Showing posts with label Larry Neild. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Larry Neild. Show all posts

Friday, 11 December 2020



The once great institution has been dragged to a new low in our opinion, under the dodgy stewardship of Alastair Machray. It seems the intelligence of the paper has plummeted to what many believe to be an all time low.

Look at tonight's headline and front page The Fat Man with a microphone singing  "Regrets I've had a few" for his final finale.

A insult to the good people of Merseyside.

There was a certain respect for the journalists at the Liverpool Daily Post but when Machray closed that great institution and sacked the staff, he lost the intelligentsia of the organisation. And there is the massive decline of reporting in the city of Liverpool.

Though the decline of the Daily Post had began with the first lady editor Jane whatever her name was. She was obsessed with Debenhams and shops coming to Liverpool. This was continued by Mark Thomas and his PR push for The Duke of Westminster. 

When the Duke was investigated over the visiting of £2,000 a night hookers in London. Nothing was said by Trinity 'Smoking' Mirrors of Murkeyside.

When questioned he replied;

“We cant print anything unless its true”

He was informed.

“Well all the national Sunday papers believe it to be true Mr Thomas”

Its not what you print but also what you don't that corrupts your soul.

The writer intended to fight heritage battles in good faith but they soon discovered there was not a level playing field on which to conduct oneself.

That Sir Trevor and Lady Doreen Jones had been helping themselves for decades, even being bold enough to attend the Duke of Westminster children's wedding.....and live on his estate.

This was known by all the local journalists down at Oldham Hall street where they used to print the paper. Yet not a word was said. She would be the determining factor on numerous important planning applications that would make the developers millions. 

When, as Chairperson of the planning committee she had to vacate the chair because she knew the applicant, The duke of Westminster, not a dicky bird by Machray and Co.

This is just an example of many occasions where the truth was with-held by the local editor.

The writer was told by one of his colleagues that Mark Thomas the editor of the Daily Post was “out to lunch” with senior officials from Peel Holdings who were then putting the application together for Liverpool Waters.

This would be the springboard for the rise of Uncle Joe Anderson. This combined with the well run campaign to restart cruises from the new cruise liner terminal gave the fat man column after column in the papers....all free.

It takes a while to see how the system works and get to know all the developers PR companies but when you do, you start to understand that there is a sequence of events, stage managed in front of all the plebeians who fed the comments section provoked by the same PR companies who understand that with their fees covered the more they create an argument the more they can PR the developers out of it. 

And in Liverpool they all love a good argument. My god some of the comments were cringe. And these commentators were led like uneducated fools into the new beginning of Liverpool, like little 'Larry' lambs.

By creating an argument you can win it. That is the way the PR companies work and with an editor who is aiming for argumentative topics, they couldn't lose.

Take for instance, October Communications now Aurora media from Hanover Street. 

They fed stories into the papers with great aplomb becoming that friendly with some journalists that they gave them jobs, employment even.

 Larry Neild, the City Editor, does anyone remember him, let himself down so badly. He joined them we then knew why he was devoting so much time to the Mann island Development. 

Because October communications were Neptune Developments PR consultants.

 Jon Egan was the mind behind Joe Andersons Mayoral campaign. We only found this out by making a freedom of information act request over something else and a bill for some T-shirts came up. You can smell the deviousness of their manipulation of the advertorials that were spread out page after page. They were the PR for the Lime Street development that caused such controversy.

The Liverpool Daily Post gave a whole page to Frank McKenna, who had at one time been up on fraud charges. He introduced so many business people into the paper with advertorials that were being paid for by the membership of Downtown Liverpool In Business. 

This was very lucrative for McKenna and his influence grew. 

A member of the Labour party. Numerous companies joined his organisation. 

So Trinity Mirror turned into Trinity Smoking Mirrors on Merseyside. 

The big con job was played out in plain sight.

We decided to use Private Eye and stop winning journalists awards such as David Bartlett for his, errr our writing. They could see the Murkeyside of politics in Liverpool.

The Liverpool Echo was sinking to an all time low.

Ben Hatton, son of Derek was running a PR company with a book of clients and this was purchased by Trinity Mirror Group.

Now this seems innocuous at first glance bu when you look at it in context full it means that, The Liverpool Echo is promoting its own clients with its constant advertorial approach. These articles would be packaged up by thinkers who know how to play the system.

But when it boils down to it. There is a payment of sorts at the end of it. 
And any conflict of interest would be disguised. 
So is Derek Hatton working for the Echo, well the company he fronts is owned by them.
 He was given a column. Where is the justice in that.

It is with regret that we declare that we consider, in fact  J'acusse Alastair Machray as an enemy of the people of Merseyside while masquerading as the editor of a local paper all he has done is look after the vested interest of the minority of carpet baggers who have fed like vultures on the carcass of council contracts under Il Duce himself. Uncle Joe Anderson.

So now they will tell you what they want you to hear.

Now Derek Hatton has been arrested by Merseyside Police. How can we trust the writing he has been paid for in his weekly column. How can we trust an organisation who employs such as he.

Listen only to the truth, so there is no point in reading tomorrows chip paper.

Just look at today's headlines. Instead of reporting the shame placed on Liverpool by Joe Anderson and his acquaintances, some of who are Echo fifth columnists they report, with front page headline, that the fat twat is doing us a favour by stepping aside.

They helped put him in power! Only the Liverpool Echo could report this way.

There should be an investigation into the clowns at the Liverpool Echo.


Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Save Heaps Rice Mill-Its Too Good To Be Demolished.

How many more historic structures can the city lose. laying there like a ghost of its former self, a working mill up to 1988, the owners of Heaps Rice Mill have let it decline.
It has recently sprouted a roof garden. Now they are to do us all a favour and demolish it.
Plans have recently been submitted to down it and make way for some bland shoeboxes.
Liverpool lost 46 listed buildings under the Fib-Dems led by Mike Storey and Warren "War Zones" Bradley.
How long can this go on.
Liverpool today is prostrated before the Unesco World Heritage committee who are meeting in Doha, Qatar. Where we are promising them we know how to manage a World Heritage Site.
Liverpool is on the Unesco World Heritage In Danger List.
We thought Heaps was listed, which is why it is still standing while all around it has become bland. This area was once, as recently as the 80's home to many small businesses (most of which were owned by Sir Trevor Jones and his Moll Doreen).
Windsor developments were Clever Trevor's Partners In Crime. They crawled all over this part of Town. The Ships chandlers that he and Dot demolished after a application to list it was made was Liverpool's last. The same site is now owned by Neptune Developments.
Greenbergs Outfitters was also demolished, and is now a car park.
So who is going to put up a fight to save this historic structure, who cares?
Lets hope there is such a swell of feeling that the building can be spotlisted and Joe Andersons developer mates can be sent packing.

Larry Neild and Co at the Liverpool Echo wrote at the time

After it made Private Eye.

