Showing posts with label movie review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label movie review. Show all posts

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Mini Book/Movie Review

Christmas Eve is here! This Christmas season flew by for me and I'm not quite ready for it to end. 

Today I will be talking a little about two great books and their movie adaptations.  

A Dog Named Christmas and Christmas with Tucker by Greg Kincaid.

I watched A Dog Named Christmas back in 2009 when it premiered and loved it. All these years later I still loved it. In 2018 I read the book. The two are pretty similar which I appreciate, but the movie is my favorite. 

I watched Christmas with Tucker for the first time in 2017 and this year I read the book. While the movie is really good the book is amazing!

These stories are very sweet and heartwarming. I definitely recommend them!

Have you read/watched these?

Monday, November 30, 2020

Doc // Series Review

 Today I am going to be talking a little about one of my favorite TV series called Doc. 

I really like Doc! I watched the first season for the first time about 10 years ago and really liked it. Only season 1 is on DVD and I never had a way to watch the rest. 

Over the summer I found the whole series on the streaming service Pure Flix and I was beyond excited. I was finally able to finish the show!

It’s definitely one of my favorites.

This show follows the life of Dr. Clint Cassidy, a small town doctor from Montana who moves to New York City.

It’s really fun following his life as he adjusts to a new city and a new doctors office and as he makes new friends.

Dr. Cassidy is a great doctor. He is super caring and really takes the time to be there for his patients.

Some of the episodes are sad, but that shouldn’t stop you from trying this series! It’s a really good one. It's also very clean, which is nice. 

One of my favorite episodes is from season 4 called He Loves Me He Loves Me Not. ;)

I know a lot of people who like the show Sue Thomas FBEye. Well, Doc is actually made by the same people! 

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Indivisible // Movie Review

About the Movie:
Indivisible is the extraordinary true story of Army Chaplain Darren Turner and his wife Heather, whose lives are fully devoted to serving God, family, and country. But when war etches deep battle scars – both overseas and on the home front – the Turners' rock-solid marriage is shaken to its core. Carrying the burdens the other can't comprehend, they must decide if they're willing to face one more battle: the fight to save their marriage.

You can see a trailer of this movie here.

I saw a trailer for Indivisible while at the movie theatre seeing God Bless the Broken Road back in September. I wasn't sure if Indivisible would be something I'd want to see or not. I never know about movies that are war related, just because I'm a bit more sensitive to war movies, but while there is war and violence it's not graphic. I watched this movie for the first time back in January, just a few days after it came out on DVD.
The movie is about an Army chaplain who goes to serve in Afghanistan. This movie shows real life struggles not only overseas, but also the struggles of returning home after war.
While Indivisible does deal with some deep stuff, it really is a great movie and one I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.

Have you seen Indivisible before? Do you want to?

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Run the Race // Movie Review

About the Movie:
Against the backdrop of high school football and track, two brothers in a small Southern town face escalating problems with two different world views, straining - but ultimately strengthening - the bonds of brotherhood.
Rated: PG

You can see a trailer of this movie here.

Run the Race is a movie that just came out recently. (2-22-19) I hadn't known about this movie until just a couple weeks before its release. I was watching the movie Indivisible a few days after it came out on DVD and there was a preview for Run the Race. After seeing the preview I knew I'd like to see the movie.
I really enjoyed Run the Race. The story was good although there were a few things in the storyline that came along, but were never addressed again and left you wondering what happened. I noticed it a few times but it didn't really bother me. I watched the movie with my mom and two of my brothers and those little "story gaps" bothered them a bit more.
I really like movies that have family relationships and this one had a good brother storyline. I also really enjoy movies with a Christian message as well and some drama/tension and this movie had all of those things.
Run the Race is a movie I'd watch again.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

When Calls the Heart Blog Party ~ Day 2 ~ Season 5 Recap

Here we are on day 2 of the party! I hope you're enjoying it. Faith and I sure are!! :D

In todays post I will be doing a little recap of season 5. So this doesn't turn out too long, I'll just be doing the the major happenings (in my mind).

--Season 5 started off with the Christmas episode The Christmas Wishing Tree. While Elizabeth is at the wishing tree, Jack shows up!! <3  Unfortunately Jack has to leave after Christmas and he isn't seen for a few episodes.

--Mr. Gowen has his trial and both Abigail and Bill are testifying.

