Showing posts with label book recommendations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label book recommendations. Show all posts

Monday, July 5, 2021

Favorite Books From The First Half Of This Year

So far 2021 has been a great reading year for me! 

Today I'm going to share a few of my favorite books that I've read so far this year. :)

Erynn Mangum is for sure one of my very favorite authors! Her books are always so fun and enjoyable. 
The Paige Alder series is very fun and I found myself relating to Paige many times. 

A Secret to Die For was really intriguing! It was fast paced right from the beginning! If you want some good Christian fiction suspense books! You should definitely check out Lisa Harris's books! (I haven't read all of her books, but the ones I have read I have enjoyed immensely! 

I surprised myself with how fast I read Sketchy Behavior! It was super good and very funny too. I laughed out loud a couple times. 

Finding Lady Enderly was a great book. The mystery aspect to this story was super intriguing!

I've heard a lot of good things about Melanie Dickerson's books. I finally gave one of her books a try! The Healer's Apprentice is a a fairytale retelling of Sleeping Beauty. I don't typically like fairytale's or fairytale retellings a ton, but I really enjoyed this one!

The Librarian of Boone's Hollow was a very enjoyable, well written story. It is a little bit more of a slower paced book, but still good! I loved the main character Addie. She was so sweet. Addie said this and I loved it... "I truly have never regretted being kind to someone, but I have regretted doing the opposite." (p.266)

The Nikki Boyd Files is a suspense filled series! Each book is very well written and kept me guessing what would happen next! Each book was good but book 1, Vendetta, and book 4, Vanishing Point, were my favorites! 

Lady Jayne Disappears was another great book by Joanna Davidson Politano. I really like the style of her books and the mystery aspects to them 

What are some books you've enjoyed recently? 

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Christmas Book Recommendations

I hope everyone has been having as much fun in the 12 Days of Christmas party as I have. Remember to check out Faith's blog each day to see her posts and to get a line-up of the other participating bloggers posts!

 I love reading Christmas books at Christmas time! These are a few that I've read this year and have enjoyed. 

Christmas with Tucker by Greg Kincaid

This book was so good! Christmas with Tucker is the prequel to A Dog Named Christmas. I'm not quite sure what made this book stand out to me so much, but I loved it. 

A Christmas Gift for Rose by Tricia Goyer

This book was pretty good. I enjoyed the story and seeing how everything would work out. The one thing I didn't care for was how the main character, Rose, reacted to a certain situation. I am glad I read it though after several years of it being on my to be read list. 

12 Days at Bleakly Manor by Michelle Griep

I liked the idea of this story, but some of the storyline I felt I had a harder time following but that might've just been me. ;) Towards the end it definitely got more intriguing and overall I did enjoy this book.  

Christmas in Winter Hill by Melody Carlson

This one wasn't my favorite book by Melody Carlson, but it was still a good story. I do feel like Christmas books by this author tend to be a bit too short. I always want to know just a little more. I do really like the cover of this one!

A Christmas Home by Greg Kincaid

A Christmas Home is the sequel to A Dog Named Christmas. It was fun to catch up with the characters and to see where they were at in life. 

A Christmas by the Sea by Melody Carlson

Christmas by the Sea is a good book. I always like a coastal town setting, and the storyline was enjoyable. 

The Bridge by Karen Kingsbury

I've been wanting to read The Bridge since I I watched the movie a few years ago. I enjoyed it and wish the bridge was a real place!

What Christmas books have you enjoyed this Christmas season?
Have you read any of these?

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Book Recommendations

It's been awhile since I've done any book recommendations so I thought it would be fun to do some.

These books are ones I've enjoyed within the last few months. :)

The Inn at Ocean's Edge by Colleen Coble
I found The Inn at Ocean's Edge intriguing. A few things happened at the end that weren't my favorite and I wished it would've been done differently, but overall it was a good mystery.

