They day we moved in John, Michael, and two of my seminary boys unloaded all of our things in to our apartment faster than I thought was possible. Ever since seeing the place a few days before that I had created and decorated each room in my mind already. I knew where the beds and furniture would go and what pictures I wanted where.
The men all left and I had 6 hours to my self before John and the children came for the night. I remember unpacking boxes with full steam ahead speed. I was a machine! By the time they got here there were only two boxes left and almost everything had found its place. The only reason all of the pictures weren't hung is because I couldn't find a hammer. Ha! I'm notorious for banging holes in all of the walls, I have a bad reputation for it according to my mother and sister.
I love making our home a beautiful place where we feel the spirit. I love organizing it and knowing where every item is.
We are so happy here and it is just the right amount of space. In fact it is so fantastic going from an enormous house that I could clean and tidy for an hour after bedtime at night to something I can clean in 10 minutes flat! I don't even have to unplug my vacuum to get to the whole house. It is bliss here.
So here are some pictures of the place we call home now.