Showing posts with label John Hinchliffe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Hinchliffe. Show all posts

Thursday, 18 October 2012

John Hinchliffe Liverpool World Heritage Officer Steps Down-Good Riddance.

This is the man who got us on the World Heritage "At Risk" Register, then like a rat jumping ship, he buggers off and take the redundancy money.
You have to question the credibility of a man who has been a complete waste of space. Who has stood idly by while the Pier Head was decimated with modern rubbish and he was paid to defend it all.
Lets hope he can sleep at night.
Where was he when they destroyed Manchester Dock? 
 Nowhere hiding under his desk.
Where was he when they filled in Trafalger Dock?
Same Desk.
Where was he when the plans were passed for the three black slugs at mann Island.
Negotiating with the developers instead of laying down in front of the bulldozers.
On World Heritage matters he had Backbone of a jellyfish, a poodle who liked getting his tummy tickled by the developers.
He was a plant by the previous council administration who as soon as the ink was dry on the WHS inscription set about destroying it.
Lets hope he can sleep at night.

So Uncle JOE ANDERSON Has now removed another  obstacle for Peel Holdings.e

Here is a compilation of some of his worst bits.
He was flown over to Shanghai at the cost f 6 grand to tout the destruction of the WHS

He is a complete waste of space very often working against the public who pay his purse

He was supposed to educate the public but lacked the education or the gumption himself

One thing he was good at was shuffling paper

Pearls before Swine

Was he paid by English Heritage

He was a poodle for Council Leaders with "cosy" developer friends


BUT WHO IS NOW GOING TO REPLACE HIM probably another compliant who will be just as convenient for Peel Holdings.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Liverpool Waters and the Liverpool World Heritage State of Conservation Report.

Prepared by DCMS (The UK State Party) dated 28th February 2012

Here is a link to a document produced by the DCMS at the request of the 1st February.

This document goes on to outline how Liverpool Waters will seriously damage the OUV of the World Heritage Site.
It was only sent to 5 people one of those being the completely idle John Hinchliffe who will now try all he can to bury it for sure.

Here is an extract from pg
The UK Government welcomes this recognition of the progress made and the substantial amount of work involved in putting development strategies, planning procedures and management systems in place, largely reflecting the efforts of the City Council.

World Heritage sites in the UK are protected through specific national and local designations and the spatial planning system. National planning guidance on the historic environment (Planning Policy Statement 5 (PPS5)) emphasises the need to protect World Heritage properties as noted by the mission.

Since 2009, there has been a government planning circular in England specifically covering World Heritage (CLG Circular 07/09 The Protection of World Heritage Sites). This is supported by further English Heritage guidance, which has been endorsed by ministers. The Circular states:

• Statements of Outstanding Universal Value are key references for the effective protection and management of World Heritage Sites

• World Heritage Sites can also contribute to a national and local sense of community and to sustainable economic development and sustainable regeneration.

• Local authorities should have appropriate spatial planning policies to protect World Heritage properties which should aim to:

o protect the property and its setting, including any buffer zone, from inappropriate development,

o strike a balance between the needs of conservation, biodiversity, access, the interests of the local community and the sustainable economic use of the property in its setting

o protect a World Heritage Site from the effect of changes which are relatively minor but which, on a cumulative basis, could have a significant effect

o enhance the World Heritage Site where appropriate and possible through positive management

o protect World Heritage Sites from climate change but ensure that mitigation is not at the expense of authenticity or integrity

• World Heritage properties are a key material consideration in the planning system

• World Heritage properties should have Management Plans to protect their Outstanding Universal Value

• Management Plans should be prepared in a consensual way by the key stakeholders in each property, including significant landowners

• There should be a steering group of key stakeholders, including significant landowners

• Relevant policies in Management Plans are key material considerations in the spatial planning system

• Local authorities should support and promote World Heritage properties in all their actions, not just within the spatial planning system

• When a local authority is minded to grant consent for a planning application to which English Heritage has maintained an objection, the authority must refer the case to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government for him to consider calling it in for decision at national level

The Government is currently reviewing planning policy guidance and intends to replace much of it with a much more succinct National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). This will maintain existing levels of protection for World Heritage properties, which will continue to be treated as designations of the highest importance.

In Liverpool, the City Council has relevant policies in its Unitary Development Plan and, as noted above, adopted a Supplementary Planning Document in 2009 providing detailed planning guidance on the World Heritage property. This seeks:

“to provide guidance for protecting and enhancing the Outstanding Universal value of (the) World Heritage Site, whilst encouraging investment and development which supports a healthy economy and supports regeneration.”

Thursday, 22 December 2011

A World Heritage Site Is For Life, Not Just For Christmas.

Awaiting a Unesco report, The Spivs running the city must be nervous.
Like good little Peel's Poodle's they have gone headlong into a Cultural Back Alley on their behalf.
It shows up, what the likes of Joe Anderson, with his property speculators  moll Frank McKenna, and his friends at Downtown Liverpool, who as representative for what Private Eye's 'Piloti' calls "the sinister Peel Holdings" really want, a free run on our heritage.
Through all the binge build years we have now woken up with a hangover.
And they still want more.
We dont have a planning officer convenient.
Councillor Malcolm Kennedy, Cabinet Member for Regeneration, who despite being in the paper everyday, has regenerated.......well a road for Peel Holdings, using up nearly all the road repair budget for the year in the process. 
Really don't Peel have to spend any money?
Do we have to fund their business dealings?
Is Joe Anderson too close to Peel Holdings?
Will John Hinchliffe the World Heritage Bungler be sacked?
Will The Cruise Liner Jetty balls up, be settled and will they, wrongly, stop blaming Southampton for it?
Will the local editors Alastair Machray and Mark Thomas be sacked? 
Instead of them blaming everyone else for the lack of job creation, while sacking half the workforce at Trinity "Smoking" Mirror Group and shipping out the printing presses to Oldham. They should hide their heads in shame.