October Communications now Aurora Media or is it Archetype Studios were the PR for Windsor Developments.

All this while Trevor and Doreen "Partners in Slime" lived next door to the Duke of Westminister.

So who is watching whats going on with Liverpools Historic past. Certainly not Steve Corbett or Chris Griffiths at the now none existant Liverpool Conservation office.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Should Merseytravel Be Investigated By The Police?

That is a question we were asked the other day.

It now transpires that Herr Director Neil Scales sanctioned the purchase of a load of tat and bric a brac that had some vague relationship to the Beatles for 2 million quid of your money. See todays Weekly Ghost.
This was public cash.
Marc Waddington, now unshackled from the ambitious David Bartlett, who has been promoted, has done some good work lately.
Bartlett was very fortunate to take over Larry Neild’s phone who had been at the Echo for years.
We spoke to Bartlett who is now Andy Kelly’s assistant, on numerous occasions, sent him emails and questions to how Miserytravel’s finances were being run.
What did he do…..well not very much really.
Now Marc Waddington reveals how a further investigation into the running off the Miserytravel Gravy Train is to take place after more revealing allegations.

This is public money that has been used as frippery by the Directors of Miserytravel and it has gone on for decades.

Andy Kelly was a reporter when the Tram fiasco took place where Scales and Co wasted millions on steel tram lines that were never used.

Neil Scales was the Moron who cut up U534 in a savage act of barbaric vandalism that renders it virtually worthless.

Costing us many millions

Right in front of the noses of the local press.

In fact the local press almost welcomed it. They flirted with Scales publishing what his PR company told them. They took advertisments from Merseytravel.
We believe, the disgraceful October Communications now Aurora Media were PR for Mersetravel at one stage.
Who Larry Nield went on to work for effectivly becoming PR for Scales & Co.

Isn't it strange the way it all goes around in Circles. October PR for Neptune Developments.....who build the Black Coffins on Mann Island.
They were commisioned by Liverpool Vision and David Wade-Smith who was Director of Liverpool Chamber of Commersce and cost the taxpayer 6.5 million in a tragic team up with Merseytravel.
 Neil Scales then becomes Liverpol Chamber Commerce Director.
Merseytravel move into the black coffins costing the taxpayer a fortune.......No wonder Private Eye call Liverpool Murkeyside.

Now Scales has buggered off to Australia….how convenient is that.

Where is he to anser question about his decisions.

Scales was mates with David Wade-Smith, one of Joe Andersons trusted advisors.

And why did Anderson not argue out the Miserytravel question when Councillor Dowd was under investigation?

His legal team tried to gag us. Maybe Louise Outram head of Legal services at Miserytravel should answer a few questions too?

Miserytravel wasted a fortune on South Parkway Station.
 The London trains cant stop there because after a 25million refurbishment the platform was not long enough

The clowns even wanted to buy Ringo’s House

In 2008 when they were paying 2 million for a load of Lennon bric a bra they were also commissioning art…well that’s not what most people would call it.
 Ken Dodd with a kebab at Lime Street station as public sculpture.

You have to be a comedian to live here.

So there is an investigation into how 2 million was wasted but the real question is how did Miserytravel spent 11 million quid on a Terminal Ferry Building that won the Carbuncle Cup award as the worst designed building of 2009.

Those who were present at the Planning committee meeting when plans were passed, may recall how Doreen Jones, the Doyenne of World Heritage disaster, passed the plans, saying she had been blackmailed into doing so.
 What did that mean?
 Larry Neild reported the committee meeting for the Echo.

More investigations need to be done on this World Heritage White Elephant that the Lennon tat was placed in.
Why did we need a Beatles Museum in a Ferry Terminal.

 But will the local press continue their reporting and do some investigating, or just let it lie on the bottom shelf until someone else does the work for them.


Friday, 14 June 2013

Liverpool, Back Before Unesco World Heritage Committee-Will We Be Stripped of World Heritage Site Status

This Month finds Liverpool 2008 European Capital of Culture back before the World Heritage Committee of the United Nations Education Scientific Cultural Organisation (Unesco).

We have unceremoniously been dumped on the Unesco World Heritage In Danger list (or as one man and his dog campaigner Larry Neild, on Liverpool Confidential website flippently calls it "The naughty step)".
Liverpool has been placed on the "In Danger" list  along with the war torn city of Aleppo in Syria and various corrupted third world countries that can't maintain the World Heritage sites.
You could understand it from a poor country with little or no infrastructure but Liverpool it seems, wants to sell its WHS to the, well, lowest bidder really, Peel Holdings.
 Who do not want the little problem of their land being hindered with Liverpool’s Mercantile and Maritime past which is why we were awarded WHS status in 2004.

June 16th sees the start of the Unesco World Heritage Committee meeting in Phnom Penh in Cambodia.
The UK Government has to show to the committee, as requested in the 36th committee meeting in St Petersburg meeting of 2012, proposals to get Liverpool off the World Heritage In danger list.
The threat is for inappropriate style development, after LCC passed plans for a 5.5 billion pound development, that appears to be pie in the sky, as nearly two years later not a single brick has been laid.
We got off with being placed on the Unesco “In Danger” list in 2007 by volunteering the Cities WHS status up to Unesco......... as a test case. to show how it can be developed, old and new in harmony.
And instead we find ourselves a basket case
We have tried to stimulate a debate that would see architectural styles discussed but what has happened is, the level of debate has been hijacked by Liverpool City Council and Peels PR companies, and that debate has descended into the usual, scouse humour slang off, charade, that only stifles constructive argument, and brings it down to a level that suits the developers.
There is no problem in developing this site in sensitive manner that looks for inspiration to cities like Amsterdam.
A city that seems educated and willing enough to take the time and trouble to engage its architecturally educated public instead of having slang off in the local press. Why cant Liverpool do this as Unesco ordered it to.
Unesco told Liverpool when we escaped, by a whisker, being placed on the “In Danger” list in 2006 that it must engage the public, not keep them in the dark .
Ron Van Ours of Unesco said that in the past, the problem  was, that the Governments advisers English Heritage were supporting the schemes at the Pier Head and they could not go against them. He told told LPT and other delegates this, face to face.
Despite Sir Neil Cossons the Chairman of English Heritage, at the time working for Liverpool Museum who were developing the site, they were powerless.
Sir Neil was later given a whole Steam train exhibition to curate at the Walker Art Gallery.
Peel Holdings do not want us to have a world heritage site because it will impede their style of architecture.
The very style that saw them win Building Design’s Carbuncle Cup award of 2012 for Media City in Salford
This arrogant approach that Peel holdings have taken is in fact stopping development if they had come up with a scheme of any merit well we all would have welcomed their development,
But to propose to build Trafford Park-On-Mersey is a massive let down that those who know about architectural styles can support including EH,
Because it’s big and blingy does that suit this great city. With the clowns running the city is a debate even going to happen?
Do Peel Holdings have any finances for such a huge scheme?
This week saw Margeret Hodge call Peel Holdngs tax dodgers stating that most of their profits go offshore and we the taxpayers have funded massive profits for Peel to build Media City that they own and we have paid for.
Their main Chinese partner Stella Shiu was recently exposed in Private Eye as a Hong Kong bankrupt and serious questions were asked about Sam Wa or as they should e know Sam Where, because it seems nobody knows anything about them.
Its all quite clever tactics to say we will back out of development but how serious are they about starting work.
A desired state of conservation is a sensible request from a cultural organisation.
It makes sense to show that we are a city that can combine old with new…well not if you look at the architectural anachronism that has become the Pier Head, the symbol of Liverpool’s Mercantile and Maritime past.
But here we still have an opportunity to get it right and don’t let this great city turn into Liver peel.
Is there an immediate risk of Liverpool losing WHS status?
Peel holdings don’t seem to have any capital it seems (unless its all hidden offshore). So what will Unesco do? What can they do?
It seems to me we will continue to have the shadow of removal of Liverpool from Unesco’s World Heritage List when tourism is increasingly becoming the cities main form of income.
This is an embarrassment that we cannot afford.
Would it not be common sense to make them build something the whole city can be proud of. We are not Shanghai, we inspired Shanghai’s waterfront.
Don’t let them turn our World Heritage Site into Milton Keynes-On-Sea.
We are assured that Liverpool is very much on the agenda for Unesco at this next WH Committee meeting

