Showing posts with label Steve Corbett. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Steve Corbett. Show all posts

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Libertas 40-50 St James Street-1 Bridgewater Street. CARBUNCLE OF THE YEAR?

Libertas Building 40-50 St James Street and 1 Bridgewater Street Liverpool, by MAKE Architecture (sic) of 3a Bridgewater Street Liverpool.

This surely has to be the carbuncle of the year built of engineering brick that usually as a rule should never rise out of the footings of a building,
 it brings back everything that was bad about the 60's when bricks were still rationed. MAKE Architecture surely have to revise their name in the light of their achievements here.
A puerile and putrid design made worse by its location in the Baltic Triangle that is becoming a student ghetto in Liverpool.
The washing maiden full of drying clothes seem to be have been made into a feature as every window seems to have one, probably because these shoe-

boxes have no facilities other than a bed.
A Georgian building was demolished for this monster and its setting in the shadow of Giles Gilbert Scott and next to some very old warehouses from when the River Mersey ran this way before reclamation in Victorian times and this has to be the work of a designers 10 year old son as it could never be that of an architect in my opinion. But here in Liverpool strange planners are at work.

No wonder UNESCO have imposed a moratorium on developments in Liverpool with our so-called planners blazing a trail into mediocrity.

The Liverpool City Planning Officer responsible for this is Elizabeth Blake........I hope you can sleep at night Ms Blake you should be ashamed of yourself.
 You obviously have no pride in your city to allow this piece of trash to be built.  

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Save Heaps Rice Mill-Its Too Good To Be Demolished.

How many more historic structures can the city lose. laying there like a ghost of its former self, a working mill up to 1988, the owners of Heaps Rice Mill have let it decline.
It has recently sprouted a roof garden. Now they are to do us all a favour and demolish it.
Plans have recently been submitted to down it and make way for some bland shoeboxes.
Liverpool lost 46 listed buildings under the Fib-Dems led by Mike Storey and Warren "War Zones" Bradley.
How long can this go on.
Liverpool today is prostrated before the Unesco World Heritage committee who are meeting in Doha, Qatar. Where we are promising them we know how to manage a World Heritage Site.
Liverpool is on the Unesco World Heritage In Danger List.
We thought Heaps was listed, which is why it is still standing while all around it has become bland. This area was once, as recently as the 80's home to many small businesses (most of which were owned by Sir Trevor Jones and his Moll Doreen).
Windsor developments were Clever Trevor's Partners In Crime. They crawled all over this part of Town. The Ships chandlers that he and Dot demolished after a application to list it was made was Liverpool's last. The same site is now owned by Neptune Developments.
Greenbergs Outfitters was also demolished, and is now a car park.
So who is going to put up a fight to save this historic structure, who cares?
Lets hope there is such a swell of feeling that the building can be spotlisted and Joe Andersons developer mates can be sent packing.

Larry Neild and Co at the Liverpool Echo wrote at the time

After it made Private Eye.

October Communications now Aurora Media or is it Archetype Studios were the PR for Windsor Developments.

All this while Trevor and Doreen "Partners in Slime" lived next door to the Duke of Westminister.

So who is watching whats going on with Liverpools Historic past. Certainly not Steve Corbett or Chris Griffiths at the now none existant Liverpool Conservation office.

Friday, 15 March 2013

Liverpool Conservation Office-Not Fit For Purpose

 We wrote Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Another Hacking Scandal-Right In Front Of The Liverpool Conservation Officers Eyes.
It started some while ago, a complete lack of disregard for history.
Those concerned slowly become ignorant to the law, and the law lets them get away with it. Because they were the law.

A subculture unfolded, where no punishment is dished out, there may even be advice given directing people how to get way with it.
Those rioters did no damage compared to the Liverpool planners and their property developing councillors.
It started, with Trevor and Doreen Jones, so said Private Eye, who wacked down the last Ships Chandlers on the Strand, next to the Baltic Fleet public house. They downed it on the Saturday after a listing application was received by the council on the Friday.

Lady Doreen Jones was the then chair of the City Planning Committee. What a scandal.

Then it was 6 Sir Thomas Street, they, of Iliad, the developers, seemingly quite cosy with the city council, sent out a team of ignorant little hackers with jack-hammers to smash up the frontage, carved Liver Birds and all.

The task to smash off the façade……right under the window of the then council leader Warren “War Zones” Bradley, who said “I wondered what all the noise was”.
This happened while awaiting the visit of an English Heritage Inspector. It now looks like a pigs ear.

Then the arrogant Maghull Developments smashed off the façade of Josephine Butler House when, guess what awaiting a listing visit from the English Heretics.
Hahnermann House had received a Grade II listing that we applied for, hours before a planning committee decision to develop the site with a horrendous extension.

Mike Hanlon would tell me later on “You did us a favour there, with Hahnermann House”.

He did himself no favours in destroying JBH as all the fluffy duffys were out in force declaring it a national disaster.
 While they dont give a hoop to anything out of Hope Street.

JBH is now credit crunched.

Still, in the Baltic Triangle, see above picture the same old, same old is happening.
Despite them telling us the Baltic Triangle will become a Cultural Quarter. Not quite sure how you get a triangle into a quarter?
 Its a Culture of Facade Hacking more like. Some things never change.
Drivingdown Bridgewater Street and there was a cherry picker and hackers at work, twatting off yet another facade, nothing changes. Its not listed. Steve Corbett says it has architectural merit though.....and thats about it.

