Nobody knows what tomorrow will bring. This is as true
for the length of time it will take you to drive in to work as it is for how
you will fare in the National Lottery. If people knew which horse would win the
race, or which shares would double in value next week then acting on that
knowledge would almost certainly change the outcome; the odds on a certainty
are no odds worth betting on. So it is disappointing but not unexpected that
bitter remainers are still asking in that irritating, high-pitched whine “Well,what does Brexit look like?”
Maybe it is all deflection because, having said that
Brexiteers would be cutting off their collective nose to spite their face and having
threatened the direst of consequences, many economic forecasters – for which,
read mountebank – have altered their
outlooks in a more positive direction. Damn and blast, say the pro-EU brigade,
we hoped that voting to leave would bring the country down and it hasn’t; we
must now do our utmost to cause the collapse of the British economy or else we’ll
look like idiots. I know, we’ll insist on knowing “What does Brexit look like?
Eh? EH?”
I do love the way they scrunch up their little faces and
stamp their feet and demand to know the unknowable future that, of course,
nobody knows. Not the doomsayers, not the gleeful Union Flag-wavers, not the
bookies and certainly not one single economist of any persuasion. But hey, if you
want to feel good about your pain, my weepy little EU-philes, have a look at
the Great Wall of Calais; that’s what it looks like. Happy now? Does that satisfy
your absolute certainty that we are all racist, xenophobic, insular,
inward-looking, nasty, Nazi, Little Englanders? Good.
Now the bad news? Something like this would have to have
been erected, regardless. It has nothing to do with Brexit no matter how much
you want it to. The only other option – the one that I guarantee a majority of
British people would consent to in a heartbeat – is military action, up to and
including fatal shooting. Why? Because Calais is a tiny fraction of what Merkel’smuslim invasion has in store. No wall will be big enough to contain the
astoundingly ill-considered plan for the EU. Trust me, you will be glad of the
English Channel when the time comes.
Calm down. While there is still a Europe to trade with we
will trade. As for the incessant background drone about ‘trade deals’, such
devices are merely ways for governments to interfere with commerce, which rarely improves matters. And
when it comes to the dire predictions of idiots like this as to how long these imaginarily necessary
deals will take it is irrelevant; trade will take place whether or not
governments have haggled over their cut. All of which argument ignores the
unassailable truth that the vote to leave was emotive, not pragmatic and no
amount of economic horror fantasy will change that. Leave it; move on.
Illegal immigration - no dice!
And back to this 'terrible wall', as if building walls to
keep people out was anything new. The ‘great wall’ is just another obstacle for
migrants to climb as they roll the dice and make their way up the chequer board
of civilisation. Britain is the winning square; the top of the game. Except
what may now await them at Calais is the head of an enormous snake that slides
them all the way back to Africa. It’s about time we started to win again.