Showing posts with label collaboration with a friend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label collaboration with a friend. Show all posts

Friday, February 12, 2021

When Calls the Heart Blog Party // Day 1 // Heartie's Chat

Hello everyone and welcome to the annual When Calls the Heart blog party! I always look forward to co-hosting this with my friend, Faith

There will be three days of fun. There will also be a giveaway, more on that later in this post. ;)

Today, Faith and I are doing a "Heartie's Chat". I will be in the regular font and Faith will be in italics. 

Rebekah: Welcome to the When Calls the Heart blog party! 

Faith: Woot, woot! Fifth year in a row :D

I can’t believe this is our fifth year doing this!

Me either! We must be getting old… 

Haha, I know right?

But you know what the best part about another year of this party is? Another season of our beloved series. ;) 

Yes! I am so excited to see where season 8 goes! 
Only a week left until it premiers! 

*tosses confetti* I was thinking about this last night and trying to remember if the new season was season 7 or 8. (I always combine 6 and 7 in my mind for some reason… :P)  But wow, 8 years of Hope Valley!

Yeah, 8 years! It’s hard to believe there’s been that many seasons already. 

What would you say you are most looking forward to about season 8? Or do I have to ask? ;)

I am really looking forward to Elizabeth picking a guy. ;) A certain saloon owner would be nice. ;) 

Saloon owner, you say? I’m sorry, my dear, you must be mistaken about the fellow’s occupation… He’s a mountie. ;)

No, no...he is definitely not a Mountie. ;) I do like Nathan, but not for Elizabeth! 

*laughing* okay, I tried… We’ll never agree on this one… I guess we’ll have to wait and see!

Haha! I think the only Hope Valley couple we actually have agreed on is Lee and Rosemary. 

Yes, true… And Jesse and Clara. But we never did agree on a suitor for Abigail. 

How could I forget Jesse and Clara! They’re a cute couple.
Yes, we never could agree on Abigail’s love life…. (although Frank was great!) 

I hope to see more of their relationship growth and such in season 8! Wait… who’s Frank again? .... Okay, okay, I’m kidding. xD 

I do too!! 
Faith, you’re killing me here! ;D But Abigail’s not around anymore so I suppose it doesn’t matter too much anymore… 

Hehehe… Okay, since Abigail is no longer on the show, I guess I can drop the Frank thing… Bill is still around, so I’m pleased with that. ;)

Well, since Frank and Abigail are gone I don’t really mind Bill being around still. ;)

I’ve always thought Bill was an interesting character. Shady enough to keep me guessing (and wondering if he was actually a bad guy sometimes), but I always end up liking him. I especially liked his relationship with Jack. 

Exactly! Like I always go between liking Bill and disliking him!
But yes! I really liked his relationship with Jack too.
I really like how Bill looks out for Elizabeth and baby Jack. <3

Yes! And I’ve liked what I’ve seen so far of his relationship with Nathan, how especially in most recent episode they were teasing each other a bit and such. 
Awwww, yes. <3 Proof that Bill does have a heart. 

Oh yeah, I had kinda forgotten about Bill’s relationship with Nathan… 
Bill doesn’t seem to really be a fan of Lucas though…

I don’t remember a lot from season 7 (I need to re-watch next week before the new season starts airing!) but I’m specifically remembering the scene before Bill and Nathan leave for the *spoiler* prisoner transfer that ended in that other Mountie getting killed *spoiler* and Bill was like “yes, we’re leaving now. Get your stuff, let’s go!” And Nathan’s just like, “okay, fine.” xD 
Hmmm… maybe Bill knows something about Lucas that we don’t…? ;)

(I should do that too!) 
Oh right, I do remember that. (I mean how could I forget with that leading to the whole ending of the season?!)
Yeah, I don’t know about that. ;) 

Right?! (That hug though… *heart eyes*)
Hehehe… Maybe he’s just being cautious because he’s looking out for Elizabeth… we’ll see. :P
Okay, now that we’re thoroughly sidetracked… any other expectations/speculations about season 8??

Yes...the hug...I feel like the hug though was just because of the situation... because I mean there was that sweet scene with Lucas shortly before… ;)
Haha, right?! Well, I really hope Lee and Rosemary have a baby or adopt a kid. Since about season 6 I think it’s sort of briefly been in there but nothing has happened. 

Maybe… but it was still super sweet. Ahh, yes, Lucas the charmer… how could I forget? ;)
Oh, I’d forgotten about that! Yes, I would definitely like to see some progression in that possibly-forgotten side-plot. I truly would love to see them adopt a child. I love adoption plots and I think they’d be great parents. <3

Okay, it was kinda sweet. ;) But the look on Lucas’s face about broke my heart when he saw Elizabeth hug Nathan! (okay, I’m being slightly dramatic. ;))
It would be so sweet for them to adopt, the two of them would be amazing parents!! 

Poor guy… I’m not even being sarcastic this time—either way this goes, one of the guys will get hurt… :’(
Right?! Plus I always enjoy when they bring in characters from When Hope Calls to WCTH and the other way around. (Speaking of which, did WHC ever get confirmed for a second season?)

I know! Like I want Elizabeth to pick a guy, but I’ll feel bad for the other guy no matter which one it is.
I love it when they do that too! When Hope Calls has such a fun cast and I love it when they show up in When Calls the Heart. (No, I never heard anything about a season 2 of WHC. I hope they decide to do one though because I was really enjoying that show!)

I know, right? Reason #1 that I’m typically not a fan of love triangles. All the accompanying drama being a close #2. But still, I hope the love triangle gets settled in the new season, one way or another. I don’t like lingering unanswered questions… :P
(I wish they would!)

I feel like the love triangle will get resolved towards the end of the season, because you know how they like to draw things out… ;) 

Don’t I know it! ;)  Yeah, I think it probably will be. Especially after seeing the video *sorta spoiler* of Elizabeth taking off her wedding band. I’m thinking that’ll happen further into the season maybe before she actually “picks” someone. 

Oh my goodness! Yes! That video is both sweet and kinda sad. 
Yeah, probably…

It definitely shows the bittersweetness of a changing season of life… I’m excited to see what it signifies for a future/growing relationship for her. 