Here's the sketch, smash the façade about on any given property, its a tried and tested method, and it looks a mess and then claim its an eyesore and then an otherwise decent building is downed and hey Presto! a Jerry Build goes up for half the cost. Hacking scandals, Liverpool is full of them

There are already plans for next door. 3, 5 and 7 Bridgewater Street.

The Conservation Officer is a waste of time, I even get the feeling he has to be aware of it all, as no-one in the job of Conservation, in my opinion, can be so thick, or so behind the times, well apart from John Hinchliffe the World Heritage Waste of Space that stands by and watches the WHS be decimated.
Not sure if the both of them are deaf and dumb because they never hear anything and never say anything. On the rare occasion they do stutter some rubbish its usually wrong and misguided.
Heaps Rice Mill will be down next.
While Malcolm Kennedy, the Council Cabinet Member for Regeneration (code for lets help Peel Holdings destroy the WHS) appointed by Frank McKenna, I mean Joe Anderson, tells us how wonderful it all is.

Regeneration or Degeneration, another hacking scandal, this time, half a mile from what we are told, is a booming Grosvenor-pool.

Here is what the Conservation officer said in correspondece Wayne had with waste of space Steve Corbett

Mr Corbett I wrote to you some time ago regarding this property in Bridgewater Street

You advised it was an historic building.

Would you please advise me what you have done to help conserve this building since we last corresponded on the matter

Wayne Colquhoun

Mr Corbet this is in Bridgewater Street in front of the new development for the Womans training and next to the antique store.
I have pictures of the facade being hacked off with a cherry picker and wish to ask you the status of this structure, my understanding is it may be listed.
I look forward to hearing from you
Wayne Colquhoun
Reply Forward
liverpool preservationtrust
to Nigel

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: liverpool preservationtrust

Date: Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 12:37 PM
Subject: Baltic Hack off
To: "Corbett, Steve"

Mr Corbet this is in Bridgewater Street in front of the new development for the Womans training and next to the antique store. I have pictures of the facade being hacked off with a cherry picker and wish to ask you the status of this structure, my understanding is it may be listed. I look forward to hearing from you Wayne Colquhoun

Reply Forward
Corbett, Steve

to Paul, Peter, me
Dear Mr Colquhoun,

thanks for letting us know about this. The building is neither listed nor in a conservation area. However, it does appear to be an interesting historic building in the 'Baltic Triangle' - an area that colleagues in the Council and at Liverpool Vision are trying to encourage improvements and investment.

Removing the render would materially alter the building's appearance which would be subject to planning control. I have copied-in my colleagues from the Planning Enforcement Team (who will confirm whether a breach of planning control has occurred) and the City Centre Planning Team (who will advise what is needed to be done by the owner to remedy the breach - taking advice from my own team as necessary).

I will ask my colleague Paul Vertigen in the Planning Enforcement Team to let you know the outcome (thanks Paul).


Stephen Corbett BA(Hons), DipTP, DipUD, MSc(Dist), MRTPI, IHBC. Chartered Town Planner

Building Conservation Team Leader

Planning & Building Control Service

Liverpool City Council

4th Floor, Millennium House, 60 Victoria Street, Liverpool L1 6JF

Postal address: Liverpool City Council, Municipal Buildings, Dale Street, Liverpool L2 2DH

Tel: 0151 233 5623 Fax: 0151 233 4290




From: liverpool preservationtrust []

Sent: 15 April 2011 12:37

To: Corbett, Steve

Subject: Baltic Hack off

Mr Corbet this is in Bridgewater Street in front of the new development for the Womans training and next to the antique store.

I have pictures of the facade being hacked off with a cherry picker and wish to ask you the status of this structure, my understanding is it may be listed.

I look forward to hearing from you

We waited, and waited and we heard............... NOTHING

So here it is today............or here it is not as it is now being knocked down.

Here is what the Conservation office do...........Sod all.

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

St Andrews Church Rodney Street-Call This Regeneration.

How can a City watch a Grade II* listed building deteriate to such an effect that it is a shadow of itself. 
Even the English Heretics describe its condition as "very bad".

The Old Presbyterian Church on Rodney St.
John Moores wanted to use this as a library and resource centre after it was on fire.
 John Moores were promising to make it structurally safe and give it a fresh vibrant use. So the whole scheme was kyboshed, and the decay set in really hard.
Now at this precise moment there will be a load of shifty developers waiting for it to completely fall down

But now, as if to make matters worse, it has a shed on it.

Steve "Ronnie" Corbett at the waste full Liverpool Conservation (sic) Office wanted to store his garden tools and lawn mower on the top of it.
While Chris Griffiths the waste of space masquerading as the buildings at risk officer pots his geraniums up there of a weekend. It is a waste, an absolute waste.
This building was designed and built by John Foster Jr in 1823. The above picture what it looked like only a couple of decades ago. Its decline was swift.

Now this is the picture of St Andrews with Steve Corbetts potting shed on top.  Is this a joke?
There should be laws against doing this to a listed building anyhow.
So what of Malcolm Kennedy and the new buzz word, Regeneration. (code for we are all working for Peel Holdings)
Where is all the puff powder PR going. The smokescreen.
 Every day you read in the Daily Ghost more 'Plumping' about how well its all going, when in reality our some of our historic buildings are rotting. The Old Presbyterian Church on Rodney Street, now gets a shed, on its heavy ballustraded attic.

