Hooray for Laszlo Toroczkai, the mayor of Ásotthalom in
Hungary, who has declared his village a muslim-free zone. Naturally, the usual
suspects are howling in derision and pointing out that there are only two
muslim residents there anyway, who are long-standing and integrated into the
community. Well, to them I say, surely this move is the best possible way of
avoiding the strife that muslims inevitably bring wherever they settle...
including their own native countries. Keep them out, then you don’t have to
deport them later.
Deterrence is surely a far kinder and more effective way
than submitting to invasion and later having to confront ‘the muslim problem’.
If Jeremy Corbyn understood this he wouldn’t have made such a tit of himself
over renewing Trident. The Corbynist side of, well, everything is calling the
mayor’s move an attempt to create a white supremacist enclave, whereas the
mayor states, reasonably enough, that they like things as they are. So what if
Nick Griffin is hovering on the sidelines? If he wants to move there, the village
can vet his suitability just as they should be able to do with any other
Small communities may be our only chance of fighting
back; our cities are already infested. And I do mean infested. There are few
countries with significant muslim populations who do not have
disproportionately even more significant social problems. Chicken or egg; do
the concentrations of muslims cause squalor, or are they merely attracted to it?
Either way, show me one and I’ll show you the other. But what about rich
muslims, you ask? Oh yes, you know the ones, the ones who don’t act like
You have to apply a certain homespun logic here and look
at the development of islamic communities in the west. It starts with economic
migration; nothing wrong with that. But then there is a period of quiet
expansion, objections to which are shut down as xenophobic. Exceptions are
made, minority status exploited and then as muslims are elected to positions of
authority and exercise privilege in their favour, the braying idiots of the
left applaud their enterprise and encourage it in the name of diversity.
Mosques are built, white flight ensues, ghettoization follows and then we see
the muscle-flexing.
Calls to prayer, mass gatherings, stopping the traffic, demonstration
calling to establish a caliphate, outright defiance of the law and then unopposed
open threats to the established people that sharia will prevail. The idea that ‘islamophobia’
is hostility towards muslims is a particularly insidious form of political correctness;
islamophobia is what it says it is, a genuine fear of the rise of islam and
what it brings. And still the so-called ‘moderate’ muslims remain silent, like
concentration camp guards who are following their orders and doing their job.
The religion of peace? Still believe that?
Where we are now is at an uneasy stand-off, but it will only last
for so long. Sooner or later one side or the other will have to act decisively and given
that only one side has the balls, the motivation, the command from on high and
the rapidly growing numbers there is a certain creeping inevitability about it all. So,
condemn a village because it wants to stay the way it is? Call a man a racist
because he wants to avoid racial and cultural conflict? It’s time to decide
which side you are on; it really is.