Another thing I’m curious to see in season 8 is how the writers take Faith and Carson’s relationship. I’m struggling to remember where they were with things when season 7 ended. I haven’t always been a total fan of their relationship (sometimes I think he’s too old for her xD), but I’m interested to see how that plays out. 

For sure! <3
Yes, I’m also excited to see where things go with Carson and Faith. I cannot remember where season 7 left things with them. I remember them saying how they felt about each other and kissing, but I think that was earlier on. 
I like them together, but yeah, sometimes it does seem like he’s too old for her.
Speaking of relationships, I’m excited to see where season 8 goes with Jesse and Claras as newlyweds! 

Yes, I remember that too, but I don’t recall whether or not anything specific happened after that. I know Carson is in that scene with the Elizabeth/Nathan hug, but I don’t remember when we last see Faith. I really do need to rewatch. ;) 

Agreed! They’re so cute. <3

Right, Carson was in that scene, but yeah, I cannot remember about Faith. I totally need to rewatch season 7 as well. ;)

I think it would be sweet to see Clara and Jesse have a baby, but I feel like that would be too soon for this season since they just got married in the middle of season 7. 

I was just thinking it would be cute for them to be pregnant in the new season! But yeah, I don’t know if the writers will want for that to happen so soon. They let Elizabeth have a baby right away though… ;P

That would be so cute! 
True, so there is hope! ;) 

As long as Jesse doesn’t have to die in order for it to happen… 

Right! I don’t want any more deaths to happen!! 

No character deaths this season, please! 

The only other expectation I have for the new season is that I hope to see storylines with Fiona! She’s a fun character. 

Oh yes! Fiona is a really fun character. I hope we get to know her more in the new season. :)

We could seriously talk about WCTH for days on end. ;)  Anything else to add?

We definitely could! ;)

Nothing else comes to mind at the moment, although I’m sure I’ll think of more stuff later. ;D 

Haha, right? I’ll think of something as soon as I sign off… xD  This has been so much fun! 

Same here. ;)

Yes, it has been lots of fun!              

Until next time, lovely friend! *waves* 
Goodbye! <3 


I hope you all enjoyed! ;)
If you're curious which video Faith and I were referring to you can check that out here.

Now for the info on the giveaway. 
The giveaway runs today and tomorrow and the winners will be announced on Sundays post. All you have to do to enter is to comment on mine and Faith's blogs. Each post you comment on counts as an entry, so you can get a total of four entries by commenting on both blogs. (multiple comments per post don't gain additional entries.)
For prizes we have:
-When Calls the Heart: The Christmas Wishing Tree DVD
-When Calls the Heart: Heart of the Family DVD
-When Calls the Heart: Heart and Home DVD
-When God Calls the Heart to Love Devotional 

The first place winner will receive first pick of two items from the list, and the second place winner will receive the other two items. Each winner will also receive a few Valentines themed stationary items (journal, cards, stickers, pens, etc.).

What are you most looking forward to in season 8? Are you Team Lucas or Team Nathan?

Don't forget to head on over to Faith's blog!

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Exiting New // Adventure Awaits!

 I have some super exciting news!!

Very soon I will be meeting Brooklyne in person!!! We are going on a trip together and I am so excited!

We’ve planned and replanned and the day is drawing near.

We thought it would be fun to do a Q&A when we meet up. 

Brooklyne and I would love it if you ask us questions. Feel free to leave your questions in the comments (about three per person maybe so we don’t get swamped with questions! ;)) 

We will be excepting answers through September 23rd. 

I won’t be saying where we’re going right now because of privacy reasons, but there will definitely be some pictures coming after the trip!

We can’t wait to answer your questions together!

Monday, March 23, 2020

Would You Rather // The Amazing Race Tag

Today Brooklyne and I are doing a fun tag together. We are doing The Amazing Race Tag! We had fun planning this. If you don’t know what the Amazing Race is then here’s a brief description for you that Brooklyne found:
 "The Amazing Race is a reality television game show in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams. Contestants strive to arrive first at "Pit Stops" at the end of each leg of the race to win prizes and to avoid coming in last, which carries the possibility of elimination or a significant disadvantage in the following leg.
...Clues provided in each leg lead the teams to the next destination or direct them to perform a task, either together or by a single member. These challenges are related in some manner to the country wherein they are located or its culture. Teams are progressively eliminated until three are left; at this point, the team that arrives first in the final leg is awarded the grand prize."

So, it’s a race around the world and pretty entertaining to watch. I do have a disclaimer though. There is some language. So, that's a downfall of the show.
Brooklyne and I have taken some of the challenges, roadblocks, and detours from various season of the Amazing Race and are doing a would you rather kind of tag.
We’ll tell you a bit about each challenge then tell you which one we picked.

Would You Rather // Amazing Race Challenges

1. Sandcastles vs. Hay Bales 

Sandcastles explained: There are 400 sandcastles on the hot beach. The clues are hidden under the sandcastles. You must look under the castles to find your clue, but if it’s not under that one you must rebuild the sandcastle before moving onto the next one.
Hay Bales explained: Searching through 186 giant hay bales you must find your clue. The clues are hidden inside the hay bales and you have to unroll them one at a time to see if your clue is inside.
(It may not sound too hard but once one team struggled for nearly 10 hours and never found the clue).

What would we rather do?

Rebekah's Answer: I think I would choose to do the sand castles. Both could either be quick or they could take forever, but I’d choose the sand castles because I don’t think I’d have enough strength to do too many hay bales.
Brooklyne's Answer: I choose Hay bales. I'd rather take my chance with the hay than burn in the sun trying to find and remake new sandcastles. I'd probably get a rash from the hay, but I'd just wear long sleeves and make sure to bring a pocket knife for the twine.

2. Shaving Your Head vs Bungee Jumping 

Shaving You Head explained: This task is very self explanatory, though would take some amazing dedication to the Race in order to complete it.
Bungee Jumping explained: This was a task quite a few times, but one specific time it was jumping from a 364 foot bridge.

What would we rather do?

