobs.
Making things, whether on a production line for mass
consumption at rock bottom prices, or bespoke pieces for people with more money
than taste; that’s a proper job. Passing on skills and knowledge to future
practitioners in all fields; that’s a proper job. Reporting the facts of the
latest scandal, invention, peace treaty or otherwise; that’s a proper job.
Weighing up the evidence, reaching a verdict and sending the bad guys to jail; even
that’s a proper job. They all have one thing in common, which is they can be
justified, however poor we get.
But from whence sprung diversity coordinators, image consultants,
opinion pollsters and the whole plethora of people without whose work the sum
total of satisfaction with the world would be likely to increase a
hundred-fold? The work which the devil has seen fit to gift these idle hands
appears to do nothing but provoke division and unrest. Why should the meddlers
make a living – sometimes handsome ones – from peddling discontent?
And why, when we have real concerns over prosperity,
health, law and order and many other things do we even listen to the opinions –
for this is all they are - of people whose self-created role is to find things
to be dissatisfied with? If Charlie could speak, if Charlie had an inkling of
the moralising and agonising over the minutiae over his case he might advise: physician, heal thyself.