Tuesday, 10 October 2006

The Discovery of the Blackbody Form and Anisotropy of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Nobel Prize in Physics for 2006 jointly to

John C. Mather
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA,

George F. Smoot
University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA

"for their discovery of the blackbody form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation".


Pictures of a newborn Universe

This year the Physics Prize is awarded for work that looks back into the infancy of the Universe and attempts to gain some understanding of the origin of galaxies and stars. It is based on measurements made with the help of the COBE satellite launched by NASA in 1989.

The COBE results provided increased support for the Big Bang scenario for the origin of the Universe, as this is the only scenario that predicts the kind of cosmic microwave background radiation measured by COBE. These measurements also marked the inception of cosmology as a precise science. It was not long before it was followed up, for instance by the WMAP satellite, which yielded even clearer images of the background radiation. Very soon the European Planck satellite will be launched in order to study the radiation in even greater detail.

According to the Big Bang scenario, the cosmic microwave background radiation is a relic of the earliest phase of the Universe. Immediately after the big bang itself, the Universe can be compared to a glowing "body emitting radiation in which the distribution across different wavelengths depends solely on its temperature. The shape of the spectrum of this kind of radiation has a special form known as blackbody radiation. When it was emitted the temperature of the Universe was almost 3,000 degrees Centigrade. Since then, according to the Big Bang scenario, the radiation has gradually cooled as the Universe has expanded. The background radiation we can measure today corresponds to a temperature that is barely 2.7 degrees above absolute zero. The Laureates were able to calculate this temperature thanks to the blackbody spectrum revealed by the COBE measurements.

COBE also had the task of seeking small variations of temperature in different directions (which is what the term 'anisotropy' refers to). Extremely small differences of this kind in the temperature of the cosmic background radiation – in the range of a hundred-thousandth of a degree – offer an important clue to how the galaxies came into being. The variations in temperature show us how the matter in the Universe began to "aggregate". This was necessary if the galaxies, stars and ultimately life like us were to be able to develop. Without this mechanism matter would have taken a completely different form, spread evenly throughout the Universe.

COBE was launched using its own rocket on 18 November 1989. The first results were received after nine minutes of observations: COBE had registered a perfect blackbody spectrum. When the curve was later shown at an astronomy conference the results received a standing ovation. 

The success of COBE was the outcome of prodigious team work involving more than 1,000 researchers, engineers and other participants. John Mather coordinated the entire process and also had primary responsibility for the experiment that revealed the blackbody form of the microwave background radiation measured by COBE. George Smoot had main responsibility for measuring the small variations in the temperature of the radiation.

Read more about this year's prize 
Information for the Public (pdf)
Scientific Background (pdf)
To read the text you need Acrobat Reader.
Links and Further Reading

John C. Mather, born 1946 (60), (US citizen). PhD in Physics in 1974 from the University of California at Berkeley, CA, USA. Senior Astrophysicist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA. 

George F. Smoot, born 1945 (61) in Yukon, FL, USA, (US citizen). PhD in Physics in 1970 from MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA. Professor of Physics at the University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA.

Prize amount:
SEK 10 million to be shared equally between the Laureates

Contact persons:

Malin Lindgren, Information Officer, Phone +46 8 673 95 22, +46 709 88 60 04, malin@kva.se
Ulrika Björkstén, Scientific Editor, Phone +46 8 673 95 00, +46 702 06 67 50, ulrika.bjorksten@kva.se

Monday, 18 September 2006

Olimpiade Astronomi

Olimpiade Astronomi.

Alhamdulilah saya mengikuti seleksi peserta olimpiade astronomi tingkat sekolah, dan saya berusaha belajar banyak mengenai ilmu yang sangat menyenagkan ini.

Saya berusaha mempelajarinya dengan seksama bersama teman-teman sekelas saya.

Sejarah Singkat

Pada bagian awal sejarahnya, astronomi memerlukan hanya pengamatan dan ramalan gerakan benda di langit yang bisa dilihat dengan mata telanjang. Rigveda menunjuk kepada ke-27 rasi bintang yang dihubungkan dengan gerakan matahari dan juga ke-12 Zodiak pembagian langit. Yunani kuno membuatkan sumbangan penting sampai astronomi, di antara mereka definisi dari sistem magnitudo.

Alkitab berisi sejumlah pernyataan atas posisi tanah di alam semesta dan sifat bintang dan planet, kebanyakan di antaranya puitis daripada harfiah; melihat Kosmologi Biblikal. Pada tahun 500 M, Aryabhata memberikan sistem matematis yang mengambil tanah untuk berputar atas porosnya dan mempertimbangkan gerakan planet dengan rasa hormat ke matahari.

Penelitian astronomi hampir berhenti selama abad pertengahan, kecuali penelitian astronom Arab. Pada akhir abad ke-9 astronom Muslim al-Farghani (Abu'l-Abbas Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Kathir al-Farghani) menulis secara ekstensif tentang gerakan benda langit.

Karyanya diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Latin di abad ke-12. Pada akhir abad ke-10, observatorium yang sangat besar dibangun di dekat Teheran, Iran, oleh astronom al-Khujandi yang mengamati rentetan transit garis bujur Matahari, yang membolehkannya untuk menghitung sudut miring dari gerhana.