Cole and Sav: Our Surprising Love Story by Cole and Savannah LaBrant
Back in February I stumbled upon the LaBrant family's YouTube channel. I started watching their videos and three days later I went out and bought their book. I thought it would be fun to learn more about how Cole and Savannah met. It definitely was! Their story is so sweet and it really impacted me. It was filled with hope and it made me remember that God has a perfect plan for my life. I enjoyed this book a lot!

My Snapper Cat by Jonathan Hangstefer
My Snapper Cat is a fun, middle grade fantasy book.
The characters were great and I loved getting to know them. The story is engaging and keeps you guessing.
Some of the book is set at a zoo which I thought was unique.

The Penderwicks by Jeanne Birdsall
The Penderwicks was a really fun story. I enjoyed reading about all four Penderwick girls and their adventures. The book was very interesting and quite amusing. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the books in the series soon!
(The only downfall was that God's name was taken in vain towards the end of the book.)

The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills
The Fire in Ember is a great story! This was my first book by DiAnn Mills, but I don't plan on it being my last.
It had a good mystery to the story that always kept me guessing what would happen next. I also really liked the western setting of this book.

Live Without You by Sarah Grace Grzy
I read Live Without You a couple months ago and really enjoyed it!
I'm super exited to read this authors second book, Never Say Goodbye.

Have you read any of these books?
What's one of your favorite books that you recently read?

Monday, December 16, 2019

Christmas Book Recommendations

It's hard to believe that Christmas is in just a little over a week! I really need to finish my Christmas shopping.

Today for the 12 Days of Christmas party I will be recommending some Christmas books. I've done a post like this for the last few years, so I won't mention a ton because I don't want to keep recommending the same books. ;)

I didn't realize it when I started reading Through the Tunnel, but this book takes place around Christmas time. The story was really good and I enjoyed it a lot. It's my favorite book by Rebekah A. Morris.

I haven't gotten very far at all into Hear Them Ring but so far it's been lovely! I read my first Erynn Mangum book this summer, Katie in Waiting, and LOVED it so I'm excited to be reading more by her.

This was a short sweet book that I just recently finished reading and I just reviewed it the other day.

These four books are all really cute and enjoyable stories!

What's the last Christmas book you read?

Don't forget to check out Faith's blog for more Christmas fun! :)

Friday, December 21, 2018

Favorite Christmas Books! // Book Video

It's December 21st! Only 4 more days until Christmas!
Today will be a busy, but fun day for me. I have my book club Christmas party then a family Christmas party!! :D
I love reading Christmas books SO much! I'm sharing some of my favorites in my newest video!

So, do you like Christmas books? What's your favorite?

Friday, October 5, 2018

Book Recommendations

I'm excited be doing some more book recommendations! For those of you who are wondering where the book videos are, they're coming! I have lots planned, I just need to do them! Life has been a bit crazy lately! I'm excited to get to working on them though! :D
Rebekah Morris over at Read Another Page is hosting a very fun bookish blog party. There are lots of book recommendations to find and you can enter to win a prize!
I almost did a post about some great contemporary books, but as I was writing up the post I realized that every book on the list were ones I've talked about lots of times. So I decided to recommend books that I have barley ever, if at all, talked about!

Love Finds You in Sunset Beach Hawaii by Robin Jones Gunn
Sierra came to Sunset Beach for relaxation—not for world-class surfing and certainly not for romance! When a wealthy friend offers Sierra Jensen a vacation at an oceanfront beach house, she envisions a quiet retreat where she can plan her next move. Instead, she arrives at the start of the noisy surfing competitions and is surprised to learn that her friend had an ulterior motive—namely, introducing Sierra to Jordan Bryce, the tenant staying below them. Jordan is a photographer whose lens and attention are focused on the surfers, and he is not willing to let anyone get in his way of landing the next cover shot for Surf Days magazine. Sierra and Jordan came to Sunset Beach looking for different things. But as the surf pounds the North Shore, will they discover something better than either of them had imagined?

This book is great! I really loved reading more about Sierra Jensen (Christy Miller's friend) from the Sierra Jensen series. I so enjoyed reading about her love story. It was great!

