To five years with my squints.
Life with you is simply more than I ever imagined marriage could be. You came in to my life as such a surprise a little more than five years ago. I had plans to leave for a mission and you had plans to go off to Utah for school. Our paths collided in Georgia and within a matter of weeks we changed everything to be together. Dating you was electrifying and comfortable all at the same time. I'll never forget the moment I was riding in Laura Bain's car and you were in Colorado for Christmas and I finally said it out loud, "I think I'm going to marry John Murphy."
On January 3rd you put a guitar string ring on my finger and asked me to be your wife. I remember hopping back in the car after you asked my fathers permission and both of us squealing at the tops of our lungs saying how exciting and fun life ahead of us was going to be.
I was never more certain of anything and choosing to put my life with yours has been the easiest and best decision I ever made and we've both never looked back.
Thank you for being an excellent communicator, an easy going man, a wonderful listener, an enthusiast for learning, a committed student, an intriguing conversationalist, an everyday comedian, the ultimate tickler wrestler and massager, a spiritual leader, an eclectic and classic music maker, a tender hearted observer, an engaging friend, an exceptional father, a determined provider, and an incredibly sexy husband. And oh so much more...
5 years, 4 moves, 2 babies. Let's just keep on going ok? I love you endlessly.
Love, wife of your life aka freckles
(thank you for keeping our annual wedding clothes anniversary tradition alive)
And a BIG thank you to Whitney Gossling Photography for these shots.
And a BIG thank you to Whitney Gossling Photography for these shots.