Tuesday we went to have a 4d ultrasound done of our little lady.
This place in Buckhead is amazing because not only do they give you dozens of pictures BUT they record the entire ultrasound session and you take home a DVD and watch it again and again. Or if you are like me, you fall asleep while watching it sitting up in bed then you wake up with a ferocious neck cramp. YOWZA.
I blame pregnancy narcolepsy.
We took my mother and I am oh so glad. There is nothing like seeing her get so excited to see her granddaughter.
EJ is one lucky broad.
Her other Grammy even stayed up and anxiously awaited the pictures to be sent to her via email and fawned over each and every one.
It is a miracle to see that little thing in there moving around. It was like peeking in to heaven.
We got to see her open and close her tiny fists, stick out her tongue, drink some amniotic fluid (YUM!), stretch her neck back, and smile.
Truly, one of the happiest moments of my life so far.
I was talking to her and I said, "Evaleigh, you are SO beautiful" and in that very moment...she smiled. It was like she heard me. Pure coincidence, perfect timing? I'm just not sure but that baby girl gave her mama the best gift she could that day.
The ultrasound tech said that she had some seriously rockin' lips.
EJ has her daddy's plump lips.
Is it bad if I admit that that is something I literally prayed for?
Here is our little contortionist. She had all four limbs right up next to her beautiful face.
We got 79 pictures but I am sure that they are not all as exciting to everyone else as they are to us so I will use a great deal of will power and restrain myself and just post two.
(even though i'd like to show off her glorious profile her foot and nose and lips and long fingers and her elbows and the hair that the tech said she already has and about 20 angles of the killer pouty lips she is sporting.)
I'm going to be one of those moms.
Hold me back.