We lost the Welsh Chapel on Penny Lane corner recently But what of St Andrews listed Grade II* why has it been allowed to get into this state. Not a recent mention in the local press.
Peter Elson once used to be heavily involved in heritage matters!
Who is to keep a tag on the decay of our history?
Its not all about nicely toned sepia prints.
There are vital issues to be raised and those at the local paper need to "Get on Board" instead of inventing fights with Southampton over the Cruise Liner Cock Up Jetty, that the local press have held no-one accountable for, even though the current leader, of the city council, was wrapped up in it all, as part of Liverpool Vision. Our history is our future.,_Liverpool  Here is a few more sepia prints.

SHEDS DIRECT GIVE THEM A CALL 0151 233 5623 ask for Steve Corbett or Chris Griffiths.
Further LPT reading

Friday, 26 August 2011

The Lyceum Bold Street-A Whopper Job Well Done!

 I was astounded when I walked past the Lyceum at the bottom of Bold Street some weeks ago.
A giant Whopper a ten foot burger in a bun had been placed on the window of Burger King right next door.
Incensed I wrote the the conservation officer, Steve Corbett, who is a waste of time in all matters of heritage, and then decided to bypass him by going direct to Joe Anderson the council leader.
I told him that we cannot allow this sort of tacky advertising to go on and advised him that this flagrant breach of planning law was setting a rather bad example, well it was a bloody outrage really.

Anything that affects the setting of a listed building or is in a conservation area(unless its the Pier Head conservation area, then they do what they like) requires a planning consent. here is my original post from the 21st June

Fair enough Uncle Joe has delivered and the city councils enforcement officers have told Burger King the 19 externally applied vinyls have to be removed.

I think this constitutes a success. 
A historical Neo Classical building by Thomas Harrison of Chester.
Our grand old lady can now rest without the harrowing juxtaposition of a Giant Whopper slapping her in the face.

Burger King have also been told that any applications for any similar advertisements on the same elevation would not be welcomed or indeed tolerated.

The City Council has also warned Burger King, that, if the advert was not removed formal prosecution would follow.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Another Hacking Scandal-Right In Front Of The Liverpool Conservation Officers Eyes.

It started some while ago, a complete lack of disregard for history.
Those concerned slowly become ignorant to the law, and the law lets them get away with it. Because they were the law.

A subculture unfolded, where no punishment is dished out, there may even be advice given directing people how to get way with it.
Those rioters did no damage compared to the Liverpool planners and their property developing councillors.

It started, with Trevor and Doreen Jones, so said Private Eye, who wacked down the last Ships Chandlers on the Strand, next to the Baltic Fleet public house. They downed it on the Saturday after a listing application was received by the council on the Friday.  

Lady Doreen Jones was the then chair of the City Planning Committee. What a scandal.

Then it was 6 Sir Thomas Street, they, of Iliad, the developers, seemingly quite cosy with the city council, sent out a team of ignorant little hackers with jack-hammers to smash up the frontage, carved Liver Birds and all.
The task to smash off the façade……right under the window of the then council leader Warren “War Zones” Bradley, who said “I wondered what all the noise was”.
This happened while awaiting the visit of an English Heritage Inspector. It now looks like a pigs ear.

Then the arrogant Maghull Developments smashed off the façade of Josephine Butler House when, guess what awaiting a listing visit from the English Heretics.
Hahnermann House had received a Grade II listing that we applied for, hours before a planning committee decision to develop the site with a horrendous extension.

Mike Hanlon would tell me later on “You did us a favour there, with Hahnermann House”.
He did himself no favours in destroying JBH as all the fluffy duffys were out in force declaring it a national disaster.  While they dont give a hoop to anything out of Hope Street.
JBH is now credit crunched.

Still, in the Baltic Triangle, see above picture the same old, same old is happening.
Despite them telling us the Baltic Triangle will become a Cultural Quarter. Not quite sure how you get a triangle into a quarter?  

Its a Culture of Facade Hacking more like. Some things never change.
 I drove down Bridgewater Street and there was a cherry picker and hackers at work, twatting off yet another facade, nothing changes. Its not listed. Steve Corbett says it has architectural merit though.....and thats about it.

Here's the sketch, smash the façade about on any given property, its a tried and tested method, and it looks a mess and then claim its an eyesore and then an otherwise decent building is downed and hey Presto!  a Jerry Build goes up for half the cost. Hacking scandals, Liverpool is full of them
There are already plans for next door. 3, 5 and 7 Bridgewater Street.

The Conservation Officer is a waste of time, I even get the feeling he has to be aware of it all, as no-one in the job of Conservation, in my opinion, can be so thick, or so behind the times, well apart from John Hinchliffe the World Heritage Waste of Space that stands by and watches the WHS be decimated.
Not sure if the both of them are deaf and dumb because they never hear anything and never say anything. On the rare occasion they do stutter some rubbish its usually wrong and misguided.
Heaps Rice Mill will be down next.

While Malcolm Kennedy, the Council Cabinet Member for Regeneration (code for lets help Peel Holdings destroy the WHS) appointed by Frank McKenna, I mean Joe Anderson, tells us how wonderful it all is.

Regeneration or Degeneration, another hacking scandal, this time, half a mile from what we are told, is a booming Grosvenor-pool.

Monday, 8 August 2011

Wellington Rooms-Call This Regeneration.

The Wellington Rooms-Liverpools Disgrace.

