Showing posts with label vacation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vacation. Show all posts

Saturday, October 2, 2021

My Summer Adventures

I've always wanted what I call "my year of adventure" and it just so happens that this year became that for me. I was able to go on quite a few trips this summer which was a ton of fun!
~In the beginning of July I went and visited my friend, Brooklyne. I just did a post on our adventures in a book store that you can read here. ;)

Brooklyne and I   :)

Celebrating the 4th of July!

~Towards the end of July I went on a road trip with my mom and grandpa to Utah and Colorado. We went to two national parks and we also got to visit with some family. :)

Arches National Park

My mom and I at Arches 

We went to Great Sand Dunes National Park with my cousin and her family. 

the sand dunes

I found out that I love the mountains!

I went above the timber line which was super fun!

Colorado state flower 

~At the beginning of August a friend and I took a trip to Virginia where we got to visit Jamestown, Williamsburg, and Yorktown!

~Then at the end of August I got to go visit a friend in Washington and we went to the beach!

This summer has definitely been one to remember!

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

1 Year Ago.... Grand Canyon Trip

This week marks one year since Brooklyne and I first met in person at the Grand Canyon! To celebrate this fun time we both thought it would be fun to share some memories from the trip. We got asked a couple questions that we will be answering. Definitely be sure to check out Brooklyne's blog as well to see her answers to these questions!

(If you want to see my Grand Canyon post from last year and watch a Q&A that Brooklyne and I filmed you can see that here!)

 1. How did y’all meet?
We met through blogging. We got to talking in one of the comment sections of my blog and then Brooklyne asked if I wanted to email and I said sure and the rest is history!!

2. Did you see any elk?
Yes, there was lots of elk! They were so close to our lodge.

3. Were you scared to get to the edge?
There were lots of times when Brooklyne and I climbed down on rocks and all and I thought it was so fun! I wasn’t really scared to get near the edge. I mean it is a little scary if you think about it too much because the Grand Canyon is so huge. 

4. Was the weather nice in September/October?
The weather was amazing!! I think it was the perfect time to go.

5. What was your favorite thing about the Grand Canyon?
Probably the beauty of it. It’s so pretty and massive.

6. Did you feed any squirrels? 
No! So you’re not supposed to feed the squirrels there, but a lot of people do so the squirrels expect it and we were warned that they can sometimes run up your leg and bite you because they want you to feed them! So we were a bit scared of those “killer squirrels”.

7. Did you hike on the Bright Angel trail.
Yes! As a matter of fact we actually hiked the Bright Angel Trail one year ago today! 

8. What was the most unexpected thing about the Grand Canyon?
I’d have to say seeing all the wildlife up close! That was pretty neat. While on the Bright Angel trail we saw some mountain sheep and they were really close to us!

9. Did you eat any good food?
Yes! On my birthday we actually went and had breakfast at the El Tovar hotel and that was a good meal! Plus my meal came with toast and they brought me some adorable jars of jam!

10. Tell me about the hotel room.
So technically we stayed at a lodge. My mom’s and my room was right next to Brooklyne and her mom. It was a pretty nice room with two beds, a bathroom, a mini fridge, and tv.
(I usually always get a picture of the room but I forgot to!)

11. Fave trail you hiked. 
I only hiked one which was the Bright Angel trail. Although we did do lots of walks and a bike ride too.

12. Fave animal you saw.
The elk and mountain sheep!

There was a deer just chilling behind us!

Now for a few more photos!


One morning we got up to catch the sunrise

It was fun printing some polaroid pictures

Brooklyne and I! 

Taking a scenic drive in a convertible!

My mom and I

Brooklyne and I are little specks in this picture! ;)

This trip was definitely such a fun adventure!! 

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

My Big Adventure

 Last month I got to spend a whole week with my friend Brooklyne at her house. It was so much fun!
I have lots of amazing memories. This was my first time flying alone and it went well. 
Some of the fun things I did while visiting Brooklyne was jet skiing, riding a horse, hiking, celebrating the 4th of July, four-wheeling, tie-dye, movie nights, and book shopping!

Going book shopping with a fellow bookworm like Brooklyne was loads of fun!

Before we went shopping we stopped and got a frozen hot chocolate drink. Brooklyne got me hooked on those things! ;)

We spent 3 hours in the book store and it was as absolutely amazing!

We both bought When Twilight Breaks by Sarah Sundin! We’re looking forward to reading that one. 

We both got some amazing books. I am super excited to read all of the ones I got. 

The Grand Canyon last year and spending a week with Brooklyne this summer, I can't wait until our next big adventure! :D