Showing posts with label Video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Video. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Grand Canyon Q&A

Hi!!! I am here today with a fun recap of mine and Brooklyne's Grand Canyon trip and the promised Q&A!

Brooklyne and I along with our moms had such a fun trip to the Grand Canyon. We hiked some of the Bright Angel Trail, shopped, ate at some fun places, took a bike ride, watched the sunrise and the sunset, saw lots of wildlife, and so much more! In the evenings we had fun doing our nails and printing polaroid pics, and watching Doc and Road to Avonlea! 

After 2 years of friendship I 'm so glad we had this amazing week! 💙

Here's some pictures from our time together and at the end is the Q&A!

The Grand Canyon is so beautiful! I'm so glad I was able to go and even more glad I was able to go with Brooklyne and our wonderful moms!! 

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Movie Questionnaire Featuring My Brothers // Video

Happy St. Patrick's Day! 🍀

I'm SO excited about today's video! My brothers Jonathan and James joined me for this one. :)

Brooklyne over at Showers of Blessing is doing a series called Family Forever Month and she's featuring members of her family in different posts and invited others to do the same, so I thought now would be the perfect time to do this particular video seeing as how my brothers are in it.

Disclaimer: The day we filmed this there were lots of obnoxious birds out and a crop duster was flying around. The funny thing was that none of us actually noticed the crop duster so we just talked right over it. ;) I'm sorry about all of the background noise and my brothers didn't talk the loudest, but I hope you all still enjoy watching this one!!

Saturday, March 2, 2019

My Name in Books // Book Video

I had planned to post a video long before now, but that just didn't happen.
I got one filmed though yesterday and had fun with it and I hope everyone enjoys it! :)

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Favorite Christmas Movies - Part 2 // Video

How is your weekend going so far?
I had an amazing day yesterday with my book club Christmas party and our family/company Christmas party!!!!
Here's part 2 of my favorite Christmas movies. Enjoy!
Have you seen any of these?

Remember to head on over to Faith's blog to see her fun post and to get the links to the other blogger's posts!

Only 3 days until Christmas! :D

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Favorite Christmas Movies - Part 1 // Video

Welcome to day 2 of the 12 Days of Christmas blog party! Are you having as much fun with this party as I am?
I love a great Christmas movie. In this video I share some of my favorites! :)

What's one of your favorite Christmas movies?
Don't forget to check out Faith's blog to see her fun post and to find all of the links to the other bloggers posting today!

Friday, October 19, 2018

3 Years of Blogging!!

Wow! I've been now blogging for three years! I remember starting my blog and being so excited. I've had a lot of fun with it and I can't wait to keep doing it. :)

I had lots of fun answering the questions for the Q&A! Thank you SO much to everyone for submitting questions.

Now, onto the Q&A! :D

Thank you again for submitting questions and celebrating with me!

Saturday, December 17, 2016


Two weeks ago my brother, Jonathan, and I played our violins in a Christmas program that a bunch of different churches in out town puts on. This was our third year being in the orchestra. We played eight different song. One of my favorite songs that we preformed was Faeries, which is from The Dance of the Sugarplum Fairies. It was just a lot of fun to play. :) I wanted to share with you all this one song from the concert. Also, at the end there's some background noise and people talking. The orchestra's just the prelude music, so people don't tend to be that quiet, so sorry for the noise.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The Race

Last year my brothers Jonathan and James had to make a short movie for their writing class. It had to be at lest 5 minutes long and it had to have a biblical principal to it. They worked together to create this short movie, “The Race”. I just thought I’d share it with everyone. :)

I hope you enjoyed!