Showing posts with label story time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label story time. Show all posts

Sunday, May 12, 2019

When Calls the Heart Story Time With Gifs

If you know me at all you know that I absolutely LOVE the Hallmark TV show When Calls the Heart! When Calls the Heart is now in its 6th season. Season 6 started airing on February 24 and went for three weeks before going on a hiatus until it returned just last weekend.

So, I am extremely excited that it's back on and last week I was quite ecstatic, and that happiness carried over into today. So, I'm going to give you a bit of a little inside look into my afternoon leading up to When Calls the Heart and on into the evening. I'll be narrating and there'll be a smattering of gifs to help get the point across. 😉 (I usually don't like gifs, but I found some pretty fun ones.)
*This is a bit over exaggerated because, obviously, I like to spice up a good story.

I absolutely despise spoilers so there will be no spoilers in this post so you're safe even if you aren't caught up on the show. No need to be covering your eyes!

Let's start off with how I exactly feel about this lovely show, I think this explains my pure joy:

Last Sunday When Calls the Heart came on at 7:00p.m. (mountain time) but that week was a two night special and Monday's episode came on at 6:00. So, this week I was pretty sure that it came on at 7:00. But then approaching 6:00 this evening I realized that I wasn't sure of the time and had a slight panic attack when I thought I might miss it! I was quite desperate...

Thankfully I didn't miss anything and the episode aired at 7:00. ;)

I tried to get one of my brothers to watch the show by giving him the look. You know, the one's that's like:

Well, that look worked last week, but to no avail this week....

During the show, one of my brothers and my dad made a few of "those comments". You know, the ones like, ""For real? That wouldn't really happen!, "Oh, give me a break" and stuff like that. I was like this:
 Then like this:

Thinking that a certain character (or maybe characters 😉) was good looking, I told my family so. They disagreed with me and I was like:
Oh please!

Let's just say I really enjoyed the new episode. I was super excited after seeing the "Next week on When Calls the Heart" preview.

Woah! What a day!

I hope you enjoyed! I know this post was a little different (hehe), but you just got a glimpse into how weird I can be sometimes. 😜

 Until next time!

Thursday, January 10, 2019

My Friend the Bird is Back!!

If you’ve been around my blog awhile then you already know about this "exotic" bird friend of mine (aka a heron). If not, then you’re probably wondering why on earth I’m calling a heron an exotic bird. Well, this story explains it all! ;) My birdie comes by each year and I sure do love his visits. I think he's trying to figure out how to steal more fish from our pond, but the pond is frozen... This morning though shortly after I woke up I saw him standing in our yard. You can imagine my delight seeing him since I haven't seen him since last spring. So I ran to grab my camera and snapped some pictures.

If you’re interested in reading my other follow-up stories here they are:
The Return of the Exotic Bird
My Friend the Bird

Monday, May 21, 2018

My Friend the Bird

It's that time of year again! This is the third year in a row that we've had a heron at our place. It comes each spring and yes, I like to think it's the same one. ;) It only sticks around for a few days but it likes to perch on our roof and eats some of the fish out of our pond. I really like this bird (aside from the fact that it loves our little fish). Now each spring I look for it. I've grown quite attached to it after my first sighting. ;) Unfortunately I've only seen the heron once this year. It was by our pond and I saw it out the kitchen window, but then it flew away.
Isn't it so pretty though?
If you haven't heard my previous heron stories you can read about my sighting of it here and my follow up story here.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Return of the Exotic Bird

Okay, so last summer I did a post on my sighting of an exotic bird. If you missed that interesting story of mine you can read it here. ;)
Well, folks! The bird (that turned out to be a heron) is back. So, last year when I first saw a heron was in late April and I just saw a heron again yesterday. I’m guessing it just comes around our place in the spring. While it’s here it helps itself to the fish in our pond. We have too many fish, but that isn’t exactly the way we want to get rid of them. ;)
Anyways, I just wanted to share my “exotic” bird update with you all! :)

I'm happy that I was able to get a nice, clear picture of it this time!

Friday, July 8, 2016

An Exotic Bird....Or Not

Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a wonderful Friday! :D

Okay, first off, does anybody know what type of bird this is?

If you said a heron that is correct! If you weren’t exactly sure, no worries because I didn’t either. ;) 
I alway thought I knew what a heron was, but several weeks ago I found out that I obviously didn’t. I had never actually seen one. Little did I know that I was the only one in my family who hadn’t.
We have a small pond in our front yard with some fish in it and our fish population wasn’t what it had been before. I heard my family talking about that they’d seen a heron around lately and that it was stealing fish from our pond. So when it would come by someone would run out to chase it away. Like I said before, I hadn’t seen this heron that my family kept talking about, but I was pretty sure I knew what it looked like.
Well, back in late April (the 28th to be exact) I was standing in the kitchen by the window talking with my mom. I happened to look out the window and there, in our yard, I saw this huge bird. It was quite tall with a very long neck and a long beak. I was so shocked. My mom on the other hand, was not mesmerized by this bird like myself. She looked out the window too and seeing that this strange bird was a heron ran outside to chase it away. I was still standing in the kitchen shocked! I had never seen a bird like that before. It seriously looked like a strange, exotic, bird from a tropical island or maybe even some bird that flew over from Hawai’i! But I soon found out that that was the bird that had been eating our fish and that it was the heron. Not some exotic bird.
It came back a few days later and I tried to get a good picture of it, but it didn’t stand still that long so I couldn’t get the greatest picture and that’s why the above picture is a tad blurry.

Well, I hope you enjoyed hearing about my bird adventure. Even though it was’t anything special, it sure does make for an interesting story!