Rebekah's Answer: As much as the thought of bungee jumping terrifies me I’d try to find my courage, because I really wouldn’t want to shave my head!
Brooklyne's Answer: I'm gonna have to go with Bungee Jumping! It would be terrifying, but at least I'd have my hair... :)

3. Tea Tasting vs Flags of the Countries Memory Challenge

Tea Tasting explained: Basically all you do is taste a flavor of tea then you search among hundreds of cups of different/similar teas to find a match to the one you tasted earlier.
Flags of the Countries Memory Challenge explained: Throughout the season teams were greeted with hello and goodbye in the language of whichever country they were in. Now you must match all nine different hello and goodbyes from the country you visited to the corresponding flag for that country.

What would we rather do?

Rebekah's Answer: Both of these would be quite tough, but I’d really have to go with the tea tasting. I feel like I’d have an easier time trying to find the right tea then trying to do a memory challenge of the flags.
Brooklyne's Answer: Tea Tasting. Why? Because I'm observant, and might be able to pick out the right taste. Also, I don't think I could do the other flag challenge!

4. Eating Fish eggs vs. Eating Snake

Eating Fish Eggs explained: Eat 1 kilogram of caviar (just over 2 pounds).
Eating Snake explained: You must eat a portion of cobra meat. Not only do you just have to eat the meat you’re eating it in front of a glass cage with live cobras in it.

What would we rather do?

Rebekah's Answer: Umm…this is disgusting, but I’d definitely choose the eating snake meat because I think it would be easier then trying to eat that many fish eggs.
Brooklyne's Answer: Yuck, neither! That sounds disgusting! I might have to take a 4 hour penalty on this task...

5. Dancing Routine vs. Choir Boy Sing Along in a Different Language

Dancing Routine explained: Learn a choreographed dance routine and perform in front of a judge.
Choir Boy Sing Along in a Different Language explained: Basically, you learn a song in a language you have never heard before and perform it with Choir boys. Sounds hard, I know!

What would we rather do?

Rebekah's Answer:  It takes me awhile to get the footwork down for a new dance but I feel like I could do it faster then trying to learn a song in a different language…
Brooklyne's Answer: Ah, I'd have to go with the first one... As clumsy as I am, I think I could do a dance routine faster than I can learn a song in a different language!

6. Synchronized Diving vs. Kayaking Rapids 

Synchronized Diving explained: Both you and your teammate complete a dive in exact tune with each other. Diving from a tall diving board into deep waters below, one must have perfect timing and be on the same page with your teammate.
Kayaking Rapids explained: Although this might sound like a easier task than up above, trust me, it comes with it's own challenge. One must complete a timed course through man-made rapids and turns. All the while collecting colored flags along the way.

What would we rather do??

Rebekah's Answer: I’m not a big fan of being in the water, but I’d have to choose the kayaking.
Brooklyne's Answer: Sign me up for the Kayaking challenge. Sounds hard, but I think I might be able to do it! ...with a lot of practice.

7. Repelling from a Bridge vs. Tightrope Walk

Repelling form a Bridge explained: Up on a high bridge dangled above the water by one rope? Sounds adventurous to say the least.
Tightrope Walk explained: One team member had to cross a tightrope between the San Francisco Bay Towers, 35 stories high and 65 feet across!

What would we rather do?

Rebekah's Answer: I’d choose to repel, because that just sounds way less scary! ;)
Brooklyne's Answer: Repel from a bridge...that, over a 35 story high tightrope walk any day.

Wow, Brooklyne, we chose a lot of the same tasks! :D This was so much fun!

If anyone would like to do this tag then consider yourself tagged!

Monday, March 16, 2020

The Chocolate Book Tag

Happy Monday! Today Brooklyne and I are doing the Chocolate Book Tag! You can head over to Brooklyne's blog to read her answers to the tag!

Dark Chocolate - A book that covers a dark topic.
Freedom by Faith Potts covers the topic of suicide. While it does have that dark topic in it the book also is full of hope that each person has a purpose.

White Chocolate - Your favorite lighthearted/humorous read.
The book that comes to me off the top of my head is When Calls the Heart by Janette Oke. It is so good and one spot in particular is especially funny. ;)

Milk Chocolate - A book that has a lot of hype that you're dying to read. 
I wouldn't say this book has a lot of hype but I'm dying to read The Stone Wall by Beverly Lewis!

Chocolate With A Caramel Center - A book that makes you feel all gooey in the middle while you are reading it.
I'll just go with A Gown of Spanish Lace. That's such a great book!

Wafer-free Kit-Kat - A book that has surprised you lately.
I'm not sure if this is supposed to be a good or a bad surprise. I've never heard of a wafer-free Kit-Kat. Wouldn't that just be a plain chocolate bar...?
Anyways a book that surprised me in a good way lately was Cole and Sav: Our Surprising Love Story. I was thinking I would enjoy this book, but at the same time I always have a harder time reading non-fiction even if it's about someone I'm interested in. This book was great though! I really enjoyed it and I finished it quickly!

Snickers - A book that you're going nuts about.
I read Katie in Waiting last summer and LOVED it!! I can't believe how good it was!! I wish I could get my friends to read it!

Hot Chocolate with Cream and Marshmallows - A book that you would return to for a comfort read.
For ever and always, A Life of Faith: Millie Keith!

Box of Chocolates - What series have you read that you feel has a wide variety and something for everyone. 
I think it's hard to find a book that everyone would like, but I would say that the Circle C series can be enjoyable to a wide variety. Either girls or boys can enjoy these. They can be enjoyable for a fairly wide age range too, and they are just great in general!

What book are you dying to read?

Now don't forget to check out Brooklyne's answers!

Friday, February 14, 2020

When Calls the Heart Blog Party // Day 2 // Couples

Happy Valentine's Day! 💕 Welcome to day 2 of the party!

Today Faith and I are guest posting on each other's blogs. :)

Hey, guys! I’m guest posting today on Rebekah’s blog, while she’s guest-posting on mine. We’re each giving our thoughts and opinions on the show’s “current couples.” My thoughts are here, and you can hop over to my blog to read Rebekah’s opinions!