In a recent letter to the hardworking 'World Heritage Watchdog' David Swift from the office of Unesco WH Director Kishore Rao.

Subject: FW: Liverpool - Maritime Mercantile City (United Kingdom) (C 1180)

Dear Sir,
On behalf of Mr Kishore Rao, Director of the World Heritage Centre, I thank you for your message regarding the World Heritage property of “Liverpool – Maritime Mercantile City”.
Please be assured that a report on the state of conservation of this property will be presented to the World Heritage Committee at its forthcoming 37th session. You can consult the relevant working document on the WHC’s website ( ). When doing so, you will notice that the most recent information has been taken into account in the report.
If you wish to receive the State Party’s letter on the issue, I kindly suggest that you submit the request directly to the responsible UK authorities, i.e. DCMS represented by Ms Francesca Conlon who was on copy of your last email and whom I put on copy of this message as well.
I also like to take the opportunity to inform you that Ms Patricia Alberth has recently changed jobs. You are welcome to address any question or information to me or to Ms Petya Totcharova, head of the WHC’s Europe and North America Unit.
Thank you for your interest in and commitment to the safeguarding of World Heritage.
Best regards,
Kerstin Manz

Kerstin A. Manz
UNESCO World Heritage Centre
F - 75352 Paris
Tel: +33 (0)

35. Liverpool – Maritime Mercantile City (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) (C 1150)
Year of inscription on the World Heritage List 2004
Year(s) of inscription on the List of World Heritage in Danger 2012
Threats for which the property was inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger
The proposed development of Liverpool Waters
Desired state of conservation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger
In progress Corrective measures identified
In progress Timeframe for the implementation of corrective measures
In progress Previous Committee Decisions

See page

International Assistance N/AState of conservation of World Heritage properties WHC-13/37.COM/7A, p. 88 inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger
Previous monitoring missions October 2006: joint World Heritage Centre / ICOMOS reactive monitoring mission; November 2011: joint World Heritage Centre / ICOMOS reactive monitoring mission.

Factors affecting the property identified in previous reports

a) Lack of overall management of new developments;

b) Lack of analysis and description of the townscape characteristics relevant to the Outstanding Universal Value of the property and important views related to the property and its buffer zone;

c) Lack of clearly established maximum heights for new developments, for the backdrops of the World Heritage areas as well as along the waterfront;

d) Lack of awareness of developers, building professionals and the wider public about the World Heritage property, its Outstanding Universal Value and requirements under the World Heritage Convention.

Illustrative material See pages   and

Current conservation issues

On 30 January 2013, the State Party submitted a report on the state of conservation of the property responding to the Decision 36 COM 7B.93 made by the World Heritage Committee at its 36th session (Saint-Petersburg, 2012). On 27 March 2013, updated information on the decision of the Secretary of State was submitted by the State Party.

Proposed development of Liverpool Waters

It should be recalled that Liverpool Waters is a major, large scale development project that is planned to be implemented over a 30-year period in an area of 60 ha covering part of the inscribed property as well as part of its buffer zone. It stretches 2 km along the waterfront from Princes Dock up to Bramley Moore Dock and includes proposals for a cluster of tall buildings within the buffer zone.

In its report, the State Party recalled that the Liverpool City Council granted consent for the Liverpool Waters scheme, and indicated that this decision was referred to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government as a result of English Heritage’s objection to the scheme and because of the scale of the proposed development. The State Party also reported that the developer had informed that, in the event that the current proposal is not approved, it may decide to abandon attempts to regenerate the area and continue with current uses that do not require planning consent.

The State Party reported that the application was referred to the Secretary of State in October 2012. At the time of the submission of the State Party’s State of Conservation Report, no decision had yet been taken by the Secretary of State. On 27 March 2013, however, the State Party submitted additional information, reporting that the Secretary of State, on 4 March 2013, decided not to call in the case. With the decision not to intervene, there are no further legal obstacles to moving forward with the Liverpool Waters scheme. The Liverpool City Council may now confirm its consent for the development scheme and the developer could then proceed with implementation.

In its Decision 36 COM 7B.93, the Committee took note of the report of the joint reactive monitoring mission which had concluded that, in terms of visual perception, the redevelopment scheme would fragment and isolate the different dock areas, instead of integrating them into one continuous historic urban landscape. The mission therefore concluded that, if the proposed Liverpool Waters scheme as outlined were to be implemented, the World Heritage property would be irreversibly damaged due to a serious deterioration of its architectural and town-planning coherence, a serious loss of historical authenticity, and an important loss of cultural significance. It also noted that the proposed development in the buffer zone would result in the modification of the functional hierarchy State of conservation of World Heritage properties WHC-13/37.COM/7A, p. 89 inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger and morphology expressed by the port circulation system (river – sluices – dock – water basins), as well as by the historical typologies of the port industrial structures and services, thus affecting the conditions of authenticity.

Noting the decision of the Secretary of State not to review the Liverpool Waters scheme at the national level, the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies recognize that there remains no legal obstacle to moving forward with the development project. They reiterate the findings of the joint reactive monitoring mission of November 2011, as expressed in the opinion of the World Heritage Committee in Decision 36 COM 7B.93, that the proposed development of Liverpool Waters constitutes a potential threat to the Outstanding Universal Value of the property. They also note that there have been no actions to remove the potential danger as requested by the World Heritage Committee at its 36th session. They consider that if the proposed Liverpool Waters development is implemented as currently planned, it would irreversibly damage the attributes of Outstanding Universal Value and the conditions of integrity that warranted inscription, and could lead to the potential deletion of the property from the World Heritage List.

