Showing posts with label Tag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tag. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The Multi-Media Tag

Today I am here with a fun tag! 
My friend, Brooklyne, is actually doing the same tag on her blog today so you should definitely check out her answers. 

 1 || a song that describes you some way
I'm not sure...

2 || a movie that inspires you
I Can Only Imagine. This movie is so good and has definitely inspired me. 

3 || a book that the main character is like you 
Katie McCoy from Katie in Waiting by Erynn Mangum. Katie and I are SO similar! 

4 || a song that you love
More Hearts Than Mine by Ingrid Andress is a great song!

5 || a movie that you love 
Beyond the Blackboard is a movie that I absolutely love! It is so amazing and I definitely recommend it. 

6 || a book that you love
A Gown of Spanish Lace by Janette Oke. If you haven't read this book then you are definitely missing out!

7 || a song you do not like
Reckless Love by Cory Asbury

8 || a movie you do not like 
I'm not a fan of the Hallmark movie called Love on a Limb. 

9 || a book you do not like
I wasn't a huge fan of Where the Trail Ends by Melanie Dobson.

10 || a song that makes you happy
Only One by NF makes me happy. :)

11 || a movie that freaked you out
I'm not sure what it was called but it was a horrible movie. Very disturbing, and I didn't even watch all of it because it was that bad. 

12 || a book that made you cry
June Bug by Chris Fabry was the first book that ever made me cry. 

13 || a song you listened to a lot when you were younger 
A Little Good News by Anne Murray. 

14 || a movie you watched a lot when you were younger 
I watched Set Apart a lot when I was a young teen! That's where I actually first heard the song I mentioned in the last question. 

15 || a book you read a lot when you were younger 
Elsie's Endless Wait is a book I read a lot when I was younger. 

16 || a song that irritates you
Once again, Reckless Love by Cory Asbury. (God's love is not reckless.)

17 || a movie that kept you on the edge of your seat
I actually don't watch many suspenseful movies and those are really the only ones I'd think that would get me on the edge of my seat.

18 || a book that left you breathless 
The Escape by Lisa Harris. It was super good and it had a cliffhanger ending....I need book 2!!!! (except it's not out yet...)

19 || a song you listen to when you can't sleep
I have no clue.... ;)

20 || a comfort movie
I'd probably have to say the TV show When Calls the Heart

21 || a comfort book
The A Life of Faith: Millie Keith series are definitely comfort books to me. 

22 || a song by an artist you wouldn't normally listen to
What Ifs by Kane Brown.

23 || a book you didn't expect to love
While I really like Erynn Mangum's book I wasn't expecting to love her book Sketchy Behavior. I figured I'd like it, but no, I absolutely loved it! :D

24 || a movie that you shockingly loved
I am surprised I liked the movie I Still Believe as much as I did. I really don't like movies where a  character has cancer so I was shocked that I actually liked the movie. 

25 || current on-repeat song
Live Like You're Loved by Hawk Nelson. I listen to that one everyday on the way to work. 

26 || currently reading
I am currently reading The Librarian of Boone's Hollow by Kim Vogel Sawyer. 

27 || recently watched 

Season 8 of When Calls the Heart. ;)

Answering these questions was actually a lot harder than I thought it would be. ;)

Sunday, December 20, 2020

A Christmas Tag!

 Christmas is this week!! This weekend I've been doing some Christmas baking and there's been a couple of parties too. It's been very busy, but lots of fun.

For today's 12 Days of Christmas post I will be doing a Christmasy tag. 🎄

//What Christmas Tradition are you looking most forward to this year?

I've talked about this in the past, but our family Christmas party is the best!! It is so much fun. We are having it this week!

//What makes it FEEL like Christmas for you? (Weather, specific traditions, food, smell, person, etc.?)

Snow definitely makes it feel like Christmas, but we don't always get a lot of snow where I live. Decorations and all the lights really make it feel like Christmas to me too. 

//Favorite Christmas Movie? 

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, A Dog Named  Christmas, and Write Before Christmas. 

//Do you have a favorite tree ornament? 

I have several favorites, but this little house is one of my favorites: 

the front

the back

//Have you ever had a White Christmas

Yes, I have! I really hope we have one this year!