These are just a few of the searching questions that will be continued to be asked in the New Year.

We wish all our colleagues, friends and fellows who are interested in solving the problems that a city corrupted and poisoned by the spivs lurking behind the scenes create, A very Merry Xmas.

If we have upset you during the last year............well tough, you must have deserved it.  

Friday, 18 November 2011

John Hinchliffe and a £6,000 Freebie.

A free trip to Shanghai that you helped pay for so you should know about it.
That cost Six Grand.
What for? Why did he have to go?
Was it to persuade any investors in Liverpool Waters, they could do whatever they want while he's there.
He even bragged about it. "Not bad for a freebie" he said.
Flown out all expenses paid for to have meetings with Peel Holdings to the Shanghai Expo 2010.......who have been told by Unesco that if their plans for Shanghai-on-Mersey where to go ahead it will effect the Outstanding Universal Value of the World Heritage Site. 
This is what Unesco actually said that the current plans for Liverpool Waters goes directly in conflict against the SPD. What does Hinchiffe do?

118. Liverpool – Maritime Mercantile City (United Kingdom) (C 1150)
Decision: 35 COM 7B.118

The World Heritage Committee,
1. Having examined Document WHC-11/35.COM/7B.Add,
2. Expresses its extreme concern at the proposed development of Liverpool Waters in terms of the potential impact of its dense, high and mid-rise buildings on the form and design of the historic docks and thus on the Outstanding Universal Value of the property;
3. Notes that the independent Impact Assessment commissioned by English Heritage clearly sets out the significantly damaging negative impact on the Outstanding Universal Value of the property;
Decisions report WHC-11/35.COM/20, p. 150
4. Also notes that the proposed development is not in compliance with the property
Management Plan nor with the Liverpool Urban Development Plan;
5. Urges the State Party to ensure that these proposals are not approved, as failure to do so could lead to consideration of loss of the Outstanding Universal Value of the property;
6. Requests the State Party to invite a joint World Heritage Centre/ICOMOS reactive monitoring mission, as soon as possible, to assess planning procedures and the overall development strategies for the property;
7. Also requests the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Centre, by 1 February 2012, an updated report on the state of conservation of the property and on the implementation of the above, examination by the World Heritage Committee at its 36th session in 2012.
So what do we pay him for, because he has done nothing to protect world heritage principles or, as Unesco, expressly requested, put an education programme together to inform the public and developers as to principles of World Heritage, to uphold its protection.
The Heritage lottery Funding was refused because they said he was trying it on. click on links

For 5 years hes been swopping the place where the pen goes for the place where the pencil goes on his desk shuffling paper around....doing nothing, a complete and utter waste of time.
Secretly steering the World Heritage Steering Group that nobody knows about, apart from them.
click on links

He is now worried after Nigel Lee the planning officer has been forced out. (Liverpool does not have a Chief Planning Officer). So who is upholding the Supplementary Planning Document that is to protect the WHS.
So lets break it down here is the SPD, its a long read but Unesco will do the work, I am sure.
Anyone commenting on Liverpools WHS needs to read this and that includes the local press.
Here is the sustainability section of the SPD.

Hinchliffe the double dealing waste of space that is supposed to be employed to protect World Heritage not roll over like a fluffy poodle, and have his belly tickled by any Spiv or Speculator that wants to build anything in the World Heritage Site.
He should be very worried about his job because if Unesco go against him this time he wont be able to afford a collection of Della Robbia ceramics that he aspires to, because we will be calling for the hopeless waste of space's sacking and he may be lucky to keep his job.

A Waste Of Space sitting on his hands?
Meanwhile Its Pearls before Swine as Usual

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

John Hinchliffe Tries To Shaft Us.

We predicted it was going to be a whitewash and that's what the World Heritage Officer tried.

We have it down in writing, how the meeting was to be formulated, but when we got there the double dealing Hinchliffe tried to direct us into a forum.
"You have had years to organise debates and you want one now today, there is not a chance"
Ian Wray of the world heritage steering group says "I am the chair"
"I am the table, I said, and I will not be going into any meeting being led by a council poodle"

I had already told Trevor Skempton and Peter Brown of the Civic Society, who do not have a remit on this matter, from the group, as this has not been a meeting to discuss it, I am reliably informed, that I would not be setting foot in any room with them.
David Swift stood his ground with me. Florence Gersten was already upstairs, she had been excluded from any meetings until we complained.
So Hinchliffe, who has sat shuffling paper for 5 years, now wants to turn into a negotiator.
"Not a chance" I told him "We are not being pushed around in a pram by you, like you did last time"
Hearing the noise and me throwing my arms around and telling Hinchliffe. "Not a chance, full stop you are not going to stifle what I have to say and we will only meet the inspectors privately"
Ron Van Oers who we met last time in the 2006 visit came over and said just as I said "That it I am going" waving my hands.
"Would you like a private meeting"..............."Yes"............"We will come down and see you shortly"

Hinchliffe said "Oh yes we have a spot ICOMOS UK have not turned up"
"Are there any reports on Liverpool Waters from ICOMOS UK", I asked him
"Errrr not sure, there may be", he waffled
"Of course the City Council joined them as a corporate member did they not"
"Err maybe"
So Hinchliffe, the double dealer had been telling all that the meeting was to be transparent, yet Peter de Figeuirido, the 'Opinion for hire' now working for Peel, was with the party at the Pier Head.
(He was the historic buildings advisor for English Heritage once, therefore a colleague of Henry Owen-John.
 Owen John was there, as was Graham Ives "You probably has seen my name on various reports"
Yes far too many I thought I would not trust you as far as I could throw John Hinchliffe.