>> Lee & Rosemary <<
One of my all-time favorite couples from the show. They also happen to be the ​only​ favorite couple of mine which are both still (1) alive, and (2) on the show regularly.
I didn’t like Rosemary at first. She was trying to steal Jack away from Elizabeth, she was slightly obnoxious, and her affinity for the color red sent my eyebrows skyward. Needless to say, she’s grown on me. Very much. Quite rapidly, too, after she got her claws out of Jack.
Lee, also, didn’t immediately gain a spot on my favorites list when he came roaring into town on his motorcycle. I actually thought he was some sort of conman, and Rosemary’s infatuation with him only added to my belief that he was up to no good. But once I realized he was upright, I became a total fan.
And I’ll always adore their love story. They’re very different people, but they compliment each other nicely. And, I mean, their jokes and sarcasm are top-notch, too.

>> Jesse & Clara <<
Ahh, yes, the young ones. I wasn’t sure what to make of this couple to begin with, but I’ve warmed up to them. They’ve definitely had their ups and downs, but S6 was good for them and I hope S7 is, too. <3
 Clara is a sweet character. I was surprised by her appearance on the show and the news of her brief marriage to Abigail’s son, Peter. But it made for a unique storyline, which I liked.
I didn’t like Jesse in the beginning. Again, I thought he was a conman. (See the trend?) He was too, I don’t know, smart-alecky? I thought he had an ulterior motive for getting close to Clara. But after he like, saved the town or whatever, I tried to trust that there was some good in there. Somewhere. ;)
(Also, random side note here, but am I the only person who thinks these two ​look alike?​ ? I know, weird. But I think their eyes and face structures have a lot of similarities... #sidetracked)

>> Carson & Faith <<
Okay, gonna be honest here. I’m...not sure what to think about this one. I’m not exactly against it, but I haven’t decided if I’m ​for​ it. It just feels kind of forced to me.
They’ve worked together all this time with no awkward doctor/nurse flirtiness—until now. I liked Carson with that friend of Rosemary’s. I liked Faith with Phillip’s dad, Shane. But with each other? Not sure...
Would you believe it? I didn’t trust Carson at first ​either​! *shock waves* His eyes are nice, though, so while I didn’t exactly trust him, I found it hard to believe he was a terrible person.
I also wasn’t sure if I liked Faith at first. Although she wasn’t trying to snag Jack, he could easily be perceived that way and I just don’t like that sort of thing. I began to like her more as she started to settle into life in Hope Valley.

So, yup, I guess that wraps it up. I could talk about the love-triangle we’ve got going on over there with Elizabeth/Lucas/Nathan... But we don’t have time for that, so let me just say this—I’m voting for the uniform. Hands down. ;)
Until next time, homies. *waves*


I loved reading your thoughts on these Hope Valley couples, Faith!

You can hop on over to Faith's blog to read my thoughts about the couples!

Monday, February 3, 2020

Me in Book Characters Tag

Today my friend Brooklyne, and I will be doing the Me in Book Characters Tag. In this tag we will each choose five book characters that we think are most similar to us. We will be doing the same thing over on Brooklyne's blog as well!
I'll list my character then Brooklyne will do hers.

1. The Christy Miller series by Robin Jones Gunn. Christy and I are pretty alike. Some of our looks are actually very similar as well as our personalities.
I relate more to Christy in some of the later books then in the books where she is a younger teen.
Occasionally Christy will irritate me about how she responded to something but then I think about it and realize that I might’ve handled the situation in not as great of a way either. I think sometimes the main characters in books can be so amazing and handle things perfectly that when you get to a relatable character you wonder why they did this or that until you realize that that is actually realistic.
I feel like I can relate to Christy and it’s nice to see her grow and mature throughout the books.

2. Katie from Katie in Waiting by Erynn Mangum is so me. It’s kind of scary how similar we are! Several times throughout the book I was saying things like, “me too!” or “hey, that is just like me!”.
It was just so weird how similar Katie and I were. From our thoughts and feelings on singleness and marriage down to small things like not being an animal person or disliking beards.  ;)
Reading Katie’s story encouraged me and I’m already reading it a second time!

3. Christy Huddleston from the 12 book Christy series based off the book by Catherine Marshall. Christy and I aren’t quite as similar as the first two characters I chose, but at the same time there are a few things that we are pretty close on. Christy likes children and making a difference in their lives. She’s a school teacher for a school in the Tennessee mountains. The families are very poor and the children don’t have much. I love how Christy takes the time to get to know her students and to be there for them. I love making kids feel valued and loved.

4. My own character Lily Winters. Out of all the characters I have written so far Lily is the most like me. We are both middle children and we are the peacemakers. Lily journals a lot because it helps her process things. In one scene Lily says, “Writing in my journal is like therapy to me.” That is for sure how I feel. While I made Lily and I have our differences we are very much alike.

5. Piper Redding from Live Without You by Sarah Grace Grzy. I can relate to Piper in some ways. Her and I both don’t really want to open up to people because we’re afraid of getting hurt. I took a Live Without You character quiz and got Piper. The description said something along the line of having a tender heart but sometimes are too afraid to show it. I can really connect with people but sometimes I hold back because I don’t want to go through the pain if they leave like some have done in the past. Something she learned through the book was that God is always there and He will never leave you. Which is so true. He will love you forever.

1. Aimee in Third Chances by Brooklyne Elysse

Yes. Yes, I did just list my own book that isn't even a "book" yet. (*shakes head* I'm already breaking the rules of this tag)
Aimee in my WIP, Third Chances, has many commonalities with me. (But also we have our differences too, I want to think she is a little more uptight than I am. *whispers* I have been called uptight before though *hides*)
A few things we have in common are... We both love animals. We like things black and white, right and wrong, and the grey areas in life make us stressed out. We aren't necessarily assertive. We feel awkward on the inside, but most likely it isn't really that awkward. We both have a hard time "letting go." We don't like surprises. We are compassionate. We are caring. We can be stubborn. We like doing things that matter. We don't need fancy. We like giving more than receiving gifts.