They at the City Council talk of Regeneration and even have a Regeneration Officer appointedbyJo Anderson called Malcolm Kennedy, who it appears, to my mind, is so wrapped up with Peel Holdings that he cant see the true nature of our citys historic past.

What is the point in letting this historic building rot.
Here is a picture taken in 1989 by Jeremy Hawthorn, I hope he won't mind me using it.
I am revisiting a plea I made years ago.
click on the pic as a demonstration to save the buildng was unfurled all over it
It was on a calender that was published by The Nerve a local magazine that does its best to highlight some of the rubbish put out by council spin doctors.
How can this building be left to rot after a billion pounds of European objective one funding has been swagged to the cronies who have contacts in the North "Vested Interest" Development Agency.  What will Joe Anderson the Tory Cuts Reaper do.
Here is Correspondents take on the situation.

The Wellington Rooms in Mount Pleasant were once described as a ‘house of mirth and revelry’. They were erected after funds were raised by public subscription in 1815.
An Adaptation of the Choragic Monument of Lysicrates of Athens, which was illustrated in the influential publication by Stuart and Revelt Antiquities of Athens.
It had a porch on one side for the setting down of sedan chairs.
The Portico was originally open but was found to be draughty and a disfigurement to the original design was made with the blocking up.
A ballroom of some 80ft by 40ft it had a card room and a supper room.
It was thought to have been frequented by the upper classes, as subscription balls, assemblies and occasional fancy dress balls.
How that description conjures up the most remarkable images of Georgian Liverpool. A Maritime City at the nucleus of its upward growth taking it to the city of its height in the early 20th century.
I grew up with it being known as The Irish Centre in the 70s and 80s, and ignorant of these facts relating the building back to the Battle of Waterloo and Napoleons defeat by the then axis powers under the leadership of the Duke of Wellington.

It was 2008 that I highlighted its plight in a walkabout with Peter Elson. And this Georgian gem still rots.  This was for the Daily Ghost.
The deterioration seems to have been helped by the lead on the roof going missing. What state inside to the plasterwork?
There were ghastly plans to develop it by sticking a rubic cube sort of extension on the back, this was done by a consortium of Flanagans, the local builders.
 Did one of the Flans go to Shanghai as a guest of one of the senior, very senior members of the council.
 The plans looked more like a sketch on the back of a jerry-builders ciggy packet than a professionals work .

On the English Heretic at risk register for as long as I can remember. Henry Owen John  the area director should be ashamed of himself as should the joker who was the Historic Buildings advisor Peter De Figeurido who let it rot while sucking up to the developers of Mann Island, who it is alleged is now working for Peel Holdings.
 Click the link above to see him and the Reichmarshal Nigel Lee making excuses after my article sent waves out about the neglect. Waffling on about the joke about Liver Building Controversy.
While today the Royal Liver is to leave its spiritual home. With the loss of 110 jobs. Now there is contoversy.  
And what of Chris Griffiths and Steve Corbett of the useless Liverpool Conservation office.
Next to it and with objective one funding an extension was built on the Gibbard Cathedral, that Oscar Niemeyer rip off, Paddys Wigwam while this wonderful little Georgian gem lies there, rotting, a forlorn looking Mausoleum to Liverpools Regeneration Con.

A disgrace. The Council Have Powers to Save This Historic Gem.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

The Lyceum Bold Street Liverpool-How Can They Do This To Our Grand Old Lady.

Yes its a Whopper alright. A ten foot giant Burger King Hamburger.
The sort of tacky advertising that is now all too familiar in Liverpool. There is nobody to police it and in it creeps.
 So everywhere looks the same as everywhere else.
I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw it yesterday stuck on to a tinny looking building as part of Central Station just over the way from Clayton Square, remember that area that the Hatton administration allowed to be built,even though it meant knocking down an area of historical importance, a Georgian area of intimate design which had been part of our history. It was alleged that Derek Hatton was also acting as a consultant for the builders of Clayton Square. There were things everyone in Liverpool alleged except the local press. The Sunday Times ultimately did a big expose on him and his business interests while the Daily Ghost reported, what they, said, and some time later. Somethings never change down at Oldham Hall Street. Now the City Council call developers stakeholder partners and run off in a lovers embrace with the purveyors of out of town shopping arcades who want to trash the World Heritage Site.
Joe Anderson should learn a lesson from history.
So here I am standing at the corner of Bold Street looking at the building that Marcus Binney of SAVE Britains Heritage claims as one of their greatest successes.  
Anthony Quinn, originally from Liverpool who wrote his book, The Rescue Man about the changing face of Liverpool during the Blitz, and how a rescue man, a firefighter lamented the loss.
He also told me how he was inspired by how sad he felt when he saw the disaster that was Casey Street being bulldozed.
" It was just there one day and then gone the next".
It was a Conservation area, that didn't stop the City Council trashing it overnight.

So what of a listed building such as the Lyceum and its Whopper.
 My understanding is that anything that affects the setting of a listed building needs a planning application.
So is it alright to put a giant Whopper next to one, well it seems so in Liverpool. A historical Neo Classical one by Thomas Harrison of Chester.
Marcus Binney and those at SAVE should work a little harder to really, SAVE what they have, well SAVED  really.
Its alright coming here, with their eccentrics such as Evelyn Cook of the Nemesis Republic blog in tow, doing glossy exhibitions with expensive catalogues. 
But what about the Whopper.
I wrote about the way the planners had passed plans top carbuncle-ise the Lyceum, does anyone care.
Least of all Steve "Ronnie" Corbet of Liverpool's joke of a Conservation office.