The World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies further draw attention to the fact that the State Party has submitted neither a Desired state of conservation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger (DSOC), nor a proposal for corrective measures to reach that DSOC, as requested by the World Heritage Committee. In the supplementary information submitted on 27 March 2013, however, the State Party has expressed its willingness to work with the World Heritage Centre and Advisory Bodies to elaborate a DSOC and corrective measures with a time frame for their implementation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger. In April 2013, consultations have been taken up by the State Party, the World Heritage Centre and Advisory Bodies accordingly. Taking into account the continued threat to the property, the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies recommend that the Committee retain the property on the List of World Heritage in Danger.

Draft Decision: 37 COM 7A.35

The World Heritage Committee,

1. Having examined Document WHC-13/37.COM/7A,

2. Recalling Decision 36 COM 7B.93, adopted at its 36th session (Saint-Petersburg, 2012),

3. Also recalling the results of the joint World Heritage Centre/ICOMOS reactive monitoring mission of November 2011,

4. Notes the information provided by the State Party that the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government decided not to call in the Liverpool Waters development for consideration at the national level, and that the Liverpool City Council had granted consent to the application submitted by the developer;

5. Reiterates its serious concern at the potential threat of the proposed Liverpool Waters development on the Outstanding Universal Value of the property, and also notes that the implementation of the development, as currently planned, would irreversibly damage the attributes and conditions of integrity that warranted inscription, and could lead to the potential deletion of the property from the World Heritage List;

State of conservation of World Heritage properties WHC-13/37.COM/7A, p. 90 inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger

6. Therefore, strongly urges the State Party to reconsider the proposed development to ensure the continued coherence of the architectural and town-planning attributes, and the continued safeguarding of the Outstanding Universal Value of the property including the conditions of authenticity and integrity;

7. Further notes that the State Party has not yet developed a proposal for the Desired state of conservation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger and a set of corrective measures and requests the State Party to pursue its consultations with the World Heritage Centre and Advisory Bodies to elaborate a Desired state of conservation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger along with a set of corrective measures, and a time frame for their implementation;

8. Decides to retain Liverpool – Maritime Mercantile City (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) on the World Heritage List in Danger; 9. Also requests the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Centre, by 1 February 2014, an updated report on the state of conservation of the property and the implementation of the above,

The letter from DCMS to Unesco is of course trying to mitigate the situation that the UK Government finds itself in.
A city being blackmailed by a company that Margeret Hodge calls tax dodgers and Jack Straw calls a lot of other things.
a city being run by uncultured idiots who care nothing about dealing Heritage and are prepared to turn a blind eye to ruthless companies motives and their habitual bending of the rules.
And maybe a populace who lack the culture or the drive to do anything about it nd sit on their hands.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Liverpool Confidential Take An Interest In Liverpool Waters.

Greater Manchester Doubtful Over Peel's Atlantic Gateway
Liverpool Confidential writes

The regional authorities need convincing over Wirral Waters and Liverpool Waters schemes

Greater Manchester Doubtful Over Peel's Atlantic Gateway
GREATER Manchester Combined Authority is likely to vote against a proposal by the new Atlantic Gateway Board to prioritise Liverpool and Wirral Waters (the latter pictured above) as major projects for economic growth, unless there is more 'robust evidence' in their favour.
"It will work constructively with the scheme sponsors and the Atlantic Gateway Board to test the information and the evidence base to establish whether Wirral and Liverpool Waters should be identified as projects of more than sub-regional significance, and thus major projects for Atlantic Gateway to support."
A paper put to the executive board meeting of the GM Combined Authority in Oldham was written by Mike Emmerich, chief executive of GM policy think-tank New Economy, and Barbara Spicer, chief executive of Salford City Council. The pair responded to a request from the Atlantic Gateway Board to elevate Peel Group's Liverpool and Wirral Waters as 'major projects' within Atlantic Gateway.
The Atlantic Gateway Board is a public-private group made up of local authority officers, councillors, private sector advisors, and chaired by former Manchester Airport boss Geoff Muirhead.
The board, which includes representatives from Greater Manchester, was formed in late 2011 to promote large infrastructure and innovation projects (see below for list of board members) planned for the area around the River Mersey, Manchester Ship Canal and hinterland. Many but not all of the projects are proposed by Peel Group. Others promoted include Daresbury Science & Innovation Campus and Northern Hub rail expansion.
Emmerich and Spicer recommend that "the [GM] Combined Authority does not support [Peel's] Wirral and Liverpool Waters schemes as priority projects for Atlantic Gateway until it can be satisfied" on three points.
The points are:
a) There is a robust evidence base to confirm market demand for such a significant amount of grade A commercial floor-space outside any city centre
b) It can be clearly demonstrated that the projects will deliver net added value to the region as a whole, across all three LEP areas
c) There is a clear deliverable investment plan in place that shows the level of private investment involved, and considers the costs and benefits of any public investment that may be required including infrastructure support
The report goes on: "The Combined Authority is concerned to ensure that at a time when public investment to support priorities is likely to be severely constrained, that the focus is on those projects which really can contribute to the region's GVA at the minimum cost to the public purse.
"It will work constructively with the scheme sponsors and the Atlantic Gateway Board to test the information and the evidence base to establish whether Wirral and Liverpool Waters should be identified as projects of more than sub-regional significance, and thus major projects for Atlantic Gateway to support."
Manchester City Council and the Association of Greater Manchester Authorities have objected previously on similar economic grounds.
Liverpool Waters, currently pending planning and subject to opposition from English Heritage, would cover 150 acres of dockland north of the city centre. Wirral Waters has outline planning consent and envisages more than 6m sq ft of mixed-use development in Birkenhead docklands.
Peel declined to comment.
The board members of Atlantic Gateway are:
  • Geoff Muirhead, private sector
  • Dennis Bate, private sector
  • John Downes, private sector
  • Peter Nears, private sector
  • Martin Douglas, private sector
  • Roger Milburn, private sector and Greater Manchester LEP
  • Steve O'Connor, private and Liverpool City Region LEP
  • Martin Ashcroft, private and Cheshire & Warrington LEP
  • Walter Menzies, voluntary sector - environmental representative
  • Cllr John Merry, public sector, Association of Greater Manchester Authorities
  • Cllr Rob Polhill , public sector, Liverpool City Region
  • Cllr Terry O'Neill , public sector - Cheshire and Warrington

Larry Neild also write now that he has left the dreadful Aurora Media(once October communications) he may well be less comprimised and we congratulate him for getting out of the slime.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Unesco Warn Liverpool For The Final Time!