Royal Fire by Jonathan Hangstefer
Cedric Northchest and his friends Berne, Everett, and Winnefred have rather ordinary lives. Nothing remotely exciting ever happens to them until one day an elf named Ex-Tron shows up in their little town. Ex-Tron tells them that he needs their help finding the Guardian of Fire. Ex-Tron takes them to a once beautiful world called Arsought. Now the nights crawl with evil and each passing day grows darker. The Guardian of Fire protects a magical weapon called Royal Fire. Cedric and his friends must find the Guardian and learn how to use Royal Fire before the dark reign of Horcus is complete.

Fantasy isn't the genre I prefer, but this one is very well written and it just came out this summer!

The Choice by Suzanne Woods Fisher
With a vibrant, fresh style Suzanne Woods Fisher brings readers into the world of a young Amish woman torn between following the man she loves--or joining the community of faith that sustains her, even as she questions some of the decisions of her elders. Her choice begins a torrent of change for her and her family, including a marriage of convenience to silent Daniel Miller. Both bring broken hearts into their arrangement--and secrets that have been held too long. 

This was the first book by Suzanne Woods Fisher that I read and I really enjoyed it. I've read many of the authors books since then and have enjoyed most of those as well. It's been awhile since I read this one, but I remember enjoying it.

Violet Travilla series 
Book one begins in 1877, when creative, independent fourteen-year-old Violet learns that growing up brings new problems, feelings, and questions. As the entire Travilla family faces a tragic loss, Violet discovers that true faith defeats even hidden doubts.

I've only read this particular A Life of Faith series once. I need to remedy that soon though! This series, like all the other A Life of Faith books (Millie, Elsie, Laylie, and Kathleen), is great. I didn't like the first three as much as the rest of the series, but they were still good. I read those first three then once I got to book four I flew through the series! This is definitely a must read series!

Love Needs No Words by Faith Potts
Home from college for the summer, Shay Williams has many plans. Crossing paths with her childhood crush was not on the list. Yet when Daniel Rogers, a young mute man, reappears in her life, the friendship that once blossomed between them is rekindled. 
Daniel is mesmerized by this sweet girl who has a heart for deaf and mute children. But is it wrong of him to want to know her better, considering his inability? The last thing he wants to become is another charity case.
Follow these two young people through a summer of discovery as they learn valuable truths about friendship and love – a love that speaks not from the lips but from the heart. 

A lovely short story, Love Needs No Words is a very sweet book that I will be re-reading many times!

Abram's Daughters by Beverly Lewis
Abram's Daughters is the powerful saga of four sisters, their family and community, whose way of life and faith in God are as enduring as their signature horse and buggy. Or so it seems...Book One, The Covenant, unveils the layers of deeply rooted Amish tradition as seen through the eyes of Leah and Sadie Ebersol, the two oldest, courting-age sisters. The Amish community of Gobbler's Knob holds everything Leah Ebersol has ever desired until a pact with her sister Sadie, lured by the outside world, leaves Leah clinging to God's promises.

This is a five book series. It's great! I thought the first half of book 1 was a bit slow going, but it definitely picked up the pace and I enjoyed it a lot along with the other books. This is definitely a series you need to read in order. It's a bit complicated and you will truly get lost if you don't start at the beginning. The series covers a lot of years so don't be surprised! I was a bit at first, but it really made the series more realistic.

Christy series adapted by the book by Catherine Marshall
The Christy Series by Catherine Marshall (adapted by C. Archer)
Christy Huddleston's dream was to teach the poor mountain children. But she never imagined that the treacherous journey into the heart of the Smoky Mountains would bring danger into the lives of one mountain family.
Join Christy as she crosses the bridge from the familiar world of parties and pretty things into the strange, new world of Cutter Gap. There she meets the country doctor, Neil MacNeill, who needs her help to save a man's life. And the handsome young minister, David Grantland, rescues Christy when her own life is in danger, and helps her face the challenges of teaching, and loving, the proud mountain people.