The mission came downstairs, and asked us some questions about who we represent, then we told them we don't recognise any steering group and cannot trust the MCS, and told them the reasons, we advised them that Hinchliffe is a total waste of space will do anything his paymasters tell him...........and that last time you were here.......Mr Van Oers.......... you let us down badly, I told him that he failed to grasp the gravity of the situation, when the Black Coffins were under planning, The City Council then under Warren Bradley promised to protect the World Heritage Site.
"If I remember rightly there were three, the Ferry Terminal the museum and Mann Island"
"You needed to be stronger and give advice, they are all carbuncles, if that's not affecting the Outstanding Universal Value then what is" I told him. 
"We had to compromise English Heritage were in support of it"
"Yes but I told you their Chairman Sir Neil Cossons was working for the Liverpool Museums and they had promised him a steam train exhibition to curate, and Loyd Grossman the ex chair was he Museums Chair of NML"
He went on to give a long explanation and I looked at him along with Patricia Alberth and Mr Barbato who said nothing, and said
"You made a major mistake that we have to live with for ever, you got it badly wrong"
He was a bit shaken and said "Look I can assure you this time we will not be making any mistakes, this is very serious"
David Swift had handed them a print run of pictures of the Mann Island and Pier Head before and after, and there it was plain as day, architectural vandalism had occured.

Hinchliffe then came in and asked if we could finish the meeting as there was others waiting upstairs
"You have had 20 minutes"

He's so kind, the double dealing waste of space that is supposed to be employed to protect World Heritage not roll over like a fluffy poodle, and have his belly tickled by any Spiv or Speculator that wants to build anything in the World Heritage Site.

Todays paper sees Joe Anderson proclaiming we will protect our heritage.....look what we did to the Bluecoat...............knocked down Herbert Tyson Smiths Workshop, that was intact and created a plastic palace.............Warren Bradley, now Joe Anderson, Its Dumb and Dumber.

click on tabs below for more info 

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Where Is The Liverpool World Heritage Site?

Well don't ask Damien, John Hinchliffe, The World Heritage Officer's press Officer.
I went to do a live show for Radio 5 live Drive after work, and he accompanied John Hinchliffe, for some strange reason?
They were warming themselves up for the live chat slide the play bar to 1;48 to listen and I turned to Damien and asked him "Damien can you tell me where the World Heritage Boundaries Are"
He looked at me and stuttered "Errr"
"I am only asking a simple question" and repeated it,
"No" he said
"Isn't that a strange thing that the World Heritage Site Officer's, Press Officer does not know where it is, and wasn't it a request that Unesco made that the public at large should be informed by the Liverpool City Council as to its boundaries its principles and Architects and developers should be informed on its Overall Universal values so that protection can be afforded to it".

I don't know how john Hinchliffe can show his face with the mess that has happened while he has stood by and watched...idly.

I was out on a horrendous Mersey Ferry trip an hour before listening to the godawful commentary that you cant get away from, with Nick Ravenscroft. This was an interview to be broadcast on P.M radio 4 on Monday.
"Yes and this week they will roll out all the press power they can we may even see the elusive world heritage officer............whose press officer doe not even know where the world Heritage site is.
No you couldn't make it up.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Ron Van Oers-How Can He Show His Face Again In Liverpool?

In November 2006 A Unesco Monitoring Mission came to Liverpool at our request. The mission of two, were Michelle Bonnette and Ron Van Oers.

I had a meeting with them for 15 minutes after a long conversation in Municipal Buildings with Florence Gersten who was wrongly excluded.
She asked me to hand them documents she had written from her vast knowledge.
Then directly after, a delegation of four from the Merseyside Civic Society led by Peter Brown, who later announced that he was a supporter of the Man Island black coffins went in.
Pat Moran was part of the delegation as was anther member who I would later find out was one of the people representing the MCS who would also be representing a owner of property that would be directly affected by the Mann Island and museum proposals.
If you recall the Liverpool Museums had to pay £750,000 for loss of (our) views to one developer that owned property at the Pier Head.
So the Itinerary stated that the City Council Limousine picked the mission up, and the council afforded them meetings in quick fire successions that were presentations and led them around like poodles.
There was a lot riding on this mission but Ron & Co let us down badly.
They said that the Mann Island proposals would not affect the Overall Universal Value of the World Heritage Site………….How wrong can they be.
We were hoping that Unesco, as a last resort would advise the council against its plans that were funded by the NWDA and sponsored by Liverpool Vision, (Joe Anderson was and is a member) who employed the deplorable October Communications, now Aurora Media to come up with a publicity drive.
Jon Egan used all his skills to slime as many articles into the paper to Larry Neild, the then City Editor who now works for Egan.
Larry Neild won an award from Downtown Liverpool In Business, and guess who does their media now.
October Communications lined up presentations with Icomos UK, the City Council then become a corporate member. Heard nothing from them this time.
Now they have asked if I can attend with Peter Brown, and Ian Wray who was a planner for NWDA….not a chance.
And to think, John Hinchliffe (world heritage waste of space) is organising it.

What a joke.
The UK Government then funded Unesco in 2007 to a tune of 16% of their budget for the year. Were they bought off?
One of the problems was that English Heritage were supporting the proposed schemes…………while Sir Neil Cossons the then Chairman of English Heritage was working for Liverpool Museums. You couldn’t make this up
So Ron you have been sent back to Liverpool on the 14th to 16th November to see what has been done at the Pier Head……….will you be big enough to say you made a mistake? Will you make a statement to say so?
How can the OUV not have been effected by building three black coffins a Terminal Ferry Carbuncle and a carbuncle Museum n the WHS.
Unesco, have a new Chairman let’s hope they are not as thick as the last one.
This time English Heritage have published an independent report into the damning effects Liverpool Waters will have on the World Heritage Site.

Lets hope that Ron Van Oers does not allow the council to blindfold him and lead him around like a shopkeepers dummy………like in 2006.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Liverpools World Heritage Education-Nil By Mouth.

It must have hurt the editor of the Daily Post to have to print the front page against the full blight of its editorial stance and their  "plumping" for its business readers, of who I am advised there are.....well, more than a few less, than last year.

