Showing posts with label get to know me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label get to know me. Show all posts

Saturday, June 11, 2016

A Few of My Favorite Things Tag~2

Hannah from Completely for Him tagged me for the A Few of My Favorite Things tag. Thanks, Hannah, I had fun doing it! :)

The Rules:
-Write down ten of your favorite things
-Tag at least three others!

1. Music. I enjoy playing music on my violin. I also like to listen to music. Especially when I’m in the car. Right now I have two top favorite songs that I’ve been listening to a lot. ;) They are “What Do I Know of Holy” by Addison Road and “Hold You Up” by Shane Harper. 

2. Dark Chocolate Milky Ways. They are so good. Whenever I get a candy bar, it’s usually always a dark chocolate Milky Ways. :)

3. Great authors. I love reading books by great Christian authors. Some of my favorites are: Beverly Lewis and Janette Oke. I’ve also somewhat recently started reading books by Suzanne Woods Fisher, Wanda Brunstetter, Robin Jones Gunn, and Sarah Sundin. They have some great books too. :)

4. The library. I really like to buy books, but the library is such a great place to get books from and see if you like them, before you decide to buy them. :)

5. Erasers. I have collected fun erasers for several years.

6. Friends. 

7. Great movies. These are a few of my favorites:

8. Board games. I really enjoy playing games with my family and friends. :)

9. Sewing. I don’t do it a whole lot, but when I get into a sewing mood it’s pretty fun. My favorite thing to make is pillowcases. 

10. The beach. I love going on family vacations to the beach. The ocean is so pretty and really fun to play in.

I'm not going to tag anyone this time, but if you'd like to do this tag go ahead! :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

A Few of My Favorite Things Tag

Lauren from Lauren's Amazing World tagged me for this fun tag. Thanks Lauren! It was fun! :)

The Rules:
-Write down ten of your favorite things
-Tag at least three others!

1. My family! 

2. When Calls the Heart! I love that TV show. I love the storyline, the characters, everything! If you haven't seen this wonderful show, then you definitely need to! It's soooo good! :)

3. Books! Books are so great. My favorite genres to read are Amish fiction and 1800's time period. 

Some of my favorite Amish books.

Some of my favorite 1800's time books.

4. Salted caramels are one of my favorite types of candy! They are really good. The only bad thing is that I can only find them at certain stores and they're not always there. The milk chocolate ones are my favorite, but the dark chocolate are really good too.

5. The Amish. Ever since the fall of 2012 I have been really fascinated with the Amish lifestyle. I love anything Amish. Recipes, books, dolls, figurines, pictures, etc. ;) I went to Amish Country last fall and that made me even more interested! :)

6. Flowers. Flowers, to me, are what makes it seem more like spring. I like all types of flowers but some of my favorites are: Johnny-Jump-Ups, Forget-Me-Not's, Irises, Crocuses, Tulips, Daisies, Roses and Carnations.

7. The color blue.

8. Sledding! I love to go sledding in the winter. It is so much fun. :)

9. The violin. I enjoy playing the violin and teaching it!

10. English Country dancing. I really like this style of dancing, it is a lot of fun!

These are in no particular order. ;)

Okay! I tag:
Jesseca Dawn
Blessing Counter

Saturday, March 12, 2016

The Get To Know Me Tag

Jesseca from Whimsical Writings tagged me for the Get To Know Me Tag. Thanks Jesseca, it was a lot of fun! :)

Vital Stats...  
Name: Rebekah

Nicknames: Well, the only nicknames I have are ones that different family member come up with and call me. I've been called: Becky Lee (a shortened version of my first and middle name), Rebe, Beck-Beck, and Rebek. None of which I care for. 

Place of Birth: Idaho

Best Friends: My first best friends were these two girl who I went to church with. We were all really close in age and we would always play together after church or at each others houses.

Award: Well, I have won a few trophy's for playing my violin in festival.

Sport: I don't do sports. 

Real Holiday: The first holiday that I really remember was the Christmas when I was five. I really wanted these certain dolls. I ended up getting them and I was so happy.

Concert: I haven't been to very many concerts, but I've played my violin in a couple, which was really fun.

Film: Some of my favorites are: The Redemption of Henry Myers, Courageous, and Faith of Our Fathers.

TV Shows: When Calls the Heart!!! 

Color: Bright Blue. But I also like pink and pretty much any other bright color. :)

Song: I have a few favorites, but one of them is "Hold My Heart" by Tenth Avenue North.

Restaurant: Olive Garden. 

Books: I have a lot of favorite books, but some of my favorites are: Child of Mine by David and Beverly Lewis, A Gown of Spanish Lace by Janette Oke, Circle C Adventure and Circle C Milestone series by Susan K. Marlow, and the A Life of Faith: Mille Keith books.

Feeling: Happy. :)

Single or Taken: Single. I'm waiting for God to bring the right person along.

Eating: Nothing at the moment.

Watching: Just the computer screen. ;)

Wearing: Blue jeans, a blue stripped shirt, and blue socks to match. ;)

Want children: Yes! I would love to have several. 

Want to be married: Yes!

Careers in Mind: Well, I want to get married and have kids. :) I would also like to continue teaching violin. 

Where you want to live: Well I would like to continue to live here in Idaho, but if I had to live someplace else then I'd choose Pennsylvania. 

Do You Believe in...  
God: Yes, I do. :)

Miracles: Yes.

Love at first sight: No, not really. It could happen, but not that often. Most likely it would be an attraction and not love.

Ghosts: No

Aliens: No

Soul Mates: Yes, I think so.

Heaven: Yes.

Hell: Yes

Kissing on the first date: Absolutely not! I don't think you should kiss until your wedding day.

Yourself: Yes.

Okay, I tag:

Here is a list of the questions to make them easier to copy.
Vital Stats...  Name: Nicknames: Place of Birth: 
Firsts...  Best Friends: Award: Sport: Real Holiday: Concert: 
Favorites...  Film: TV Shows: Color: Song: Restaurant: Books: 
Currently...  Feeling: Single or Taken: Eating: Watching: Wearing: 
Future...  Want children: Want to be married: Careers in Mind: Where you want to live: 
Do You Believe in...  God: Miracles: Love at first sight: Ghosts: Aliens: Soul Mates: Heaven: Hell: Kissing on the first date: Yourself: