It is both hilarious and entirely predictable to see the
reactions to Lee Anderson’s thoughts on the death penalty and the
publication of the Shawcross review of Prevent. “Bringing back the death
penalty is barbaric. It makes us no better than animals!” Really? Animals like
the islamists you defend, who would introduce summary execution at a stroke for
the mere possession of alternative beliefs? Watching the left eat itself
has lost none of its cold war fascination.
At every turn democracy must be vocally supported, yet vigorously
resisted. Give the people a vote, they cry! Yes, but don’t, whatever you do,
act on what the people vote for. Brexit put paid to the chance of any more
direct democracy; the people voted wrong, just as they will on justice, energy,
education, national security… And talking of national security, have you
noticed how armed forces recruitment advertisements in the past decade have
focused less and less on force than feelings?
The war on democracy shows no sign of receding, with
fronts being fought everywhere you look. The race, gender and migration shock
troops continue to push their advantage with officials everywhere afraid to utter
a peep in defence or defiance. And thus, with the few exceptions of Anderson,
Shawcross and the like, the resistance falls to the commentariat… except that
much of the commentariat has the same brain-dead knee-jerk response as the wets
of Westminster.
Shawcross could have gone much further, but already he is
being condemned by such outfits as the muslim Council. (muslim deliberately
left without a capital because I long ago deemed it not to be a proper noun.) Notwithstanding
the stupidity of Blair and Bush’s offensive in the Oil Lands (how pointless
does that seem now?) islam has no place in modernity. Christianity and Judaism,
in my opinion, are superstitions with far too much sway over their dwindling
adherents, but at least they are not on the streets demanding slaughter at the drop
of a mo-ham-head cartoon.
I suppose, on the one hand, a lot of the ragheaded terror
tribe do perform their own executions – close-coupled crime and punishment at
the flick of a trigger switch - so a form of justice is seen to be done. But,
as Shawcross has made clear they don’t act alone and they are encouraged rather
than challenged by the wider umma. No, there is no way to dress it up, islam
belongs in the desert, a thousand years ago. Let’s help it find its way home.
And now we’re on the subject of repatriation, why not
find a way back for the other ills and ideologies that assail us? Communism,
for instance, should be encouraged to exist in actual communes and not impose
itself on wider societies which reject their principles. Perhaps former gulags
could be set aside for them, then Ash Sarkar and Owen Jones and all the other
braying donkeys could exercise their rights to make twats of themselves in
front of their fawning fans.
Shola Mugabe Umbongo might be persuaded to take her Black
Lives Matter More Than Your Lives crusade back to Nigeria. And others who come
here then demand that ‘here’ be made in the image of ‘there’ could be firmly
but fairly be convinced, at bayonet point if necessary, that Britain will never
live up their ideal of black supremacy and should therefore be abandoned to its
pale, white fate.
Then we have the climate lunatics, the gender fantasists, David Icke fans and followers of wild and stupid conspiracy theories around the shape of the planet, the shadowy forces which pull the levers, believers in Tarot and crystals, and homeopathy, and Nostradamus. We could perhaps round up the millions of such biddable dolts and persuade them there is a place where they can live free of persecution. Back on their home planet, perhaps.
Then, when we have rid ourselves of these febrile,
infantile activists we may finally be in a position to rebuild this country in
our own image. How does that sound?