I hope everyone is having a lovely day! Today I am here with a super fun post. My friend,
Brooklyne, tagged me for the #writersunite tag a few weeks ago. This is a tag that you partner up with a friend to do. I'm doing it with Brooklyne. This time she's going to be talking about her other book she's working on,
Third Chances and I'm going to be talking about mine,
A Season of Change.
So half the questions Brooklyne and I will answer here on my blog and the other half we'll answer on her blog.
Also, head on over to Brooklyne's blog for a link to the tag rules! ;)
1. What are your main character's names?
Rebekah: Laura Rose Winters
Brooklyne: Amy “Amy” Bennett is my main character and my secondary main character is Colton “Colt” Hughs
2. What do the main characters look like?
Rebekah: Laura has light brown hair. She's a pretty small girl and is 5 feet 3 inches tall.
Brooklyne: Amy has lightish brown/blonde hair that she almost always wears in a ponytail. She is 5’2’’ tall and loves the color hot pink, so usually she has pink clothing…
Colt has brown, hair that is slightly curly, although he cuts it short enough that its not completely curly. He is usually wearing a plaid button up shirt with jeans and his worn-out pair of cowboy boots.
3. Does anyone die in the book?
Rebekah: Yes, Laura's mom dies at the beginning of the book.
Brooklyne: Hmm, at this point in the story, I’m not quite sure yet.
4. What songs do you listen to while writing?
Rebekah: I don't tend to listen to music while I write but I do listen to music while
I'm not writing and try to find songs that I feel "fit" with my story. One song that I feel goes with my book and the way Laura feel is Invisible by NF. (but just the first two verses. ;))
Brooklyne: I can’t listen to music while I write for some reason, but a song that always reminds me of this WIP is Jesus Take the Wheel by Carrie Underwood. I love that song!
5. Do the characters have any pets?
Rebekah: Nope. ;)
Brooklyne: Yes! They do… dogs.
7. Could you share an emotional snippet with us?
This snippet is from towards the beginning of the book. Laura's mom recently died and Laura is moving away from all that's familiar to go live with her dad in a different state.
"Laura stood in her room. Everything was packed and ready to be taken downstairs. Reaching up to clutch her locket a few tears leaked out of her eyes and down her cheeks. She heard footsteps coming down the hall. Wiping the tears from her eyes Laura glanced over her shoulder at the open doorway. Hannah appeared at the door and Laura rushed towards her. Opening her arms to her friend Hannah held Laura while they both cried. “How am I supposed to leave you, Hannah? How?” Sniffing Hannah replied, “I can’t imagine being separated from you especially at this time, but God has everything in control. He’s got you Laura, He’ll be there for you, girl. And so will I, just not in person, but you can bet that I’ll be texting and calling you all the time.” "
Brooklyne: Here's one from Amy’s POV: "She stared disappointedly at the Bible that had barely made it into the box of her belongings. It had let her down. God had let her down. What kind of God would let her father run out on them two years ago? What kind of God would leave her stranded on a busy highway all alone? At night and in the pouring rain of all things!
Her vision blurred until she couldn’t tell the difference from the raindrops outside the car and her tears. Feeling defeated, she placed her left hand on the cold glass window almost as cold as her heart. Almost, but now quite. The window fogged around her handprint as she softly cried angry tears. She was mad at the God she thought she could trust.”
7. What about a happy one?
"Laura closed her journal. She smiled. It had been a fun evening. Laura loved how relaxed she had felt with her dad.
She felt like the two of them were getting closer ever since their talk on the front porch last week. Things hadn’t been quite as strained and Laura felt like she could relax a bit with Eli. She hoped this wasn’t just a phase but was the start to a new beginning."
Brooklyne: Here’s one from Colts POV: “Do you always help with the dish washing?” Amy questioned, wrist-deep in the soapy water.
“Miss Trish has always said that it was good for a guy to do the dishes once in a while. She also made it a unofficial rule that whoever didn’t cook needs to help clean up.”
“Oh, ok. I wondered if there was more to the story than you just being overly helpful.”
Sarcastic are we? So maybe she isn’t a textbook lawyer after all. “Hey, I’m always overly helpful!”
“I can tell she has got you pegged pretty accurately, Colt. You better watch yourself!” Miss Trish chirped from the corner of the kitchen where she rummaged through the fridge, trying to make room for the leftover cinnamon rolls.
“Two against one, not fair.” He feigned a grumpy face, but failed miserably when he busted up. He hadn’t laughed just to laugh in a long time. It felt good. He didn’t realize how much he had been stressed out lately.
8. Which character do you most relate to?
Rebekah: I'm not too sure...I relate to one of my other characters from a different book more, but from this book, I guess Laura, but we do have lots of differences.
Brooklyne: Well, I’d say probably with Amy, but there are a few major differences as well.
9. Do any of your characters have strange habits?
Rebekah: None at the moment! Some may develop though. ;)
Brooklyne: Strange habits Amy has is she will bite her nails, adjust her reading glasses, snaps her fingers, and will randomly hum a tune.
Strange habits Colt has is he will randomly swipe his hair, but he does that more when he’s in a awkward situation or under pressure. Another one would be he taps his cowboy boots when he gets impatient….
10. What is the setting of the book (e.g. Year, state, country)
Rebekah: My story takes place in Idaho, present time.
Brooklyne: Third Chances takes place in Chicago and the year is (tentatively at this point in the writing process) 2005. This will be a Christian Contemporary Novella or Novel depending on how well the plot develops. XD
~Brooklyne made these lovely graphics for me for my book!~
There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven -- Ecclesiastes 3:1
~Graphics for Brooklyn's book~
We hope you enjoyed! Now don't forget to hop on over to Brooklyne's blog to check out the rest of the questions and our answers!