The city was told by Unesco at its 2008 and 2009 World Heritage committee meetings that, amongst other things, they must educate the public, as to the principles of its inclusion in the Unesco World Heritage Site list.
This it was felt would stop rogue councillors spiving for developers and stop the mess that was already in full flight.
Stop the binge build mentality that now sees us waking up to reality, with an almighty hangover.
A tacky application to the heritage lottery was made by John Hinchliffe our World heritage officer, for funding, yes him, with the backbone of a jellyfish, where world heritage is concerned.
I question why he is there, if not to facilitate the spivs and speculators who have got their mits on whats left of our historic fabric. There is a world heritage steering group, steering what?    Here are those decisions for your information.

We now have our historic buildings looking like aliens in the new urban settings.
Next to the likes of the three black coffins and its sister ship the new museum of Liverpool the Rome MAXXI lookalike, we have Three Graces, overpowered.
How many people can boast that they know where the world heritage site is?  
Unesco said a a education programme as to world heritage priciples was required.
Lottery funding was refused and that was that then, no education at all. 

It seems that apart from being jockey-ed along, the local press don't know where the world heritage site is either, or don't care, although I liked Marc Waddingtons direct approach and his honesty when I met him recently.

But who wrote the opinion in yesterdays paper?
 It has to be someone with a gripe against me, my contribution offering Amsterdam as an alternative inspiration to Shanghai for Liverpool Waters, was cut. That would not have suited his friends I think.
140 words, by me, ended up as 14.
In its place, was, as expected a plump for Peel Holdings.
I am reliably informed that Mark Thomas as editor went "Out to lunch" with Peel Holdings the week before last..............see the things you don't know can harm all makes sense now. 

Mark Thomas has, as one of his favorite buildings, the Terminal Ferry Carbuncle, so we want no lectures from you Sir, where architecture is concerned. Here is what they said.

 City cannot be allowed to stand still

NO MATTER what new additions have emerged on the Liverpool waterfront in recent times, there can still be little doubt that it is a site of extraordinary, spellbinding grandeur.
Nature itself is mostly responsible for the view, as the River Mersey ebbs and flows with unceasing splendour, at the heart of our city’s history – but the enthralling architecture of the Three Graces has done even more to make the waterfront one of the inspirational vistas to be found anywhere in Britain . . . or, indeed, the wider world beyond.
Yet the World Heritage Committee, meeting under the auspices of Unesco for ten days from Sunday, has placed an item on its agenda concerning “the state of conservation of the World Heritage property Liverpool”.
Speakers may well question the appearance of Neptune’s three glazed black wedges, at Mann Island, or raise the spectre of the huge Liverpool Waters development, which will transform derelict dockland to the north of the Pier Head site.
They may say that new developments spoil the panorama from this point or that point, or realign the perspective from a particular, favourite angle.
But can Liverpool truly afford to wrap itself up in cotton wool for generations to come? Our future lies in fostering jobs and investment to cater for the Liverpudlians of the future. People come from far and wide to savour our heritage, so it is undoubtedly important, but it is misguided to put at risk exciting, innovative job-creating developments for the sake of fossilising our waterfront for all time.
The loud and vociferous heritage lobby on Merseyside have become adept at raising the alarm over every perceived threat to the area – but they speak out of all proportion to the size of their membership. They surely do not speak for the vibrant business community, whose importance in safeguarding the future prosperity of our city cannot be underestimated.
Instead, they hanker for a heritage which is important, yes, but must be allowed to evolve in the best interests of Liverpool.
If the waterfront and everything around it stagnates because of over-exaggerated claims about new developments, investors will stay away – and our economy will stagnate along with it. That must not be allowed to happen. 

In today's reporting reality we dont have to be fed by the local papers though and here is Correspondents take on the matter. 
I know which one I prefer.

Monday, 28 March 2011

Liverpools World Heritage Site-Pearls Before Swine

Pearls Before Swine.
Its an old Biblical saying you hear a lot amongst the old school in the antique trade.

Frank NcKenna has a radio programme on City Talk, can you believe it, and this week he had Jon Egan on the show, or so I was told, along with someone called Richard Wallace, if I am not mistaken.

I bumped into Larry Neild last week in the Baltic Triangle who is an employee of Jon Egan.

Larry who I used to work with quite a lot, on heritage matters, when he was city editor at the Daily Ghost, was quick to defend himself before I even said a word.
“You don’t do much in the paper now do you. We cant get anything in the paper”.
“Larry you know quite well I got banned by Mark Thomas for being too honest and what about the Mann Island Advertorial last Monday, remember who you are trying to kid, my name is Wayne”.

“What about Peel Holdings Liverpool Waters”

“We have been working advising Unesco” I told him

“David Bartlett has just picked up an award for my reporting after I was handed confidential English Heritage Documents that were not handed to the press but me, that tells you a lot.”

Apparently Ginger Nut John was none too happy with me after I said he would sell his kids for fee. This was the man who sold the Pier Head on behalf of Liverpool Vision and organised a so called consultation on the scheme that was directed by David Wade Smith around the same time that we brought a Unesco reactive monitoring mission to Liverpool.

Frank McKenna was on TV at the time, as we turned the heat up, saying we should lose the World Heritage Site, its not worth having.
So they were all on Radio City discussing the Heritage lobby a name made up by Egan and Co who now runs Aurora Media, to try to discredit work that educated people do, who have aesthetic values.

I told Larry that it was the likes of him who was misguiding the city through bad PR for spivs.
Take the way October Communications were employed by Neptune Developments to destroy the Pier Head, and Trevor Jones Windsor Developments”
“He was not Windsor Developments” he was quick to reply

“He was their facilitator spiv” I told them and he moved his accountants to the same office in Churtsey Surrey as Windsor”

“I didn’t know that” He said

“Oh yes you did, I told you but you turned a blind eye, and all that was under the protectorate of Rex Makin, who you know quite well who is “It is alleged” (Why is everybody so scared of the old screwed up windbag) is a shareholder in Trinity Mirror”

“Well so am I, he said

“Yeah you know what I mean so why defend him and Trevor who I handed packets of information on business dealings in the Baltic Triangle that was against the law because as a councillor Trevor did not declare an interest”

“He used to own this garage, (that we were standing next to, where his car was being serviced) don’t know if he still does and that property there next door”.