2. Caden in Where Two Hearts Meet (Prince Edward Island Dreams #2) by Liz Johnson

I have a lot in common with Caden. We both love to cook and bake. We try to keep a organized kitchen, one that works smoothly and we would rather not have messiness (even though getting messy can sometimes be fun.) We stay calm in crisis situations even when we are flipping out on the inside. We will wait to break down quietly in our room after the situation has been resolved. Because of this, we keep things bottled up inside which can then result in a "teapot" explosion. We are mature, logical, we take things to heart. Some would want to call it left brained, but really we are right brained. We both have blonde hair. We both don't think very highly of ourselves, we are always hardest on ourselves. We love others, but sometimes don't show the same love to ourselves. We can be insecure, especially when it comes to body image. We appreciate beautiful landscapes and scenery. We are entrepreneurs.

3. Rosalie in Love Finds You in Victory Heights, Washington by Tricia Goyer and Ocieanna Fleiss

Rosalie is much braver than I, but we do have some things in common... We don't like to just sit around and wait, we like to stay busy. Especially when things are rough. We aren't afraid of getting our hands dirty and rather like the mechanics of fixing things. We are stronger than we think. We fear heartbreak. And that fear can cause us to hesitate. To be cautious. We stand up for the people we care about. We try to encourage those we are around. We are loyal.

4. Grace in Heart on the Line by Karen Witemeyer

I found many similarities with Grace. We don't like things to hang over our heads, unfinished business nags on us after awhile. We aren't afraid to find the humor in a situation. We don't always follow the textbook rules to living life. We come out of our shells when we write (or in Grace's case, sending telegraphs..) We love having a community of family and friends. We like feeling like we are apart of a team. Thus, we are good team players. We are good listeners.

5. Abigail's in Abigail's Dream by Kay D. Rizzo

Abigail had a few things in common with me. We like adventure. We are hard workers. And when we have a dream, we go forward with it. We have a hard time thinking on the spot in intense situations, but usually come up with good plans if given enough time to think things through. We love kids, and can play with ages younger than ourselves. We like routine, but not mundaneness. We like traveling, but also like to be settled.

Those are the book character that we thought were most like us! It's actually harder then it looks to try and find five characters. ;)

I tag: Victoria, Kaitlyn, and Faith, if they want to do it.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Writers Unite Tag with Brooklyne!

I hope everyone is having a lovely day! Today I am here with a super fun post. My friend, Brooklyne, tagged me for the #writersunite tag a few weeks ago. This is a tag that you partner up with a friend to do. I'm doing it with Brooklyne. This time she's going to be talking about her other book she's working on, Third Chances and I'm going to be talking about mine, A Season of Change.

So half the questions Brooklyne and I will answer here on my blog and the other half we'll answer on her blog

Also, head on over to Brooklyne's blog for a link to the tag rules! ;)

1. What are your main character's names?
Rebekah: Laura Rose Winters 

Brooklyne: Amy “Amy” Bennett is my main character and my secondary main character is Colton “Colt” Hughs 

2. What do the main characters look like?
Rebekah: Laura has light brown hair. She's a pretty small girl and is 5 feet 3 inches tall. 

Brooklyne: Amy has lightish brown/blonde hair that she almost always wears in a ponytail. She is 5’2’’ tall and loves  the color hot pink, so usually she has pink clothing…

Colt has brown, hair that is slightly curly, although he cuts it short enough that its not completely curly. He is usually wearing a plaid button up shirt with jeans and his worn-out pair of cowboy boots.

3. Does anyone die in the book?
Rebekah: Yes, Laura's mom dies at the beginning of the book. 

Brooklyne: Hmm, at this point in the story, I’m not quite sure yet.

4. What songs do you listen to while writing?
Rebekah: I don't tend to listen to music while I write but I do listen to music while
I'm not writing and try to find songs that I feel "fit" with my story. One song that I feel goes with my book and the way Laura feel is Invisible by NF. (but just the first two verses. ;))

Brooklyne: I can’t listen to music while I write for some reason, but a song that always reminds me of this WIP is Jesus Take the Wheel by Carrie Underwood. I love that song! 

5. Do the characters have any pets?
Rebekah: Nope. ;)
Brooklyne: Yes! They do… dogs.

7. Could you share an emotional snippet with us?
This snippet is from towards the beginning of the book. Laura's mom recently died and Laura is moving away from all that's familiar to go live with her dad in a different state. 
"Laura stood in her room. Everything was packed and ready to be taken downstairs. Reaching up to clutch her locket a few tears leaked out of her eyes and down her cheeks. She heard footsteps coming down the hall. Wiping the tears from her eyes Laura glanced over her shoulder at the open doorway. Hannah appeared at the door and Laura rushed towards her. Opening her arms to her friend Hannah held Laura while they both cried. “How am I supposed to leave you, Hannah? How?” Sniffing Hannah replied, “I can’t imagine being separated from you especially at this time, but God has everything in control. He’s got you Laura, He’ll be there for you, girl. And so will I, just not in person, but you can bet that I’ll be texting and calling you all the time.”  "

Brooklyne: Here's one from Amy’s POV: "She stared disappointedly at the Bible that had barely made it into the box of her belongings. It had let her down. God had let her down. What kind of God would let her father run out on them two years ago? What kind of God would leave her stranded on a busy highway all alone? At night and in the pouring rain of all things! 

Her vision blurred until she couldn’t tell the difference from the raindrops outside the car and her tears. Feeling defeated, she placed her left hand on the cold glass window almost as cold as her heart. Almost, but now quite. The window fogged around her handprint as she softly cried angry tears. She was mad at the God she thought she could trust.”

7. What about a happy one?
"Laura closed her journal. She smiled. It had been a fun evening. Laura loved how relaxed she had felt with her dad. 
She felt like the two of them were getting closer ever since their talk on the front porch last week. Things hadn’t been quite as strained and Laura felt like she could relax a bit with Eli. She hoped this wasn’t just a phase but was the start to a new beginning."

Brooklyne: Here’s one from Colts POV: “Do you always help with the dish washing?” Amy questioned, wrist-deep in the soapy water.

“Miss Trish has always said that it was good for a guy to do the dishes once in a while. She also made it a unofficial rule that whoever didn’t cook needs to help clean up.”

“Oh, ok. I wondered if there was more to the story than you just being overly helpful.”

Sarcastic are we? So maybe she isn’t a textbook lawyer after all. “Hey, I’m always overly helpful!”