Wayne was asked by Larry Neild of Liverpool Confidential to put a piece forward for inclusion in a piece about UNESCO. Joe Anderson.........tries to reposition himself from his "Cosy" relationship with Peel Holdings.
I see this damning Conclusion to the Unesco report as a major opportunity to withdraw the planning application and get Peel Holdings to go back to the drawing board and to give to the city, what the people of Liverpool deserve. A regeneration scheme fit for the future that we can stand behind, that will create jobs.
If Peel Holdings are serious, and its not a planning permission flip, why wont they give us something we can be proud of. Why do they want to build Milton Keynes-On-Sea, what is the point in that.
It is Amsterdam that we should be looking to for inspiration and how they have developed an urban landscape that interacts with its historic waterways. This report is damning and it insists that Liverpools historic waterways should not be filled in, as that would ruin the Outstandung Universal Value. Despite that, plans for Wellington dock, that will mean no more tall ships for Liverpool were recently passed just ahead of the deliverance of the report.
In 2006 Unesco told the UK Government that Liverpool had to draw up a supplementary planning document that protected it from future administrations and their links with developers.This was ratified by the city council in 2009 and this gives us as a city, all the planning protection we now need. Planning guidance PPG 15 lays down government policies for the historic environment this city council were about to breach every rule in the book. Why?
We are as a city chjarged with managing the WHS not destroying it.
No one wants the regeneration of the historic docks more than I, all my life I have waited for it, but the intelligence of those in charge is sadly lacking the class that befits the qualities required to be a World Heritage City in the 20th Century. We will create more jobs for future generations if we respect that our history is our future. My father was a docker and I ask "Why are Peel Holdings shipping jobs to Port Salford and who is going to fill the glass shoeboxes they want to put in its place"? We need jobs but there is room for regeneration and the right job creation why not just turn Liverpool into a giant Tesco and be done with it.
What is alarming, in my view is the "Cosy" relationship between the developer and the city council.
The people of Liverpool are being denied their right to exercise their views by a compliant council who are sponsoring Peel Holdings and have hijacked the planning procedure.
I recall the last Labour administration bulldozing Clayton square, a historic listed Georgian quarter, in the name of progress.
Remember this is the town ,that knocked the Cavern Club down, then called itself Beatles City.
And gets a world heritage site status and then sets about ruining it.
World Heritage Site status is not a badge on the wall of the town hall, Joe Anderson says it is.
No it is much more than that, it is an honour to be bestowed and if managed will create jobs for our city.
With such a title that puts us up there in the top tier of world class cities. Why risk it, why chance the embarrasment, why drop an architectural timebomb on the city. Trafford Park-On-Sea.
The city council under Joe Andersons leadership now have to understand who they represent and curb the arrogance of Peel Holdings.
The city council need to take note of all the damning recomendations and insist this current backdated planning application is withdrawn and is taken back to the drawing board, whats another couple of months, before it costs the city a million pounds in public inquiry.

Mission’s Conclusion and RecommendationThe mission concludes that if the proposed Liverpool Waters scheme as outlined during the mission would be implemented, the World Heritage property would be irreversibly damaged, due to
 a serious deterioration of its architectural and town-planning coherence, a serious loss of historical authenticity, and an important loss of cultural significance. It strongly recommends that the three principal stakeholders, being Liverpool City Council, Peel Holdings and English Heritage, reconvene around the table and work out an adjusted scheme that includes the observations put forward in this report.
Joe Anderson on the 2nd January on scrapping WHS status.

These are some of the recent press activity on 25.1.12


Liverpool Echo
Liverpool Daily...... err I mean Weekly Ghost
Radio Merseyside today


Daily Post  BBC News
BBC unesco

Friday, 4 November 2011

Ron Van Oers-How Can He Show His Face Again In Liverpool?

In November 2006 A Unesco Monitoring Mission came to Liverpool at our request. The mission of two, were Michelle Bonnette and Ron Van Oers.

I had a meeting with them for 15 minutes after a long conversation in Municipal Buildings with Florence Gersten who was wrongly excluded.
She asked me to hand them documents she had written from her vast knowledge.
Then directly after, a delegation of four from the Merseyside Civic Society led by Peter Brown, who later announced that he was a supporter of the Man Island black coffins went in.
Pat Moran was part of the delegation as was anther member who I would later find out was one of the people representing the MCS who would also be representing a owner of property that would be directly affected by the Mann Island and museum proposals.
If you recall the Liverpool Museums had to pay £750,000 for loss of (our) views to one developer that owned property at the Pier Head.
So the Itinerary stated that the City Council Limousine picked the mission up, and the council afforded them meetings in quick fire successions that were presentations and led them around like poodles.
There was a lot riding on this mission but Ron & Co let us down badly.
They said that the Mann Island proposals would not affect the Overall Universal Value of the World Heritage Site………….How wrong can they be.
We were hoping that Unesco, as a last resort would advise the council against its plans that were funded by the NWDA and sponsored by Liverpool Vision, (Joe Anderson was and is a member) who employed the deplorable October Communications, now Aurora Media to come up with a publicity drive.
Jon Egan used all his skills to slime as many articles into the paper to Larry Neild, the then City Editor who now works for Egan.
Larry Neild won an award from Downtown Liverpool In Business, and guess who does their media now.
October Communications lined up presentations with Icomos UK, the City Council then become a corporate member. Heard nothing from them this time.
Now they have asked if I can attend with Peter Brown, and Ian Wray who was a planner for NWDA….not a chance.
And to think, John Hinchliffe (world heritage waste of space) is organising it.

What a joke.
The UK Government then funded Unesco in 2007 to a tune of 16% of their budget for the year. Were they bought off?
One of the problems was that English Heritage were supporting the proposed schemes…………while Sir Neil Cossons the then Chairman of English Heritage was working for Liverpool Museums. You couldn’t make this up
So Ron you have been sent back to Liverpool on the 14th to 16th November to see what has been done at the Pier Head……….will you be big enough to say you made a mistake? Will you make a statement to say so?
How can the OUV not have been effected by building three black coffins a Terminal Ferry Carbuncle and a carbuncle Museum n the WHS.
Unesco, have a new Chairman let’s hope they are not as thick as the last one.
This time English Heritage have published an independent report into the damning effects Liverpool Waters will have on the World Heritage Site.

Lets hope that Ron Van Oers does not allow the council to blindfold him and lead him around like a shopkeepers dummy………like in 2006.

Friday, 12 August 2011

Warren's War Zones Ignite.

The looters were out in force, one got a plasma screen, one got a set of dining chairs, one a dirty movie, and another got a duck house, and not one of them had a hood on.
Just what is wrong with society when thieves are operating right in front of your noses and stealing from their own......... and they are the very Members of Parliament that were elected to stop theft, to protect us?.
Where has the respect gone?

What is wrong with society when the Police are taking back'anders off the corrupted press?