So sometimes I feel like I am just wasting my time.

Monday, 31 January 2011

The Wellington Rooms-Liverpools Disgrace.

What is the point in letting this historic building rot.
Here is a picture taken in 1989 by Jeremy Hawthorn, I hope he wont mind me using it.
It was on the calender for last year that was published by The Nerve a local magazine that does its best to highlight some of the rubbish put out by council spin doctors.

How can this building be left to rot after a billion pounds of European objective one funding has been swagged to the cronies who have contacts in the North "Vested Interest" Development Agency. What will Joe Anderson the Tory Cuts Reaper do. Here is Correspondents take on his current situation.
 The Wellington Rooms in Mount Pleasant were once described as a ‘house of mirth and revelry’. They were erected after funds were raised by public subscription in 1815.

An Adaptation of the Choragic Monument of Lysicrates of Athens, which was illustrated in the influential publication by Stuart and Revelt Antiquities of Athens.
It had a porch on one side for the setting down of sedan chairs.
The Portico was originally open but was found to be draughty and a disfigurement to the original design was made with the blocking up.
A ballroom of some 80ft by 40ft it had a card room and a supper room.
It was thought to have been frequented by the upper classes, as subscription balls, assemblies and occasional fancy dress balls.
How that description conjures up the most remarkable images of Georgian Liverpool. A Maritime City at the nucleus of its upward growth taking it to the city of its height in the early 20th century.

I grew up with it being known as The Irish Centre in the 70s and 80s, and ignorant of these facts relating the building back to the Battle of Waterloo and Napoleons defeat by the then axis powers under the leadership of the Duke of Wellington.

I recently highlighted its plight in a walkabout with Peter Elson  for the Daily Ghost and it is still the same building, only the deterioration seems to have been helped by the lead on the roof going missing. What state inside to the plasterwork?
There were ghastly plans to develop it by sticking a rubic cube sort of extension on the back. The plans looked more like a sketch on the back of a jerry-builders ciggy packet than a professionals work .

On the English Heretic at risk register for as long as I can remember. Henry Owen John  the area director should be ashamed of himself as should the joker who was the Historic Buildings advisor Peter De Figeurido who let it rot while sucking up to the developers of Mann Island, who it is alleged is now working for Peel Holdings. Click the link above to see him and the Reichmarshal Nigel Lee making excuses after my article sent waves out about the neglect.

And what of Chris Griffiths and Steve Corbett of the useless Liverpool Conservation office.

Next to it and with objective one funding an extension was built on the Gibbard Cathedral, that Oscar Niemeyer rip off, Paddys Wigwam while this wonderful little Georgian gem lies there, rotting, a forlorn looking Mausoleum to itself.
Its a disgrace.

Monday, 10 January 2011

Martins Bank-Another "Dodgy" Liverpool City Council Planning Application.

Why would the Liverpool City Council want to put an application over Xmas, for what was described by the then 20th Century Society 1n 1982 as the finest 20th century Bank Building in Europe.
I will tell you why so it is ignored and it gets the nod through without objections.
The planning application goes no-where in explaining the magnitude of this historic structure.
Liverpool City Council Planning Department should be seen to be creating a level playing field so that we the public can see what is happening.
Without this visibility it could be construed that meetings behind closed doors are what truly happens with Liverpool's planning applications for buildings of historical importance.

The owners have sponsored City Council events.
Here are the documents
The c20th Century Society have not been informed.
They are the statutory consultee for 20th century buildings of historical note.

I have made the Council leader Joe Anderson aware that this habit of "hiding" applications in the Xmas rush only serves to expose how little the city council planning department wish to make the plans available to the public.
I operate my business 60 yards from Martins Bank an I have not received any notification letters.
I wrote to Steve Corbett requesting additional information some time ago. As usual he does not get too involved with the public but has numerous meetings with the developer creating an inequality of arms in the struggle to protect Liverpool from being plasticised.
The applicant has in my opinion made no moves to keep this building as a bank has not made any attempts to save the historical sector which has always been treated as a public space.
The applicant who may be a member of DLIB just wishes to maximise the cashback on a building that they have kept closed for sometime.

We have to be extremely careful not to undermine the historical setting of Martins Bank with its slave trading links back through the Gresham Bank etc and its symbolism that refers to Liverpool's murky past.

I will be supplying further documentation to support our objections to the way this application has been handled with a lack of consultation.

I have mad a complaint to the way the handling of this application has been carried out to the3 Chief planning officer and Joe Anderson the Council Leader.
Wayne Colquhoun
LIVERPOOL PRESERVATION TRUST Typical Trinity "Smoking" Mirrors turn it into a good news story.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Martins Bank Water Street Liverpool-The Destruction Begins.

A planning application has gone in to alter the Grade II listed Banking Hall.
They will no doubt tell us all the same old marketing rubbish. This is a massive risk to one of our best buildings.

More to follow
The c20 society have been informed just look at what the original proposals entailed the removal of the bronze horseshoe counter. The dodgy planners choose Xmas to post the notices for the planning application!!!!!!  Steve Corbett the Conservation Officer(sic) has been in there doing deals about our heritage with Bernard Byrne the current custodian.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

All Saints-Childwall-A Disaster Waiting To Happen.

This is a letter in todays Daily Ghost from Mr George Fowler.

I TOO was dismayed to read of the proposed cultural vandalism threatening Childwall Church. (Letters, November 4).

