Showing posts with label springtime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label springtime. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Spring,... It's Coming to an End

Spring is getting close to ending and summer will be here before we know it. Around here it’s definitely starting to feel like summer. Although we still have some spring weather every once in awhile. The last couple of days it has been around 80 degrees, but last week it was cold and rainy. The weather keeps changing from cold and rainy to hot and sunny.

Springtime is really nice because the flowers start coming up and the birds are around a lot. Also the weather can, some days, be just perfect.
Today I’m going to share a couple different pictures from around here of the pretty flowers that we have. Some of them have already come and gone, but the rest of the flowers are still around.

 I'm not sure what these flowers are, but they come up every year.

I think these tulips are just so pretty with all the white ones and just one pink one.

I just love the color of these tulips too!

This bird was sitting it the tree, right outside my bedroom window. :)

What are some of your favorite flowers? 
Are you looking forward to summer coming?

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Spring Flowers

My two favorite things about spring is the nice weather and all of the pretty flowers. Here are a couple pictures of some of the flowers that are at our house. :)


I'm not sure what these flowers are, but I like them.

Then we have some tulips.

We also have some roses and irises, but they're not up quite yet.

Do you have any flowers around your house?
What are some of your favorite flowers?