What is wrong with society when Matrix officers are sacked by the Merseyside Police for having a total disrespect for the people, be they goodies or hoodies, that they represent?.
What is wrong with society when a City Council destroys its own people's hopes by creating blight in whole swathes of Toxteth, Anfield, Norris Green etc, etc? Degenerating huge swathes of the city.

What is wrong with society when our own city council by its own leaders admission creates "War Zones" while some of his councillor buddies are coining it?
While others are dole-ing out millions of pounds of European Objective One funds, y'know the billion pounds that we had to enable us to clean up those "Inner Cities" after the Toxteth Riots of 81.
While its alright for a Council to destroy a neighbourhood such as the Welsh Streets, its certainly not if you live there and are at the end of your wits, watching your father duck and dive because he hasn't got a job and has no prospect of one, got the wrong postcode and no education.
Never got an apprenticeship, never got a look in on the billion pounds that went into a new museum on the waterfront and blocks of flats that you cant live in.
What happens when you can't afford to shop in Grosvenor-pool, that was looted from the people of Liverpool, err I mean given away to a lovely Duke to add to his already sizable fiefdom?
What happens when your MP is a hopeless waste of time.

Well I don't condone any of the violence that were called riots, by the local press to sensationalize it all.
Correspondent calls it a distortion of the facts.
Most of the local press are about 12 years of age, and they got a chance in life, what do they know of poverty, some of them even went out of the office this week.
But they don't have to get "sussed" everytime they go out for a new sim card. Blame the parents, blame the schools. Blame anyone but yourself at Trinity "Smoking" Mirrors of Oldham Hall Street, filling pages with rubbish about how we are in a new dawn, a new age of prosperity spoon fed through from PR people such as Jon Egan and Larry Nield. While ignoring the true situation.
What of the vandals of 6 Sir Thomas Street or Josephine Butler House in Hope Street. 
Are they no better than thugs?          

I have already written on these pages of my own experiences during the Toxteth Riots.
My current adjacent shopkeeper owned the newsagents in Granby Street where it all started.
You would have had to have been there believe the state of Toxteth with decades of neglect. Why is it still a War Zone 30 years later?

So the so called rioters attacked Lawrence Road, believe me this is a poor area and why?

Why didn't the FibDems invest in the area, instead of creating War Zones, now on fire, in Toxteth, that, Ironically Warren Bradley the ex FibDm Council leader, who is a fireman and drives an appliance, would have been called to put out.
Did he actually extinguish the burnt out car in Princes Avenue in the picture above?

What happens for the future, Joe Anderson has to condemn the lost causes on the streets the other night that the Police sorted out (In reality it rained like stink).

Yes I would like to put most of them over my knee and tan their arses, but you know what would be better.......give the poor hopeless bastards a job, let them train as a joiner or a bricklayer so they can gain some self respect, so it never happens again. 

How can we respect hem if they don't respect themselves.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Liverpool Daily Post-What Price A Free Lunch?

Bill Gleeson in the civilised privacy of the Athenaum being entertained by Jon Egan and Bill Le Breton of the marketing company, the then, October Communications, now Aurora Media.
This was May 4th 2005 just as all the frenzy to develop the Pier Head was in full swing.
This was the company employed by Neptune Developments, the NWDA, Liverpool Vision, the Liverpool City Council and who knows who else to market the destruction of the Pier Head.
Shortly after this article came out Gleeson would wax lyrical about how wonderful the Mann Island Development (Three Black Coffins) would be for Liverpool proclaiming that it will be beneficial for jobs, it will be Iconic and all the usual spoon fed rubbish that we heard about it from him and the likes at the Daily Post and Echo. I have kept all his words.
I recall writing to him telling him he had got it wrong and I would remind him one day.........he never replied to me, far too busy...... lunching in the oh so, civilised privacy of the Atheneaum.
It cant be that civilised if they let these three characters in for a free lunch.
The facts are/is they were also doing a marketing job for the Atheneum gentleman's club, oh no, they let ladies in now.
So right through 2005, 2006 and 2007 we had to fight this onslaught of PR everyday, papped up as news.
I kept wondering why common sense does not prevail and why are these conflicting stories coming in the paper.
Larry Neild who I though I was working with, not against us, propagated the term cheese wedges, y'know a bit like the Gerkin, make them seem friendly and likable.
He then left the Daily Post to go and work for October Communications...........I lost all respect for him at that moment.
So what price a free lunch?
I am reliably informed Mark Thomas was entertained by Peel Holdings recently and we all know how much "plumping" there has been for them recently.
I think that the slight of hand that is taking place at the local papers is a disgrace.
A travesty to the intelligence of the public.
Well a con, really, one big almighty con.
All packaged up as news items and good will stories. What you don't know can harm you.
They were not going to print the Unesco story last week because it came from me.
It is a shame that they don't apply the same criteria to their mates who have left the paper and now feed "plumpers" to the editors with alarming irregularity.
Take today and this rubbish about a building going up in New guess who, Neptune Developments.
Where did this news item come from? Well whether it was Larry Neild or not we don't care, its wrong, and disrespectful to the public, who, used to buy the paper. Why does this awful building warrant a full page and its the same set up that we were fed for the Three Black Coffins.
And a disgrace to journalism.
There are people I respect at Trinity "Smoking" Mirrors but it really is in my opinion, a screen these days and appears to be, in my opinion, run by the likes of Jon Egan and Frank McKenna.

All you there at the Daily Post and Echo did you join your profession to do advertorials for Peel Holdings who are about to destroy whats left of the WHS, and, or, Neptune Developments who along with Liverpool Museums and Miserytravel have destroyed the Pier Head.

You may not like me for saying it, but, unfortunately, Its seems you did.

Monday, 28 March 2011

Liverpools World Heritage Site-Pearls Before Swine

Pearls Before Swine.
Its an old Biblical saying you hear a lot amongst the old school in the antique trade.

Frank NcKenna has a radio programme on City Talk, can you believe it, and this week he had Jon Egan on the show, or so I was told, along with someone called Richard Wallace, if I am not mistaken.

I bumped into Larry Neild last week in the Baltic Triangle who is an employee of Jon Egan.

Larry who I used to work with quite a lot, on heritage matters, when he was city editor at the Daily Ghost, was quick to defend himself before I even said a word.
“You don’t do much in the paper now do you. We cant get anything in the paper”.
“Larry you know quite well I got banned by Mark Thomas for being too honest and what about the Mann Island Advertorial last Monday, remember who you are trying to kid, my name is Wayne”.

“What about Peel Holdings Liverpool Waters”

“We have been working advising Unesco” I told him

“David Bartlett has just picked up an award for my reporting after I was handed confidential English Heritage Documents that were not handed to the press but me, that tells you a lot.”

Apparently Ginger Nut John was none too happy with me after I said he would sell his kids for fee. This was the man who sold the Pier Head on behalf of Liverpool Vision and organised a so called consultation on the scheme that was directed by David Wade Smith around the same time that we brought a Unesco reactive monitoring mission to Liverpool.