--We reunite with both Julie Thatcher and Tom Thornton. I expected something to happen there, but nothing really did...

--Another character that we see again is AJ Foster.

--Jack finally came back from the Northern Territories!

--I love these two!

--I also love these two! Lee and Rosemary are just adorable!!

--Then there's these two,...Frank and Abigail. I love them as a couple, but Frank wasn't around in the beginning of the season and when he finally showed up Abigail and he decided to part ways. :'( 

--On a happier note though, the long anticipated wedding happened!! So much sweetness!! <3

--I already knew this, but I was reminded of how sweet and romantic Jack is. The flower petals on the stairs! 

--Then the unthinkable happened. Jack had to leave again, but this time he never returned....

--Thankfully there was the promise of a baby though, but Jack would've made such a great father.

--In that Christmas special of season 6 Elizabeth had her baby. A little boy named Jack. I was so hoping for a boy!

Do you have a favorite memory from season 5? What's your favorite season of When Calls the Heart?

Click here to enter the giveaway.!

Now head on over to Faith's blog to read her fantastic post of the day! :D

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Full House // Series Review

I know I've been talking about Full House lately. It's the show I've recently started watching. Today I decided to do a review style post talking a bit about Full House and why I like it. I'll also have a little smattering of pictures throughout.

So I really practically love two styles of movies: Christian movies and movies with a sweet love story. Well, Full House would not fall into either of those categories so it's a bit of a mystery to me as to why I like it. ;)
I started watching Full House around February. It started playing on the Hallmark Channel the first of the year. I'll admit, around Christmastime when a preview of Full House was being played on Hallmark, I thought it looked strange. Anyways, somehow I got stuck on the show and my brothers and I went together and bought the whole series on DVD. Full House is 8 seasons long (192 episodes).

Full House is a fun show about a family and about their life. I really like movies/shows about family and this one in particular is also really funny. Although it does have some of those heartwarming parts as well. :)

The family consists of Danny Tanner, a widower and father to 3 girls who has a TV talk show; Jesse Katsopolis, Danny's brother-in-law who moves in to help Danny raise the girls and who is a rock n roll kind of guy who has a band; Joey Gladstone who also moved in to help Danny, and wants to be a comedian and is always trying to make people laugh.
Then there is the Tanner girls. DJ is the oldest. The show starts when she is 10 and ends when she is 18. Stephanie is the middle child. She's 5 when the show starts and 13 when it ends. Then there's Michelle the youngest. When the show starts she is a baby and she is 8 when it ends.
There are other characters as the family grows, but I don't want to give everything away. ;)

I can see how some people might not enjoy this show though.
There are a couple comments that aren't always the best and there is some adult humor. God's name is taken in vain a few times. I don't like that but it is not very often. I'm not saying that that makes it okay, just that if it was all the time I wouldn't be watching the show.

So there you have it. A little bit about Full House and why I like it. Plus some of the not as good stuff so you know about that.

Some of my favorite episodes are: A Pox in Our House, The Hole-in-the-Wall Gang, Happy Birthday Babies, The Wedding, Secret Admirer, and many others.

So, have you seen Full House? If so, what's your favorite episode? Who's your favorite character?
If you haven't seen it do you want to? I'll admit, it is a bit strange at times, but funny too. ;)

Friday, February 16, 2018

When Calls the Heart Blog Party ~ Day 5 ~ Episode Recap

The blog party is almost over. I can't believe it! It has been so much fun and I'm not quite ready for it to be almost over.

Today I will be doing a recap of Heart of the Community. When this one aired on TV it was two different episodes: Heart of the Community and Change of Heart.

~Abigail is still mayor but there is some tension going on because of the railroad. Towards the end of this one though is when Mr. Gowen re-becomes mayor.

~Elizabeth gets a new student. A cute little boy named Philip Cantrell. Philip’s mother died when he was a baby and his father, Shane, seems a bit distant from Philip.

~Rosemary has started working in Abigail’s Cafe except she’s starting to realize that it isn’t exactly her thing...

~Lee is starting to run behind on orders at the sawmill. The men are working over time and are having a hard time keeping up.

~The school doesn’t have enough school supplies and the children are having to share books. Elizabeth decides to have a carnival that her and the children put on to raise money for the school.

