Avett Murphy, I put you to bed two hours ago and I still hear you chattering away in your room with your sister about something. You must be on Colorado time still.
You are such a cute little punk! A couple of weeks ago you stuck gum in your hair. GUM! I suppose it's a rite of passage in childhood for some kids. You are such a mess. Luckily your Auntie Kayla was here to give you a nice haircut to remedy this situation, a much better job than your mom could do for sure, sorry buddy!
I just love you so much, and you love me so much. You are 'handsome like daddy' and you are so sweet. You say the best things these days and you know all the words and the tune to I am a child of God by heart. It melts me to hear you sing it. We will start potty training soon, wish me luck! Thanks for making me laugh with the funniest faces I've ever seen.