This is a 12 book series adapted from the book Christy. It is geared toward younger readers, but I found them to be enjoyable. The TV show Christy is also quite fun. :)

Love Finds You in Calico, California by Elizabeth Ludwig
A young seamstress weaves her own story in a world run by men. After hearing news of a silver strike in Calico, California, Abigail Watts packs up her needles and thread and follows her beloved father out West. But when she's suddenly left alone in the rough mining town, Abigail finds herself pressed into a marriage of convenience with the local livery owner, Nathan Hawk. Determined to uncover the mystery surrounding her father's death in the mines, Abigail agrees to stay in Calico. But when the truth sets her free, she must decide whether to leave the town - and Nathan - for good.

I didn't read this book that long ago, but for some reason I don't remember a ton about it. Maybe because I read it so fast! ;) I enjoyed it though. There was a bit of a mystery to the story, which I liked. 

Is there a book like that you hardly ever mention due to all of your other favorites? ;)
Just a few more day left to submit questions for my blogiversay Q&A

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Summer Book Recommendations -- Book Video

There's nothing quite as fun as giving book recommendations!
While editing this I noticed that I say "so much fun" a lot. Sorry about that. ;) I guess I need to think of other words to use next time instead of just "fun".  ;)

Have you read any of these?
What's one of your favorite summer books?
Giving book recommendations is really fun, but I love receiving them too. If you have a fun summer book that you think I'd like, I'd love to hear it! :D

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Book Recommendations ~ Winter Books

There’s nothing better then a cold, snowy day!! It snowed this morning and the snowflakes were coming down fast and the wind was blowing. It was so fun. I went outside to swing and had fun doing so for quite sometime. I did it yesterday too! To me, being out in the snow is so refreshing and exhilarating!!
Today, I am here to recommend some of my favorite winter books. So whether you have snow and want to read a book to match the weather or you’re experiencing more spring weather, but wish winter would last longer, then this post is for you! ;)

White as Snow by Janice Thompson
Brianna Nichols hates football. Living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, makes this aversion a difficult one to have, midst all the diehard football fans. But Brianna has her reasons, and the men in Pittsburgh will have to adjust. So far she hasn't found a guy who can resist the pull of the game. Nor has she found one interesting enough to overlook that flaw. Until now. For Brandon Campbell the dream of a lifetime has just come true. He's been traded from Tampa and is about to become the quarterback for his all-time favorite team. Used to the adulation that professional athletes generally receive, Brady is intrigued by Brianna's apparent hostility to all things football. Brandon and Brianna have pasts they must overcome. Can God take those pasts and make them white as snow?

White as Snow is such a fun book! This is the second book in the Red, White, & Blue Weddings series, but it isn’t connected at all to the first book so this one could be read as a stand alone. “White as Snow” was really enjoyable. It had a good mix of funny, heartfelt, and sweet moments.

A Gown of Spanish Lace by Janette Oke
Ariana loves her life-her parents, her little town, her job as the town's schoolteacher, her students. But one evening after classes are done and she prepares to hurry home before a blizzard hits, her whole life changes in an instant.
The two rough-looking men who abduct her and take her far from home and family make no response to her frantic questions- "Why me? What are you going to do? Where are you taking me?" Held hostage in a camp of bandits, Ariana's emotions swing between terror and boredom as days stretch into weeks.
And then the boss's son appears in the doorway of her cabin. Does this mean she will never see her mother and father again, the two who so lovingly adopted her as an infant and raised her as their own? Will she ever wear the wedding dress so carefully saved for her-her one link with her birth parents, now long dead?

I just love this book! In the beginning of the book there is a blizzard so this is definitely a snowy book. Aside from being a great snowy book, it is a captivating story with wonderful characters.

Snow Treasure by Marie McSwigan
In the bleak winter of 1940, Nazi troops parachuted into Peter Lundstrom's tiny Norwegian village and held it captive. Nobody thought the Nazis could be defeated—until Uncle Victor told Peter how the children could fool the enemy. It was a dangerous plan. They had to slip past Nazi guards with nine million dollars in gold hidden on their sleds. It meant risking their country's treasure—and their lives. This classic story of how a group of children outwitted the Nazis and sent the treasure to America has captivated generations of readers.