//Have you read any Christmas books this season?

I have read quite a few Christmas books this Christmas season. One of my favorites so far has been Christmas with Tucker by Greg Kincaid.

//Are you an organized little elf or are you still shopping/preparing on Christmas Eve?

This year I was very organized and got all my shopping done ahead of time!

//Do you have a favorite Christmas memory?

Christmas is always so special to me each year. I have so many wonderful memories. It's lots of small things that just add up and make the greatest memories. 

//What is your favorite Christmas song?

Two of my favorites are What Child is This? and It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.

Have you done any Christmas baking yet? 

Don't forget to go enter the giveaway at Stories by Firefly! There's not many days left to enter!

Thursday, July 2, 2020

The Small Joys Tag

Hey all! I hope everyone is doing well!
I am here today with a fun tag called The Small Joys Tag that Brooklyne tagged me for! Thanks, Brooklyne! :)


1. Thank the blogger who tagged you 

2. List 15 of your Small Joys (They can be as weird, random, and silly as you want to make them!)

3. Tag 5 blogger friends who bring you joy (and feel free to say why they bring you joy!)

4. Have fun with it!

1. Playing games with my family!
I enjoy spending the evening playing games with my family. Lots of time we'll play either Telestrations, Scattergories, or Play Nine. It's always so much fun and we're usually all dying of laughter.

2. Getting mail
It's so much fun to go check the mail and find out you got something. As long as it's not a bill or junk mail, that doesn't hold the same joy, but to find you got a letter from a friend? That's definitely fun!

3. Reading a good book
It's a small joy for sure to find a great book and enjoy reading it.

4. Finding a good TV show 
Okay, I love watching movies and especially TV shows, but it's sometimes hard to find good ones, so I love it when I find one I really enjoy.

5. Holding babies
There's something so special about cuddling a baby.

6. Hanging out with friends
I enjoy talking with friends, going shopping with them, or having movie nights.

7. Shopping
Shopping is great. I have a blast book shopping and clothes shopping. I love to go with my mom. I always have so much fun.

8. My book club
I started my book club in 2017 and I absolutely love it! The girls are so fun and recently they gave me such a special gift, a notebook filled with their favorite memories from the book club. :)

9. Going to the beach
The beach is my happy place.

10. Ice cream 
I can't eat regular ice cream, but I have found out that almond milk ice cream is amazing! There's also this amazing dairy free stuff that I had in Los Angeles last summer and it is SO good, but it's a very rare place unfortunately.

11. Family pizza movie nights
I love it when we have pizza for dinner and watch a movie.

12. Flowers
Flowers are so pretty. I really like all of the beautiful colors.

13. Bookish Instagram
It may sound weird, but I really love having a bookish Instagram page. It's so fun to take bookish pictures and talk about books.

14. The Christmas season
I love everything about Christmas, the true meaning of Christmas, the baking, the decorating, the themed movies and books... ;)

15. Taking walks
If the weather is nice I enjoy taking walks a lot.

I'm not going to tag five people, but I'll tag two of my friends: Victoria and Faith.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Liebster Award (2020 edition)

Happy Wednesday! (Random fact, did you know that today is national ice tea day?)

I am here today with a tag! My sweet friend, Brooklyne, over at Showers of Blessings tagged me for the Liebster Award!

1. What is your top three (baby/book character) names? 
I really like the names: April, Ashleigh, and Laura. (I actually use all three of those in the books I'm working on.)

2. Do you like flowers for their shape, scent, or color?
This is a unique question! I never thought too much about it actually. I love flowers, but I guess I'd have to say for their color. I love all the beautiful colors that flowers can be. :)

3. What is your ideal vacation spot? 
Definitely the beach!!

4. Favorite book genre and why? 
I really like contemporary, but I'm not quite sure why...maybe because some of my favorite books like the Christy Miller series, Katie in Waiting, and Child of Mine are contemporary. Historical is great though too!!

5. What is your favorite way to hear from your friends? (text, happy/snail mail, surprise visits, etc)
I absolutely love snail mail!! It always brightens my day, but I love texts too! Getting a text from a friend, especially after a long day, makes me smile.

