Wow, it has been a really long time.
I've been busy keeping up with my toddler and growing another little human.
This baby boy is kicking my butt. I don't feel nearly as glowy and magical as I did with my first pregnancy. I think the fact that I had to take my wedding ring off more than a month ago can speak for itself. My belly button has lost all hope. It has already stretched to capacity and I fear that my Harry Potter lightening bolt stretch mark will resurface soon.
I've been looking at pictures from when I was full term with Evaleigh and I am not too far off from that now. I still have 2.5 more months of baby growing to do.
We are in to the 3rd trimester now and it seems so fast! I still love being pregnant despite the summer heat and swollen feet. AMM beats me up. He is already so different than EJ. She was a little roller and stretcher when I was pregnant with her. This boy will shove his feet in to my ribs and push. Or he will kick and punch for 20 minutes with no break. I love thinking about how strong he is getting in there. Since John was over 10 lbs when he was born I'm afraid I'm going to birth the equivalent of a 3 month old with a mustache.
I don't have one single thing for this baby except for a preemie outfit I bought at Target on sale. Because lets be honest newborns dont fit in newborn clothes so I thought I would go ahead and get something to take him home in. But at his current growth rate I'll need to bring a few 3 month onesies to the hospital.
The second time around is so low key. Since we will be moving 2 months after he is born I haven't done anything for a nursery. He will just sleep in the bassinet by our bed until we move. So as much as I would love to be nesting right now and making him a little space I am just content with leaving Evie's room as is and doing something for him at our new place of residence.
Evie is already obsessed with 'babeeeee' brother. She will hug and squeeze and kiss my belly all day long. She tries to give the baby toys and milk through my ever stretching belly button. She also likes to try to get him to smell things like vanilla candles. I've been showing her cartoon pictures of babies in bellies and pictures of newborns in the hospital. She is making little connections and I can't wait to see her with our little boy!
30 weeks down...10 (most likely 9) to go!