All Saints Church is beautiful, ancient and the most prominent feature of Childwall's history, its origins being mentioned in the Domesday Book.
It is the classic village church, standing in its own graveyard and garlanded in arboreal splendour. Its charm is owed to centuries of use and respectful care; its greatest value is as a symbol of religious constancy.
To tack on to this traditional church a modern, circular, extension – a so-called “church-rotunda” – would be tasteless to say the least.
Within the aged and straight(ish) churchyard walls would sit the ancient and straight-sided church, protruding from which would be a modern, circular church-carbuncle. It doesn't take Prince Charles to point out the obvious here!
The justification claimed for this desecration is vaguely given as it being part of an “Open to All” policy, and that the benefits of the “added uses” would outweigh the impact on the church setting and its historic fabric.
Well, on the other side of the (narrow) road a new church hall also is to be built, on the site of the current one. That is the proper place for secular activities and it should be designed accordingly.
All Saints Church, and its graveyard, are inspirational and visually splendid yet, sadly, the fabric and conventions within Childwall Church have already seen change in recent years with the loss of choir pews.
The church and grounds are not simply commercial assets waiting to be optimised; they are the very cherished image of Childwall itself. Those ambitious to embark upon superficial improvements should perhaps be reminded that they are only the stewards of Childwall's finest heritage, the essence of which has been sensitively preserved and passed down from generation to generation for 600 years or so. That is a very rich legacy, not one to be squandered, and I hope that we and future generations will continue to respect and enjoy it.

George Fowler, Childwall
It seems the Bishop James Chairman of the ECHO Stop the Rot campaign is getting his disciples to cover this with comments. You have to stop the rot at the church first.

What are English Heretics doing about it or the pathetic Conservation(sic) department of Liverpool City Council. They will probably put a shed on it.

So here we have another attempt to dig up bodies by the Liverpool Arch Deacon and his crew.
We may have made them think about digging up 7,000 at St James Church in Toxteth.

Stop digging bodies up Bishop James.
I think its a pathological disorder in the Liverpool clergy, that they cant stop digging up graves.............Or do they not respect the dead and leave them alone.

Thursday, 28 October 2010

6 Sir Thomas Street-Every Right To Feel Hacked Off.

Yes this was the sight that greeted Warren Bradley from his office overlooking the building.
"I wondered what all the noise was" he said to Larry Neild, then working for the Daily Ghost, as the shysters, Iliad hacked off the front of the facade, of a perfectly good building, with a Liver bird crested portico.
While it was being considered for listing by the English Heretics.
They needed to line the floors up from the old Municipal Buildings frontage on Dale Street World Heritage Site.  That had been sold to Iliad by the very same council that is charged with protecting our assets. The then Liverpool Spiv-Dem council and its cronies, what a joke, couldn't they have made two stairs to line up the floor heights. Couldn't Nigel Lee have advised Iliad in one of his frequent meetings with them that they cant mess with our heritage. He told me he asked Micheal Hanlon of Maghull Developments not to hack off Josephine Butler House, that is his involvement with developers, or should we say hackers.
Couldn't Steve Corbett from the Liverpool Conservation Office(sic) have stopped them.  No this is Liverpool we destroy our Victorian facades, one of the last remaining full and complete Victorian Streets in the city.
Doreen Jones, who did more damage than anyone in this city passed the plans in an Orchestrated planning committee Manoeuvre, while Steve Hurst the criminal tried to question me for trying to save it.
That man had a cheek alright.
While the Labour councillors on the planning committee also give it the thumbs up.

Bernie Turner, whatever happened to her, she is now sidelined, well she always was on heritage matters. Watching while it all went on around her, while she was supposed to be English Heritage Historic Environment Champion. A title she inherited from Lady Doreen Jones.
So all is well that ends well, I suppose.

Look what they have put in its place, a disgrace.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

5,7 & 9 Bridgewater Street up for Demolition. Louise Ellman a Compete Waste of Time.

They make look a bit tired but its the people who own them that have stealthed them into this state. I wrote months ago about the need for the conservation(sic) office to look into the Baltic Triangle. This area contains numerous warehouses unique to Liverpool in style and are part of its history. They at the council office, are of course a complete waste of time they have become atuned to buildings rotting and falling down that they dont see them anymore and they dont even raise an objection to a proposed demolition planning application 10F/0481. What is as bad is that our very own Dame of Dereliction Louise Ellman can see theee warehouses from her house, if she hasnt flipped it. A safe seat for Labour, just who votes the Dame in.

Just what does she have to declare other than being oblivious to the dereliction within her constituancy.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

LIVERPOOL It all came Tumbling Down

I still recall the first time I read Freddie O’Connor’s, It all came Tumbling Down. And 25 years later it still gets to me just what we have lost. Post 2008 it continues and won’t stop. I am not sure how or when it happens or how you feel a sense of loss watching old times that were tough and hard change and we roll into a plastacine characterless paradise lost that we are all suppose to be eternally grateful for.