“So you knew this and did nothing to make the public aware of it, see what I mean.
“You also knew he lived on the Duke of Westminister’s estate”
“Yes” he declared
“And now you do a radio show, does anyone listen to it” I asked,
“The figures are coming up”

“Now isn’t that good for your boss Jon Egan” I said. Now I like Larry as a character but he does not have, in my opinion the truth of duty to his profession, But when you talk to him its as if he does not realise he has been institutionalised and is a shadow of the man he believes he is.

Just imagine the skeletons him and Rexy have had buried.

Jon Egan was outside my shop Friday, it seems he is getting a bit brave of late, it was as if he needed to say something to me but scurried off. I knew it was him when the cleaning ladies had to clean up the trail of slime left behind as he slithered away quickly.
He tried to wind me up once before. He should not try it again.

Bill “Phsyco” Gleeson was sick as a parrot when he lost his radio programme on City talk.
Talk about round up all the usual suspects.
So what do all these people know about heritage to discuss its merits when the truth of the matter lies in a vested interests of business groups deciding what should be built and all three of them in on it for sure.

So now the fact that the Government have declared a relaxation of planning laws the Spiv Lobby are out in force.

I was asked for an interview for ITV last Thursday and I duly obliged only to be part of a bad edit but what I said was clear, if we continue to ignore the Overall Universal Value of the rest of the World Heritage Site, and let Peel Holdings do what they want, after Unesco made the U.K Government, who have now declared a relaxation of all planning laws for the docks, we will lose it.
We had to draw up a whitewashed Supplementary Development Plan, Unesco was so worried.

It wont worry the Spiv Lobby.
It really is Pearls Before Swine.

see what Warren Bradley thinks, well when I say think!!!!.

and where is the World Heritage waste of space John Hinchliffe

Friday, 25 February 2011

English Heritage Slam Liverpool Waters.

Looks like those arrogant bastards who are Peel Holdings have had a dent to their over inflated egos.

Or is this a game that the English Heretics who sanctioned some of the worst architectural disasters since Goering sent wave after wave of the Luftwaffe over during the blitz, to bomb the gubbings out of us, are playing to look like they are going through the motions.
HENRY OWEN-JOHN the Regional Development Director is, in my opinion, a disgrace to his profession but he has now come out publicly against Peel.

We broke the depressing news that another, slimy, in my opinion, character, and ex English Heretic, is employed by Peel. Opinion for hire, (to the highest bidder) Peter de Figueiredo.

We are not messing around with Liverpool's corrupted planning system anymore we are applying our energies to the DCMS who are legally obliged to protect the WHS.

Yesterday David Bartlett who is doing a good job tracking this planning process reported.

THE regional head of English Heritage last night warned it would fight the £5.5bn Liverpool Waters scheme – unless Peel agreed to make further changes to its plans.
Henry Owen-John said Peel had a “significant” way to go to persuade English Heritage that it should back the scheme and that it would not damage the city’s World Heritage Site.
Peel Holdings wants to regenerate the city’s northern docklands with a series of skyscrapers, claiming it will create more than 25,000 jobs and 14,000 apartments in a £5.5bn development.
Last year Lindsey Ashworth, director of investment for Peel Holdings, said he was not prepared to make any more changes after already substantially reducing the size of the development which Liverpool council planners are currently considering.
If English Heritage lodges an objection and the city grants planning permission, the scheme would automatically be referred to Communities Secretary Eric Pickles – dramatically increasing the chances of a lengthy and costly public inquiry.
Mr Owen-John also revealed that the Department for Culture, Media and Sport has notified Unesco, which oversees World Heritage Sites, about the Liverpool Waters project.
Unesco’s specialist advisers are currently preparing a report on the scheme.
English Heritage has also commissioned an independent report into the potential impact of the scheme.
In an exclusive interview with the Daily Post, Mr Owen-John said: “We fully support the principle of developing the area. Clearly it is a brownfield site at the moment which is inaccessible and there is real opportunity that could have enormous benefit for Liverpool widely and north Liverpool particularly.
“I think we have come a long way in three years and we are appreciative of the changes that Peel have made.
“The scheme is now very significantly different, there were many more tall buildings.
“The adjustments that have been made are clearly significant from Peel’s point .
“We feel, despite that, we are not quite there in being able to reach agreement with Peel.”

Read more here.

 And what is the world heritage waste of space John, "backbone of a jellyfish" Hinchliffe doing...well probably the same as ever..........nothing.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

World Heritage Steering Group-What Exactly Is It Steering?

Peel Holdings planning application for Liverpool Waters no doubt.  
Featured this week on BBC Northwest the Shanghai Expo Liverpool Pavilion, on the wrong side of the river looked like a joke.
But wait, there are some big announcements to be made soon.
Yeah alright.
Liverpool Day.
A massive success.
An even bigger success.
How amazing.
How Peel Holdings have had the biggest freebie publicity campaign, I mean its all great.

Lets have a party, will there be fireworks ...yippeee, its wonderful.

With Mark Thomas the Daily Ghost Editor at the Shanghai 2010 Expo, watching the musical extravaganza, supplied by, amongst others......The Scaffold and Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark, it is guaranteed all the right press coverage.
 Is this the best we can do.

Monday, 18 October 2010

Liverpool World Heritage Steering Group-What Is Its Motives?

Page 2 of minutes of a meeting of The World Heritage Steering Group. These documents are not ever supposed to see the light of day so it is with a free abandon that they they write "It was agreed that JL (John Hinchliffe, the world heritage waste of space who should be protecting the WH not selling it) and NL (Nigel Lee) should discuss with Mike Birchnall, the most appropriate way to secure a member buy in and a political champion. It was agreed that Louise Ellman should be kept informed and be part of a political steering group".