6. If you could pick one thing to be super good at, what would it be? 
I play the violin well, but I'd like to be good enough to play at Carnegie Hall!!

I'm not going to tag anyone this round, but if you want to answer these questions, go ahead!! :D

Monday, March 23, 2020

Would You Rather // The Amazing Race Tag

Today Brooklyne and I are doing a fun tag together. We are doing The Amazing Race Tag! We had fun planning this. If you don’t know what the Amazing Race is then here’s a brief description for you that Brooklyne found:
 "The Amazing Race is a reality television game show in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams. Contestants strive to arrive first at "Pit Stops" at the end of each leg of the race to win prizes and to avoid coming in last, which carries the possibility of elimination or a significant disadvantage in the following leg.
...Clues provided in each leg lead the teams to the next destination or direct them to perform a task, either together or by a single member. These challenges are related in some manner to the country wherein they are located or its culture. Teams are progressively eliminated until three are left; at this point, the team that arrives first in the final leg is awarded the grand prize."

So, it’s a race around the world and pretty entertaining to watch. I do have a disclaimer though. There is some language. So, that's a downfall of the show.
Brooklyne and I have taken some of the challenges, roadblocks, and detours from various season of the Amazing Race and are doing a would you rather kind of tag.
We’ll tell you a bit about each challenge then tell you which one we picked.

Would You Rather // Amazing Race Challenges

1. Sandcastles vs. Hay Bales 

Sandcastles explained: There are 400 sandcastles on the hot beach. The clues are hidden under the sandcastles. You must look under the castles to find your clue, but if it’s not under that one you must rebuild the sandcastle before moving onto the next one.
Hay Bales explained: Searching through 186 giant hay bales you must find your clue. The clues are hidden inside the hay bales and you have to unroll them one at a time to see if your clue is inside.
(It may not sound too hard but once one team struggled for nearly 10 hours and never found the clue).

What would we rather do?

Rebekah's Answer: I think I would choose to do the sand castles. Both could either be quick or they could take forever, but I’d choose the sand castles because I don’t think I’d have enough strength to do too many hay bales.
Brooklyne's Answer: I choose Hay bales. I'd rather take my chance with the hay than burn in the sun trying to find and remake new sandcastles. I'd probably get a rash from the hay, but I'd just wear long sleeves and make sure to bring a pocket knife for the twine.

2. Shaving Your Head vs Bungee Jumping 

Shaving You Head explained: This task is very self explanatory, though would take some amazing dedication to the Race in order to complete it.
Bungee Jumping explained: This was a task quite a few times, but one specific time it was jumping from a 364 foot bridge.

What would we rather do?

Rebekah's Answer: As much as the thought of bungee jumping terrifies me I’d try to find my courage, because I really wouldn’t want to shave my head!
Brooklyne's Answer: I'm gonna have to go with Bungee Jumping! It would be terrifying, but at least I'd have my hair... :)

3. Tea Tasting vs Flags of the Countries Memory Challenge

Tea Tasting explained: Basically all you do is taste a flavor of tea then you search among hundreds of cups of different/similar teas to find a match to the one you tasted earlier.
Flags of the Countries Memory Challenge explained: Throughout the season teams were greeted with hello and goodbye in the language of whichever country they were in. Now you must match all nine different hello and goodbyes from the country you visited to the corresponding flag for that country.

What would we rather do?

Rebekah's Answer: Both of these would be quite tough, but I’d really have to go with the tea tasting. I feel like I’d have an easier time trying to find the right tea then trying to do a memory challenge of the flags.
Brooklyne's Answer: Tea Tasting. Why? Because I'm observant, and might be able to pick out the right taste. Also, I don't think I could do the other flag challenge!

4. Eating Fish eggs vs. Eating Snake

Eating Fish Eggs explained: Eat 1 kilogram of caviar (just over 2 pounds).
Eating Snake explained: You must eat a portion of cobra meat. Not only do you just have to eat the meat you’re eating it in front of a glass cage with live cobras in it.

What would we rather do?

Rebekah's Answer: Umm…this is disgusting, but I’d definitely choose the eating snake meat because I think it would be easier then trying to eat that many fish eggs.
Brooklyne's Answer: Yuck, neither! That sounds disgusting! I might have to take a 4 hour penalty on this task...