“I can tell she has got you pegged pretty accurately, Colt. You better watch yourself!” Miss Trish chirped from the corner of the kitchen where she rummaged through the fridge, trying to make room for the leftover cinnamon rolls. 

“Two against one, not fair.” He feigned a grumpy face, but failed miserably when he busted up. He hadn’t laughed just to laugh in a long time. It felt good. He didn’t realize how much he had been stressed out lately.

8. Which character do you most relate to?
Rebekah: I'm not too sure...I relate to one of my other characters from a different book more, but from this book, I guess Laura, but we do have lots of differences. 

Brooklyne: Well, I’d say probably with Amy, but there are a few major differences as well. 

9. Do any of your characters have strange habits?
Rebekah: None at the moment! Some may develop though. ;)

Brooklyne: Strange habits Amy has is she will bite her nails, adjust her reading glasses, snaps her fingers, and will randomly hum a tune. 

Strange habits Colt has is he will randomly swipe his hair, but he does that more when he’s in a awkward situation or under pressure. Another one would be he taps his cowboy boots when he gets impatient….

10. What is the setting of the book (e.g. Year, state, country)
Rebekah: My story takes place in Idaho, present time. 

Brooklyne: Third Chances takes place in Chicago and the year is (tentatively at this point in the writing process) 2005. This will be a Christian Contemporary Novella or Novel depending on how well the plot develops. XD 

~Brooklyne made these lovely graphics for me for my book!~

There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven -- Ecclesiastes 3:1

~Graphics for Brooklyn's book~

We hope you enjoyed! Now don't forget to hop on over to Brooklyne's blog to check out the rest of the questions and our answers! 

Thursday, February 14, 2019

When Calls the Heart Blog Party ~ Day 4 ~ Heartie's Chat

💗 Happy Valentine's Day! 💕
Faith and I had a blast working on this collaboration post! The two of us got together one afternoon and talked about When Calls the Heart for quite awhile. We mostly talked about our speculations for season 6!

Faith: *waves* hey, girlie :)

Rebekah: *waves back* Hello Faith! :D

F: How are you today? Having fun with the party?

R: I’m doing great! The party has been a blast so far! Are you having fun? ;)

F: EEPPS, yes, it’s always so much fun!

R: I’m so glad we made this an annual thing!!! :D

F: Yup! I’m glad I discovered When Calls the Heart a couple years back...thanks to you. ;)

R: I’m so glad I discovered it as well. And of course I had to try and get you to watch it. ;) I’m so happy that you fell in love with it and we can talk all about it together! <3 :)

F: A friend in the fandom is always nice to have! Speaking of which, I suppose we should get down to business. So...what’s your #1 speculation for season 6?

R: Totally! ;D
Well, I would have said Elizabeth’s baby, but that’s already happened. ;) So, I’m not even that sure. I’m definitely speculating that we’ll be seeing more of the other characters now that the main focus isn’t on Jack and Elizabeth…
What about you?

F: Haha, yup! Although, I guess that’s technically part of season 6, just wasn’t aired with the season. Yes, I think so too! Which will be nice, if it wasn’t for *cough* that *cough* reason.
Hmm...well, I want there to be a Coulter baby, but I don’t know if that’s going to happen or not… ;) I’m hoping for some developments in Jesse and Clara’s relationship too. They’ve been back-and-forth for awhile it seems like, but there were “steadier” in the Christmas special.

R: True. ;)
Don’t make me cry, Faith! ;) that was so awful though, but it will be great seeing more of everyone else.
I’d love for there to be a Coulter baby!!! That would be so adorable and Lee and Rosemary would make such great parents! Yeah, I’m unsure if that will happen, but us Hearties can hope. ;) Some more developments in Jesse and Clara’s relationship would be nice. The season 6 preview kinda hinted towards that…
I also wonder about Abigail’s love life now that Frank is no longer around…

F: Aww, here you go! *passes tissues and heart-shaped chocolates*
I know, right?! Especially after the classic Rosemary moment in Season 3 (“Babies are so...sticky.”), it would be so precious to see them as parents. <3 Yup, the Hearties will always cling to hope… Yes, it did! I also saw a video on YouTube the other day that suggested something about a “new role” or “new season” for Rosemary. I’m not crossing my fingers that it’s motherhood, but you never know, I suppose! And I don’t remember the source of that video, so it may not have been reliable. Fun to consider though. ;)
Oh, good point! Wonder if she’ll get a new love interest… Although, you know me...I’m still hoping for Abigail and Bill to get back together… *wink*

R: *wipes away tears and nibbles on Hearties chocolate*) I’ll be okay. *sniff* *wink*
Goodness yes!! That scene was golden!! (and the mention of diapers. ;) *laughs*) They are just the cutest couple. They’d be such great parents. Wait, really?!?! Oh dear, well let’s just hope that it was somewhat reliable. Hehe. ;) Definitely fun to consider! We mustn’t get our hope too high though. =)
Oh, I never considered the possibility of a new love interest...Hmmm… Yes, I was pretty sure you’d bring up Bill. I know you well, Faith. ;) I do like Bill, but Frank and Abigail were one of my favorite couples! Actually come to think of it, out of my three favorite couples only one is left...

F: *winks*
Yes!! I’ll have to look that video up and, if I can find it, send it your way. Haha, yes! Hearties learn the hard way about not getting their hopes up… :P
*laughs* Sorry, couldn’t help it. ;) Yes, you do know me too well. Oh goodness, I hadn’t realized that! Well, I suppose it’s the same for me, now that I think about it… Lee and Rosemary better stay together...and healthy! ;)

R: Oh, thanks! :)
For sure….
Hehe. ;D I know! The writers are tearing apart our favorite couples. Yes!! Nothing must happen to Lee and Rosemary.
So, Faith, what are your thoughts on the two new guys who are coming to Hope Valley?

F: They’d better stay together until they’re old and grey...or until we are...or whatever... xD
Ooohh, good one. I knew we’d get to this eventually. Well, I saw on (you guessed it) another maybe-gossip video that the new Mountie may become a love interest for Elizabeth in the future. I’m...not sure how I feel about that. I’m not saying she should stay single forever, but the Hearties—and all of Hope Valley—need time to grieve! Also, Jack was much better looking...I’m just saying… *wink*
But back to my thoughts… I’m not sure. I think it’ll be fun to have new characters on the show, with different personalities to figure out and backgrounds to discover. The new Mountie looks like a fun guy, and the saloon owner/gambler/whoever-he-is looks a tad suspicious, so I’m wondering where that will go. ;) How about you?

