Five young women, including beloved Gunn characters Christy Miller and Sierra Jensen, gather for a simple Christmas party and soon become unlikely best friends. Told from the viewpoint of Emily, a timid young mom going through a difficult season of life, the regular gatherings provide the much needed community she's longed for. As the women begin sharing their life stories in Becoming Us they are endeared to each other and find ways to challenge, encourage, and help each other become the nurturing mothers they wished they'd had when they were growing up. They see themselves as Haven Makers and unite to be remembered for what they do and not for what was done to them.
Becoming Us is a great book! I really enjoyed it. I was so excited when I heard about this book because Robin Jones Gunn’s other character, Christy Miller, is in this book. Sierra Jensen is as well and it was fun seeing them again, getting to know Jennalyn better, and meeting Emily and Tess. Emily is the main character in this book and it’s a story about her life. I loved her friendship with the other four ladies and their talks and get togethers always made me smile. On the front cover there is an endorsement about the book from Alyssa Bethke and it says, “You will feel like you’re a part of this sweet circle of friends—welcomed and known.” I definitely felt like that! I loved the whole book, but I especially loved the friendship aspect of the book. It was so sweet and encouraging.
Whether you’ve read Robin Jones Gunn’s beloved Christy Miller series or not, this is a fun one. It was great hearing about old characters and reconnecting with them, but if this is your first Robin Jones Gunn book it will all still make sense and not be confusing.
I’d definitely recommend this book to fans of the Christ Miller books. There is little bit of mature content, but not much. I wouldn’t say the content is anymore then what you’d read in the Christy & Todd: the Married Years or the Baby Years.
I give this book 9 R's out of 10