Showing posts with label monthly highlights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label monthly highlights. Show all posts

Saturday, October 2, 2021

My Summer Adventures

I've always wanted what I call "my year of adventure" and it just so happens that this year became that for me. I was able to go on quite a few trips this summer which was a ton of fun!
~In the beginning of July I went and visited my friend, Brooklyne. I just did a post on our adventures in a book store that you can read here. ;)

Brooklyne and I   :)

Celebrating the 4th of July!

~Towards the end of July I went on a road trip with my mom and grandpa to Utah and Colorado. We went to two national parks and we also got to visit with some family. :)

Arches National Park

My mom and I at Arches 

We went to Great Sand Dunes National Park with my cousin and her family. 

the sand dunes

I found out that I love the mountains!

I went above the timber line which was super fun!

Colorado state flower 

~At the beginning of August a friend and I took a trip to Virginia where we got to visit Jamestown, Williamsburg, and Yorktown!

~Then at the end of August I got to go visit a friend in Washington and we went to the beach!

This summer has definitely been one to remember!

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

My Big Adventure

 Last month I got to spend a whole week with my friend Brooklyne at her house. It was so much fun!
I have lots of amazing memories. This was my first time flying alone and it went well. 
Some of the fun things I did while visiting Brooklyne was jet skiing, riding a horse, hiking, celebrating the 4th of July, four-wheeling, tie-dye, movie nights, and book shopping!

Going book shopping with a fellow bookworm like Brooklyne was loads of fun!

Before we went shopping we stopped and got a frozen hot chocolate drink. Brooklyne got me hooked on those things! ;)

We spent 3 hours in the book store and it was as absolutely amazing!

We both bought When Twilight Breaks by Sarah Sundin! We’re looking forward to reading that one. 

We both got some amazing books. I am super excited to read all of the ones I got. 

The Grand Canyon last year and spending a week with Brooklyne this summer, I can't wait until our next big adventure! :D

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

A Little Update

 Wow, it's been awhile since I've been active here on my blog! I hope to be a little more active with blogging this summer. 

I feel like I always say this, but life has been super crazy lately! I've been staying busy with work, having fun hanging out with friends, planning summer adventures, and having fun family time.

I've been reading lots lately which has been amazing! I plan to write up a post talking about some of the books I've recently read and enjoyed. 

Now onto a picture update!

Trips to the library to get some fairytale retellings!

I've been listening to audiobooks and it's been fun!

Carnival time!


I got these fun shoes on a recent shopping trip. ;)


I love sunsets!

Lots of reading!

Thrift store book haul!

A great reminder! 

More library books. Lisa Harris is a new favorite author!

It doesn't get much better than peanut M&Ms and Erynn Mangum books! ;)

A recent zoo trip. 

Our cat Cali recently passed away which has been really sad. 

Cali ❤️

Sunsets + books = two of my favorite things!

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Life Lately

March is here! It's been awhile since I've done any kind of life update, so I decided to write one up. :)

--Life lately has been pretty busy with work and just life in general. Life has also been pretty stressful, but I'm trying to remember to choose joy. There's always something to be thankful for. 

--I have made my way through the Christy Miller series again. This time I listened to the audiobooks. It was lots of fun. 

--I used to never listen to audiobooks books but lately it has been nice to do some audiobooks along with physical books.
While I listen to books I love to do diamond dot crafts! They are so fun and very relaxing for me.

--When Calls the Heart season 8 has started up! The first two episodes have premiered and it's off to a good start. :)

--On February 13 we got lots of snow! We haven't really had any all winter so it was fun to get some!
I got to go sledding which was great. Although while going down a hill I ran into a 2x4 that was frozen to the ground and I got a huge bruise on my leg. 

--My younger brothers and I have hosted lots of parties as well as went to several. It's always fun hanging out with friends. :)

--I went on an online book shopping spree which was lots of fun. 

What's something fun you've been up to lately? 

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Life Lately (Fall 2020)

 It’s been such a long time since I’ve done any type of life update post. Those are always my favorite kinds of posts to read so I decided to write one up.

I went on a trip!!! I just posted about going to the Grand Canyon and meeting Brooklyne in person. My mom and I drove to the Grand Canyon. On the way there we stopped for the night in Las Vegas and stayed at a huge hotel/casino. 

On the way home from the Grand Canyon my mom and I stopped at Bryce Canyon. It was really pretty. Both Bryce Canyon and the Grand Canyon are so different but pretty in their own way.

Bryce Canyon

Bryce Canyon

Grand Canyon

~I recently celebrated my birthday. My family and I celebrated a few days early with pizza, brownies and presents. Then I spent my actual birthday at the Grand Canyon!

~I acquired lots of books and some Hallmark movies as birthday gifts from friends and family.

~I started the book club back up in September. I’ve been running the book club for a couple years now and it’s always so much fun! 

~A good friend went back to college out of state but last weekend she came back for a surprise visit and our whole group of friends had fun hanging out.

~The sunsets are so beautiful here and I’m always taking pictures although pictures don’t do a sunset justice.

This was last nights sunset!

~I am currently reading The Stone Wall by Beverly Lewis and it is really good!!

~Tonight I am going to a barn dance!

What have you been up to recently?