Set in Norway during 1940 this book is quite good with a lot of snowy-ness to it!

Heart of the Wilderness by Janette Oke
George McMannus traveled night and day from his wilderness cabin when the tragic news that his daughter and son-in-law had died in a river accident. His only granddaughter, Kendra Marty, not yet four years old, had been left behind. McMannus was her only family, but what could a trapper, living alone in the backwoods, do to care for Kendra?
She was such a tiny thing, so small to have lost so much. He should have known from the first time he looked into those large green eyes that the two of them belonged together. The one small child, firmly clutching a worn rag doll, was his, and he was hers.
Papa Mac, as Kendra came to call him, knew her place was with him. But what kind of home, what kind of training, could he provide in a wilderness mountains and trees and rivers that no one had even named? Although he did not have answers, he felt he must at least try.

Another great Janette Oke book! This story is great and definitely a lovely book to read during the winter season.

Brides of Alaska by Tracie Peterson
Surviving the rugged frontier of Alaska is a daunting task. But even in that hostile wilderness God allows the tender flower of love to bloom. Follow the adventures and Romances of Julie, Beth, and Rita, women of different generations who share a common home.
Nurse Julie Eriksson cares for the victims of the 1925 diphtheria epidemic while Sam waits quietly, willing to give anything to see her save their own struggling relationship. Where is hope when they need it most?
Beth Hogan loses her beloved husband in World War II and returns to Alaska with her two sons only to find their remote village overrun by soldiers and civilians coming to build that Alcan Highway. Will she find a second chance at love when she meets August Eriksson?
Confident, independent Rita Eriksson travels to her hometown of Tok, Alaska, to enter the dogsled race. Her coach, Mark hopes and prays against all odds that he’ll become part of her dreams, too. Can their relationship survive the Iditarod race?

Brides of Alaska wasn’t near as good as I hoped it would be. This book has three stories in it. I really enjoyed reading about the Great Serum Race in the first book and reading about the Iditarod in book 3, but I didn’t really care for some of the main characters much.

Gift from the Storm by Rebekah A. Morris
One cold, dark evening a young stranger appears outside the Morgan home with two small children. Injured and on the verge of complete exhaustion, she will only say that her name is “Amy.”
Where did she come from? Who is she? And what has she been through? Dr. Justin Morgan and his family look for answers as they struggle to minister life and health to the needy ones in their midst.

This book was pretty fun, and pretty cold feeling what with the storm. I really also like how it also had a cozy feel to it too.

Do you like cold snowy days?
What's one of your favorite winter books?

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Book Recommendations ~ Christmas Books

I just love a good Christmas book!! Today I am going to be sharing with you some Christmas books I enjoy.

Robert Reed gave his life for his country in the early days of World War II. His sacrifice was honored when his widow and son were presented with the Congressional Medal of Honor. At Christmas, the final decoration Marge Reed hangs on the family’s tree is that medal. Rather than being a symbol of honor for young Jimmy Reed that shining star represents loss, pain, and suffering. 

Yet a message delivered by one of Robert’s fellow soldiers and a mystery letter found in a Bible put a father’s sacrifice and faith into perspective and bring new meaning to not just the star hanging on the Christmas tree but the events of the very first Christmas. Then, when least expected, a Christmas miracle turns a final bit of holiday sadness into a joy that Jimmy has never known.

This is a great book that I just recently read with a friend! I also just reviewed it here.

