Anticipated Movies of 2019

Last year was an amazing year for movies. This year does not look like it will be as good as last year. But there are still a handful of movies that look promising. Here are my most anticipated movies for 2019.

Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel is the first movie that comes out this year that I plan on seeing. I've watched the trailers and it looks okay. I am not too excited for it. Since it is Marvel, I plan on seeing it. But whether I see it opening weekend is a different story.

Avengers: Endgame

Endgame is the second part to Infinity War. I did not like Infinity War. Not just because of the way it ended, but I had some major problems with the story. I plan on going to see Avengers: Endgame the day it comes out. I'm really interested to see where they go with the story.

Spiderman: Far from Home

I've never been a huge Spiderman fan, but I enjoyed Spiderman: Homecoming. It was better than I expected. I think Spiderman: Far from Home looks intriguing.

Dark Phoenix
I have not watched any X-Men movies before. I don't usually watch the movies that Marvel does with Fox. But the trailer for Dark Phoenix looks really good so I might give it a try.

Jumanji 2

I wasn't originally planning on watching Jumanji. My brother went to see it and said it was hilarious. So I went to see it and it was really funny.

I have no idea what the second movie could be about, but I plan on seeing it.

Star Wars IX

I am super stoked for Star Wars episode 9. I am a huge Star Wars fan. Personally, I don't need to see a trailer to know that it will be good. Every Star Wars movie ever made has been amazing. I know a lot of people hated The Last Jedi, but I can't understand why.

Anyways, I can't wait for the final installment in the Skywalker saga.

What are some movies that you are looking forward to this year?

Until next time,


  1. I can't wait to see Star wars! - Jose

  2. So, what did you think of Endgame and Far from home?
    I don't know why so many people hate Star Wars 8! Sure, it wasn't t the best one ever made but I liked it.


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