Frank McKenna was on TV at the time, as we turned the heat up, saying we should lose the World Heritage Site, its not worth having.
So they were all on Radio City discussing the Heritage lobby a name made up by Egan and Co who now runs Aurora Media, to try to discredit work that educated people do, who have aesthetic values.

I told Larry that it was the likes of him who was misguiding the city through bad PR for spivs.
Take the way October Communications were employed by Neptune Developments to destroy the Pier Head, and Trevor Jones Windsor Developments”
“He was not Windsor Developments” he was quick to reply

“He was their facilitator spiv” I told them and he moved his accountants to the same office in Churtsey Surrey as Windsor”

“I didn’t know that” He said

“Oh yes you did, I told you but you turned a blind eye, and all that was under the protectorate of Rex Makin, who you know quite well who is “It is alleged” (Why is everybody so scared of the old screwed up windbag) is a shareholder in Trinity Mirror”

“Well so am I, he said

“Yeah you know what I mean so why defend him and Trevor who I handed packets of information on business dealings in the Baltic Triangle that was against the law because as a councillor Trevor did not declare an interest”

“He used to own this garage, (that we were standing next to, where his car was being serviced) don’t know if he still does and that property there next door”.

“So you knew this and did nothing to make the public aware of it, see what I mean.
“You also knew he lived on the Duke of Westminister’s estate”
“Yes” he declared
“And now you do a radio show, does anyone listen to it” I asked,
“The figures are coming up”

“Now isn’t that good for your boss Jon Egan” I said. Now I like Larry as a character but he does not have, in my opinion the truth of duty to his profession, But when you talk to him its as if he does not realise he has been institutionalised and is a shadow of the man he believes he is.

Just imagine the skeletons him and Rexy have had buried.

Jon Egan was outside my shop Friday, it seems he is getting a bit brave of late, it was as if he needed to say something to me but scurried off. I knew it was him when the cleaning ladies had to clean up the trail of slime left behind as he slithered away quickly.
He tried to wind me up once before. He should not try it again.

Bill “Phsyco” Gleeson was sick as a parrot when he lost his radio programme on City talk.
Talk about round up all the usual suspects.
So what do all these people know about heritage to discuss its merits when the truth of the matter lies in a vested interests of business groups deciding what should be built and all three of them in on it for sure.

So now the fact that the Government have declared a relaxation of planning laws the Spiv Lobby are out in force.

I was asked for an interview for ITV last Thursday and I duly obliged only to be part of a bad edit but what I said was clear, if we continue to ignore the Overall Universal Value of the rest of the World Heritage Site, and let Peel Holdings do what they want, after Unesco made the U.K Government, who have now declared a relaxation of all planning laws for the docks, we will lose it.
We had to draw up a whitewashed Supplementary Development Plan, Unesco was so worried.

It wont worry the Spiv Lobby.
It really is Pearls Before Swine.

see what Warren Bradley thinks, well when I say think!!!!.

and where is the World Heritage waste of space John Hinchliffe

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

David Wade-Smith-Carping On, With The Same Old Bullshit.

"City has never looked shinier, brighter" sums him up really, my opinion is he is a professional bullshiter and I told him that outside the so called exhibition for the plans for Mann Island that he supported.
Yes, he was right behind the scheme to destroy Liverpool's World Heritage Site. The only person in the city it seemed at the time, I wondered what his motives were.
A failed Connoisseur of trackies and trainers in the failed Wade-Smith retail empire.
A wanker, that is not my words but the words of his own brother, a planning specialist lawyer, who I had told about how I had to fight him for public opinion in Bill Gleesons Business pages of the Liverpool Daily Ghost, on the local radio, TV and on the Pier Head itself.
At the time I did not realise how readily he had access to the press through Jon Egan and October Communications who had been PR for Liverpool Vision, Liverpool Museums, the city council and the NWDA, Egan who would sell his kids for a fee in my opinion masterminded it all while Wade-Smith fronted the campaign to destroy Liverpool's World Heritage Site.
 Joe Anderson was on Liverpool Vision and now has made the failed ex Room Store Director his business advisor. You couldn't make this up.
He was then the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce a post Neil Scales now unfortunatly holds. 

The Chamber of Commerce lost £750,000 last year, yes they cant even do their own books.
Here is the actual Neptune press release.

I thought I was working with Larry Neild the Daily Ghost City editor at the time.............he now works for Jon Egan, who are now Aurora PR, and has sold himself out really, all that work he did wiped away, showing exactly who he is, a little man of little stature.

News Release
For Immediate Use
Monday, 9th October, 2006
Business Backing for Mann Island Vision
One of Liverpool’s most influential business leaders is today backing development plans for Mann Island as a “key link” in the vision for the transformation of Liverpool’s waterfront.

David Wade-Smith, Chairman of Liverpool’s Chamber of Commerce and founding member of the Liverpool Vision board, believes that the £113 million mixed-use development - which is due to be considered by The City Council’s Planning Committee later this month - will complement plans for The New Museum of Liverpool and The Pier Head Canal Link as well as providing a major commercial boost for the wider waterfront.

He explained: “Neptune and Countryside’s development on Mann Island is an eloquent statement about Liverpool’s future ambition and its commercial resurgence. It is also a vital component in the big picture vision for the City Centre.”
Mr Wade-Smith believes the restaurants, shops and exhibition venue proposed at Mann Island will also be good news for existing waterfront businesses. He commented:
“The Mann Island development will create a vibrant new leisure and cultural destination that will link with The Albert Dock, Kings Waterfront and the new Pier Head. Our waterfront is our greatest usp.”
“We have fabulous architecture and breathtaking views, but we also need a critical mass of commercial and cultural activity if we are to create a successful and sustainable destination.

“I believe the Mann Island site is the most important development site in the North West with a pivotal location at the heart of our Waterfront, and also forming a crucial link between the commercial district around Old Hall Street and the new retail district offered by Grosvenor and Liverpool One. It is excellent news for Liverpool and Merseyside to see these proposals move towards reality.”

Neptune Managing Director Steve Parry commented: “We welcome the support of David Wade-Smith and other business and regeneration leaders who recognise the importance of this key site. Our twin aims are to deliver a scheme that respects and enhances the setting of Mann Island, but also brings life, activity and prosperity back to this once thriving maritime hub.”

Subsidiary Managing Director for Countryside Properties, Ian Kelley, added: “We are delighted to receive such an endorsement from David Wade-Smith and are hopeful that the City’s Planning Committee will approve our joint proposals to enable Neptune and Countryside Properties to deliver this exciting development.”


Information - Jon Egan 0151 236 2323 / 0771 4104937


Monday, 1 November 2010

A Letter from Florence Gersten.

Was published in the Daily Ghost at the end of last week. As ever Florence seems to get it right.