Bess Riehl is preparing Rose Hill Farm for her Christmas wedding, but her groom isn't who she thought it would be. Billy Lapp is far away from his Amish roots working as a rose rustler for Penn State and wants nothing to do with Stoney Ridge, his family, or Bess. And that suits Bess just fine. Why should she think twice about a man who left without a word, without any explanation? It's time she moved on with her life, and that meant saying yes to Amos Lapp, Billy's cousin and best friend. But as Bess and Amos's wedding day draws near, her emotions tangle into a tight knot. She loves Amos. Yet she can't forget Billy. 
When a "lost" rose is discovered at Rose Hill Farm, Billy is sent to track down its origins. Get in, identify the rose, and get out. That's his plan. The only catch is that he's having a hard time narrowing down the identity of the lost rose, and he can't get those tropical blue eyes of Bess Riehl out of his mind. 
As the history of the lost rose is pieced together, it reminds Bess and Billy--and Amos, too--that Christmas truly is the season of miracles.

I really like the cover of this book! :) Christmas at Rose Hill Farm is a nice Christmas book. It wasn't my most favorite book, but it really wasn't bad either. It follows Bess Riehl and Billy Lapp from the book, The Search book 3 in the series Lancaster County Secrets. You can read this book without having read The Search, but if you have read The Search it gives a nice setting to this story.

Turn back the clock to a different time, listen to Bing Crosby sing of sleigh bells in the snow, as the realities of America’s involvement in the Second World War change the lives of the Turner family in Lafayette, Indiana. 
In Cara Putman’s White Christmas, Abigail Turner is holding down the Home Front as a college student and a part-time employee at a one-of-a-kind candy shop. Loss of a beau to the war has Abigail skittish about romantic entanglements—until a hard-working young man with a serious problem needs her help. 
Abigail’s brother Pete is a fighter pilot hero returned from the European Theater in Sarah Sundin’s I’ll Be Home for Christmas, trying to recapture the hope and peace his time at war has eroded. But when he encounters a precocious little girl in need of Pete’s friendship, can he convince her widowed mother that he’s no longer the bully she once knew?
In Tricia Goyer’s Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, Meredith Turner, “Merry” to those who know her best, is using her skills as a combat nurse on the frontline in the Netherlands. Halfway around the world from home, Merry never expects to face her deepest betrayal head on, but that’s precisely what God has in mind to redeem her broken heart. 
The Turner family believes in God’s providence during such a tumultuous time. Can they absorb the miracle of Christ’s birth and His plan for a future?

This is a fun Christmas book that has three stories in it.

Christmas had lost its charm and wonder. Mrs. Rush hated the feeling but was powerless to fix things. Traveling to visit relatives for the holidays, the Rush children pass the time with their eyes glued to the screens of their devices. That is, until the flashing lights of a State Highway Patrol car bring their trip to a sudden and unplanned-for stop.

The Christmas She Wanted is a fun, short story. It was also a good reminder that we shouldn't spend so much time on electronics, but to spend time with family and to enjoy being around those we love.
I enjoyed this fun Christmas story, although I wish it had been just a little longer.

Rachel Milligan never imagined that she and her seven-year-old niece would spend Christmas on a quaint Amish farm in Ohio. But with so many unexpected occurrences of late, perhaps she shouldn't have been surprised.
With her young niece Holly in tow, Rachel anxiously makes her way from Chicago to Ohio's Amish Country. As love begins to blossom, family secrets emerge, and old wounds are healed, Rachel realizes that she will do whatever it takes to ensure that Holly has the loving family she needs.

While this isn't my top favorite Christmas book it, wasn't my least favorite either. ;) I didn't think it had the best ending, but it was okay. 

If you want to see some other Christmas books that I like you can see my post from last year on some Christmas recommendations here.

What are some of your favorite Christmas books?

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Book Recommendations // More Fall Books

A couple weeks ago I did a book recommendation post of some of my favorite fall books. Today I decided to share a couple more fun fall reads!