You know you  have to despair the way they are whoring the WHS to what seems the highest bidder. What exactly does a "member buy in" mean. They also talk of discussing the WHS at a political level as at officer level it could restrict frank discussions.

Yes we all know what that means don't we.
With this level of errr...discussions about our, WHS going on while the public are not even told where the WHS is, well I suppose they can do what they want.
This combined with the disastrous set of shoddy principles practiced by the local press, who turn a blind eye to anything that suits them, it seems they are lining up another developers wish list.
The committee names.
Refusal of lottery funding.

Who and what is the World Heritage Steering Group for?

Friday, 15 October 2010

Liverpool's World Heritage Steering Group-The Secret Group-The List of Names.

Yes, I can hear you thinking what is a world heritage steering group. Well here is a list of the names.........round up all the usual suspects. Graham Ives, Louise Obrien, daughter of Fred and Nigel Lee. Graham Boxer and Keith Blundell, no surprises there all the people ever willing to sell out the world heritage site, or turn a blind eye. John Belchem is a surprise, 
Wayne Colquhoun was recently interviewed by Winifred Robinson for a Radio 4 programme about Liverpool's new eyesore museum and he was waxing on about the history of the port and all that stuff.
 Sarah Jane Farr was at the Merseyside civic Society meeting. She was one of the heritage collaborators advocating the new museum. She should know better.
Hinchliffe the World Heritage waste of time  who has the backbone of a jelly fish as far as the WHS is concerned was running a lot of the proceedings and directed by Ian Wray of the NWDA. 
We dont have a chance when these secret organisations meet behind closed doors and don't make themselves known.
So here they are the conspirators to world heritage disasters, turning a blind eye, selling their souls really, probably to the highest bidder, jobs for the boys, or girls.
What is most alarming is David "Fuzzy Felt" Fleming who destroyed Manchester Docks (while Sara Jane Farr recorded the old shoes and bottles found there) is on the committee.
How can you let a man who has no concept of World Heritage principles who is a  marauder of the Liverpool Museums treasure chest to better his career, who has done so much damage near a steering group. It just shows the type of steering they have in mind.

All we need now is Henry Owen-John and Joe Back'Anderson and they can do what they like.
They don't have a single person who we would trust there.

Update 30.9,2021

Liverpool has now lost its World Heritage Site Status.
Dont say we did not warn you.
How can these people sleep at night.

Friday, 8 October 2010

Dear John-Mr Hinchliffe You Are Trying It On.

Here is the official and confidential 'Dear John' letter refusing Heritage lottery funding addressed to our very own World Heritage "Waste of Space" John Hinchliffe who goes by the inappropriate name,for him, world heritage officer (sic). The letter appears to accuse Johny Boy of trying to pull the wool over their eyes of using the potential funding to finance existing jobs (all who should be sacked anyhow for allowing the world heritage s*ite to be ruined including Louise Obrien, daughter of Fred, sloping in the background with English Heritage approval). 
The letter says there was a lack of rational behind the application. It had a lack of base line data.
 It was too expensive.
Basically Johny Boy is getting away with what he has been doing for a long time....nothing. click in the pic to large it up.
He is a waste of space a compliant in world heritage disaster, the backbone of a jellyfish, I would have been lying down in front of the bulldozers that snatched Manchester Dock gates off in an act of civic vandalism. etc, etc, etc, etc. 
Well I say that but he made sure he got Neptune Developments atrocious development blind-eyed and now he is working alongside others to facilitate Peel holdings, and I have documentation, confidential, to support this which I will make available shortly.
David "Stinky Ink" Bartlett at Trinity "Smoking" Mirror groups Oldham Hall Street headquarter was made aware of this and do you know what he did with it......................nothing.
 No wonder they get away with it. Just who is the Prisoner down in Oldham Hall Street.

Johny told me at a world heritage debate with 12 people present because it was not publicised, that his favourite building was the Terminal Ferry Carbuncle.....just before it won the BD National Carbuncle Cup award 2009.

It seems he was trying it on and the lottery fund caught him at it.

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Liverpools World Heritage Site-More Demolitions Planned.

How many more demolitions are planned in the world heritage site. Well is fair game isn't it you just get to know a councillor who champions your cause, this time its Joe Anderson who welcomed the news of the applications and further investment into the city. So whats the sketch. John Hinchliffe the world heritage officer doesn't give a hoop, buy a property let it get a bit run down, and Bobs your Uncle, its down. Now a hotel, another one, is planned in Dale Street and its just over the road from the old municipal buildings, that Iliad own. Yes, Iliad, the perpetrators of world heritage vandalism and facade hacking of 6 Sir Thomas Street.
Remember our old friend Jamaica House take a look at the picture below, click on it it shows it demolished but the next building has a sign in the window and what does it say, is that, Iliad.
Now call me cynical, but how did that get there. It seems developers are crawling all over the area, despite 6 Sir Thomas Street not even finished. 
But the planned hotel in Dale Street – which would see the demolition of a row of buildings which until recently housed the Spar store – has raised objections from both Merseytravel and car park company NCP.

Merseytravel objected to the development of the 123-bed hotel with restaurant and bar on the grounds that it includes a 285-space multi-storey car park, which they say would have a negative impact on public transport.
NCP said they believed it would lead to "over-provision" of car parking and lead to a loss in available office space for the city.
But council leader Cllr Joe Anderson welcomed the news of the applications and further investment into the city.
Cllr Anderson said: "People tell me there’s not enough hotel space. I had a meeting with someone the other day who was saying you just can’t get a room.
"On the one hand, that’s good news, but it shows we need more and I think the city can sustain these hotels."
But the Dale Street hotel plan, put forward by Belfast-based company FourTwoFour Ltd, initially prompted several objections, including from English Heritage, which argued it would "harm the character and appearance of the conservation area and the outstanding universal value, authenticity and integrity of the World Heritage Site".