5. Dancing Routine vs. Choir Boy Sing Along in a Different Language

Dancing Routine explained: Learn a choreographed dance routine and perform in front of a judge.
Choir Boy Sing Along in a Different Language explained: Basically, you learn a song in a language you have never heard before and perform it with Choir boys. Sounds hard, I know!

What would we rather do?

Rebekah's Answer:  It takes me awhile to get the footwork down for a new dance but I feel like I could do it faster then trying to learn a song in a different language…
Brooklyne's Answer: Ah, I'd have to go with the first one... As clumsy as I am, I think I could do a dance routine faster than I can learn a song in a different language!

6. Synchronized Diving vs. Kayaking Rapids 

Synchronized Diving explained: Both you and your teammate complete a dive in exact tune with each other. Diving from a tall diving board into deep waters below, one must have perfect timing and be on the same page with your teammate.
Kayaking Rapids explained: Although this might sound like a easier task than up above, trust me, it comes with it's own challenge. One must complete a timed course through man-made rapids and turns. All the while collecting colored flags along the way.

What would we rather do??

Rebekah's Answer: I’m not a big fan of being in the water, but I’d have to choose the kayaking.
Brooklyne's Answer: Sign me up for the Kayaking challenge. Sounds hard, but I think I might be able to do it! ...with a lot of practice.

7. Repelling from a Bridge vs. Tightrope Walk

Repelling form a Bridge explained: Up on a high bridge dangled above the water by one rope? Sounds adventurous to say the least.
Tightrope Walk explained: One team member had to cross a tightrope between the San Francisco Bay Towers, 35 stories high and 65 feet across!

What would we rather do?

Rebekah's Answer: I’d choose to repel, because that just sounds way less scary! ;)
Brooklyne's Answer: Repel from a bridge...that, over a 35 story high tightrope walk any day.

Wow, Brooklyne, we chose a lot of the same tasks! :D This was so much fun!

If anyone would like to do this tag then consider yourself tagged!

Monday, March 16, 2020

The Chocolate Book Tag

Happy Monday! Today Brooklyne and I are doing the Chocolate Book Tag! You can head over to Brooklyne's blog to read her answers to the tag!

Dark Chocolate - A book that covers a dark topic.
Freedom by Faith Potts covers the topic of suicide. While it does have that dark topic in it the book also is full of hope that each person has a purpose.

White Chocolate - Your favorite lighthearted/humorous read.
The book that comes to me off the top of my head is When Calls the Heart by Janette Oke. It is so good and one spot in particular is especially funny. ;)

Milk Chocolate - A book that has a lot of hype that you're dying to read. 
I wouldn't say this book has a lot of hype but I'm dying to read The Stone Wall by Beverly Lewis!

Chocolate With A Caramel Center - A book that makes you feel all gooey in the middle while you are reading it.
I'll just go with A Gown of Spanish Lace. That's such a great book!

Wafer-free Kit-Kat - A book that has surprised you lately.
I'm not sure if this is supposed to be a good or a bad surprise. I've never heard of a wafer-free Kit-Kat. Wouldn't that just be a plain chocolate bar...?
Anyways a book that surprised me in a good way lately was Cole and Sav: Our Surprising Love Story. I was thinking I would enjoy this book, but at the same time I always have a harder time reading non-fiction even if it's about someone I'm interested in. This book was great though! I really enjoyed it and I finished it quickly!

Snickers - A book that you're going nuts about.
I read Katie in Waiting last summer and LOVED it!! I can't believe how good it was!! I wish I could get my friends to read it!

Hot Chocolate with Cream and Marshmallows - A book that you would return to for a comfort read.
For ever and always, A Life of Faith: Millie Keith!

Box of Chocolates - What series have you read that you feel has a wide variety and something for everyone. 
I think it's hard to find a book that everyone would like, but I would say that the Circle C series can be enjoyable to a wide variety. Either girls or boys can enjoy these. They can be enjoyable for a fairly wide age range too, and they are just great in general!

What book are you dying to read?

Now don't forget to check out Brooklyne's answers!

Monday, August 26, 2019

Writers Unite Tag with Brooklyne!