R: *laughs* For sure!!
Hmmm...I think I’d be okay with the new Mountie becoming a love interest for Elizabeth in the future...but I’m with you, everyone needs some time to grieve! Even though it has been several months, that’s not really enough time for Elizabeth to move on. I mean, she’s been in love with Jack for so long. Hehe. *wink* Well, yes, I agree, Jack is better looking, but the new Mountie is better looking then the saloon guy. ;)
I think if Elizabeth is to fall for one of the guys it should be the Mountie, but I’m good with her just being friends with guys for now. ;) The saloon owner/gambler guy does look suspicious. I saw somewhere what both of the new guys names are, but I can’t remember. ;) I’m really not sure what to think of this part of the season 6 storyline…

F: Yes, I’d like some time before anything develops in that department. I know! And they were, like, so perfect together. Haha, this is true… ;)
Oh, me too! The saloon guy looks creepy—and probably older than her? Not sure, just speculating. ;P I wonder if he’ll have some sort of redemption theme or past. Kind of like Frank’s, but different. Just a thought. :) the Mountie’s name Nathan? That sounds right, for some reason.

R: They were one of the sweetest couples ever! <3
Yeah, he does look a bit on the creepy side….I knew there was something else that I wasn’t sure about, but yeah, now that you mention it he does look older. Oh maybe, good point! Although the Mountie seem a bit mysterious too… They both kinda do. ;)
Nathan does sound right! We need to try and look up what their names are. ;)
Another thing I’m excited for about season 6 is Baby Jack! I can’t wait to see Elizabeth as a mother! She’ll be a great one. She’s amazing with the school children.

F: Glad you mentioned that, haha. I wasn’t sure if I was just assuming everyone was suspicious because they often turn out to be, or if they really are. xD
Yes, we should. So we can talk about them without codes. “Saloon guy.” “New Mountie.” Haha!
Oh, definitely! It’ll be sweet to see a baby on the show! Other than the twins in Season 1 and Edith’s baby in Season 3, has there been any other infants on WCTH?

R: Hehe, nope, it’s not just you! ;) Although new people on the show tend to be hiding something, so we definitely have the right to be suspicious. ;)
*laughs* That should be our goal, to find out what “Saloon guy” and “New Mountie” real names are. ;D We don’t have much longer though until we get to “meet” them.
It will be so fun! No, actually. I think those were the only two times that there were babies in When Calls the Heart. The twins in season 1 were just in the very end of the episode and Edith and her baby weren’t in many episodes. So this should really be fun!

F: Valid point, my dear. xD
Yes, I know!! I’m hyped to see what they do with season 6. In the Facebook live with Erin Krakow, Daniel Lissing, and Lori Loughlin after the startling conclusion of Season 5, they promised Season 6 to be fabulous. So...I’m hoping for good things. :D
I know! It’ll be so cute. ^_^

R: Same here! I cannot wait to see all that happens! Oh, that’s right! I had forgotten that they said that. =) I think we can definitely expect this to be another great season even though there will be some major changes. :)

F: Yep! I’m really curious to see how that will look and what it’ll be like to have a different Mountie in town. There should be some sweet moments too though!

R: I think there will definitely be a different feel to this season, but I’m quite excited to find out what will happen! Yes, I’m sure there will be plenty of sweet moments! <3

F: Talking about this show with you and sharing our thoughts on the upcoming season has been so much fun!

R: It really had been! I’ve enjoyed it so much!

F: Until next time, Heartie fans! *waves to the readers*

R: Yes, until next time, fellow fans! *waves* Goodbye! :)

I hope you all enjoyed! :D

Thursday, February 15, 2018

When Calls the Heart Blog Party ~ Day 4 ~ Heartie's Chat

Welcome to day 4 of the party! I hope you're having as much fun as Faith and I are!!

Faith and I decided to work together and do a collaboration post. We had a ton of fun working on this. It was so much fun talking about When Calls the Heart! ;)
I hope you enjoy our little conversation!

F: Hey, Rebekah! I’m enjoying the When Calls the Heart blog party so much! How about you? :D

R: Yes! This is always such a fun blogging week!

F: Agreed! And co-hosting with my WCTH buddy makes it special. ;)

R: Co-hosting definitely makes it all the more fun! Having a When Calls the Heart buddy is the best!

F: It definitely is. And you’re the one who got me started watching the show! How did you become a Heartie?

R: I’m pretty happy about that! ;)
I watched the When Calls the Heart movie and it was okay. Not my favorite movie though. In the bonus features it mentioned that there was going to be a TV series. I wasn’t all that excited seeing as how the movie wasn’t a favorite. Well, in the summer of 2014 my dad was at the Christian bookstore and When Calls the Heart: A Telling Silence was on sale so he picked it up. We watched it and I enjoyed it. So we went and got the first one and I couldn’t wait for the rest to come out. I got hooked on this lovely show very quickly. So, that’s pretty much how I became a Heartie. ;)

F: That’s so cool!! Kudos to your dad. ;) A Telling Silence is a really sweet show. You’d been telling me how great the show is for a couple months, and then I found the first three shows for only a couple dollars on CBD. So I bought them and my family watched them and loved them immediately! We’d re-watched those three several times by the time the rest of Season One arrived. ;)
Speaking of the movie...I almost want to watch that one to see how it compares, but no one could ever replace Jack and Elizabeth. ;)

R: Yes, I was thinking that it was a show you’d really like so I was so thrilled when you told me you got those first three! I was even more excited when you loved them as much as me! ;) Talking with you about When Calls the Heart is so wonderful. :D
The movie is sort of good, but yes, no one can replace Elizabeth and Jack. Actually I don’t even think Jack is in the movie… ;)

F: I’m so glad I took your advice! ;D
Hehe, I was wondering about that… Is the love-interest still a Mountie?