It was about 20 years ago that I wandered into a derelict forlorn church ‘Our Lady’s’ on St Domingo Road and saw part of the rude screen on the floor the place was a wreck, pieces strewn all over the place. I had been born two streets away in poverty in a damp ridden rabbit hutch. A two up, two down. All around were bomb craters we called the debris. I played war in streets abandoned by owners because they were worthless. The industry was leaving and there was no work. No we don’t want to go back to that but it is something to say that there was character in the poverty, people were different, skills were abound. I remember the beautiful stain glass windows of that Church smashed to smithereens and I decided to rescue the wooden carved structure. I went to ask the priest who quickly said to me as I pleaded to take a childhood memory before it goes. “Do what you want mate, I am the Vicar and that’s a catholic church”. Well the old Irish rivalry still seemed to be there all those years later. We used to team out the football game Protestants against Catholics. I read in Freddie’s book 15 years later that it was a Pugin Church that was to the original Chancel Chapel to what was to be the biggest Cathedral in Christendom as it was on the peak of St Georges plateau and could be seen for miles. The site was abandoned for the current place and Lutyens was brought in and in turn he only got as far as the crypt and decades after the war we ended up with the Oscar Neimeyer copy by Gibbard instead. I really felt that I had saved something a little piece of history. I later found out there were three other Pugin Buildings in the same short space in between the Grade I listed St Georges to which was attached to our school with its old fashioned headmaster with his old fashioned values. They are all gone now and the poverty is still there only it is flimsy and character-less. Our Street is in Freddie O’Connor’s book a picture of the house I grew up in. It reminds me of how I lament the passing of a spirit, a link to the past. Because if you build on your past you keep the simple senses happy, those of security and pride and belonging… that’s what came tumbling down, and its still happening, when will it stop.

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Liverpools Baltic Triangle. More than a 100 Properties Rotting. Does Anybody Care.

After the recent press release from the Daily Ghost regarding the upbeat story of how wonderful it all is about the Baltic Triangle considering some properties are being renovated by a North Vested Interest Development Agency grant. ( Its a shame none of the people who work in Oldham Hall Street do not go and take a look at the place).

Well maybe it’s a start but the full reality, is this. We counted 100 properties in serious danger of crumbling, within a couple of hundred yards of each other, in the Baltic Triangle, and in serious decay.
This group of properties in Bridgewater Street are available to view from Louise Ellmans the "Dame of Dereliction" place of residence. It is my opinion she has become oblivious to the dereliction in her constituency. There are another 100 properties on the periphery of the Baltic triangle in the death throes, unless investment is made…..and it won’t be, unless people like her who are oblivious to decay take notice. I am not even to start with Berni Turner. As with this clutch the owners most are prepared to let them fall down. Why is there no one around to fight for them to be saved. The owners don’t care nor the polititions. Why?
The picture above shows the Anglican Cathedral and its proximity to abject rot. The Chairman of the council manipulated "Stop the Rot" campaign, that never stopped any rot, and was run by the Oldham Echo, was Bishop James Jones who wants to now dig up 7,000 bodies in St James Church just in point of the Baltic Triangle.
Where are the planners who rubber-stamp boring and bland blocks of flats in the same location and have no plans for good solid listed warehouses.

Where is Chris Griffiths, the dozy Buildings at Risk Officer funded by English Heretics Manchester Office. What about Glynn Marsden and Steve “Ronnie” Corbett at the Conservation(sic)office…nowhere to be seen? Hiding ducking below the parapets. Where is the Merseyside Civic Society? Where are the local press?

This block in Bridgewater Street at least part owned by Ebeneeza Selwyn, who I think is a disgrace to my proffession, is being used as mobile phone masts. Who passes a listed structure to be used as a mobile phone receptacle? Yes, its the Reichmarshal Nigel Lee our vainglorious planning manager and the leader in the heritage disaster that is Liverpool.
Seven thousand pounds a throw, the rent is for each mast that’s 21 grand a year in rent to keep it in the state of decay until they fall down and then coin it on the land. Its like a reward. They cant go wrong.
Hey but its alright the NWDA are in and investing in the area, just like they did in the World Heritage Site and those grey suited clowns don’t know how to balance the past with the future. So on the tail of this will be Frank McKenna’s Downtown Liverpool in Business Vultures ready to feed off the carcasses of what remains, ready to leave us with another mini Milton Keynes-On-Sea. I bet on it. 250 yards away from the Grosvenor-pool shopping Precient its a tale of two cities.

Friday, 16 October 2009

St Andrews Church, Rodney St-Liverpools Heritage At Risk No3

How can a City watch a Grade II* listed building deteriate to such an effect that it is a shadow of itself. But it now has a shed on it.  English Heretics describe its condition as "very bad". The old Presbyterian Church on Rodney St now gets a shed on its heavy ballustraded attic. John Moores wanted to use this as a library and resource centre after it was on fire. John Moores were promising to make it structurally safe and give it a fresh vibrant use. Common sense one would Steve "Ronnie" Corbett at the waste full Liverpool Conservation (sic) Office wanted to store his garden tools and lawn mower on the top of it. So the whole scheme was kyboshed. Now at this precise moment there will be a load of shifty developers waiting for it to completely fall down while Chris Griffiths the waste of space masquerading as the buildings at risk officer pots his geraniums up there. It is a waste, an absolute waste. This building was designed and built by John Foster Jr in 1823. This is a picture what it   looked like only a couple of decades ago. Its decline was swift. What is Berni Turner the so called English Heritage Champion doing...well not a lot really.,_Liverpool
Liverpool Derwent Square Newsham Park
Ogden Close Princes Park
Princes Road
Sefton Park
Shaw Street
Wavertree Village

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

The Wellington Rooms-Liverpools Heritage At Risk No 2

The Wellington Rooms in Mount Pleasant were once described as a ‘house of mirth and revelry’. They were erected after funds were raised by public subscription in 1815.