Letters to the editor: October 27

Oct 27 2010
Liverpool Daily Post

"Wedge’ buildings disfigure waterfront

I RECENTLY read a letter to the local press, expressing horror at the appearance of two huge, dark, wedge-shaped buildings nearing completion on the south side of Mann Island.
The writer asked how such a development could have been permitted.
Well, I can answer that.
At the Planning Committee meeting which considered this development, four individual objectors spoke very strongly against it.
We all said much the same things: that these structures were totally unsuitable to their surroundings in every way: size, style and materials, and that they would utterly destroy some of the finest views in Liverpool.
Some of the committee members were concerned enough for a vote to be taken. Unfortunately, the result was 50/50.
The Chair of the Planning Committee then used her casting vote. She said: “This is a young architect and I think young architects should be given a chance”, before approving the development. This was one of her last decisions before retiring from local government, so the black wedges may be called her legacy to Liverpool. I understand at the time she held the position of English Heritage Environment Champion.
Until recently, if one stood in Derby Square and looked down James Street, there was a view right across the river to Birkenhead and beyond.
Now the view down James Street is cut off by a high black wall. The formerly spectacular view of the Mann Island buildings, seen through the stone arch at Wapping Dock, was reproduced on postcards and in books of Liverpool scenes.
Now the view through this arch is filled and surrounded by solid black, above which only the upper part of the buildings are visible.
These are undoubtedly the worst of the many large structures which now disfigure our beautiful waterfront.
However, they may yet be outdone by views of the north docks area if the Peel proposals go ahead.

Florence E Gersten, Wavertree

I am not so kind to the self serving abomination that was the planning committee Chairwoman at the time Doreen Jones. I watched as she played politics with our historic skyline. She should be remembered for what she did.
Her Legacy, The Dame of Disaster Lady Doreen Jones. While she was a heritage supremo. A joke. See what Mike Storey's mate little Larry Neild had to say.

Council appoints Rot Czar

Jun 7 2001

by Larry Neild, Liverpool Echo

VETERAN councillor Lady Doreen Jones was today named as Liverpool's Stop the Rot supremo.
The appointment is civic recognition of the ECHO's campaign to renovate the city's eyesore historic buildings.
Cllr Lady Jones said she was looking forward to working with the ECHO on tackling the problems of unsightly buildings.
Council leader Mike Storey said: "Lady Doreen has stepped down from the council's executive board and now she has time to become involved in this very major issue.
"I am sure that with a politician of her calibre in charge, we will see real results."
Lady Doreen's brief will also include improving the heritage potential of the city.
The council is on the verge of appointing a full-time officer to concentrate on eyesores and caring for the heritage of the city.
Lady Doreen has already won success for one of her ideas -- floodlighting of public buildings. As chairwoman of the now disbanded civic halls committee she helped pave the way for major projects at the town hall and St George's Hall.
She said: "I am delighted to have this new role for the council. I want to ensure that we have a city that is welcoming, clean and pleasant for people.
"We have some of the finest architecture in the country, but things can be spoiled by fly-posting and derelict buildings.
"I will be working closely with Mike Storey and the ECHO on this strategy.

"The problem we have is that the state of the city comes under the umbrella of different directorates. With this role I can involve every directorate as appropriate.

"I am looking forward to early action on the things that need to be done."

And then she turned the World Heritage Site into an eyesore right in front of Little Larry, who was there making notes at the fateful planning committee that sealed the fate of the Pier Head.

Incidentally Larry then went to work for October Communications who were the PR company selling the WHS disaster to the public. Jon Egan &Co, now Aurora are still feeding the local press, plumping them up like fat little chickens with free lunches, only now its little Larry doing it with them.

Friday, 29 October 2010

Mike Storey-Like A Bad Penny, He Always Turns Up.

Yes the old Dame is back, this time on the planning committee. He must have put himself there as a last Spiv-Dem act of defiance when they were booted out at the last elections.  It should be renamed the planting committee.
A SLEEPER FOR PEEL HOLDINGS, MAYBE? It seems possible the way this slippery old dame behaves.
He was mentored by Clever Trevor Jones, this is what he said when the eel retired to the Dukes estate in Chester. Cllr Storey said:
"Trevor is one of the outstanding politicians in the Liverpool political scene.

"He is a towering figure who has played a prominent part in the city's politics over several decades.
"Trevor laid the foundations for the huge strides made in Liverpool over the past 10 years."
He said Sir Trevor was instrumental in building bridges with Michael Heseltine when he was sent to Liverpool to help the city after the Toxteth riots.
"They became quite good friends, and that relationship helped to put in place a number of things that we now take for granted like the Albert Docks."
Cllr Storey was deputy leader under Sir Trevor's leadership.
"Every Sunday evening I would go to their house in Queen's Drive, we would natter away and when Doreen [Sir Trevor's wife] had gone to bed we would open the red wine.
"He's a consummate politician and also a consummate winner of elections.
"He is the forefather of modern political campaigning, he introduced the idea of monthly newsletters.
"He taught me everything I know about political campaigning.
"He was a hard nosed politician and a hard nose businessman, but he was also very caring.
"There is a huge number of examples of him helping people with humanity and kindness that people don't know about."
Well not quite Mikey, but we can see where you learned all your slippery tricks cant we.
This week after his Spiv-Dem council declared no more bars on Lark Lane and Allerton Road here he is twisting it at the planting committee meeting after Florence Gersten made a defiant stand.  But committee member Cllr Mike Storey said:             “In an ideal world, we would like high streets to have grocers and bakers and delis, but life is not like that any more.

“This property has been empty for eight years and God forbid it’s empty for another three or four years because next we’ve got Save Our City quite rightly complaining it’s been left to rack and ruin.”
Planning officer John Collins, recommending approval, said: “We recognise the concerns of people, but the issue of licensing is not one before us here today.
“We are just here to consider the use as a cafe and wine bar, and if alcohol is to be taken then that’s an issue for another committee.
“It’s a difficult decision, I appreciate that, but given the history of the site and the latest assessment, we are recommending permission be granted.”

The reality for Mike "Badpenny" Storey is unfortunately. Ask Will Alsop what he thinks about Storeys involvment.
Or try this one or better still click the label at the bottom of this page to see how it all pans out, read the truth instead of the shit you used to get from Mike Storeys mate Larry Neild and co at the Daily Council in Oldham Hall Street.

This is the sod that did all the World Heritage planning blight, and in the context of a tedious campaign currently being run by the Daily Ghost to save our Cruise Liner "Cock Up" Terminal it must be remembered that it was he who nailed the coffin down, it was he who seeded the mess that the city now finds itself in. He was the Captain on Deck when it was signed and sealed. It was his watch that accepted the European grants and told us all we should thank him for it.

Just why did him and Bernie Turner fall out will we ever know, or is that buried by the local press too.

You know like a bad penny, no matter how hard you rub, you just cant get the scum off.