I hope everyone is having a lovely day! Today I am here with a super fun post. My friend, Brooklyne, tagged me for the #writersunite tag a few weeks ago. This is a tag that you partner up with a friend to do. I'm doing it with Brooklyne. This time she's going to be talking about her other book she's working on, Third Chances and I'm going to be talking about mine, A Season of Change.

So half the questions Brooklyne and I will answer here on my blog and the other half we'll answer on her blog

Also, head on over to Brooklyne's blog for a link to the tag rules! ;)

1. What are your main character's names?
Rebekah: Laura Rose Winters 

Brooklyne: Amy “Amy” Bennett is my main character and my secondary main character is Colton “Colt” Hughs 

2. What do the main characters look like?
Rebekah: Laura has light brown hair. She's a pretty small girl and is 5 feet 3 inches tall. 

Brooklyne: Amy has lightish brown/blonde hair that she almost always wears in a ponytail. She is 5’2’’ tall and loves  the color hot pink, so usually she has pink clothing…

Colt has brown, hair that is slightly curly, although he cuts it short enough that its not completely curly. He is usually wearing a plaid button up shirt with jeans and his worn-out pair of cowboy boots.

3. Does anyone die in the book?
Rebekah: Yes, Laura's mom dies at the beginning of the book. 

Brooklyne: Hmm, at this point in the story, I’m not quite sure yet.

4. What songs do you listen to while writing?
Rebekah: I don't tend to listen to music while I write but I do listen to music while
I'm not writing and try to find songs that I feel "fit" with my story. One song that I feel goes with my book and the way Laura feel is Invisible by NF. (but just the first two verses. ;))

Brooklyne: I can’t listen to music while I write for some reason, but a song that always reminds me of this WIP is Jesus Take the Wheel by Carrie Underwood. I love that song! 

5. Do the characters have any pets?
Rebekah: Nope. ;)
Brooklyne: Yes! They do… dogs.

7. Could you share an emotional snippet with us?
This snippet is from towards the beginning of the book. Laura's mom recently died and Laura is moving away from all that's familiar to go live with her dad in a different state. 
"Laura stood in her room. Everything was packed and ready to be taken downstairs. Reaching up to clutch her locket a few tears leaked out of her eyes and down her cheeks. She heard footsteps coming down the hall. Wiping the tears from her eyes Laura glanced over her shoulder at the open doorway. Hannah appeared at the door and Laura rushed towards her. Opening her arms to her friend Hannah held Laura while they both cried. “How am I supposed to leave you, Hannah? How?” Sniffing Hannah replied, “I can’t imagine being separated from you especially at this time, but God has everything in control. He’s got you Laura, He’ll be there for you, girl. And so will I, just not in person, but you can bet that I’ll be texting and calling you all the time.”  "

Brooklyne: Here's one from Amy’s POV: "She stared disappointedly at the Bible that had barely made it into the box of her belongings. It had let her down. God had let her down. What kind of God would let her father run out on them two years ago? What kind of God would leave her stranded on a busy highway all alone? At night and in the pouring rain of all things! 

Her vision blurred until she couldn’t tell the difference from the raindrops outside the car and her tears. Feeling defeated, she placed her left hand on the cold glass window almost as cold as her heart. Almost, but now quite. The window fogged around her handprint as she softly cried angry tears. She was mad at the God she thought she could trust.”

7. What about a happy one?
"Laura closed her journal. She smiled. It had been a fun evening. Laura loved how relaxed she had felt with her dad. 
She felt like the two of them were getting closer ever since their talk on the front porch last week. Things hadn’t been quite as strained and Laura felt like she could relax a bit with Eli. She hoped this wasn’t just a phase but was the start to a new beginning."

Brooklyne: Here’s one from Colts POV: “Do you always help with the dish washing?” Amy questioned, wrist-deep in the soapy water.

“Miss Trish has always said that it was good for a guy to do the dishes once in a while. She also made it a unofficial rule that whoever didn’t cook needs to help clean up.”

“Oh, ok. I wondered if there was more to the story than you just being overly helpful.”

Sarcastic are we? So maybe she isn’t a textbook lawyer after all. “Hey, I’m always overly helpful!”

