Showing posts with label Christmas is Coming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas is Coming. Show all posts

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Christmas Decorations

I absolutely love Christmas time! I really like fun decorations and today I’m going to share a few of my favorites with you all.

~The Christmas tree obviously. ;) We actually decorated the day after Thanksgiving this year!! 

~The banister garland. I really like stairs, so I love having them all done up in Christmas lights.

~I come from a big Lego family. Every single person in my family owns Legos. For the last several Christmases one of my brothers puts together this winter village.

~Countdown to Christmas things are like my weakness... ;D 

~For the last few years I have strung Christmas lights in my room.

...and I have a mini tree!

Now for a few random pictures...

What are some of your favorite decorations? 

Friday, December 1, 2017

Christmas is Coming!!

Christmas is in 25 days!!!! :) I am so excited! Christmas is definitely the most wonderful time of the year!

This year I am participating in the 12 Days of Christmas blog party hosted by my friend, Faith.
This is the 3rd year that Faith has done this link-up and the 3rd year that I will be participating in it! :) It is a lot of fun. For more information and to sign up to be a part of the party, check out Faith's post about the 12 Days of Christmas!!

Are you as excited for Christmas as me?!

Monday, December 19, 2016

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

Six more days until Christmas!! I'm not exactly ready yet. I still have some more Christmas shopping to do, but I'm so excited for Christmas! :)
Christmas time is my favorite time of the year. I'm going to share with you all some things that make it seem like "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" for me. :)

--First off, snow. Snow makes everything seem very wintery and Christmasy. We actually have snow right now. It snowed about two weeks ago and it's still here! I'm really hoping it will snow again soon and that we'll have a white Christmas.

--Next, Christmas decorations! I just love to decorate for Christmas.

--Christmas Lights. They are so pretty. White lights are very nice, but the colored lights are my favorite.

--Fires in the fireplace.

--Reading Christmas books.

--Watching Christmas movies.

--Hot chocolate.

--Buying/making gifts for family and friends. I really, really enjoy getting people gifts, although some people can be quite hard to buy for. ;)

--Homemade cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning.

--Christmas music. Some of my favorite Christmas songs are: What Child id This?, Mary Did You Know?, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, Away in a MangerJoy to the World,  I Heard the Bells on Christmas DayIt's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, Deck the Halls, and We Need a Little Christmas.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

25 Days Until Christmas!

Christmas is in 25 days!!! I’m so excited! Christmas is my favorite season!
I’ve been watching a lot of fun Christmas movies and reading some great Christmas books. We haven’t put up our Christmas tree yet, but hopefully soon. Although I did put up a mini tree in my room. :)
My friend Faith over at Stories by Firefly is hosting a 12 Days of Christmas blog link-up. She did it last year and it was so fun. Whether you have a blog or not, you can join in on this Christmas-y fun! 

Go here to learn more about it! :D

I’ll be doing quite a few Christmas-y posts this month, so please check back!