R: :D
Yes, the love-interest is still a Mountie. Jack is way better though. ;)

F: *grins* I imagine he is.
Who would you say are your top favorites characters? :D

R: Oh, this is a hard one to answer! ;) Well, I just love Elizabeth, Jack, Abigail, and Rosemary. Those would be my top favorites.
What about you? Who are your top favorite characters?

F: I should have known better than to ask that, huh? ;) It is a hard one! Hmm...I think I would have to choose Jack, Elizabeth, Rosemary, and Bill as my top favorites. Abigail and Lee would be close ‘honorable mentions.’ ;)

R: Hehe. ;) It is hard to pick!
Those are great ones! I almost said Lee. He’s so great with Rosemary. ;)
I had a feeling you might choose Bill. He is great though, a bit confusing at times, but I’m so glad that he stuck around.

F: Lee and Rosemary are just SO cute! They need kids. You know...sticky ones… ;)
I’m glad Bill has stuck around too. There was several times I thought that he might get ‘written off’, so I’m glad he didn’t.

R: *laughs* Yes! Lee and Rosemary totally need kids! Hehe, yep...sticky ones.. ;)
I’m so glad that Bill didn’t get written off! I don’t like it when that happens to characters.
So, what would you say is your favorite season?

F: I don’t like it when that happens either! Like, Tom and Julie. I’m dying to know what became of them after Season Two. I’ve heard that Julie will be on Season Five though… Do you have any speculations on that?
Oh, that’s hard too! Well, I really loved season one with all the aftermath of the mine cave-in. And then season three was really great with all the Lee and Rosemary moments! And season four is amazing too. Haha, I’m having trouble with this one. ;D What about you?

R: Yes, Tom and Julie just disappeared! I really hope that story-line comes back. I remember you saying that you heard Julie will be in season 5! It’s about time. ;) I don’t have too many speculations on that story. I just really hope something happens. Season 2 ended really badly with that story line! (Well, actually it ended badly overall. ;))
Hehe, choosing a favorite season is hard! ;) Season 1 really was great and a great start to a wonderful series. I think I’d have to say that season 4 is my favorite though. :)

F: Hehe, agreed! The end of season 2 was a terrible cliffhanger in more ways than one! I only have one speculation on Julie’s return—that she comes to Hope Valley for her sister’s wedding. ;) That’s something that I really hope to see on season 5!
Season 4 is really wonderful!! :)

R: Definitely! I was excited when Jack was heading to the school with the ring for Elizabeth but then Charles had to go and ruin it!!
Oh, that’s a great speculation! I really hope Jack and Elizabeth get married in season 5!

F: I know it!! I may or may not have been yelling at the TV when I realized who was down on one knee...because, you know, that totally helped… ;) I wonder if Jack will ever tell Elizabeth how long he’d had the ring before he actually got to propose.
Me too!! I imagine them having a really pretty wedding. :D

R: Haha! Yes, yelling at the TV totally helps… ;) Yeah, I kinda wonder the same thing!
I think they would really have a nice wedding. The proposal was SO sweet so I’m sure their wedding would be too!

F: Totally. *wink* It would definitely be an emotional scene! <3
Yes!! The proposal was very sweet and thoughtful. Jack is quite romantic. ;) Sometimes I get focused on recent happenings between them, and I forget that they have been an item nearly since the beginning. Remember when he painted them into the backdrop? And gave her the picture he drew of the two of them? And the first kiss? <3

R: Jack really is quite romantic. ;) Yes, they’ve been an item for a long time now!
Yes! The backdrop! And when Elizabeth went to go tell Jack that someone painted them in the backdrop? His response was so funny. ;) The picture and their first kiss! <3 Eeps! So many sweet memories between those two!

F: *laughs* Yes, that was funny! He did a good job on the innocent act. So much sweetness! <3 Do you have a favorite Jack and Elizabeth moment? :D

R: Yes, he definitely did! ;D
Oh wow! A favorite Jack and Elizabeth moment...Hmmm...well the proposal was the sweetest, but I really liked it in the beginning of season 4 when Jack and Elizabeth were the baseball coaches. ;) That was so funny and sweet!
Do you have a favorite Jack and Elizabeth moment?

F: The proposal was very sweet! That whole episode was. <3 The baseball episode was great too! Haha, yes, I loved seeing them opposing each other...and Bill breaking up the near-fight. ;D
Hmm...there's just so many! I really loved the end of season three when Jack got swept away in the flooded river and developed pneumonia. (You know how I am with injuries… ;))  I liked a lot of the early shows too, when they weren’t always happy with each other. ;)

R: That episode was sweet! Emotional too!
*laughs* Bill the umpire did almost have to break up a fight!  That was great. ;)
There really are! Oh my goodness, yes! How could I forget that part! That was another emotional part! (Hehe, yes, you always love those injuries. ;))
It was so funny when Jack and Elizabeth didn’t always get along. ;D

F: It was so funny! ;D
That show was so great! And much better season finale than season two, I believe we can agree. (Anything feelsy and I’m in. *wink*)
It was! I’m glad they came to like each other eventually, though, and fell in love despite some opposition.

R: Oh yes! I definitely agree, the season 3 finale was way better than the season 2 one! (*wink*)

F: Yes, it was! Now, if they’d left Jack unconscious and not told us if he lived until the beginning of season 4, I might have had a different opinion on that. ;)
Well, it’s been so much fun chatting with you this afternoon, dear girl! :D

R: That would’ve been horrible!!!
It has been blast chatting with you too! :D

F: I know!! How would we have survived months of waiting?! ;)
This party is so much fun! So glad we were able to do it again this year. :D

R: I’m not sure if we would’ve been able to handle it *wink*
It is super fun! I’m so glad we were able to do it again too! Doing a post together has been really fun too! :D

F: *wink* Definitely wouldn’t have been good for our health.
Yes, it has been! :D Have a good day, Rebekah!

R: Definitely not! ;)
You have a great day too, Faith!

F: Bye! :) Thanks for reading, all!

R: Yes, thanks for reading! We hope you enjoyed it. ;)

F: Yep! :D

Well, we hope you enjoyed it and we weren't too random for you guys. ;) ;)

Don't forget to check out Faith's blog!