“I can tell she has got you pegged pretty accurately, Colt. You better watch yourself!” Miss Trish chirped from the corner of the kitchen where she rummaged through the fridge, trying to make room for the leftover cinnamon rolls. 

“Two against one, not fair.” He feigned a grumpy face, but failed miserably when he busted up. He hadn’t laughed just to laugh in a long time. It felt good. He didn’t realize how much he had been stressed out lately.

8. Which character do you most relate to?
Rebekah: I'm not too sure...I relate to one of my other characters from a different book more, but from this book, I guess Laura, but we do have lots of differences. 

Brooklyne: Well, I’d say probably with Amy, but there are a few major differences as well. 

9. Do any of your characters have strange habits?
Rebekah: None at the moment! Some may develop though. ;)

Brooklyne: Strange habits Amy has is she will bite her nails, adjust her reading glasses, snaps her fingers, and will randomly hum a tune. 

Strange habits Colt has is he will randomly swipe his hair, but he does that more when he’s in a awkward situation or under pressure. Another one would be he taps his cowboy boots when he gets impatient….

10. What is the setting of the book (e.g. Year, state, country)
Rebekah: My story takes place in Idaho, present time. 

Brooklyne: Third Chances takes place in Chicago and the year is (tentatively at this point in the writing process) 2005. This will be a Christian Contemporary Novella or Novel depending on how well the plot develops. XD 

~Brooklyne made these lovely graphics for me for my book!~

There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven -- Ecclesiastes 3:1

~Graphics for Brooklyn's book~

We hope you enjoyed! Now don't forget to hop on over to Brooklyne's blog to check out the rest of the questions and our answers! 

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Reading Travel Tag

I really love to travel. I also really love to read. So I decided to create The Reading Travel Tag!

Thank you to my sweet friend, Brooklyne, for making this lovely graphic!

The Rules:
~Answer the questions
~Tag some adventurous/bookish friends
~Have fun!  

Let's Hit the Road: -- A book with a road trip in it.
I think books with road trips in them are so fun! Unfortunately I don't know of too many books with road trips. The two that I can think of (and are really fun!) are:
To Get to You by Joanne Bischof.

Salty Kisses by Robin Jones Gunn. Salty Kisses is especially fun if you've read the other Christy Miller books because her and her husband and little girl go on a road trip and visit old friends so it was a treat to get to "visit" those characters. ;)

We're Clear for Take Off: -- A book where the character travels by plane.
 In A Promise is Forever, Christy travels by plane.

Save Your Pennies: -- A book set in a place you'd love to travel to.
I want to go to lots of different places, but one place that I'd love to go one day is Alaska. While I didn't particularly care for the book, Brides of Alaska, is obviously set in Alaska and I just really want to go there!

I Wish...: -- A book that made you want to visit a certain place.
I'm choosing yet another Christy Miller book. (Those books are really good, by the way. ;)) I never had any desire to travel out of the country until I read Until Tomorrow by Robin Jones Gunn. Christy Miller and some of her friends went to Europe and it sounded like so much fun. Visiting Europe is now on my list of places to go.

All Aboard: -- A book where the character travels by train. 
Millie Keith in Millie's Remarkable Journey travels by train. (My favorite series ever!!)

Ah, the Memories: -- A book set in a place you've visited.
The Proving by Beverly Lewis is set at an Amish bed and breakfast in Gordonville, Pennsylvania. Back in 2015, my mom and I actually stayed in an Amish bed and breakfast in Gordonville, PA! It was really neat, because in the book there were a few mentions of different places in Lancaster County that my mom and I have been too.

 Wait, We're There Already?: A book you read while on vacation.
I've read many books while vacation. One in particular is The Love Letters by Beverly Lewis. (I love the cover!)

Home Sweet Home: A book set in your home state. 
A book set in my home state is Love Finds You in Sun Valley, Idaho by Angela Ruth Strong. This is a pretty fun book. The main character is an actress and she's in Idaho filming her next movie which is a romantic comedy.

I tag:
Brooklyne, Faith, Kaitlyn, and Victoria!