English Heritage withdrew its objections after design changes, but Merseytravel lodged a formal objection against the plan on several grounds, including that the hotel is directly adjacent to the route of the Merseytram scheme, and also because of the hotel’s proximity to the Mersey tunnels underneath.
Now theres a thing.

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Liverpools World Heritage Officer is Refused Lottery Funding

It was meant to be a celebration.
Instead it was thrown out of the water on 17th June by The Lottery Fund at first round pass stage, the very first.
The rejection is damning.
Committee considers the project to be too expensive. There was a lack of justification for the level of staff which the project was requesting and the committee were concerned that the level of grant had increased significantly since the scheme were given pre-application advice.
Committee were concerned that there was a lack of base line data relating to the current interpretive provision in the area. They considered some kind od audit would have been useful to illustrate where the gaps in provision were. This would havehelped the project to justify the range of activities which they wanted to develop.
Committee felt that there was a lack of rational behind the capital works which the project was to include. Why these items?
There was a concern that the grant funding would be used to contunue existing staff posts.

This is not very good really. Is our World Heritage Officer John Hinchliffe really up to the job? In fact is he a waste of space? Or is he part of the Development Cabal?

Joe Anderson should look at what he does and ask questions of where his loyalties lie.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Liverpool Waters-English Heritage Hold Secret Meetings To Discuss Our City.

Tomorrow 28th July a secret meeting will take place where Greame Ives will present a English Heritage report into the Peel proposals to carve up the rest of the World Heritage Site compliled by him and Henry Owen-John.
We can, be in no doubt, still lose WHS status because of these proposals. Unesco can and will act.
Overall Universal Value can and will be hit is these go ahead in their present form. EH, have said however that there are significant changes that need to be carried out and some of them are for the better.

In a confidential report prepared after another secret meeting at 1700hrs on the 14 July, between Joe Anderson and Baroness Kay, along with Mike Burchnall and John Kelly with Henry Owen-John present the Peel scheme was discussed. 
Joe Anderson, then had a candlelit dinner at 18.30hrs with Baroness Andrews the Chairman of English Heritage in the swanky Panoramic Restraunt, just the two of them.
The EH report compiled by Graeame Ives says; Buildings on the riverfront should be no higher than 15 storeys and that the Shanghai tower should be reduced significantly. There is a plan to reduce it to 55 Storeys and plonk it on plot 3 on Princes Dock. What a joke how can they even think this. This will change the Skyline into Shanghai and I dont say that kindly.
The meeting and presentation 28th July 2010 is entitled Liverpool Waters Master Plan.

The picture is itself from a Governments Report 2010 and guess what they use a picture from 2002 and you all know what that despoilt view looks like now.
Our understanding is that an ex EH historic buildings advisor and English Heretic Peter De Figuirido is employed by Peel Holdings.

Another secret meeting took place on the 13th April where the Liverpool World Heritage Steering Group (what!!) all touched each other up at the Government Office for the North West at Cunard Buildings. This went on from a meeting on the 12 January.
Ian Wray was Chair and it was predominately led by John Hinchliffe our very own World Heritage waste of space.
John Belchem is on the WHS steering committee as is Sarah Jane Farr as is Keith Blundell (tourism).
Louise O'Brien daughter of Fred is always around these things, but does not go out front.
What is even more alarming that old "Fuzzy felt" Fleming is on this steering committee too.
You would have thought he has done enough damage, but no. As the name suggests it is a  set up to steer through contentious secret.
More to follow.

Lottery funding has been refused for Liverpool World Heritage Site Celebration, Interpretation and Education Project.
Maybe they can see right through them.

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Henry Owen John-Same Old English Heritage Rubbish.

ECONOMIC cutbacks mean the outlook is bleak for a range of Merseyside buildings deemed “at risk” by English Heritage in its latest report.
Here is last years report So whats new.

Among the areas highlighted in the heritage watchdog’s register for 2010 is Liverpool’s Duke Street conservation area. Alan Weston writes.
 In its new Heritage at Risk register, English Heritage uses Duke Street as an example of a development which was particularly badly hit by the recession.

It said: “Many sites remain compromised by recent unsustainable property values which can no longer be achieved, resulting in significant conservation deficits for a range of potential development sites.
“Without a continuation of substantial heritage-based regeneration funding, or a reversal in the economic climate, it will be particularly challenging to achieve a positive outcome for a range of key sites in the near future.”
A new addition to the English Heritage list of buildings at risk is the Grade II*-listed Greenbank Drive Synagogue, a 1930s art-deco building in Sefton Park.
The synagogue is now closed as a place of worship, but the local congregation still own and are looking to sell the building.
The report says it is “in need of substantial renovation and repair works to the historic fabric”.
English Heritage also highlighted the condition of Anfield cemetery – sometimes known as Liverpool cemetery – as “generally unsatisfactory with major localised problems”.

Despite this report English Heretics put up no fight to Liverpool City Council giving away the GradeII listed Stanley Park.

A number of other landmark buildings in Liverpool city centre remain on the “at risk” register, such as St Luke’s church at the top of Bold Street; the Wellington Rooms, in Mount Pleasant; the Royal Insurance building, in North John Street; the Church of St Andrew, in Rodney Street; the Church of St James, in St James’s Place; and the Stanley Dock north warehouse.

So whats new there the same old at risk register gets brought out again while the same old regional development director Henry Owen John, who has behaved, in my opinion more like a spiv spouts the same old story again while his boss Neil Cossons working for Liverpool Museums gave away the world heritage site While Peter de Frigerido now enjoys working for Peel holdings
And they give us the same old same old Mr Owen John... The Wellington Rooms.... St James Church....
St Andrews The Royal Insurance on Dale Street that David That David Bartlet said was a mess
English Heritage said it would now be concentrating its resources on “stopping the rot” by arresting any further decay in significant historic places, so they can take advantage of any future economic growth.