Di Parsi, Umar Khayyām (Ghiyath al-Din Abu'l-Fath Umar ibn Ibrahim al-Nisaburi al-Khayyami) menyusun banyak tabel astronomis dan melakukan reformasi kalender yang lebih tepat daripada Kalender Julian dan mirip dengan Kalender Gregorian.

Selama Renaisans Copernicus mengusulkan model heliosentris dari Tata Surya. Kerjanya dipertahankan, dikembangkan, dan diperbaiki oleh Galileo Galilei dan Johannes Kepler. Kepler adalah yang pertama untuk memikirkan sistem yang menggambarkan dengan benar detail gerakan planet dengan Matahari di pusat. Tetapi, Kepler tidak mengerti sebab di belakang hukum yang ia tulis. Hal itu kemudian diwariskan kepada Isaac Newton yang akhirnya dengan penemuan dinamika langit dan hukum gravitasinya dapat menerangkan gerakan planet.

Bintang adalah benda yang sangat jauh. Dengan munculnya spektroskop terbukti bahwa mereka mirip matahari kita sendiri, tetapi dengan berbagai temperatur, massa dan ukuran. Keberadaan galaksi kita, Bima Sakti, dan beberapa kelompok bintang terpisah hanya terbukti pada abad ke-20, serta keberadaan galaksi "eksternal", dan segera sesudahnya, perluasan Jagad Raya dilihat di resesi kebanyakan galaksi dari kita.

Kosmologi membuat kemajuan sangat besar selama abad ke-20, dengan model Ledakan Dahsyat yang didukung oleh pengamatan astronomi dan eksperimen fisika, seperti radiasi kosmik gelombang mikro latar belakang, Hukum Hubble dan Elemen Kosmologikal. Untuk sejarah astronomi yang lebih terperinci, lihat sejarah astronomi.

Semoga Bermanfaat

Monday, 21 August 2006

Fisika SMA

Pengalaman Belajar Fisika di SMAN BI 1 Banjar

Ada Apa Dengan Fisika?


In the paper airplane activity students select and build one of five different paper airplane designs and test them for distance and for time aloft. Part of this activity is designed to explore NASA developed software, FoilSim, with respect to the lift of an airfoil and the surface area of a wing.


Technology Needed

  • Internet Access
  • Graphing Calculator (optional)

Time Required

  • 2-3 class periods

Classroom Organization

  • Students should work in groups of 3 or 4.


  1. Give students a sheet of unlined paper and instructions for construction of a paper airplane (See download above).

  2. Students should give their plane a name using the aviation alphabet. (Example N 831 FE represents November 831 Foxtrot Echo. Identification numbers and letters must not exceed 7; and the identification must begin with N, which stands for the United States.)

  3. Students should determine the area of the wings of their planes. If students are able, have them unfold their planes and lay out basic geometric shapes to fill the wing area. Then have them calculate the total area from the sum of the areas of the shapes. (See example. Use "back arrow" to return here.)

    If students are not able to calculate geometric areas, they could make a duplicate plane, cut off the wings, and lay the wings onto measured grids or pieces of graph paper and count the total squares covered, estimating partial squares.

    A variation of this technique that eliminates a duplicate plane and cutting wings is to draw or trace a grid on a blank transparency with a sharpie marker and then hold the clear grid over the wings to count squares covered.

  4. Have students fly their planes in the gym or hallway or other large indoors area (to eliminate wind effects) five times, each time trying for maximum distance. Stress trying to duplicate the same launch angle and speed. Now do another five trials, this time trying for maximum time aloft. Students should record their distances and times and average the three longest distances and the three longest times.

  5. Have students put their data onto a graph for the class, one graph of time aloft vs. wing area and the other of distance vs. wing area.

  6. Discuss the results from the graphs as a class, and then ask for predictions as to what would happen if the wings were made smaller.

  7. Have the students draw a line two centimeters from and parallel to the trailing edges of their wings, and then cut that 2 cm portion off the wings (Shown in red).
    Picture of paper airplane with

    tail section removed.
    The cut off part should be tucked on the inside of the plane when it is refolded in order to keep mass constant. You might ask the class to provide an explanation for doing this.

  8. Repeat steps three through six.

  9. Have the students investigate their results using FoilSim. They should set the ANGLE OF ATTACK to 5 degrees and then vary only the area of the wing and note the effect on the value of LIFT. They can compare these results to their own experimental results.

  10. ADDITIONAL QUESTION: "Why don't all planes have the biggest wing area possible? Why do some fighter jets have small wings?" (ANSWER: There are other factors that contribute to lift, such as velocity and shape of the wing. The weight of a plane is also very important.) Students can investigate these other factors by going through the lessons that are part of FoilSim.

Extension Activity

Assessment Strategies/Evaluation

  1. Each group could make a presentation on their airplane and what made its design successful.
  2. Students could individually graph the experimental data and make a report.
  3. Challenge students to fold a better plane and explain the reasons for changes in design.
  4. Students could write a summary of experimental results and relate the variables tested.

Supplementary Resources
