I'll never forget the few hours after Avett was born. I was overwhelmed and amazed at what my body had just done, and done so well! I was enraptured by my plump perfect 10 pound boy admiring every detail and tiny feature. But almost immediately the oddest feeling came to me: it was an urgency of some sort. Something as if to say that my 3rd child knew he or she was next in line, and the feeling was that they were ready. Ready to come on down and join the family too. I couldn't shake it for a while and I tried, after all I had a merely hours old newborn in my arms!
That feeling has come to me countless times since Avett joined our family. It has been the strangest thing. But somehow I know it's real. I know that when ever and how ever number 3 comes to be that it will be a long awaited arrival by us all.
Truth be told I'm not sure why our next baby is taking some extra time. I go through waves of not caring one bit to disappointment and a bit of sadness. But truly when it comes down to it I have complete and utter faith that it will happen when and how ever it is supposed to. John and I are both terribly busy now and as we've talked and talked about it it seems that all of this waiting could be a form of a blessing in disguise.
So we will wait.
And trust.
And enjoy what we have now.
Because what we've got going on now is pretty wonderful.
This past weekend was spent with my sisters family and their 4 week old Mason, who is just perfection. My children were all over him and wanting to help and snuggle and take in his sweetness just as much as I wanted to.
I do believe one of the best gifts you can give your children are siblings and I want so badly to give them more. More opportunites to grown and love and help and serve.
They will be fantastic when and if that day comes. Time will tell and in the mean time we will savor what we have right here and right now.