Monday, August 12, 2019

The Sunshine Blogger Award (2019 Edition)

Brooklyne over at Showers of Blessings recently did the Sunshine Blogger Award tag and she left it open for whoever wanted to do it, so I decided to go for it and answer the questions that she asked. ;)

1. What is one thing you like about your middle name?
I like that it has a unique spelling! Ashleigh. :)

2. If you could play any instrument without having to learn it, what would you play?
I'd have to say the piano. I do know how to play a little bit. I took piano lessons for a year, but I'd love to know how to play concertinos and such.

3. What's your favorite veggie?
Carrots for sure! But raw carrots. I prefer most veggies if they're raw.

4. How much would you have to be paid to go skydiving?
Not too much. I think it might be fun, but only as long as it's tandem skydiving. Although I'd rather go zip lining and parasailing first! :D

5. What is your favorite plant and why?
I like forget-me-nots because they are so cute and tiny and blue. :)

6. What was the first thing you woke up thinking today?
I woke up thinking about how excited I am for fall. I woke up earlier then usual this morning and it was still slightly dark in my room and a bit chilly and it kind of felt like fall, so now I'm super excited for fall to arrive.

7. Would you rather go swimming or lay out?
I would definitely rather go swimming.

8. What is your favorite song to sing with your best friend?
I don't really sing with friends...

9. Can you do a cartwheel?
Unfortunately no. I wish I knew how though!

10. What is your MBTI type?
My personality type is ISFJ.

11. Do you keep your room clean or messy?
I love for it to be clean, but if I am in the process of organizing and that sort of thing then it tends to be messy and it drives me crazy!

I tag whoever wants to do it! ;)

Saturday, August 3, 2019

I've Been Tagged!

I got tagged a little while ago and have been looking forward to answering these questions!! I really enjoy doing tags, so I was pretty excited when Kaitlyn over at Twin Thoughts tagged me. Thanks, Kaitlyn!

1. What is one thing that makes you sparkle? (Something that you get excited about)
There's definitely a few things that make me really excited, but I'd have to say going on vacation! I love going on trips.

2. What is your favorite musical instrument?
The violin. I've played the violin for 15 years and I still love it! I loved it before I played it too. :)

3. If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go?
I have lots of places I want to see so badly. So since I can't choose I'll go with my top three places:
New York City

4. What is your 'theme song'? (This could be an all-time favorite, or a song that describes your situation)
I guess I'd say my "theme song" is Good to Be Alive by Jason Gray. I want that to be how I live my life.

5. What's your favorite thing about blogging?
Connecting with people and talking about things I love.

6. Of all of your hobbies, what is your favorite and how did you get started on it?
I guess reading would be considered my hobby. ;) I really started getting into reading when I was about 13.

7. Who is your favorite author, and which of their books is your favorite?
Beverly Lewis! She has been my favorite author for 6 years now. So many of her books fall into my favorites, but I'd have to say The Ebb Tide is one of my top favorites by her.

8. Which is your favorite book of the Bible, and why?
I really like Philippians. Especially Philippians 4:4-13. It's so encouraging! I like Psalms a lot too.

9. Which of the four seasons best describes your personality?
Probably winter. I love winter so much and it's such a peaceful, enchanting time of the year.

10. What is one thing that God has taught you recently?
That He has a plan for everything. He's in control of all things and He has an amazing plan for my life.

I'm not going to tag anyone right now, but if you'd like to do this tag, feel free to! :D

Monday, June 10, 2019

A Bookish Tag

My friend, Brooklyne, over at Showers of Blessings just did this fun book tagged and she said she tagged the first five people who commented on her blog. I was the second comment and decided I just had to do this one!

1. What genre do you read the most?
I used to read a ton of Amish fiction, but now I've read all of Beverly Lewis's books so I don't read it as much anymore, except of course, when she writes new books.
I read quite a few contemporary books.

2. Do you prefer books that are in a series?
I really do like series because you have lots more time to get to know the characters!

3. On average, how many books do you read a month?
Lately it's been around 3 or 4.

4. What is the last book you rated 5 stars?
Becoming Us by Robin Jones Gunn was the last 5 star read for me. It is so good!

5. First person or third person? Past or present narrative?
I like both first and third person, but I prefer past tense.

6. What book do you relate to the main character the most?
Maybe Christy Miller... She's pretty relatable to me and we have some similarities (some kind of shocking!)