An Adaptation of the Choragic Monument of Lysicrates of Athens, which was illustrated in the influential publication by Stuart and Revelt Antiquities of Athens.
It had a porch on one side for the setting down of sedan chairs.
The Portico was originally open but was found to be draughty and a disfigurement to the original design was made with the blocking up.
A ballroom of some 80ft by 40ft it had a card room and a supper room.
It was thought to have been frequented by the upper classes, as subscription balls, assemblies and occasional fancy dress balls.

How that description conjures up the most remarkable images of Georgian Liverpool. A Maritime City at the nucleus of its upward growth taking it to the city of its height in the early 20th century.
I grew up with it being known as The Irish Centre in the 70s and 80s, and  ignorant of these facts relating the building back to the Battle of Waterloo and Napoleons defeat by the then axis powers under the leadership of the Duke of Wellington.
I recently highlighted its plight in a walkabout with Peter Elson for the Daily Ghost and it is still the same building, only the deteriation seems to have been helped by the lead on the roof going missing. What state inside to the plasterwork?
There were ghastly plans to develop it by sticking a rubic cube sort of extension on the back. The plans looked more like a sketch on the back of a jerry-builders ciggy packet than a professionals work .
On the English Heretic at risk register for as long as I can remember. Henry Owen John the area director should be ashamed of himself as should the joker who was the Historic Buildings advisor Peter De Figeurido who let it rot while sucking up to the developers of Mann Island, who it is alleged is now working for Peel Holdings. Click the link above to see him and the Reichmarshal Nigel Lee making excuses after my article sent waves out about the neglect.
And what of Chris Griffiths and Steve Corbett of the useless Liverpool Conseravtion office.
Next to it and with objective one funding an extension was built on the Gibbard Cathedral, that Oscar Niemeyer rip off, Paddys Wigwam while this wonderful little Georgian gem lies there, rotting,  a forelorn looking Mausoleaum to itself.

Monday, 12 October 2009

Liverpools Heritage at Risk No 1-Royal Insurance Building Dale Street

Today we sart a series to advise the public of the "Buildings at Risk" in Liverpool. We start with the English Heritage at Risk registered Buildings and start in Dale Street 100 yards in one direction from the Town Hall and 100 yards the other The Liverpool City Municipal Buildings.
They keep telling us they have saved this building. They being the Council through its PR division, the Liverpool Daily Post and Echo.
And still it lies there as a monument to inactivity and a lack of desire to look after our cultural assets.
The hopeless Liverpool City Council buildings at risk officer Chris Griffiths, told me four years ago it was having a lot of attention put on it and the pigeon mess had been cleared up from inside. So is the roof still open? Do they CPO it? Do they take action? No that’s just what they do with ordinary citizens of the city in the Welsh streets and Anfiield. No, they let it rot.

Built 1897-1903 by the architect J. Francis. Doyle. The design was chosen from a limited design with seven entrants. The assessor was Norman Shaw who was retained in an advisory capacity. Doyle had worked with Shaw on the White Star building and was said to have been so influenced by Shaws style that he was able to refashion it. This is built of Granite and Portland Stone and was an advanced design giving a column free general office on most of the ground floor. Steve Corbett at the ineffectual conservation (sic) office knows the building well. Its campanile with an octagonal cupola, gilded dome and sundial form a prominent feature on the city's skyline.
Berni Turner Liverpool's self styled Heritage Champion is really a waste of time promises us she is looking after our assets. Its all a bluff.
This building has been on the English Heretics Buildings at Risk register for over a decade.
So while we have changed the town with cheap apartments some not even good enough to be called trashy, this gem with sculptures by C. J. Allen lays rotting. It is in the World Heritage Site.
In 2006 I warned of the risks in leaving this building while we do the easy jobs until the money ran out and the binge building stops and the banks wont lend.
Last week another hotel for Tithebarn street is announced and what of the forgotten treasures with links to our past. How many more false dawns can this building take.

Meanwhile at The Daily Ghost they have been fed again by the once October Communications now Aurora, who are Neptunes PR, a Larry Neild Hook. He used the same "Jewel in the Crown" about the Cesar Pelli, One Park Worst for Grosvenor, which came 4th in the BD Magazine National Carbuncle Cup.
Would it not be better use of a redundant building such as the Royal Insurance to house the Open Eye Gallery who are moving to Mann Island. Than to trash the world heritage site with grant aided schemes by the North Vested Interest Development Authority.

Thursday, 6 August 2009

Listed Liverpool Pembroke Place Kosher butchers shop under threat

You know I have no sympathy for this bloke who has owned this property for years and has done nothing about it. He keeps waffling on about its importance. WHAT IS THE POINT in letting it rot Mr Ainsworth? You have had ample opportunity to get it restored, you have owned it for long enough. Its a Grade II listed building that Chris Griffiths the Council Buildings at risk officer and Ronnie Corbett at the conservation(sic)office should have used enforcement powers a long time ago. The worst owners of listed buildings are those who do nothing about them then appear to hold the council and English Heritage to ransom.
pic courtesy of Daily Post
Mr Ainsworth hopes to restore Galkoff’s into a shop and a flat that he would live in. (Oh Yeah).
He wanted to buy number 31 himself and has complained to the Local Government Ombudsman about how the council chose to sell it to the school.
According to documents at Land Registry, the school paid £130,000 cash for 31 and 33 Pembroke Place on June 11. On October 1, 2008, it also took ownership of 35 Pembroke Place after paying £160,000 cash.