~There’s been talk of a group of stagecoach robbers, the Tate Brothers. Jack, Bill, and Frank head out to catch them. When they get back Abigail is not too happy with Frank. She was worried about what could’ve happened and a bit hurt that Frank didn’t let her know.
Unfortunately the disagreement leads to Franks and Abigail breaking up. (In the process of their breakup ended up breaking my heart.)

~Cody ends up writing a letter to Rosemary’s advice column about Abigail and Frank. All of those scenes are quite funny. Thankfully in the end Frank and Abigail make up and get back together!

~We meet Doug, a Mountie friend of Jack’s. Doug is leading a new division up to the Northern territories.

~The carnival is a success with a bake sale, games and fortune telling by Rosemary, as well as other things.

~A new person show up in town, Carson Shepherd. Shortly after his arrival he gets injured and can't do too much heavy work.

~Rosemary stops working in the cafe so Abigail needs to hire someone and Carson applies for the job and ends up getting the job as the cook.

Do you have a favorite episode from season 4?

Head on over to Faith's blog for her post of the day!!

Monday, February 12, 2018

When Calls the Heart Blog Party ~ Day 1 ~ Episode Review

Today is the day!! A couple weeks ago I mentioned that some fun stuff was coming to my blog and today is the start of that fun!
The When Calls the Heart blog party is back!!!! Last year Faith and I co-hosted this super fun party. We decided that being the Hearties that we are that we just had to do it again this year. :D The party will run for 6 days, starting today and ending on Saturday. Both Faith and I will be posting all six of those days. I am super excited to be doing this again!

~ Thank you to Faith for making these really fun graphics! ~

Today I am going to be doing a review/recap of one of my favorite episodes from season 4. If you're going by the 42 minute episodes then it is My Heart Will Go On. If you're going by the actual movie length ones then my review is of the last half of Heart of a Teacher. ;)

--If you have not seen all of the When Calls the Hearts then there will be major spoilers in these posts!!--

~So the last episode ended with Jack getting news that his Mountie friend, Doug, was killed in the line of duty and with Elizabeth trying to get her teaching job back.

~Elizabeth starts tutoring the children in the saloon. Mr. Stoneman happens to see and sees how good she is with the children.

~Jack talks to Lee about maybe going up North to fight.

~The school children write letters for Mr. Gowen to try and help Elizabeth get her job back. Abigail tells her that if the letters don’t work then the parents will pay her salary. Although Elizabeth is very touched she says no because she still needs to get her name cleared.

~Later Jack and Elizabeth are at Elizabeth's house reading the letters written by the children. Jack tries to tell Elizabeth that he has been asked to lead a new division up North, but Elizabeth tells him no.

~They get interrupted from their conversation though by Francine showing up. Francine finally decides that it's time to tell that what happened to Elizabeth with the school superintendent had also happened to her as well. They go to Mr. Gowen and Ray Wyatt and Elizabeth is able to get her job back!

~Jack talks with Frank about what's going on and tells him that he’s decided to go up North. 

Elizabeth happens to walk in right when Jack tells Franks that. Franks leaves to let Jack and Elizabeth talk alone. 

When Jack tells Elizabeth that the posting is indefinite she races from the church. Jack catches her but she tells him to leave her alone.

~Later that evening Elizabeth tells Abigail about what has been going on. Elizabeth says that she needs to talk to Jack. Abigail tells her that Jack came by earlier and left a note for Elizabeth. Elizabeth takes the letter, opens it and reads it. All it says is "Take a walk with me."

~Elizabeth gets up, and goes to the door. When Elizabeth opens the door of Abigail’s Cafe she is met with a beautiful scene that leads up to the most wonderful moment in When Calls the Heart. 

~Jack proposal to Elizabeth!!! 

I just love this part!! I've been waiting for a proposal for forever it seems. :) It was so romantic and sweet, especially after that emotional scene in the church.

~Jack and Elizabeth have a quick engagement party before Jack has to leave the next day. 

~A lot of the town gathers to say goodbye to Jack. After he starts to ride away Elizabeth runs after him and calls to him. Jack stops and comes back to her and gives her one final kiss before riding off.

~The school has their music recital. Elizabeth sings O Danny Boy (Jack’s favorite song) while Timmy plays the piano. As Elizabeth sings there are some reminiscent scenes of Jack and Elizabeth.

If you love When Calls the Heart as well, then feel free to join in the fun. You can post about anything When Calls the Heart related that you would like. If you do post, please let Faith and I know so that we can check it out too!

Now, please don't forget to go check out Faith's post!!