7. What is the most over-used plot twist that drives you crazy?
I'm not quite sure....

8. Name three books that you absolutely love the cover design.
Forever With You by Robin Jones Gunn

Child of Mine by David and Beverly Lewis

The Ebb Tide by Beverly Lewis

9. What book series would you recommend to your best friend?
Definitely the A Life of Faith Millie Keith series!! They are amazing and I've recommended them to pretty much everyone I know!!

10. A book that you liked a side character better then the main character.
I cannot think of any book where I liked the side character best.

Monday, April 29, 2019

The Awesome Blogger Award

I haven't done a tag in awhile so when Izzy over at The Story of Me tagged me for the Awesome Blogger Award I was pretty excited. :)
Thank you, Izzy, for tagging me!

1. What is the craziest word you can think of? 
I have no clue! ;D

2. Who is your favorite author? 
Beverly Lewis!! No one writes Amish fiction like she does!

3. Horses, dogs, or cats? Which do you like best? 
I'm not exactly an animal lover, but I guess I'd say cats. Kittens are so adorable!

4. Do you own any pets? 
Yes, two cats. We have friendly chickens too. ;)

Cali and Dastan 

5. Would you rather own an iPhone, computer, or notebook? 
Well, I already own an iPhone so I'd say a computer, specifically a laptop.

6. What is your favorite Bible verse or quote (from anything)? 
My favorite Bible verse is Jeremiah 29:11--For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

A quote I really like is from David A. R. White's book, Between Heaven and Hollywood--"A God-given dream is a persistent and clinging thing that will not be wiped from your heart."

I tag whoever want to do this! ;)

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

When Calls the Heart Blog Party ~ Day 3 ~ Tag

I'm having such a blast with this party of ours! Make sure to head over to Faith's blog! Her posts are a ton of fun!!

Don't forget that you can join in with a post of your own if you want!

This lovely Wednesday (Valentine Eve) I will be doing a When Calls the Heart tag that Faith and I created back in 2017 when we decided to do the blog party. Some of my questions have changed so I thought it would be fun to go back and re-do it. ;)

1. What's your favorite season of When Calls the Heart?
I'd have to say seasons 3 & 4 are my favorites. Season 3 because there's so much stuff packed into it. All the action with Frank, Lee and Rosemary's wedding, and a ton of other goodness!
Season 4 because of that Engagement!

2. Who is your favorite character and why?
I have too many to choose from! Besides all of the obvious answers like the main characters, I like Carson Shepherd. The new doctor in town is a great addition to the how. He and Faith Carter make a nice couple....

3. Who is your least favorite character and why?
Well, I used to say Charles Kensington, but he has never come back since season 2 (thankfully!). Ray Wyatt definitely is my answer! He was horrid!! I though Henry Gowen was bad, but oh no, Ray Wyatt is terrible!!

4. When did you first start watching When Calls the Heart?
Summer of 2014! One of my best life decisions ever. ;) (Okay, so that's a bit of an exaggeration I suppose, but definitely one of the best movie decisions. ;))

5. Do you have a favorite couple from the show? If so, who and why are they your favorites? 
Well out of my three favorites, only one couple is left...So my favorite is Lee and Rosemary. :)

6. Do you have a favorite quote from the show?
Rosemary has such great lines! I have so many favorites, but here's two great ones.

Abigail: "Rosemary, you're stunning. Trust me"
Rosemary: "Really? Because I was going for breathtaking. I guess stunning will just have to do."

7. What are your thoughts on Rosemary LeVeaux? Did you like her right away or did she grow on you?
I did not like her at all! Now, I simply love her. :)

8. Have you read the When Calls the Heart book series?
I have read the first 4 books in the Canadian West series. I need to finish that series so I can read the Return to the Canadian West series.

9. Was there anything in season 5 that surprised you? (characters, plots, etc…)
Umm...Jack's death....

10. What do you foresee happening in season 6? (Be creative and as detailed as you like :))
I'm not going to say much here do to an upcoming post. ;) One thing I'm super excited for though is seeing more of Jack and Elizabeth's baby! That should be really sweet. :)

Don't forget to enter the giveaway here!!