Maybe if the little Lord Thurley who runs English Heretics had any idea what he was doing and stopped wasting money we would all have a chance
Henry Owen-John, North West regional director for English Heritage, said: “The combination of the economic downturn and an unfavourable exchange rate which reduces the value of European funding are factors in building projects either not being started or completed.”
As it happens you need to stop the rot at English Heritage who have watched while a billion pounds of European Objective One money was spent on amongst other things, building new apartments in the World heritage Blight while English Heretics funded John Hinchliffe to do nothing to protect it.
Here is one we did earlier

Friday, 23 April 2010

The Merseyside Civic Society-Heritage Collaborators.

The LPT was formed by Professor Quentin Hughes and myself after long deep conversations into the impending gloom that was to befall the WHS. Quentin who wrote Seaport and LIVERPOOL City of Architecture was more than qualified to meet with the UNESCO officials on their visit to decide whether to award World Heritage Site Status to Liverpool in 2004. He had asked me, as their Chairman to join the Merseyside Civic Society but I had refused. I was asked to give a talk to the MCS council in February 06 after kicking up a fuss about the then proposed museum in the local and national press. Even the Times were writing about it. And more was to come.  The lottery funding would be refused for the interior fit –out, (which they have now spent) because as all there was to look at for the fit out was some sketches on the back of a ciggy packet.  I did my talk in the offices of Edmund Kirkby here in India Buildings who gave the offices for free. Edmund Kirkby are surveyors with lots of clients and conflicts of interests in the city but I presume it was with good intentions that they laid on the tea and coffee. It was a good turn out I was told, 15 or 20 of them. I thought to myself there was a definite pull in the room as I tried to persuade them that the museum disaster was funded by the then proposed Three Grotesques at Mann Island.  Quentin had not long passed away and the current Chairman was and still is Dr Peter Brown was even arguing against me.  He would later show his true colours. One of the members was an archaeologist working for the museums  who would go on later to do the dig on Manchester Docks.
There was a trustee of NML present if I am not mistaken was the Earl of Derby, and the vice chair of MCS was also the chairman of the Friends of Liverpool Museums. Andrew Pearce  was a worry constantly going on about the museum arranging wine and cheese presentations on it, promoting it. He was commended by David “Fuzzy Felt” Fleming in a yearly review. He and the friends were later binned by him as being an extremists. With a few stalwarts in the room such as Pat Moran who is always honest if not a little loud and Tony Moscardini, I did the best to explain what World Heritage meant as quite a few of them, who had bothered to turn up seemed to be lacking in what it meant to have such an accolade. I gave all my best in a frantic exchange at times, thought I had pulled some in. Dr Knobolis, who teaches at Liverpool Uni. (well some Greek sounding name) Who I later found is a property owner of two apartments in the “Plassy Flats” the saddest block of flats at Kings Dock, asked if I would like to become a council member. I was cheered and seconded in, and there began part of the most frustrating relationship I have ever had.
I was keen; I even gave up my busy lunchtime for meetings. At great financial cost. I would watch as the most foolish things were discussed while world heritage disaster had started. Occasionally people such as Hilary Burridge  who I would find out has quite close connections to her low-ness the Dame of Dereliction Louise Ellman.  Burridge would turn the meeting into a Tesco bash….a nimby. Tony Moscardini always seemed to get it spot on.  Patrick Moran used to get annoyed, he stormed out once in anger, only to have to come back 10 minutes later because he had forgotten his shopping. A Grosvenor mole Trevor Skempton turned up at the planning meeting for One Park Worst on behalf of Grosvenor. Now call me old fashioned but is this the reason he was there. He would want to talk and he would spend a lot of time trying to discuss how great Grosvenor were. Even when Private Eyes, Piloti give it a bashing, he was there to defend it even writing in to BD. Writing in about the LPT’s warnings proclaiming the need to blend the old with the new…Yeah, as if we don’t know this.   The MCS even put it on the website. A delegation including Peter Brown, Charles Hubbard of Edmund Kirby were allowed 10 minutes with the Unesco mission whitewash in October 06 as I had persuaded some to get on board, well those that turned up, some meetings had as little as three people, its hardly a gathering. One MCS council member said to me he couldn’t argue with the planners because he has to work with them.
Its called Lying Down to be Counted.
 Peter Brown who teaches at a Liverpool University stitched us up with a consultaion evening there presented by Neptune Developments. One of Neptune’s whose directors trained at the Liverpool Uni and so did the architect of disaster Matt Brookes. Neptune donated the model to the University. Oh and Brian “Mad Hatter” Hatton an educated idiot who couldn’t put a shelf up who also teaches there lined us up on the developers behalf. He would later edit an Architectural Review Jan 08 entitled Liverpool Work in progress and he never upset a developer or architect once. Remember how it was all going to be Iconic. Pulling them all in to help the decimation of WHS, in fact promoting it. It’s funny reading that now. Anyhow it wasn’t long I was thinking this Brigade are like the Vichy Government, Collaborators with the establishment who are in fact the enemy, on the wrong track, they represent vested interests.
I resigned and renamed them the Merseyside Inert Society they are worse than the developers in my opinion. Only, in my opinion, they are not that inert when they are helping their friends. They all turned up for the wine and cheese evenings that were frequently arranged as smoothers. They actively tried to get one laid on from Peel Holdings who refused. Peter Brown became entertainments organiser...yes. Gave an evening for Henry Owen John to give a talk who was lambasted by some of the more brave.  Peter Brown was mates with John Hinchliffe.  I said to him stop writing letters Dear John these people are getting away with it and you are letting them. Or Dear Nigel to Nigel Lee the Chief Planning disaster.
Now I am not saying anything illegal has taken place, other than. They have been a shadow of themselves, they were indeed Civic under Quentin’s chairmanship.
They had a civic duty.
There is an old saying for evil to succeed it takes good men to do nothing the Merseyside Civic Society, what a waste of a good name.
 I would prefer to be in the resistance than side with the collaborators, I hope they can all sleep at night.