Red Like Crimson by Janice Thompson
Sin has caused a rift in their relationship. When Adrianne, a Bible college student, realizes she’s expecting a baby, she faces a monumental decision. Filled with guilt and shame, she makes the impulsive and regrettable choice to run—to leave college, to leave the relationship, and to return home to her parents in Pennsylvania. The fog of shame has altered her thinking. Staying in the relationship will prevent the man she loves from fulfilling his God-appointed call to become a missionary. But, as the days, months and years tick by, Adrianne regrets her decision. After coming to grips with God’s grace, she attempts to find Chris—her daughter’s father, so that she can share the truth of what she’s done. Unfortunately, he is impossible to locate, now that he’s ministering in the jungles of Nicaragua. With all hopes of locating him gone, a reconciliation feels hopeless. Chris-rejected, confused, and heartbroken at the loss of the woman he loves-has finished school and finds himself in Nicaragua, loving life as a missionary. But the void left by Adrianne's unexplained departure remains. When Chris returns to the States for a friend's wedding, is his unexpected meeting with Adrianne a coincidence or a "God incidence?" Can they put aside the past and embrace a future together as a family?

This book has such a fun fall cover! I read this book for the first time a couple weeks ago and I really enjoyed it. You can read my review of it here.

The River by Beverly Lewis
Tilly and Ruth, two formerly Amish sisters, are plagued by unresolved relationships when they reluctantly return to Lancaster County for their parents' landmark wedding anniversary. Since departing their Plain upbringing, Tilly has married an Englisher, but Ruth remains single and hasn't entirely forgotten her failed courtship with her Amish beau.
Past meets present as Tilly and Ruth yearn for acceptance and redemption. Can they face the future in the light of a past they can't undo?

The River isn't my most favorite book by Beverly Lewis, but I did still enjoy it.

The Sunroom by Beverly Lewis 
When I was twelve, I made a naïve, yet desperate pact with God to keep my ailing mother alive. It was the first time I'd ventured something so brazen--making a contract with the Almighty...
So begins the story of Becky Owens, a talented and passionate young pianist on the verge of adolescence when she learns the devastating news of her mother's critical illness. As the daughter of a country preacher in Lancaster County, Becky knows well the significance of sacrifice, and in her bargain with God, she vows to exchange her most cherished possession for her mother's life. Hospital rules only add to Becky's sorrow--twelve-year-olds aren't allowed to visit, so Becky and her mother must share tearful smiles through Lancaster General's sunroom window. But a realization of the power of music and a lesson in unconditional love compel Becky to rethink her "deal" with God, and the sunroom becomes a place where miracles happen...

This a short, sweet book. It's a bit sad though. I'm not positive that this book takes place in the fall, but it kind of feels like a fall book to me. You can read my review of it here.

The Imposter by Suzanne Woods Fisher
Katrina Stoltzfus thought she had life and love all figured out: she was going to marry John and live happily ever after. Those plans started to crumble when her father moved the family to Stoney Ridge, then completely collapsed when John decided to marry someone else. Katrina is devastated. How could she have felt so loved, yet been so deceived?
As she struggles to face a future without him, a widow asks for her help to start a new business and Katrina quickly agrees. She needs time to heal her broken heart, to untangle her messy life, to find a purpose. What she doesn't need is attention from Andy Miller, a farm hand who arrives at the widow's farm just when help is most needed--and who always seems to say the right thing, and be in the right place, at the right time. Is Andy
for real, or too good to be true? Deceived once before, Katrina is determined to keep her feelings in check. 
When a cascade of events is set in motion by some surprising information, the little Amish church is turned upside down. Soon, everyone has a stake in the outcome, and the community struggles to find the best response to an imposter in their midst. Can they forgive even the most deceitful deeds?

The Imposter is the first book in the series The Bishop's Family. It took me a little while to get into the story, but after some time I did start enjoying the book. I did like book two better, but this one was good.

Dana's Valley by Janette Oke and Laurel Oke Logan 
Erin Walsh thinks her family is as close to perfect as a family can be. But when one grim diagnosis is all it takes to shake them to the core, she wonders if things can ever go back to the way they were. Erin’s attempts to go about life as usual feel empty, and as each member of her family seems to struggle alone, she is about ready to give up on God. However, Erin has yet to learn that God will never give up on her.

This is a sad book, but it was also good. Dana's Valley covers a few years, so this book doesn't all take place in the fall, but to me it feels like a fall/winter book.